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[OFFICIAL] GUM COUPLE ❤ | Kim Nam Gil & Kim Ah Joong | Im ❤ Kyung


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omg this thread is on fire!! i just slept for some hours and after i wake up, i immediately open this thread lol! neverthless, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO THE GODESS KIM AH JOONG... WISH YOU ALL THE BEST FOR YOUR EVERYTHING, ESPECIALLY YOUR CAREER AND EVEN FOR YOUR LOVE LIFE :wub: 


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@bluehopeatm amazing video indeed!! love it, you cant resist to include the kiss scene at the end arent you lol :D 


@boingboingracquet omg..my heartbeat stop for a second, what a lovely scene, thank you for amazing picture :D 


4 hours ago, martanur said:


Hi...your drama strip is so amusing HAHA. Actually, I'm not a Song Song Shipper...I checked the news about the drama after watching DOTS. Love their chemistry though wasn't as strong as KNG & KAJ (this is off off off the charts). I've watched dramas and movies a lot since my elementary school (not every kind of movies and dramas, of course :D). When the chemistry between lead actors are really strong, I do enjoy the story line...At that time, there's no Internet in my country yet, so I often read magazines or newspapers (entertainment section). Well... the whole things were almost the same, some articles wrote about the close bond or romantic relationships between the male and female actors (mostly lead actors).

I won't be surprised if it happened to KNG & KAJ...but still, I'd prefer reading their wedding announcement (if there is) rather than dating announcement. Would it be a fate for them? It could be...the production drama itself was special, giving deep meaning for all staffs and actors. There's a good thing (what is the right word to explain it?) in this drama. Really. A good intention definitely will make you receiving many wishes and loves from others. I guess both KNG & KAJ loved each other during filming LUTYN for making the characters alive and real ...(I'll post some gifs I got from DC...they said: There is love in your eyes)



agree.. wedding announcement will make this thread go 1 page for 10 second lol! i believe its fate! its just like these 2 lead cast bring everything alive and even the atmosphere when they shooting is great too.. omo please post it! so many scene that we can see the real lover eyes right :D 

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4 hours ago, martanur said:


@sight_stv was there SSC's FMV videos before the wedding announcement?


I didnt made their video because its already so much FMV maker from that thread :D but you can see on youtube, especially you must see their red carpet ( they do the red carpet for award before the wedding announcement eventually after their label deny the dating rumour ) you will see in their red carpet its like they tell the world about their relationship lol

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4 hours ago, leba said:

My heart dropped slightly when I read about KNG and SYJ possibly at Busan at the same time and possibly he’s there to support her and etc. Of course I was worried that would mean he and SYJ were still together (oh so drama rite?), but on second thoughts, I recalled that not too long ago, SYJ said in her interview that KNG was someone she would like to keep as a good friend for a long time. So she has already dropped him out of her list. Haha. And even if KNG is there to support her, we shouldn’t be too worried or jealous because he is a loyal friend in friendships. And that makes him more a gem! Anyways, I think it’s more possible he’s there for filming.:wub:


yeah no need to worry, and you can refer it to @siena post, she already explain it.. there is highly chance KNG went to busan to see the screening movie from his best friend PSW and for SYJ, you can check on her IG that she want to support her friends on screening too because there is different location for each movie :D 

3 hours ago, vangsweetie637 said:


@sight_stv lol..chingu..i love your drama strip and especially the wedding at the end. But..i will be honest with you: when my eyes came across the word 'strip' i reacted like this:



:tongue: LOL!!






thank you captain lol!! :D:D yeahh i intentionally include the wedding because i want to see that in the future lol and i just cant resist myself to no include that in my drama strip :D 

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3 hours ago, etherealk408 said:


Happy Birthday to the lady with the beautiful smile our Queen AhJoong!  I hope you will be blessed with more wonderful things to smile about the rest of year all the way to the next, and may that wonderful smile never ever leaves your pretty face:wub:

