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[Drama 2017] Confession Couple / Go Back Spouses, 고백부부


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No NG? 


I suddenly lost interest watching. :( 

Should I just skip this week and wait until the finale?


 I'm dreading the finale. It might turn out as one of the biggest disappointments of the 2nd half of the year. 



Still hoping it is not going to be like a 

"meh" type of drama in the end.


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I hope the one who rescues her is her dad. Since bando is quite far, i think her dad will be the most logical person to help her, since it is around her housing area. I know some are hoping nam-gil swoops in as saves jinjoo, but i hope its dad. Hopefully she and her dad can grow closer a bit in the new 1999. Huhu

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Hi Y'all! The episode was so good today!


Here is the recap with edits! We were able to do a quick first round of edits this time!






OMG someone is making out big time in someone’s office. It looks like it is the bad doctor guys office and he is hard time making out with a nurse. The wife rushes in, she knows what’s up! She rushes to the back but the nurse says why are you here without notice? She rushes past and is asking “Where is nurse Kim,” and bursts into the office, but nothing is happening.

The bad doctor is just there with the nurse and asking her why she is here without notice and she asked another nurse to bring the wife’s favorite tea. The bad doctor is in his office and he is talking about he is having a hard time today and she came to the office on time.

Voice Over – when you try to fake it with someone and you sure that person is completely fooled, it means that person has a high chance of loving you.

The wife if crying in the car on the way home. She knows! She has pictures.

Voice Over – Because that person doesn’t know what is true and false, they like you so much so they pretend that they don’t know.


It is the end of Jang Nara’s song. The bad guy and DJ have a little bit of a stare off near the bathroom, but it is nothing. The bad doctor leaves and DJ goes into the bathroom. He sees Jang Nara and ROTC in the bathroom!

Western style confrontation music is playing.

BD – What are you doing here?
R – What are you doing here?
BD – Huh?
R – How dare you just open the door, who are you
BD – Me, I am …her…(staring)…friend, just friend
JJ – You are not my friend, I am changing my clothes, close the door
BD – What changing clothes? Here together?
JJ – What are you thinking, just get out.

ROTC is staring down BD.

They confront each other outside and BD starts to act like an ajushi and calling ROTC a young boy. JJ tells him to take this back to his car so his sister won’t notice. BD says no man put his sister’s clothes in his car. It is for a girlfriend. ROTC says it isn’t his sister’s clothes, he bought it for JJ.

JJ – Me?
ROTC – Yes (he strokes her hair). Enjoy the clothes, I’m leaving.

BD tries to step in ROTC’s way, but ROTC towers over BD and smiles. Then he leaves.

JJ – Hey, you are a lot smaller than here, don’t you look in the mirror
BD – Are you happy to live your new life with a tall handsome guy?

JJ storms off with the bag of clothes.

He is looking at a cat with a tuna can
ROTC – Why are you crying even though you are lo oking at this expensive thing?

{streaming problems}

BD and JJs friends are drinking together and talking about a wallet that is expensive and hard to get in Korea. They start talking about a side dish and where their friend is.

Poor thing, he is crying in his apartment. He is straight up balling because of what he heard from the feminist friend the last episode.

DJ – We have Lee Sang-min as a guest.

DJ – You wore a coat in this weather
Guest – It is East Coast style
Radio – If you don’t have love, it is a problem. Let’s connect to the caller.
BF – Hello I am Tinkerbell from Seoul — the person I am dating likes skinship too much and kissing me
Radio – Which part does she touch when you kiss
BF – Hips
Radio – That is strong, why don’t you talk to him?
BF – My lover said I am easy so they are dating me
Radio – The lover touches your butt and is dating you because you are easy?
BF – That is not good (crying)
Radio – That is a bad guy, he shouldn’t do those things!
BF – That person likes drinking
Radio – Persons like that are dating a lot of people, maybe you are only one of them, Tinkerbell girl fighting!
BF – I am a boy
Radio – They talk about their current life and how the DJ is a playboy, the guest says DJ should get married, but he is divorced in current life.

Feminist friend – Ah, next week, okay let’s see each other

JJ gets a text on the cell phone to go out today and remembers what the bad doctor guys said in the bathroom

She is having a really hard time and yelling on the phone about all the competitions she has to go to. BD sits down next to her and tells her it’s hard to live with all the responsibilities and things, she should just run away from home. She is like huh? And starts laughing. He says he wanted to just make her laugh and she’s happy because she is laughing because of him.

