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[OFFICIAL] GUM COUPLE ❤ | Kim Nam Gil & Kim Ah Joong | Im ❤ Kyung


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15 minutes ago, mushforbrains said:

Hmm...maybe I was hoping for too much...all or nothing...

it saddened me a little when he said he wanted to leave Lutyn behind....

will see how things go from here...


On the positive side though, he basically said even though he wanted to (move on), he couldn't. That even though his head says one thing, his heart says another. It even translates to real actions he admitted doing (involuntarily, by the sound of it) like looking at the skies & mountains and the listening to the sad, sentimental songs to ease the lingering after effects he feels (either for the drama or for KAJ or both, we don't know.... yet *said in HI style* :D The fact that he mentions KAJ while talking about his withdrawal symptomps & experience for the drama makes it so ambiguous lmao... that cheeky lil pokemon).


Anyway this to me makes the gravity of the effect LUTYN has on him sounds more genuine than if he just blandly says he misses the drama. or KAJ. or both. or whatever lol KNG what did you do to my head..


I honestly tried to keep my expectation as low as possible in the shipping department prior to reading the interview but the little things he said actually give me more hope than I expected.. So let's not lose hope and pray for the best, chingudeul.. fighting, Gummers! ^^

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I had a long and tiring day at work today. Reading the posts helped me to de stress and smile again! I have missed so much during the day. You all are really lovely and fun! Love you all :wub: 


I am very certain KNG and KAJ have feelings for each other :D  Please make the first move KNG! Your happiness KAJ is waiting for you! hahahaha... I think I need to take my medicine now :lol:

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21 minutes ago, sukbin said:

I read somewhere, asking questions to KNG will leave you with more questions than answers.


This needs to be written alongside other laws of physics of the universe like Newton's or Einstein's because it's 100% fact lmao

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:heart::kiss_wink::sweat_smile: really have to thank @siena and @etherealk408 for the translation... this bet will not end perfectly without you guys (((hugs)))


@littlebluecatbetting became an addiction to me since Lutyn ... i was virgin bet:wacko: back then hahaha 

@bluehopeatm lmao at your dp... really nice and funny :lol:


@minbongyi and the rest that have not found dp gif i have made a few its in spoiler.:skull:nNbKaE0.gif 


ZzXcv9N.gif   EPVtMwi.gif  qsTdnXU.gif   xkTPHfK.gif  f5E9LtD.gif   8wtaS7l.gif   JcRWcnt.gif

Pick your choice,

just copy and paste

if soompi system doesn't accept the size, you need to crop it yourself :tongue:


Alright guys my lovely gif to all :kiss_wink::lol:YAY! YAY! YAY!



Have to go finish up my housework :weary: I am dragging my butt off my chair as i wave bye-bye all *Muak ((Hugs)):kiss_wink::heart::tounge_xd:


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56 minutes ago, josung said:


I know right, sensitive guys are so rare nowadays. 


@Cynthia kristiani


I think that KNG is drawn to KAJ’s eyes the most somehow, how can one not to, when her eyes are so emotive and expressive. The lips come a close second of course, judging from the ravenous kiss.


For KNG to mention the eyes would mean that they have left a strong impression on him. When I saw KAJ in the earlier episodes, I was drawn foremost to her eyes. I watched her in Punch and 200 pounds beauty but did not recall much of her eyes, other than they are beautiful and big. In LUTYN, her eyes can really talk. They remind me of an old song. “Lost in your eyes” by Debbie Gibson. I think KNG has to be lost in those deep pools. How not to fall in love after looking into those eyes after so many months? Ah, there my delulu mind runs amok again.


You know, I am pretty sure that KAJ looks at him (radiates :heart:) like that during the BTS moments too – outside from the acting scenes as well. And the reason why he can’t hold his gaze too is because he feels the same. When I started dating my husband, he said that I always avoided his gaze. That’s what shy people do, when they like someone, they just could not hold the gaze of their loved ones for too long. Of course, now my gaze has changed to the glaring kind whenever he finds excuses not to do housework.


Being the new age sensitive rare pokemon he is, I am sure KNG is shy to boot whenever he has to look at her. :)


@josung I agree with you wholeheartedly, KAJ's eyes are beautiful and at the same time so emotive and expressive. I also agree that KAJ must have looked at him with love radiating from her eyes. How can he not be bewitched by such beautiful eyes who are only looking at him during filming, he is a normal human being after all. I did the same thing too when I went out on the first date with my husband. I just could not look at him directly and for the first time ever, I was thankful to whomever had decided that it's a good idea to have a centerpiece on the table. The fact that I couldn't hold his gaze surprised me as we were colleagues and were once deskmates before so it was definitely out of character for me. There is a Malay saying about gazes "Dari mata, jatuh ke hati" which basically means, you start falling from looking at the eyes. In my delulu mind, I think, KNG is definitely in this phase. What he does about it only time will tell...