5b26OSR.jpg kY2J3y4.jpg



Alright then, I will translate those comments from that particular clip..please give me some time^^ (the comments at that clip were SO explosive and there were LOTS of them, I'm still wondering in what format I should translate it lol)


For the time being here's some other translations I think might be interesting for all Gummers to read; just some POVs of KNG Fans regarding Gum Couple chemistry on LUTYN Naver clips comment section. It's fascinating how some of them were truthfully talking about how they feel, because as longtime fans they are the ones who know him the best, and have observed him closely the most for so many years, so I thought their insights are some of the most valuable ones we can get. How they casually noted that something with KAJ is "different", like they aren't fervently shipping like the rest  (of course,as you would've expected), but they acknowledged it's somewhat not the "regular". The way they express their moods of "letting him go" is both funny and bittersweet at the same time.There are some more of these types of comments but for now I hope you guys  enjoy this:)




I especially enjoyed reading this conversation "thread" between the Muggle drama fan who asked, and the answer she/he received from KNG fans:




omoo its getting more real now.. even his fans is already prepare theirself and admit KAJ is the greatest match for KNG lol lol :D thank you!!! keep it coming pleaseee specially on this night event!! :wub:

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Done to read several page lol you guys are crazy, this thread going fast :D i wanna say thank you to everyone in this thread.. especially our captain that make this thread :D and i wanna say thank you to them that create the fanfic lol!! i become pervert after i read that lol.. and i wanna say thank you again for content maker or analyzer, i always love to seeing that. Lastly.. thank you to those who always give us an information and translation! because without you guys we are blind lol and dont know anything ( even google just help a little bit ) :D 


FINALLY THE DAY HAS COME GUYS!! PLEASE PUT YOUR SEATBELT ON :tongue: its still 13 hours from noww.. im gonna be patiently waiting to those who can watch or translate or tell us what happen in that vlive.. im still nervous right now! ottoke... im gonna prepare myself to read those content of vlive later *please some good newss* :D:D:D:D:D 



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Happy Birthday KIM AH JOONG SSI!!! :blush: I wish you all the Best and Happiness in life because you have a warm heart towards other people that's why you deserved to be happy! :heart:


@boingboingracquet Thank you for sharing to us your extraordinary skills :blush: I'm glad you are on this thread! :blush:


-To our Captain, Thank You for making this thread. :blush: I'm glad to come across on this thread and I'm happy to open "again" my soompi account after it was gone and forgotten for 8 years. :lol:


-To my fellow gum shippers, sit back, relax and enjoy the fan meet/v-live Later! :glasses:


-Again, To all of you who keeps on sharing everything you have on this thread, THANK YOU!!! :blush: Words are not enough for me to express how thankful i am to everyone. It is really a BIG help especially to me who doesn't speak nor read hangul. So, Thank you guys and i hope you won't get tired of doing it. Fighting!!! :heart:



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8 hours ago, siena said:

I was lurking on DC and someone posted this




From staff facebook. The director was editing the kiss scene. The broadcast was on the 17 right?


The caption is .... lol!!!

Kiss kiss


So there is another post from staff about the passionate kiss? Is this the 3rd post about the same scene internally from the production team/KAJ's team? I mean if this is something similar to SSC, can we expect the same ending in real life? :)) and why does it have to be the kiss scene.. Hmmmm :)) 


By the way, Happy Birthday to our Kim Ah Joong who was a stranger to me but has now become the crush of my life!! Looking forward to tonight!! 

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35 minutes ago, sight_stv said:

FINALLY THE DAY HAS COME GUYS!! PLEASE PUT YOUR SEATBELT ON :tongue: its still 13 hours from noww.. im gonna be patiently waiting to those who can watch or translate or tell us what happen in that vlive.. im still nervous right now! ottoke... im gonna prepare myself to read those content of vlive later *please some good newss* :D:D:D:D:D 



@sight_stv I know right, chingu. Seems like we are more excited than KAJ and KNG. I don't mind if they keep the rship low profile but PLEASE JUST SAIL and announce their marriage in a year's time. :D


@martanur oh please post more from DC. There are so many scenes with KNG's love in the eyes. It just gives me goosebumps that this is a drama when then feelings are so real obviously!