JJ calls and wants to know where that bad doctor guy is. BD tells her he will come and find her.

They are talking in the car and the bad doctor is telling her all the things she wants to hear, but in his mind, he is telling her that he doesn’t want to take her anywhere, he is only doing these things because she is rich and she is paying for his apartment and her dad is important and all those things. He says one thing that is good, but his mind says bad things.

BD is telling JJ that the bad doctor is a playboy who sleeps with all these girls and goes to all these clubs and cheats on his wife a lot. JJ thought she was the first but BD is like, no you are like way down the list. JJ wants to know how he knows these things and BD says that was part of his job as a sales person. He had to take care of things like that with the girlfriend and wife and all those things. Flash forward to 2017 and he came home late and bad doctor called him and he got the deal.  So now JJ knows that BD did not cheat on her. She looks like she understands him better

He wakes up like a zombie in his dorm and yells at his friend that he left him with those crazy girls he tells his friend to wake up wake up! But when his friend turns over he is sleeping with his eyes open and looks dead! His friend is super spooked. Then his friend goes to his desk and sees that his expensive wallet is all shredded. Flashback to one of the friends shedding it and trying to eat it when she was drunk.

Cut to the hair friend confronting her about it, but she doesn’t remember anything. She said you can fix it, when you are drunk you do crazy things. Then she runs away. he yells at her that she knows, she knows! She’s acting. She runs to some building and stops and looks back. She says she is crazy, what was she thinking? She writes that she is sorry and she will repay him later.

JJ says that she will revenge and BD says that he already got his revenge on him (the Cola incident and the swimming pool incident). JJ says that is childish, you have to do it real.

BD – This time is too precious to spend on him. You want revenge because he harassed me.

JJ starts to say a lot of things that the doctor did wrong and she wants to get revenge for all of those things. JJ says that she will show real makjang.

She sends a text to the bad doctor that she will meet him later.

JJ – To get the mouse, you have to go into the mousetrap.

She says she needs something that he likes. BD says that he likes money! Intense music is playing.

BD and hair friend are setting up the doctor and they are sitting behind him at the library and saying that JJ is Samsungs granddaughter! The doctor took the bait.

They are talking about going abroad and JJ is acting like she has a lot of money and is very sheltered. She actually looks very cute. They talk about going abroad and JJ says that she heard he has a girlfriend to go to the medical student’s night. But he says that he doesn’t have a girlfriend, she is just his friend that follows him around everywhere. JJ says they shouldn’t go together.

Flashback to their revenge planning meeting
BD – dump the rich girlfriend by himself!
JJ – He won’t dump her, he will do better to her because he is cheating on her.
BD – They are planning to go the medical student’s night

The feminist friend is wondering where the buff friend is. She finds him on the street and pulls him to the bar. She tells him to tell her all his troubles then she runs to the bathroom.

Buff F – okay, I should tell her, you never know.

Her cell phone rings and he grabs it.

Cell phone text – We can travel next time okay?

Her phone says Oppa 1 heart, Oppa 2 hearts, Oppa 3 hearts. It has different men who all are saved as Oppa with hearts by their name. he gets up to leave and yells at her, what Oppa am I?!? What order am I in in your heart?

She checks her phone and reads the text. She thinks oh, no, maybe he saw it?

JJ says she had to get the girlfriend and to take her to that place. BD has to get the girlfriend from her classroom. He flashes forward to the confrontation he had with her at the motel in 2017. BD tells the girlfriend that the bad doctor told him to take her to the medical student night. Aw, the poor girl is so happy, she gets up to go with him right away.

Bad doctor and JJ are at the medical school night and the bad doctor tells her to come somewhere with him. they walk to the staircase. BD and the girlfriend show up as well.

In the stairway the doctor is wondering why JJ is approaching him. JJ is confused, the doctor wanted to date her. Ah, it looks like the doctor asked his girlfriend if she knows the granddaughter of Samsung and the girlfriend says there are no granddaughters, only grandsons. So know he is putting it all together. He knows that BD tricked him because he remembers getting kicked into the water by him. He pushes JJ and says that he hits women also. he raises his hand to hit her, but someone yells, PARK YANG SO! A lot of women are standing there!

Ah, it was their plan to gather all his current girlfriends! He has so many current girlfriends and BD gathered them all around.

The girlfriends pushed him onto the floor in front of everyone. He trips and falls and they start LAYING INTO HIM. They are telling him that he looks nice but he is a bad guy. The three of us are dating you at the same time, is that a misunderstanding! Everyone is there. JJ says that was good timing.