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@josung Right, maybe like that too. KAJ's eyes in LUTYN really expressive. No wonder he can't look her eyes when wrap up party and start shaking legs when KAJ stare him lovely. :lol:


Usually, the drama interview will make me down. But their interview make me happy :lol: Maybe I'm too addicted with them :lol:

I just watch episode 8 and HI cry sadly. How if the reporter mean about experience crying is that episode 8 scene but why KNG only think is when he look at KAJ's eyes, he is crying. For me, that episode 8 more sadly than when HI crying with YK. :lol: *ignore my delulu mind*:wub:


But right, his answers make more questions for me like that experience crying question.:D

Oh, I wonder why the reporter not mention that acupuncture kiss. I really want to know KNG's answer.


Edited by Cynthia kristiani
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Wow just got the time to back read everything and thank you so much to @siena and @etherealk408 who have shared many tidbits and translation to us here :heart:


soo it’s not just us who are having a hard time moving on from the drama but he is too. I am so happy that this drama gave positive impact not only to us, but also gave a huge impact to the people involved in the making, especially both to KAJ and KNG. Look at them both so glowing, and so happy even after the drama ends :heart:

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Yeah, it’s funny that when the interviewer asked KNG about the crying experience, he immediately talked about KAJ’s eyes! Hahaha. He had a more painful crying scene in ep 8 as @Cynthia kristiani said. Why didn’t he think of that? Haha. I guess the crying scenes that affected him the most was the ones with KAJ! And he talked about her eyes! :wub:

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this is the first drama I've seen kng in...thanks for posting all his sexy pics...lol

didnt realise there was this cute little hottie floating around....

dont like too much Melo and death...so it may be a Long while before I see him on screen again....

thank goodness he chose a happy medical rom com...needed something to lift my spirits after 7dq...

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Thanks @etherealk408 for translating the bits of his interview.


So, the interviewer noted that he is "cheerful now".


The interviewer clearly asked KNG if he cried himself without referring to LUTYN at all. And yet he brought up KAJ when speaking about crying. If it's me reading the sign, the thing that made him cry these days (despite his current cheerful vibe) is KAJ because that was the first thing that came across his thoughts at the time that he answered the question. And so he mentioned her first and foremost. And then he went on to blab about the after effect of LUTYN, emptiness, being all alone, mountain and so on..... this man is really clever with words. 

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@etherealk408 and @siena thank u so much for tidbits of kng high cut interview.. really happy to read that.. i'm hoping d rest of his interview will be posted too and translated so we can know him more as a person..


So happy that he mention her (eventho just once).. i believe in him bcoz he is a considerate man.. i think kaj interview had been done prior to his.. so i think (maybe) kng already knew about kaj mention his name many times and even praise him a lot.. not to forget about false reporter posted an article about kaj really falling in love with kng, and king ent asked to delete d article, do u think kng also know about d incident? And by mention kaj's name, he indirectly said that kaj didnt had one sided love at all.. he indirectly praised kaj's eyes n acting skill.. if an actor can acting with eyes, then he/she is a brilliant actor indeed.. and d way he praise kaj even if its indirectly already make me so happy.. thank u oppa.. :)


Kng is just a normal human.. just like us, he is "SUFFERING" from withdrawal syndrom for "TOO LONG". D way he choose that "suffer" word to describe his feeling means A LOT to me.. it could also means that he is "FALLING TOO DEEP".. why he should crying? I think again about his statement.. it couldnt be about Heo Im character that make him so sad, but absolutely he was so sad about HeoIm and YeonKyung separation.. just like d story, d PAIN is still there so deep that could make him CRYING?? I dont know about his experience from his past works, but he said he never thought he would be like this, means this is d first time he felt this way.. eventho he already join a new project after LUTYN ended, meeting many new people on set, explore his new character and story, being busy everyday.. BUT.. why he FAILED to move on?? And d most important is when he said that he was CRYING..

Maybe d emptyness is getting worst.. LUTYN is such a powerfull project for him and changed his life when he didnt realise it.. maybe he indirectly also want to admit that he is falling in love for "REAL" when he didnt realise it.. he really MISS her so bad that could make him cry.. u know that people will act weirdly if they r falling in love right? So this is what happen with kng.. i imagine when he was at strange family filming set, and prepared for a funny scene, but bcoz he remember her and miss her so much, he started to cry.. its so funny..hahahaha..

(i'm died.. lols)


To conclude this, i believe that kng already fall in love for REAL.. that answer d question why he is SUFFERING and CRYING.. (dont forget that in many scene, both kng n kaj agreed to act NATURALLY. both also made so much ADLIBS.. and both also called their REAL NAME on filming set).. 

And to recall kaj's interview that she really want to DATE now, and at her fan meeting she prefer DATING than sleeping (even her fans said she will choose sleeping).. its really an answer that she also falling in love with him.. both of them already changed from d way they used to be.. both r being "weird" but we already knew why.. :D

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