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[Drama 2017] Because This Is My First Life 이번 생은 처음이라

Go Seung Ji

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Finally i watched ep 12. And i realized that in one day SH is a very active man to JH. 

1. Let her sleep before go to work 

2. Come to see JH after work and ask her to Date

3. "Buy" her two gifts

4. Let her wash first

5. Ask her to sleep together with him

In one day he did it!!! I cant wait to see him want to hold JH hand but got rejected wkkwkwkwkwk


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1 hour ago, VanillaSalt said:

Idk how to feel about HR and WS's situation. I think they make a cute couple, but they reeally lack communication skills. They both need to look at the other persons wants and needs in the relationship in order to address their problems, I think. I understand HR wants to be able to quit and just be a housewife, but at the same time she should think about their financial issues. She wants a home and raise a family, but how are they going to afford it without WS making enough money? Likewise, WS should take into consideration that if they're thinking about starting a family, i guess they would need to before HR is 35 i guess. I know it's harder to have children past a certain age, but  i guess at 35 pregnancy is harder on the mother's body. Idk...i was hoping they would try to work things out, but maybe they won't in the end. 

Their relationshop reminds me a lot of the two friends from Fight My Way. They were together for a long time, but once the question of marriage started to come to the table, problems started to become more apparent. I think they got back together in the end thought. 

Also, I really hope that after this break up, HR finds something she actually loves to do. I'm not sure she's happy at that hostess job. Did anyone else notice how her eyes lit up at the scene with the pre-schoolers? Hopefully she finds what she wants to do other than a housewife after the break up. 

I'm all for a 3 ep extension if they make it about Ji ho and Se hee raising their child.


Talking about SW and HR, I will take the opportunity to give an example from real life (One of my friend) and since the beginning HR and SW remains me my friend story.

There is something called perfect time or perfect moment.

A good friend of mine had a relationship for 10 years, they meet when they were 16 at secondary school of course  they were too young but in western countries having a boyfriend at that age is a normal thing. After 10 years they graduated from university and he just started to work as an engineer at a company, they used to travel and go on vacations alone. At that time her father was sick and asked them to marry or to break up because they had been dating for too long.

We had a group of friends and we used to meet sometimes to eat or drink something after work and then a new guy joined the group and falled for her but she makes clear that she had a BF, that friend of us sometimes sent flowers to her to the office.

She and her boyfriend got married because of the pressure of her parents and the marriage only last one year and they got divorced and a year later she married the other guy and they have been married for 12 years already.

I think that SW and HR can’t be together because it doesn’t matter if they really love each other but they meet too early in life. SW is only 28 and has not money or something else to offer her more than his love.  There is not something bad if a woman wants to marry and have a family and stay at home taking care of the house and family because not everybody was born to be successful in the labor world but for HR, SW is not the correct person.

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49 minutes ago, rembrandtz_5e20 said:

Thanks @Jilliafor the gif of the makgeoli scene. @ahhhjummahhhjo that's one of my favourite scenes too! So cute how SH sneaked in a grin when JH tells the guy to back off from her husband!


Actually I kept pondering over what made SH fall for JH besides her being 'pretty', that she does the recycling diligently and is a 'good defender'....to me, all these are pretty superficial reasons. Watching the makgeoli scene and knowing how his Ex told him never to use the word 'woori (Us)' again, I think I get it now. Much like JH (who expresses it more explicitly), I think SH quietly craves to be part of 'woori' again, to know that there is someone there for him, and to always get her back. I think that's why the two of them work, because they want the same thing, that sense of togetherness with the other.


-SH was the first between the two of them to use the word 'woori', at the wedding. He used it again when he went to rescue JH. When he's under stress, it's like this mechanism that kicks in to make him yearn for this 'safe haven'.

-During his conversation with his dad, it's obvious that he was hurt that his father said 'get out of MY house', and felt he only treated him as a tenant. Despite acting aloof, I think deep down he really yearned to feel belong and to be accepted as part of something (family, couple). 

-His little smiles when he sees JH at the bus stop after work. I used to think that it was plainly because he wanted to see her. But now that we know from SG that SH knew JH liked him, I would think that it was also because he loved that JH was waiting for him. 'There is someone waiting to see me'.

-How he enjoyed having breakfast with JH. I don't think it was just the food, it was the feeling of home that he liked and wanted more of. And when JH stopped getting mad at him and offered him the cereal bar at the bus stop, he was relieved that she didn't stop caring for him. 

-When he saw JH coming back to the in-laws, and asking her later on if she came because she was worried for him. 

-Makgeoli scene. I think he was so pleased to see her standing up for him, and referring to him as 'my husband/my groom' (translation for this varies). His smile was so sweet!


And in the last scene in EP12, he wanted to sleep TOGETHER!