Mini Flash back to their plan. JJ is writing all their plans for the makjang attack on the board. this is so cute! They know the woman and the plan of attack.

Back to the medical school event. The girls continue laying into him and he keeps saying that he doesn’t have anything to do with them. The real girlfriend finally knows that he is a super bad guy. BD says that he is the rich girlfriend’s boyfriend! That is a surprise. But now the doctor thinks it all makes sense and he yells at the rich girlfriend to not date BD because they want her money. Then she says it is you that want my money! Then JJ runs up and kicks the bad boyfriend in the balls!!!!!!!!

Aw, they are comforting the rich girlfriend at the bar. JJ and BD are both comforting her and telling her that if she married him then she will cry all the time. It is good to just have a good cry now and not cry in the future. The rich girl wonders who they are. Then when they are about to leave the rich girl says she knew he was dating other girls, he just didn’t know it was that many girls. She didn’t want to cry, but she says that she feels better crying now and she is very thankful to them for waking her up. JJ is happy but BD doesn’t look that happy.

The rich girlfriend got him kicked out of his apartment. he has nothing now. He kicks something on the ground and says, “they played me.”

They are happily walking and BD wants to know how JJ learned how to kick so well, she said she learned it from her cheerleader friend. Did she learn it to do it to him? They keep talking about that kind of stuff. Jj wonders if he is dead and BD says he didn’t die, but maybe he met his ancestors momentarily. But then BD notices that JJ got a scratch and she says she got scratched by that doctor. BD says that is dangerous.

They go and sit down and BD says that guy is a bad guy and JJ says that she is the one who got hurt, why is he yelling at her and all that stuff. he gets some ointment and bandages and bandages her wound up.

JJ – So he made you take care of his mistresses, how did you endure that?
BD – To make money, a lot of guys do that. I am not the only one living like that. Hey, do you know what I like?

JJ – You like chicken-soup. Oranges, UFC, dvds…

They keep talking about being in the movie club and things they like and how they didn’t know a lot about each other. They agree that it was difficult to live day to day so knowing what others like isn’t that important. They each knew what the other person liked, but they were ignoring it all and not noticing each other anymore. They are looking at the playground and it looks like they are both thinking about their son in the future playing on the playground with them It is a bitter sweet moment. BD is really sad about his son. It looks like he misses playing with him on the playground a lot.

JJ is crying and BD is tearing up. Then BD says let’s go and leaves.

Well needed comic relief! The buff friend is talking to his friend about how his girlfriend is dating 5 guys and going on trips with them and all that stuff. He is balling on the steps somewhere with his friends. he is saying that he is easy, sniff sniff sniff. Then his friend realizes that they heard what they were talking about. It looks like the easy meaning was mistaken.

They are walking back and then they notice the feminist friend with a man. They think it is one of the 5 guys that she is dating. They hide and watch her talk to them. The guy says she should go on a trip with him, why not. She says that she doesn’t want to. The big guy starts to stoke her hair and smiles. Oh no, the buff guy walks up on them and yells for him to take his hand off!

The big dude is like, who is this guy and moves to confront the buff friend. The big guy yells who are you! and he says I am her boyfriend! Then the other 3 guys show up, lol! And they are all super big! Maybe they are her brothers?

It is still nighttime and they are still walking home, but they tell each other goodnight. BD tells her that he really enjoyed her May Queen festival and her remembers that she enjoyed singing a lot. She is like huh? He says if he says something well then, she should respond well. She is like, whatever and she leaves, but she is smiling as she leaves. BD says that maybe he should have told her.

JJ is walking home but then she notices someone is hiding behind the car. BD is also walking home and wonders if she got home well. JJ calls BD as she walks down an alley as the man approaches her. They are calling each other at the same time so it doesn’t go through. JJ yells!

JJ is being confronted by the doctor. He is yelling at her. JJ called BD again and dropped the phone. BD is running at wherever he thinks she might be. JJ is yelling back at the doctor and the doctor is yelling at her about dating the ugly woman. He tells her that he hits woman and he will go to jail after hitting her. He pulls his hand back to swinG at her!

BD – The wife knew that he was having an affair
JJ – She loves him so much so she married him even though she knew those things. He missed that good girl.
BD – Maybe we forced them to break up?
JJ – If a love hurts too much, it isn’t love. Affair is not love, a violence. The worst of the worst violence.

