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[Official] HyunJae~MinWon*KangMinHyuk-HaJiWon*0628*Couple


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1 hour ago, valc22 said:

I always trust one thing that is one's eyes never lie, which made me always tend to look at people's eyes...

1:28-1:30 in this bts, I feel like the way MH looks at her was different, somehow it looks like how he did in HS, like how ppl said in the comments, it was deep. I'm not sure but the next second JW was like making eye contact with him(?)



@valc22 I noticed it too. His gaze looks different there. And look at LSW face at 1:50 when KMH gave the heat pack to HJW :D


I like the BTS with the seagull and have replayed it many times. I don't think that KMH is being indifferent to HJW. He's smiling the whole time. HJW is really cute. Her action makes her looks younger than KMH :lol:. She's a scaredy cat. She's scared of birds, chickens and fish :lol:


@disasterpiece13 I agree with you that HJW is always fully invested in her character. Actually during SeGa, there was an interview with HB (can't remember which), but the MC told HB that HJW always texting HB after the shooting ended and HB explained that HJW is having a difficult time after the end of the drama and they were texting each other often for comfort. And they still remains as friends until now. She also has the same problem after Sector 7 that she has to see a therapist. So, I'm not surprised that she really falls in love with KH in character.





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1 hour ago, lemonysnicket said:

Sorry for spamming. To make myself and all of us feel better, didnt kmh leave his hand behind his back so hjw could hold it? Can go and see that part. He kept his hand behind and then later she seems to be holding it haha. Ok i better get to work. 




patriciagallano  GIF


I have created a gif instead of working. Lols. We can see his finger was moving just like the other bts right? At one point, their hands touched. Hehe


Looking deep 

patriciagallano  GIF


Can Min Hyuk's face be more serious? And yes, Look at LSW. haha!

patriciagallano  GIF



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Thanks you all for your observations and sharing.  Indeed today's bts provides quite a few clues. I shall study them carefully and give my 2 cents when I am free later.


I am glad this director is quite generous in providing bts videos, so important for shippers like us. Lol.

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14 minutes ago, disasterpiece13 said:

Zoomed! haha

LSW's face hahaha, why was he reacting like this lol I don't understand

please continue making gifs:heart:


I'm really SUPER confused abt these two, got so many thoughts in my mind...where are the other shippers? please juz hit me with ur 2 cents

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4 minutes ago, coppersun said:

Lsw is stealing glance at her too, his behavior is cute , i notice he like to tease her too!Whats that big hand of KMH when passing that heat pack to his love , isit original or created by u guys?

I think 'highlighted' by MBC.

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@valc22 yes hello, what are you confused about? Tell us. This is shippers paradise after all. Haha


My two cents, sorry i keep posting and rambling, is they just had a very nice time filming this drama and they're emotional about it ending. As to whether anything happens after this it's up to courage and schedules.  HJW has never been one for  convention, that's how she managed to make herself standout . I think if she did fall in love with a younger guy she would go for it. But we don't know them, really, so your speculations and two cents' are worth as much as mine.


I hope she goes to Japan for the cnblue concert though..  and to promote HS there haha.


I think maybe you feel confused because this isn't inspiring the usual sort of delulu feelings but you are still invested and wondering why? I feel a bit like that hahaha. I hope i can snap out of it a bit better when the drama's over, have some important stuff coming up the week after lol 


Ohhh and i also feel different from when i was on the SeGa ship. In a good way. I guess cause this drama is more mature....??? 

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21 minutes ago, lemonysnicket said:

Ohhh and i also feel different from when i was on the SeGa ship. In a good way. I guess cause this drama is more mature....??? 

I agree. Me too. I think we are invested to KH and SEJ too. You see, the slow development of their romance really got us into them deeply. Especially their romance is so subtle and natural. This writer is something. Made us fall in love and cringe at the same time.


And yeah LSW likes to tease them. Haha. I hope it's a clue. Hehehehe


@coppersun it's original in the BTS lol. I was confused at first, why they are highlighting it. Then when we got the translation, I could understand why. They are emphasizing how these two treat HJW.

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I can't get enough for bts "deep looking" and "hotpack" . :heart:


Gosh...to many thing in my mind now. And why MBC highlight that? are they also noticed  KMH and HJW strange behaviour? lol

I love LSW btw..he is such a joker..maybe he also find them cute so thats why he keep teasing them :D.


Btw yes its also reminded me of sega days but i love KMH more. He looks more genuine with these act (thanks to hjw who makes me watched his interview, variety show and many more lol). I think i will became his fans besides HJW fans. He make me fall into his real personality.