@chelleshawol it would be great if it really happens! this thread and the whole k world will be on fire.


@boingboingracquet that drawing is SOOO CUTE! more please to keep us from having withdrawal symptoms of LUTYN.

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4 hours ago, leba said:

My heart dropped slightly when I read about KNG and SYJ possibly at Busan at the same time and possibly he’s there to support her and etc. Of course I was worried that would mean he and SYJ were still together (oh so drama rite?), but on second thoughts, I recalled that not too long ago, SYJ said in her interview that KNG was someone she would like to keep as a good friend for a long time. So she has already dropped him out of her list. Haha. And even if KNG is there to support her, we shouldn’t be too worried or jealous because he is a loyal friend in friendships. And that makes him more a gem! Anyways, I think it’s more possible he’s there for filming.:wub:


@leba so glad KNG has been 'friendzoned' by SYJ. His actions in Ep 15 BTS on hugging KAJ to keep her warm is too intimate just as a co-star, and unless he is single, he would not be doing that. :D


4 hours ago, etherealk408 said:

For the time being here's some other translations I think might be interesting for all Gummers to read; just some POVs of KNG Fans regarding Gum Couple chemistry on LUTYN Naver clips comment section. It's fascinating how some of them were truthfully talking about how they feel, because as longtime fans they are the ones who know him the best, and have observed him closely the most for so many years, so I thought their insights are some of the most valuable ones we can get. How they casually noted that something with KAJ is "different", like they aren't fervently shipping like the rest  (of course,as you would've expected), but they acknowledged it's somewhat not the "regular". The way they express their moods of "letting him go" is both funny and bittersweet at the same time.There are some more of these types of comments but for now I hope you guys  enjoy this:)




I especially enjoyed reading this conversation "thread" between the Muggle drama fan who asked, and the answer she/he received from KNG fans:




@etherealk408 thanks for another wonderful translation! Not just us but also the knetz are comparing with his previous works and co-stars! And KNG's fans are so willing to let him go and give him their blessings. That is so lovely compared to some idols who get fanhate when they announce they are dating or getting married. SO please KNG KAJ, whole world is giving you their blessings. JUST GET MARRIED!




Happy birthday Queen Kim Ah Joong! May you get your wishes granted this year, find a wonderful man (maybe already found LOL) and soar in your career (or cut down to give time for your true love, it is up to you we love you!) :heart::heart:

Oops sorry for posting your photo next to KNG Oppa coz he looks so HOT here! XOXO

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44 minutes ago, mantleprey said:


@sight_stv I know right, chingu. Seems like we are more excited than KAJ and KNG. I don't mind if they keep the rship low profile but PLEASE JUST SAIL and announce their marriage in a year's time. :D



yas.. we feeling excited, nervous and worried at the same time, wondering all the time what gonna happen in that fanmeet lol. Suree me too! they can their timee but please at least give us something worth to spazz lol :D 

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43 minutes ago, mantleprey said:




admin sorry..i don't know how to post a picture lolllll 


To our Beautiful Goddess who made this year a very magical  place for us in the k drama land HAPPY BIRTHDAY and may we See JUST MARRIED  KAJ/KNG all over this forum ...Cheers :love:

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5 hours ago, butterflysaga said:

disclaimer: this is certainly not mine. This fanfic of FSOG is already exist at fanfiction website. Best fanfic I ever read! Even better than the original. Sorry E.L James.


I just change the name CG to KNG and AS to CYK for the sake of Gum Couple.