With that, I think I'm now much more at ease about what's coming up next for SH. He may still have lingering feelings for JM, but the way I see it, between JM as the power CEO of a production company, and SH who just wants a peaceful life, it's going to be hard for them to find common ground beyond 'the way we were'.  


now I want a scene where SH and JM are talking and SH goes:


"With JH, I can use the words "uri, ours, and us" comfortably. I want to use these words. More importantly, because of Ji Ho ssi, I want to use these words again. Because of Ji Ho Ssi, I want to be happy."


You mention the comparison of JM being a CEO and JH being perfectly happy with a simple life. I think this will also play a bigger role in the upcoming challenge to SH and JH'S relationship because JM influencing JH to further her career somewhat links to JM's personal decision to choose to leave SH. Somehow I'm certain that JM was harsh to SH then at the breakup because she needed to hurt him for both of them to actually let go. It was definitely an I-love-you-goodbye (as in that celine dion song) moment. She must have known as she went through the motions of preparing to get married that this isn't what she wanted at least at that point in her life regardless of how much she loved Se Hee. Telling SH to not be happy however is immature and too vengeful so I can't really be sure. Nonetheless, back to the present, if JM were to coax JH into reconsidering her self-actualization via writing as a drama production CEO, I wonder how JH and SH would react especially in the context of their relationship. As much as a lot of us here want to see JH write, just as her mom does, the revelation of her actual dream being just love actually makes me want to reconsider pushing the career matter pressure on her plate. JH Mom's once aptly put that "I didn't root for you to go to SNU so you can just get married." (non-verbatim), but what happens if JH is happy where she is and marriage is in fact her route to self-actualization? When she thought to herself that she actually liked being a part of the ahjumma club despite the fake premises of her marriage, wasn't she taking pleasure in a parcel of her dream coming true in spite of the fake premise? What if a woman's dream is just to be married, does it make her less a woman? HR wanted marriage at the expense of her personality for her social needs, whereas I see JH as liking marriage because it is who she is. So in the end, I don't know how to judge Ji Ho. 


I would however love to see Se Hee coaxing her into writing for the sheer delight that he sees his wife in whenever she's doing something she loves, regardless of whether the other person helping her through it is his ex. Now that's love inclusive of pasts. It feels complete.

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I think why SH father not like JM. JM personalities to rude to older like SH parents that why maybe SH fathers not like SH with JM, but when its JH, JH show SH fathers a straightforward character thats why his father like it and approve their marriage. You know all the parents want their child have a good partner although sometimes the view of good from the parents is different from what we want. Because his father don't like it so SH fathers told SH to get out of their house. I don't like JM character, i don't know she will harm SH and JH relationship or not.

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One of the many things I love about SH is how he can easily read other people's feelings and emotions - which is surprising for a man who is really logical and gives the impression that he does not have any concern for anyone other than his cat, Lol But, I am assuming because he has been hurt and has held onto his hurt for so long he can easily see it when someone is frustrated with their own feelings.  When WS simply said, "You must love Ji Ho a lot" and then quickly dismissed the statement, SH knew right away that WS was asking something much deeper but did not know how to. 


And though a lot of people are complaining about the bad communication WS and HR have for a couple that have been dating for 7 years, this is a very real couple. A lot of people date for a long time and never end up together because they lacked the communication and were always missing each other's "steps." Though the play that WS and HR watched wasn't the right one, it was the one they needed because it made them realize that maybe it would be best to let go of each other than continuously hurt the other person. 



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2 hours ago, camichi said:


Talking about SW and HR, I will take the opportunity to give an example from real life (One of my friend) and since the beginning HR and SW remains me my friend story.

There is something called perfect time or perfect moment.

A good friend of mine had a relationship for 10 years, they meet when they were 16 at secondary school of course  they were too young but in western countries having a boyfriend at that age is a normal thing. After 10 years they graduated from university and he just started to work as an engineer at a company, they used to travel and go on vacations alone. At that time her father was sick and asked them to marry or to break up because they had been dating for too long.

We had a group of friends and we used to meet sometimes to eat or drink something after work and then a new guy joined the group and falled for her but she makes clear that she had a BF, that friend of us sometimes sent flowers to her to the office.

She and her boyfriend got married because of the pressure of her parents and the marriage only last one year and they got divorced and a year later she married the other guy and they have been married for 12 years already.

I think that SW and HR can’t be together because it doesn’t matter if they really love each other but they meet too early in life. SW is only 28 and has not money or something else to offer her more than his love.  There is not something bad if a woman wants to marry and have a family and stay at home taking care of the house and family because not everybody was born to be successful in the labor world but for HR, SW is not the correct person.

Wow, really? That's crazy! I guess you could be with one person half your life and be happy, but then realize maybe it wasn't meant to be. I wonder at what point did HR and WS start losing that communication? and how long have they been like this? This drama has constantly been suprsing viewers and avoiding falling into classic tropes, so I wonder how they'll handle their situatuon. The usual trope or cliche is that they'll break up and get back together, but will this couple work out? Especially since they're all within the same circle of friends and all. 