BD – Maybe she can get numb about his affair.
JJ – It doesn’t make any sense, if he has an affair with 100 women, then she will remember the names of all the 100 girls. That is how woman are. She will hit rock bottom with everything about her.

BD – Are you telling me that for me to hear it?…I wasn’t having an affair that time

They look at each other and flash forward to JJ looking at the credit card receipt with all the hotel rooms and the pictures from 2017 (episode 1). he texts her that he can’t go home like that. She calls him and yells at him, how can he do that to her! How can he! Lets break up! I am so pitiful! he says they should break up and they both cry.

Voice Over – Maybe our love didn’t end but we didn’t have the room to see the true mind between truth and false.

JJ’s chubby friend disappears.


Okay, that copied with no spaces between paragraphs. You can go here to see it with spaces and all that stuff



This episode was sooooo good right! It was adorable how they were planning their revenge on the bad guy doctor together.

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SJ so cute ❤❤❤whenever he appears scene becomes too emotional. 

I love this episode finally misunderstandings resolving between them. I really wish the one who save her BD.


Next episode now more interesting ---Finding chun sul

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Omo! Ep 8 preview! The feels! Mom telling bando she doesnt want someone who makes her daughter cry straight to his face. Bando must have felt super bad. Huhu. And mom asking jinjoo who seojin is? Kyaaa. This drama continues to pique my interest :) and hopefully this time around they can succesfully find chun sul.

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Thanks a lot for the recaps and the clips ^^


Just my two cent. 


Maybe I am one of the minority who root for the OTP, heh, altho NG game is very strong and should JJ ends up with him its okay too, as long as she is happy and confident. Reason for rooting is simple: they both love each other in their 1st chance of life, at that age, with immaturities, quirks, and all. They still love each other much later but problems arise and they dont know how to address it properly, esp with each of their own demon, and as it was said in VO, they stopped to care about what other's liking just because they were at the time when life is the toughest. JJ knew what BD liked that even he didnt know when SY asked him was very telling, and the way he still cared very much about her despite being jerk at times also spoke volume. Sure what he did at present to her werent right, but I too hv to admit that for a man to hv a job like him every single day its very tiring and eroding, its not a single thing justifiable fo him to treat his wife that way, but its humane and the fact that they managed to go for years made me think he actually a decent man, and that they still very much care for each other and if they are given the chance to find the root of their problems, its highly likely that they wud make it. 


As for the 2nd leads, imo its kinda obvious that BD doesnt love the ballerina. He helps her, he likes to be liked by her, his ego and confidence kinda back too, but thats it. Its more like he wants to help her ease her burden. JJ and NG makes more sense cos NG does fall for her, but its the bumbling ahjumma self, that is caring (as his family seems to not care about him), no nonsense, and carefree one that he likes. If its her old self, at that age, i doubt he will look at her as the way he look at her now. He falls for the changed self, and thus I think it wont truly work between them. He himself didnt hv much pressure and experience life too so we dont know how the harsh life will change him. For the moment he seems perfect, but what about after undergoing hardships after hardships? 


However, Im enjoying the retrospective physical and psychological journey the couples are having, which is rich with lessons and so many what if? possibilities as well as lol moments. If in the end BD and JJ still separated, i just wish them to be happier with themselves, confident, and finding new goals and purpose in life. With little SJ intact tho i dunno how lol. 


Lastly, Jang Na Ra is no doubt a veteran actress, but I want to say that Sohn Ho Joon is shaping to be a versatile actor either. From comedic to heart wrenching, to a jerk, to a loving appa, he could do it albeit imperfect yet. Keep up the good work! 


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Man, I loooooooove NG, everytime he's on screen I can't help but to wish he was the lead. HOWEVER, episode 7 was truly heart-wrenching, diggin' onto the feelings of the main couple. The scene where BD hesitantly ask her if she can think of anything he likes and she starts listing them in a random order while he's surprised at everything he forgot... I think something got in my eye xD 

I understand the situation at a certain level, even though I've never been married, my parents are divorced for over 20 years (and whoops, neither of them re-married after that) and they still treat each other like old friends. I think they're uncertain about whether there's still a trace of love there, but they are too afraid to go back to a toxic relationship with constant fights. Even though they care for each other and know each other better than anyone, they're both convinced that things work the best for them as they are now. So, obviously it's not the case here, but I just wanted to share my opinion on divorced couples. You can try to work things out before it's too late, but if you try (if you both do) and your love is not enough, then it doesn't mean you have to end as enemies. You can still be good friends and be there for each other. I think the way BD and JJ teamed up to bring Dr. Park down reminded me of my parents present relationship (minus love) a lot :) . 