I can’t believe this! I couldn’t pay somebody to get me out of this shyit? You have got to be kidding me! The f**ker rear-ended me, for f**k’s sake. And I was sitting at a goddamn stoplight! I could smell the alcohol a mile away, but when he saw who I was, he claimed he was hurt. I just bet you are—you reek of cheap whiskey! Then when the cops get there, he tells them I slammed on my brakes and caused the accident! Excuse-f*cking-me? I tripped over my own d*mn feet getting to this assh*le. I had all I could take from this situation. If he wants hurt, I’ll give him hurt. Thinking back, I probably shouldn’t have decked the guy in front of the cop.


The worst was that smug judge, though. Mr. Heo Jun. He wanted to give me jail time—for decking the drunk driver that totaled my sports car! If it weren’t for my Dad, he is an attorney by the way, I’d be doing six months for assault. Instead, I have to do community service and 12 group sessions with some anger management group at some damn community center. Community center! Man, the paparazzi are going to love this richard simmons!


And now, here I am at community center which more looks like low-class high school with tall, ugly, brick building. I tell my bodyguard to wait outside as I make my way to one of the empty seats at room 239.


Being who I am, I have to be careful because I know this going to be doctor-patient-privilege-type richard simmons. But the more people I see coming into the room, the more I feel like this is going to be a long day!


“Welcome everyone, please take a seat.” I turn my face away to see who the quack is going to be.


F**k. Me.


Who the hell is this? In walks this slender woman looking like a hot sexy school marm! I can’t believe my eyes! She’s wearing these naughty librarian glasses that sit on her nose so that she can look over them at you with these huge eyes and I immediately feel my pants tighten. I have to adjust myself before she joins the circle. This simple black dress is hugging her in all the right places and those black stilettos make her legs look like they go on for days. Her hair is in this bun of some type, but the curls around her forehead fall delicately into her face, causing her to constantly push the stray hair behind her ears. What’s worse? She’s a brunette! A f*cking brunette!


Why the hell am I being punished?






Well, today is the day I meet the new wailers. I am not looking forward to this. I go in every time hoping for the best—hoping for a group that will be more receptive to change and throwing out the old way of thinking, moving on to a fresh new life and a start with a better outlook on things. And every time, I’m disappointed.


On the first day of a new session, I usually wear something bright and colorful to make myself appear more approachable. Today, I just don’t feel like it. Today, I’m going to be realistic and face this richard simmons head on.


I opt for my black, just-above-the-knee-length pencil dress with cap sleeves. It has a squared neckline, button elastic belt and buttoned straps at both hips. I put my hair in a messy bun—I don’t feel like dealing with it today either. A simple pair of diamond studs will do the trick. Just a touch of lip gloss and moisturizer so I don’t look twice my age. Shoes are my weakness, but I refuse to spend Louboutin money when I can find sexy stilettos for a fraction of the cost. Black for the black dress. Perfect. I look more like a school teacher than a psychologist who spent 7 years in school and internships just to end up babysitting a bunch of criers two days a week. Thank God for my outside practice and my other patients. I will be sure not to sign up for this again once I have served my “time.”


When I get to the Community Center, I stop in the break area to partake of some of the “tastes-like-day-old” coffee to help me through this day. I spent most of the day working on my continued learning requirement to retain my license. I never see patients one-on-one onthe days that I have to facilitate group counseling, so I have most of the day to organize my week and catch up on, well, whatever needs catching up on. Four o’clock comes all too soon for me, and I make my way down to 239 to see the latest motley crew.


I always peek in the window first to see who’s wandering around, who’s sitting down, who’s trying to be social, etc. I try to tell by their faces, dress, and demeanor why they’re here and what their problems may be. I’m almost always wrong because I’ve previously come to these things with the “glass half full” mentality. But not today. Today, I am on the verge of giving up on human kind completely, so when I look in the room, all I can see is a bunch of losers. Get it together, Kyung-ah. You are supposed to be these peoples’ saving grace—their savior. You are supposed to guide them to the light. You can’t go in with this kind of outlook. Get your richard simmons together, Girl! I drop my head momentarily to collect myself, take a deep breath, and walk into the Lion’s Den.


