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[Drama 2017-2018] I am not a Robot, 로봇이 아니


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Butler was keeping himself warm at a fire side, at some road side.. MK went up to him to warm up too, to chat with him,
like normal, JA took out all her lunch boxes and left to go to MK place... by bike. in order not to knock down a boy who appear from no where. she has a slight accidnet, and her hurt her palm as her bike fall over at the side.

MK seems to be waiting at the window for her, as he rememebered what she promised.

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2 minutes ago, maryofbethany said:

Butler was keeping himself warm at a fire side, at some road side.. MK went up to him to warm up too, to chat with him,
like normal, JA took out all her lunch boxes and left to go to MK place... by bike. in order not to knock down a boy who appear from no where. she has a slight accidnet, and her hurt her palm as her bike fall over at the side.

MK seems to be waiting at the window for her, as he rememebered what she promised.

Thank you..crying while reading this.so sad!!! Omg

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haha. MK drink wine... waiting ... and he pick up a envelop .. and read.,. and he looked at the heart lamp.. is it JA letter. oh her bike was spoilt., ;so she arrived in a taxi. and still bringing her food to MK place... she laid all on the table, MK just stared at the side as she set the table for him..  opened up lunch box.. 

now Mk asked her soemthing. is he in half drunk state? still in a mocking tone, dont understand what he said.. did he mentioned the kiss? 

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at least now he is ranting, shouting, crying, and pouring at her.. which is a good sign that after this out burst he will forgive her... JA listened in silent weeping.. 
CSB act very heart breakingly well.. no words, no dialogue, but everything every pains in her eyes.. 
MK smashed a glass, the pieces flew and cut JA hand.. MK didnt know and allowed her to leave. she turned to leave, as blood seeping down her palm... Mk started to break down in loud wailing. 

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1 minute ago, maryofbethany said:

at least now he is ranting, shouting, crying, and pouring at her.. which is a good sign that after this out burst he will forgive her... JA listened in silent weeping.. 
CSB act very heart breakingly well.. no words, no dialogue, but everything every pains in her eyes.. 
MK smashed a glass, the pieces flew and cut JA hand.. MK didnt know and allowed her to leave. she turned to leave, as blood seeping down her palm... Mk started to break down in loud wailing. 

I can imagine csb sad face..she’s really good in potraying sad and breaking scene. Omg so painful!!

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seeing him wearing gloves and helding the stick :heartbreak: :tears: and he wants nothing from her :tears: 




I hate Yoo Chul and Ri El's father's they think of Ri El as an object they'll buy and sell for their own greed!! even if she loves Yoo Chul she'll ever accept being used in their deels!! 

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BG met up with Jin Bae, Jin Bae seems to be working on something to save MK situation. 
everything JA put on the table was still there... next morning, mk looked at the lunch prepared. but she was not around. he took out the slip of note and read... this girl really has determiation, and she does not give up. i liked such a strong willed girl. 
Sunhye came to speak to MK. i think maybe SH can knock MK out of his petty square head. wake up man! smart cool SH spoke to MK. SH is like the silent witness, in midst of everything. often spoke with the wisest saying and smart cool dialogue. haha, SH brought back a lamp, only One. hahah. is it from MK there? she brought to JA room?

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@sakura2016 looks like the site is back up and working again. 



They go to have the tea and the butler starts to give the sec some advice. He says that when someone is having a hard time, you shouldn’t run away.


the doctor tells MG that the team wanted to tell him the truth but he blocked them. But MG just says, so waht, what does this matter to me. The doctor starts to leave and them MG asks when it was. The doctor says it was right before the reset. he wonders what would have happened if they told MG. Would MG be happy then?

MG is all curled on his side and tells the doctor that he wants to sleep and he doesnt want to eat anything. The doctor leaves.


The sec goes to the lab and they start to talk. The sec says that the chairmen told him to tel them to leave from his home as soon as possible. They all bow their heads and say that it makes sense. They will pack up and take the computer and everything. But they wonder about aj3. They have to take aj3 witht hem because they have to send her to CEO hwang. They also wonder where they will go tonight. They said when they find another warehouse they will send all the equipment.

The doctor is leaving in the snow and sees JA. She comes up to him and akss what she should do.

JA – he was cured because of me and got the disease because of me. What should Ido to tmake him better.
Doctor – tha answer isn’t in me. You made the miracle so whatever answwer you find is the right answer.


The heart lamps are sitting on the table and MG goes to sit on his couch next to them. The necklace is left as well. MG holds the necklace close to him.




Credits to @V

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Pi and Baek Kyun




he asked her if she was scared that's why she avoided his touch :tears: after leaving to his room she told him that she's sorry and that she wasn't scared and she'll be back every day no matter what face he'll show her or whatever he tell her!! :tears: 




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MK drove to... oh, is it JA house? oh, at a distance, he saw the whole Santa maria team walking outside at the street drinking something while .. oh, Ssnaip saw MK car,, and he run to him.. oh, MK saw him... ssnaip called.. BROTHER>>> MK saw him fall down, still drove.. they kept calling BROTHER>.. Ssanip pick himself up and called.. BROTHER... MK hardened his heart drove away.. 

JA wake to urn , columbarium, dad's urn to look for dad.. she spoke to 'dad'... 
MK reached home , already in dark, MK saw the transparent umbrella, and he took out the one that is not transparent.. .he has two.. did he joint the link that JA was the one who invented this... he was thinking hard and seems to dawn upon some thoughts.. he went to google the heart lamp, and found also the info about the creator of heart lamp invented the umbrellla, then he remmebered back in the store hosue where he was locked in with JA, JA said she was grateful that soemone inspired her and that person appreciate her, and moltivated her, he realised he was that person. 

and MK was touched. 

you all will cry over this, he went to touch the heart lamp, his heart lamp. lamp lightened up. both lamps lightened up, even the one in JA's room.
HE went to some out door and was waiting for JA there.. why there? meteorite shower?
oh, JA saw him, both looked at each other in silent... oh, pls hug and make up. 
pls NOOOOO>>> the end. 
clif hanger... this is so MBC!!!!!!


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preview, MK did tried to kiss AJ.. MK drove AJ back .. oh, JA said i love you to MK in the phone... she was smiling. as she laid on her bed saying that.. but tomorrow will be Mk scene of fighting with Hwang DW.. btu at least OTP make up and is lovey dovey.. be prepared to sweet scenes. 

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1 minute ago, maryofbethany said:

you all will cry over this, he went to touch the heart lamp, his heart lamp. lamp lightened up. 
HE went to some out door and was waiting for JA there.. why there? 
oh, JA saw him, both looked at each other in silent... oh, pls hug and make up. 
pls NOOOOO>>> the end. 
clif hanger... this is so MBC!!!!!!


kidding me!! they stoped there?!! noooooooooo :scream: give me preview now!! 

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3 minutes ago, sakura2016 said:


kidding me!! they stoped there?!! noooooooooo :scream: give me preview now!! 

preview has a kiss,, but do not know whether is it successful. but the one who initiate it is MK, which is a super good sign. and we have JA said happily to MK  i love you. 

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