Anywayyy, back to the preview. Soooo... let me get this straight, something bad happened to Seol in the past, and now that (thanks to ajhumma-mode JinJoo) she got closer to DokJae through alcohol new habits (lol) DJ is more... uhm, "aware" of her? I mean, I clearly saw him looking for her or smthing in the preview (possibly due to the wallet incident). So he may find out what's going on or what happened to her then, and be a connection to JJ to help her out this time. Hahaha oh man, I might have seen a lot of makjang dramas, too. I feel you, JinJoo!  

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Finally we see our OTP. I almost got bored with the first love story thing. 

I loved ep 7. JJ is just taking revenge because of BD. And how fast she can answer a question about BDs liking something, which he doesn't even know. You clearly see, they loved and still love each other so much. Not just because of SJ. Also finally BD wants to make the move and tells he was not cheating. It gets more and more interesting and lovely :heart:I want to see more of them. 

NG I hope you find someone you cutey one. But BD and JJ are destined. Sorry Boy :kiss_closed:

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Well.. I totally did not expect BD-JJ's relationship to progress this fast. 

With the heavy intro of NG and SJ, we would expect the storyline would be more about what happens between JJ-NG | BD-SJ and how BD-JJ react seeing the other with another person. 
Am I the only one who feels uneasy about today's episode? It's like a train suddenly change its track. 

I can't say I'm sympathized with dr Park's girlfriend. She knew what kind of a person dr Park is, yet she didn't do anything. She was in a horrible relationship (and later continued in marriage) but that's because she let herself be treated that way. She let herself to be the victim. Granted, she was not a strong person. Low self confidence is for sure - the feeling that she doesn't deserve better love and that nobody else will ever stand by her side if not for her money is there. But, at the very least, she can ask for help from people who truly care for her (mother perhaps?) and fight for herself. If she really has no one, not even her mother, then I'm glad that JJ-BD had helped her. Hope with this lesson, she could learn to fight for herself and what she truly deserved, otherwise, she would end up as a victim again - with another guy. :wacko: 


10 hours ago, ilovejdy said:

No NG? 

I suddenly lost interest watching. :( 

Should I just skip this week and wait until the finale?

I feel you. I really like their storyline. Not to diss BD, but NG is a better person than BD (smarter, know what he wants in life - eventhough it was to upset his dad, better social status, support JJ). I'm comparing this with BD when he was at NG's age. 


Even if NG is destined to stay as JJ's short-term love interest, ditto for SJ and BD, I hope the writer treat them better and give better closure for NG and SJ and not leaving it hanging like today's ep. 

There are still lots of eps to cover. This time we saw the case of dr Park closed. Next ep is Seol's case, could be in 2 eps. So, perhaps next next week, we see more NG. *crossfingers


Sometime in next eps, they will go to the beach - sadly I don't seem to see NG (cr to IG owner)


10 hours ago, katakwasabi said:

I hope the one who rescues her is her dad. Since bando is quite far, i think her dad will be the most logical person to help her, since it is around her housing area. I know some are hoping nam-gil swoops in as saves jinjoo, but i hope its dad. Hopefully she and her dad can grow closer a bit in the new 1999. Huhu

Yeah.. but in Kdrama, BD can suddenly just appear in time to save the day. :tongue:


2 hours ago, shvibzik said:


I understand the situation at a certain level, even though I've never been married, my parents are divorced for over 20 years (and whoops, neither of them re-married after that) and they still treat each other like old friends. I think they're uncertain about whether there's still a trace of love there, but they are too afraid to go back to a toxic relationship with constant fights. Even though they care for each other and know each other better than anyone, they're both convinced that things work the best for them as they are now. So, obviously it's not the case here, but I just wanted to share my opinion on divorced couples. You can try to work things out before it's too late, but if you try (if you both do) and your love is not enough, then it doesn't mean you have to end as enemies. You can still be good friends and be there for each other. I think the way BD and JJ teamed up to bring Dr. Park down reminded me of my parents present relationship (minus love) a lot :) . 


@shvibzik Thank you for sharing your story. 
My parents have never been divorced and have been married for 40 years now. So I have no personal experience in regards to divorce couples. However, I agree with you, there's no reason for divorce couples to be enemy. In the drama, JJ clearly stated in the final of this ep, "maybe it wasn't our love that was over. We couldn't afford to look into our heart what lies somewhere between lies and truths." 