“Welcome everyone, please take a seat.” I watch they scatter to their seats when I enter the room. I don’t bother with the phony smile, but I do manage to wipe the scowl off my face while my… group.. finds their seats. I immediately decide that I’m going to take a different approach with this group. I want to back off from the personal touch so much this time and see just where these people are and what they expect.


“My name is Dr. Choi Yeon Kyung,” I begin as I take one of the empty seats in the circle. “You can call me Dr. Choi or Yeon Kyung, whichever you prefer.” I cross my legs and start to skim blindly down the sign-in sheet, then open my portfolio to take some notes.


“What I would like to do is begin by having each of you introduce yourself, in whatever way you choose, and tell us why you’re here. What I would really like to know is what you expect to achieve from these sessions over the next six weeks. To be honest with you all, you’re only going to get out of this what you put into it. So I think it’s very important that we all understand that none of us really wants to waste anyone’s time, right?”


A deafening silence falls over the room. Yeah, B*tches, this ain’t your church’s weekend retreat where we all hug each other and sing “Kumbaya.” If you don’t want help, don’t sit in my face—I don’t have the patience for richard simmons anymore.


“Having said that,” I continue, “I am available for one-on-one sessions on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Fridays either here or at my private office should you find the need or desire to do so. Just come talk to me during one of the breaks or after session and we can discuss an appointment. Are there any questions before we begin?”




“Right… so, let’s start with the lady to my right. What is your name and why have you joined us today?”


This is the time where I do my best to pay close attention to each speaker—even if I never do so again. I’m trying to get a feel for everyone individually to see if there really is a chance in hell that I can help them. Each group usually starts out with about 18 to 20 people and ends up with somewhere between 8 and 12. I’m trying to gauge by their answers which ones will be the first to drop and which will be the long-haulers. In my experience, it’s the really richard simmons up ones that tend to drop out first. They are the ones that often hide from their issues and don’t want anyone to see what’s behind the mask. The ones that need the most attention—divorces, bad breakups, and unfortunately, recent loss due to death—they tend to stick around. We’ve got a couple of live wires in this group.


As I listen and take notes, I remember that I have a couple of court-ordered attendees in this group and I fish the forms from my portfolio. They are going to be the most difficult to deal with. They already feel like they don’t need to be here and their only purpose for coming is to avoid jail time. Just great! So now I’ll have to deal with a couple of overly-bravado assholes who I will continuously have to tell to stop calling me “Sweetheart” or I won’t sign their completion forms.


So, halfway through the group, I have to stop taking notes because I’ve noticed a deafening silence has fallen over the room again. I raise my head to see who’s supposed to be talking and I come face-to-face with the most piercing gray eyes I’ve ever seen in my life. For a moment, I’m frozen in place. Good God, he’s gorgeous! Kyung-ah, what the hell? Get it together! Holy Cow! When did he get here? And why am I just now seeing him? Oh, no, not you, too. Well, one of us has got to take control of this situation. I shake myself out of my trance, hoping that no one saw me, and put Dr. Choi back in front.


“Sir?” No response. “SIR!”


----------------------to be continue--------------------


It will be wayyy too long if I continue to the next chapter. So please read the original fanfic here:



You could keep pretend the story flow for gum couple by imagining CG is KNG and AS is CYK. :rolleyes: Bwahahahaha :tongue:

If it's alright to continue hehehehe


Mr. Gil was told to attend a group counseling and the speaker is one of the best doctors in Shin Hye hospital, Dr. Yeon Kyung. He observed all the employees while waiting for the counseling to start. He bought some coffee while he took a sip, he sat in front of everyone and all eyes were on him. This is his first time in the hospital which was established by his great grandparents. They don't know that he is the new chairman/CEO.


His eyes were fixated to a beautiful lady, he assumed that she was YK. 