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It’s almost 3am here, but I’m still watching bts on my bed...Idk if it’s my sleepy eyes or   Kim inseek also noticed the “hotpack” thing...? And i think she didn’t drop the hotpack but put it aside as they were shooting coz i saw there’re some scripts on the floor as well. Could it be MH was actually giving her the hotpack during the short break but not picking it up for her as she dropped it....? Zzzzz having 8am class tmr zzzz look at wt they made me do....idk if this makes sense...zzz

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57 minutes ago, valc22 said:

It’s almost 3am here, but I’m still watching bts on my bed...Idk if it’s my sleepy eyes or   Kim inseek also noticed the “hotpack” thing...? And i think she didn’t drop the hotpack but put it aside as they were shooting coz i saw there’re some scripts on the floor as well. Could it be MH was actually giving her the hotpack during the short break but not picking it up for her as she dropped it....? Zzzzz having 8am class tmr zzzz look at wt they made me do....idk if this makes sense...zzz


You are right. She did not drop it. KMH get it for her. So sweet! :wub: Acting like a boyfriend. Kekeke 
He intentionally get it and put in her hand. Before this, HJW mentioned, she was holding a heat pack while KMH is holding a fan.

And is it correct that after this, they shoot the promotional video that was posted in instagram before, where they were sitting together while reading the scripts?



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I also think she did not drop it but KMH noticed that she was cold so he gave it to her. Notice were HJW’s left hand is? Seems she’s trying to keep it warm by tucking it between legs. I really think KMH keeps on looking and observing her. Hahaha!

OMG LSW face was like “Woahhh! KMH is being sweet to HJW!”

And yes @valc22 I noticed that KIS saw KMH placing the hotpack on HJW’s hand. 

It took a moment for HJW to realize that KMH did something really sweet and when she did, her facial expression was really funny. It was like “Oh no KMH and I got caught on camera!”. Hahaha!

Thanks @disasterpiece13 for the gifs! I can’t get enough of these bts :lol:

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Hi Chingus, 

I went back and looked at those videos carefully. let me give my 2 cents video by video. (Sorry, I cannot make gifs so you guys just have to refer back to those videos. 


The living room scene :

LSW was teasing the two of them "Don't they look good together" at 1.28, HJW smiled then took a glance at KMH when her face turned towards his direction, a subtle look but nonetheless checking on his expression, KMH looked a little awkward then and I think their eyes meet briefly around 1.30 and both turned away. LSW continued to say "I helped them".

Next at 1.50, HMK picked up the hot pack and put on her hand, she looked down at the hot pack and looked away immediately, no eye contact between the two. (This action is caught by LSW and Dentist Cha and of course 'highlighted' by MBC) At 1.52-1.53, she turned and kind of scanned around and KMH looked at her hand (to make sure she gets the hot pack?) at 1.53. The look in his eyes was very subtle...like didn't want the camera or anyone to pick up.


My take : HJW is seated right in front of KMH, very difficult to say whether he took a 'deep look' at her as some netizens had claimed. The moment he looked straight, he would be looking at her, so that alone is not strong indication of anything...but it appeared that he was a bit awkward at LSW's teasing. HJW also responded by stealing a glance at KMH to check his expression which was interesting...given her character, I expected her to laugh it out loud or laugh it away or wouldn't bother much with that statement at all...so why she checked?


Then the hot pack thing i am not sure if MBS set this up (I certainly hope not)...why of all time got to give her the hot pack at that time?  MBS may have highlighted the hot pack but they failed to highlight HJW's expression 2 seconds after. Was she checking for camera or whether anyone has seen it? Why didn't she thank KMH for the hot pack, either through words or smile or a proper eye contact to acknowledge his kind gesture?  Maybe she didn't want to bring attention to that as she knew that the camera was right in front of them scrutinising every moment/movement. 


The bridge scene : 

HJW wiped her tears away twice after hugging. Why? That scene wasn't a tear jerking scene but she was emotional. Perhaps she was feeling sad about the impending separation with KH and being in his embrace made her started to miss him already? Idk. Something has triggered her emotion during the hug. 


Then the birds, yes, I agree with lemonysnicket, kmh put his hand behind to want to hold HJW's hand or let her hold it, for a moment their hands touched but she didn't eventually hold his hand but clung on to his shirt instead. I think this scene happened before the hug. 


I still can't draw any concrete conclusion, but the way they responded to each other (very discreetly) is a little unusual...we didn't see this in earlier bts, did we? I hope we are not reading too much into these bts and become non objective just because we want them to be together so badly. LOL


HJW said when she falls in love, she will do very crazy thing. So I share the same view as lemonysnicket that she will not mind dating someone much younger than her if she is in love. Of course, marriage is a whole lot more consideration and commitment and it will be a different issue altogether. For dating, I think she will go for it but maybe do so secretly. 


To have a clearer idea of how she feels about KMH, I will need to see how they kiss in the next kiss and the bts of it....LOL. 


Ps: many people are enjoying the bts far more than the drama....haha, I can understand why.




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51 minutes ago, monki said:

I still can't draw any concrete conclusion, but the way they responded to each other (very discreetly) is a little unusual...we didn't see this in earlier bts, did we? I hope we are not reading too much into these bts and become non objective just because we want them to be together so badly. LOL


Thank you for the analysis @monki I agree with everything you said. Especially this part. Hahahaha! I feel we are so deprived, we try to analyze everything. But it makes me smile like crazy while watching them. Hehehe


And yes, I am always looking forward to the BTS. It breaks my heart and gives joy to my heart even more than the drama. Hahahaah!


Their facial expression is really interesting in the heat pack part and LSW's comment. Perhaps LSW is expecting a laugh? Lols, but HJW and KMH are too serious. Haha!

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