So, they clearly still care and love each other. However, the baggages between them, is their love strong enough to handle them? :mellow:


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And they say makjang dramas are useless,eh?RL is the crazy of them all...Soo happy when Jinjoo and Bando took off the mask of that disgusting guy and glad the girlfriend faced the man and had the courage to break off the link,hope she will find a decent man who will really love her for herself and not just for her money...

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I just watched episode 7 with subs today and Wooooow!!! The script is really amazingly written, every single words are a lesson to apply in life. Even though I really dislike Ban Do's attitude in the previous episodes I'm really liking him today can't help myself. It's getting more interesting. 

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Today's episode was great. I don't mind that NG's screentime was minimal. I feel like even though he has had many swoon-worthy moments with JJ, they were mostly shallow in contrast to this episode which was quite heartfelt and emotionally raw. I do enjoy him as a character (I prefer his screentime over the ballerina's, as well as JW and BR's relationship tbh) but I think his presence doesn't correlate with the quality of the show's writing. 


Also, am I the only one who thought it was cute when Seol made puppy eyes at Dok Jae and he quickly calmed down? That moment was adorable!

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You know what? I thought the MVP here would be Jang Nara and her never aging self. 


But no. The MVP is Im JiKyu, aka, slimy cheating doc. How does a 40 year old look like that???? Like he never aged a second after 25???


If the two had a baby... I think that baby would remain a baby forever.


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'Confessions couple' Jang Na Ra ♥ Son Ho-joon, the first meeting with his son '


(Googletranslated )

[Sports Chosun reporter Jo Yoon-sun] 'Confessions couple' Jang Na-ra and Son Ho-jun make a shocking appearance of the moment when his son Seojin was born. 


KBS 2TV 'Confessions Couple' directed by Ha Byung Hoon / writer Kwon Hye-joo / production confession couple Woongjin Warriors, content written by KBSN) said that Margin State (Jang Na Ra) and Choi Bando Island (Son Ho Jun) We unveiled the scene steel that contains the moment we first encountered. It makes parents feel happiness in the expression of two people filled with joy and emotion. 


In the open show, Jang Na Ra and Son Ho Joon look at newborn babies beyond their newborn babies with excitement, joy, joy and excitement. 


Jang is in the arms of Son Ho-jun and smiles at her mom and gathers her eyes. It shows that a hospital uniform and a lean face are newborns. This is the picture of her mother who can not keep a close eye on her. In the meantime, Son Ho-joon embraces his troubled wife with one arm and looks at the first child facing him and tears down his eyes. I feel the feeling of happiness and the weight of the father at the same time, and the tears that endured the infinite love for the family are pushed all at once.


The scene was shot at the Obstetrics and Gynecology Department in Gyeonggi Province last October. Jang Na and Jo Hoon focused silently on the script before shooting. Then, as soon as the cue sign fell, the complex sentiments instantly burst. Jang looked at Son in the arms of Son Hyeonjun and gave a tender smile to her, and Son Ho-joon showed the impression that she became a father by giving a tearfulness. At the moment, the movie was stunned and the second part of the story was that the couple was immersed in a beautiful moment. Even after Hahn Byung-hoon's cut sound fell, Jang Na and Son Ho-joon could not escape from their emotions, and for a while they could not feel their emotions while watching their baby. 


The crew of the Confession couple said, "In the 8th broadcast, the moment of birth of the son Seo Jin, who had difficulties in pearl and peninsula, will be depicted." "A moment of emotion like a gift that came to a couple in a family, I am expecting a lot of expectations, "he said. 


On the other hand, 'Confession couple' is an entertainment drama where the 38-year-old married couple Marjun and Choi divorce the night, Every Friday and Saturday night at 11:00 KBS 2TV will be broadcast. 






Today (4th) Noon OST PART of KBS2 gilt drama 'Confession couple' that Lee Seok-hoon sang through various sound source sites. 5 'The world of us' is released. 



(Googletranslated ) 

Lee Joo-hoon's earnest voice, which captures his ears, is blended with piano accompaniment and strings. In particular, it boasts a high degree of completeness with the involvement of Jeong Seung-hwan's "You were" and "The Winter", melancholy "thickening", and Paul Kim's "You know" 


The voice and music of Lee Seok-hoon, who expresses the nostalgia of past love, is also revealed along with the music video added to the emotions of the two main characters Marjin (Zhang Nara) and Choi Ban-do (Son Ho Jun). 


Local reporter hhyun418@tenasia.co.kr 


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