When their eyes met, he gave her a piercing look. A look in which he gave to all of his employees. Sure he had lived a life full of seriousness, he doesn't know how to smile, he always had that poker face in him and now, this is his first time. His first time to feel some butterflies in his stomach, he felt young once again. 


He was acting moody on the outside but he was very giddy on the inside. It's like his whole world stopped when he saw her beautiful face. Everything was in a slow motion, he is mesmerized.


"Sir?" No response.

*Still staring* "Sir!"

*He closes his mouth to stop himself from drooling, everyone laughed at him and YK got annoyed*

"Yes?" *Acting like nothing happened. "I'm ok, please go on." 

"Okay, so for us to continue on this session, let me ask this man right here. *Points at KNG*


"What? Me?"

"Yes sir. If it's alright with you please introduce yourself to everyone in here."

*Stood up and went to the stage, fixed his hair and tie, clears his throat*


"Good morning to each and everyone, nice meeting you all. I am Kim Nam Gil, the new chairman and CEO of Shin Hye hospital."


The whole room was silent, YK was also silent and she covered her mouth while realizing something.


"Oh my gosh, so you're the grand son of Mr. Kim?"


"Yes, the one and only." *Grins big like a child* 


Mr. Gil was about to finish his speech when suddenly...


The female doctors flocked in to give him a big hug and they went to the stage but KNG hid behind YK's back and YK stopped them.



"Please show some respect to Mr. Gil and don't be so reckless. Go back to your seats for we will about to continue our session."



"We? What do you mean?"


"With all due respect sir, why don't you join me in my counseling session? It would be nice if you will share something about the hospital, am I right?"


Mr. Gil grinned but he was fuming mad. Today is also his first day in studying the hospital and it's facilities and now he got unlucky.


"Fine. I will try!"


(Original fanfic from

@butterflysaga )

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Awwww..i am honored to be the captain of this ship. But..without my ship mates, the ship wouldn't sail! *hugss*


So..is there going to be a v-live? I read from earlier posts that there will be. Let me know what time it will be and i can try to catch it. I watched a vlive for Ruler once. So I can try to do it again for our Gum couple!



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Ms Koala seems to have rekindled her love for NG ssi, as do many of his other fans. But the feature is an old one. Now impatiently waiting for his new feature and interviews! I observed somehow the actors are more workaholic than the actresses, with many of them plunging into another project soon with no breaks and no time for interviews :( Similar case for Seven Day Queen, no news on YWJ at all after the drama ends and he is already in talks for another drama. 


Happy birthday day to beautiful KAJ! Looking forward to her fanmeeting but keeping expectations low since we know how busy KNG is. Hoping that the fans will ask some direct questions though. 

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20 minutes ago, vangsweetie637 said:

Awwww..i am honored to be the captain of this ship. But..without my ship mates, the ship wouldn't sail! *hugss*


So..is there going to be a v-live? I read from earlier posts that there will be. Let me know what time it will be and i can try to catch it. I watched a vlive for Ruler once. So I can try to do it again for our Gum couple!




salute sir!! lol :D v-live on 7pm - kst time!! will be broadcasted from her label channel i think, you can refer to several post before, thank you!! gonna wait for it :D 

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14 minutes ago, Ohsh said:



Ms Koala seems to have rekindled her love for NG ssi, as do many of his other fans. But the feature is an old one. Now impatiently waiting for his new feature and interviews! I observed somehow the actors are more workaholic than the actresses, with many of them plunging into another project soon with no breaks and no time for interviews :( Similar case for Seven Day Queen, no news on YWJ at all after the drama ends and he is already in talks for another drama. 


Happy birthday day to beautiful KAJ! Looking forward to her fanmeeting but keeping expectations low since we know how busy KNG is. Hoping that the fans will ask some direct questions though. 


yes! we wont expect him to be there.. some wish from him on the screen will be more than enough! thats it, some trigger question is really needed right now! no need to ask about dating, just like "are they still close now" or like "do you still keep in touch after drama ends" because that was undirect question that usually used by some reporter to ask about couple relationship 

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