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Guest DivineX

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Guest 80slitenite


I know Junno looks like Changmin from DBSK.


hmm.. don't see it.

I was watching an interview of Kame for One Pound Gospel and they showed his training. He really works his butt off, but I wonder what the drama would have been like if Ueda (who is already a "boxer") was the lead role.


I'll buy some of that lip balm


Are you really over the this O_O (probably gonna have to get a hip replacement when he's 80) XD


Koki looks fantastic here


Taguchi's hair, the whole look is great here


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Guest superfreakk

Well I don't find Kame or Jin hot in any way at all ^_____^ So yeah, if I was to compare them I'd say NEWS kick their richard simmons XD

And I think Kanjani have the best vocals anyway. So ehhh.

Maybe I should leave this thread before I set crazy fangirls on myself ^___^;;

NewS is a crowd of hotness, man. Mmm, Pi, Ryo-chan, Shige, Tego. And, you know, Kusano.

Also, gahh. Subaru's voice. *_____* And Eito plays instruments, how cool.

Bahahah I think he just looks korean. But I think he's really cute, and easy on the eye. That was what I first thought when I saw KAT-TUN. The rest made me cringe and then I saw Junno and I was like, "Ahh, that's relieving" XD

When I first saw KAT-TUN, I just wasn't really attracted to anyone at all. Although, over time, I've developed a ridiculous love for Kame, Junno, and Ueda. Junno is cute isn't he. :3

Also, I haven't seen enough Koreans to judge whether Junno looks like one or not. I thought he looked like Changmin before, but only because of the height thing. :/

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^Junno is adorable. I love his cheesy sounding voice. xD

And yes he does look like ChangMin. Not exactly like ChangMin, but there is this angle that looks very much like ChangMin. I think its one of the scenes in Keep the Faith. There is a similarity, it just takes a while to pick it up. =.=

I think I'm begining to like LIPS. It doesn't sound THAT bad now that I've listened to it properly. First time never works for me.

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Guest jesseski

^ I still can't see the Changmin resemblance .__. No matter how much I look.

I'm just getting used to LIPS. Which frustrates me, because I still don't like it. I .. yeah I'm not gonna buy it D:

Are you really over the this O_O (probably gonna have to get a hip replacement when his 80) XD

Yes. Yes I really despise it. That picture disturbs me O____o XD

Also, I really can't imagine Ueda having the lead >___< That would be strange.

@ superfreakk

LOL. You know you're getting off-topic when you strike out entire comments XDDD

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Guest superfreakk

^ I still can't see the Changmin resemblance .__. No matter how much I look.

I'm just getting used to LIPS. Which frustrates me, because I still don't like it. I .. yeah I'm not gonna buy it D:

I'm not either. It's not really great. My favorite song is still Signal. I love the random coughing. XD

@ superfreakk

LOL. You know you're getting off-topic when you strike out entire comments XDDD

I get distracted, 'kay? XDXD

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Guest dbskapplecider88

Hello! I've never posted before but I like Kat-tun. Just wanted too say that I think they are really cool. I like their personalities a lot. I enjoy watching Cartoon Kat-tun as well....and I think Kame should get with Crystal Kay cause they are cute together.

and does Jin realize what his hips are doing to fangirls around the world. lol. :)

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Guest jesseski

^ They are disturbing people. DISTURBING PEOPLE I TELL YOU >:] *will never give in*

Oh, and hello :33

My favorite song is still Signal. I love the random coughing. XD

The coughing is totally what made me like that song. Uhhhhh and the prettiness of the pv but yeah that's not important >:3

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Guest superfreakk

The coughing made me crack up for the first 40 times I listened to it. XD

and I think Kame should get with Crystal Kay cause they are cute together.

...wtf is a Crystal Kay. Actually maybe I don't want to know. I'm sure it would break my brain. D:

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Guest 80slitenite

you keep on insisting shir0-chan so here's from a different angle



... nothing! don't make me start calling you crazy XD if anything Changmin looks like Jerry Yan from F4

someone is in total denial. jesseski is a hip loving closet freak. D: outside you're like "no way! hell no! get those hips outta mah face! (using a Nacho Libre voice)" but inside you're like "damn. definitely saving those hip moving clips in my personal files"

just crossover to the darkside already. there are shirtless JE boys waiting to roll their hips at you XDD



wait a minute! there's no naked Maru and Junno! can 2 shirtless Kames make up for a Maru and a Taguchi???

Kame and Crystal Kay?


hmm.... awesome!

Sensei Kame teaching the strippers how its done


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Guest superfreakk

^Koki's ribs...D:

... nothing! don't make me start calling you crazy XD if anything Changmin looks like Jerry Yan from F4

Actuallehh, I think their eyes kind of look the same. But then, it is kinda late and I haven't slept properly in a week. XD

Jerry Yan = fail

Junno = win

someone is in total denial. jesseski is a hip loving closet freak. D: outside you're like "no way! hell no! get those hips outta mah face! (using a Nacho Libre voice)" but inside you're like "damn. definitely saving those hip moving clips in my personal files"

just crossover to the darkside already. there are shirtless JE boys waiting to roll their hips at you XDD

Haha, maybe it has more to do with the fact that it's Jin of all people hip rolling at her rather than the hip rolls themselves? Because, you know, that's kind of the situation with me right now. :/

Also, Kame/women melts my brain. Dude, he is totally girlier than her. It would be like a lesbian relationship if anything. 8D

Hah, sure, rock that stripper pole, Kame.

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LOL i was a crazy fangirl... so i kept seeing dbsk members everywhere. Changmin looks like a lot of stars... When I saw Junno for the first time, i thought to myself for 2 sec, "why is changmin performing at the KAT-TUN concert?"

XD. Changmin looked like Junno when CM had the "O" hair... their haircuts are similar....and maybe it's their smile? they both seem the most innocent of all the members...

about kat-tun getting all the "good" music.. well their image is slightly rock.so if you like slightly rock music over bubble gum pop, you'd prefer their music (well that's why I like them)

I don't believe they have the best vocals in JE. I totally fell in love with tegoshi's voice when i heard it (I highly recommend listening to ai nante. I still loop that song)

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Guest superfreakk


Yes, but all I'm saying look at how KAT-TUN has released way more albums and whatnot despite being around for such a short time. Clearly they were favoured more than NewS was. :/

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Guest jesseski

^ In any case, I like NEWS's music better, so I'm glad in that sense, that the roles aren't reversed.

someone is in total denial. jesseski is a hip loving closet freak. D: outside you're like "no way! hell no! get those hips outta mah face! (using a Nacho Libre voice)" but inside you're like "damn. definitely saving those hip moving clips in my personal files"

LOL. I seriously killed myself laughing at that.

But yeah, superfreakk is right. It's because it's Jin that's doing it D: But if it was Yamapi dancing....*runs off to watch LOVExxxx*

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Guest superfreakk

^Yes, I know you well. :3

jesseski has this thing where she doesn't like Jin all that much. Haha, stalker-knowledge, y/y?

Mm, Pi. LOVExxx...*runs off with jesseski*

Not that I like KAT-TUN's music better either it's just. They get so many albums after a few years. It's ridiculous, but whatever.

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you keep on insisting shir0-chan so here's from a different angle



... nothing! don't make me start calling you crazy XD if anything Changmin looks like Jerry Yan from F4

LOL, I AM a fan girl. And fan girls are quite crazy.

Narh I'm joking. Maybe I should have made myself clear when I stated that there is this angle. I think I was convinced because I saw this scene in Keep the Faith. It reminds me of ChangMin from the Miss You days when he had that HORRIBLE hair. Sorry if I had offended anyone, I'm a Changmin fan, but its one of the hair that I can't tolerate.


^here its this scene from Keep the Faith that made me consider the thought of Junno and ChangMin looking alike. Like I’ve said before, its just one angle. Its not something major.

Jerry Yan...I forgot what he looks like. o.o

LOL i was a crazy fangirl... so i kept seeing dbsk members everywhere. Changmin looks like a lot of stars... When I saw Junno for the first time, i thought to myself for 2 sec, "why is changmin performing at the KAT-TUN concert?"

XD. Changmin looked like Junno when CM had the "O" hair... their haircuts are similar....and maybe it's their smile? they both seem the most innocent of all the members...

about kat-tun getting all the "good" music.. well their image is slightly rock.so if you like slightly rock music over bubble gum pop, you'd prefer their music (well that's why I like them)

I don't believe they have the best vocals in JE. I totally fell in love with tegoshi's voice when i heard it (I highly recommend listening to ai nante. I still loop that song)

Wheee~ well, when I first saw Junno in Ganbatte Ikimashou, the thought didn't even occur to me. Its just in Keep the Faith that it hit me, thanks to the help of "the hair".

As for KAT-TUN, seems to me like most of their music that are coming out these days are big on the rock genre. Not like I mind, their songs are catchy. LIPS have finally got to me. >.<

^ In any case, I like NEWS's music better, so I'm glad in that sense, that the roles aren't reversed.

LOL. I seriously killed myself laughing at that.

But yeah, superfreakk is right. It's because it's Jin that's doing it D: But if it was Yamapi dancing....*runs off to watch LOVExxxx*

*off topic*Well, I personally think that NewS' voices are more distinct. I recognized all of their voices and somehow managed to connect it to their faces on the first go after listening to a few of their songs and watching their MV's. xD And if Yamapi decides to do a Jin, the fan girl world might as well be painted in red. Do you naturally have this thing against Jin?

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Guest jesseski

^ GAH! It actually does look like Changmin :0000

Yeah, I just can't like him. It was like a natural reaction to cringe the first time I ever saw him, and I think it stuck with me ^^;

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Guest 80slitenite

ah this really shouldn't be here.....just look at it quickly at then scroll past it fast!

Jerry Yan & Changmin


felt like spamming Koki =D



probably the ugliest girl








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