With that being said, I don't think they're going to do the usual "ex vs current gf (wife in this case)" trope. It doesn't seem like something this writer would do. One thing i've grown to hate in kdramas over the years is when they pit women against each other for the man. Yeah, some women do hate the ex, but for them to act upon that hatred  in a dramatic way (aka throwing water, pulling hair etc) is unnecessary. Instead, can't they just make them friends or acquaintances? Has anyone seen Protect the Boss?  the ex gf and current gf became really good friends, so I hope this drama does something like that. They don't have to be bffs, but having a decent work relationship would be great. 

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13 hours ago, diesy said:

Also, hellooo! another rare female INTJ here and I agree of course with you 



Nice to meet you! :D 


This thread moves so quickly; I can hardly catch up! It's so fun to read all of your views on Ji-Ho and Se-hee's current relationship, whether I agree or disagree with them. I see that some are envisioning what SH might be like as a parent. I'm LOL-ing so hard just thinking about it! :lol: I used to be as rigid and uptight as SH about my finances and my time. Then my kid came along and changed EVERYTHING, forcing me out of my INTJ mode and to accept flexibility and unpredictability in my life. It was a painful process for me, having to accommodate unforeseen expenses on a kid and having my daily schedule wrecked. I can laugh about it now only because I've become way more relaxed and adaptable. I still approach parenting in a very INTJ-like manner though. Think: schedules, a lot of reading on prenatal care and child psychology, strategising the best approach towards my child's education, analysing child's behaviour & noting them in a journal, etc. But it's no longer painful for me to accept changes in my life, so I have my kid to thank for that.


Personalities like mine and Se-hee's don't make for outwardly affectionate parents and sometimes we may even appear cold & uncaring, being unswayed by extreme emotions which children are prone to. But we care very deeply and will spare no expense (money, time, energy) for our children (and other people we've accepted into the idealistic INTJ world in our heads, haha). So yes, SH buying JH expensive earrings and spending 20 bucks to play for a snail plushie is a big deal, guys. That's love right there. I'm sure he'll do much more for his child, if he had one. I can totally see him collecting & analysing data on diapers and daycare centres before the child is even born. HAHAHAHAHA

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3 hours ago, ahhhjummahhhjo said:

Don’t tempt me with fan fiction. I honestly used to write them for a couple I used to ship. (That ship had sunk in the worst way) If I get fed up, I just might... 


I can imagine Ji Ho screeching at him in Satoori while giving birth, too. Hahahahahhahh


I can also see Se Hee arguing with the pediatrician regarding growth rates and whether or not his child is in the upper percentile. And then being all high and mighty at parent teacher conferences. Ah the possibilities. 

oh my gosh i can totally see that! You should write one haha! 

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This drama is too good!

Rewatching again from the start  :D  Really enjoyed reading the analyses of the members here.


I’m now again on ep2 and noticed that See Hee actually smiled a lot and showed his softer side/face here which is more evident in the later ep 11-12!


Being too obsessed with this,

I have some random questions which I hope some of you can help enlighten me:


I’m wondering if Ji Ho’s mom saw them kissing on the beach that’s why she called her that time? Or was it coincidence? :lol:


Is there an online English version of the poetry book?


Once this drama is finished do they publish the screenplay? In English version, too?


Where can we find all the PPL featured in this drama? The fashion is well curated! Does the stylist have an IG? I saw descriptions of some of the clothes/bags/items they wear here and there but not in one place or account.


Does the cast/writers/PD read our forum? Do we influence their production? given that I believe that this is catering to a more international fan base.  


I hope they release the new BTS soon! The BTS of the kimchi making and the kiss scene would be awesome! 


Monday is too far away...



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18 hours ago, enigmatic_zephy said:

i know i need that scene from coffee prince.. when she finally decides to stay over at his place..ehm.. that whole dialogue..and the passion in the kiss..


i just want that decided passion..that we are going to decidely be one... in all sense 


Me too! I want JH to be the one to decide on that big step. If it's gonna be shown in the drama (which I think it should cos it's just natural progression in a rls), I want her to be the one who asks for it :) 


21 hours ago, shedp said:

Hmm you do have a point, I came to realize that it is actually true. I am now imagining people in their 30's playing darts and carrying such a huge plushie while holding hands so happily. It looks really weird and awkward. :D The difference with most people in their 30's are that they look more mature physically and have a more 'married-parent like vibes, while these actors look very young and fresh that's why the activities they did suit them and still did look cute. :lol: I honestly overlooked the reality here, coz I'm so concentrated with analyzing their thoughts and actions and the reason behind it. Hmmm, these baby-faced actors can really manipulate and fool us. :D


The discussion on the age appropriateness of their date is very interesting. I wonder if it's a cultural thing. Like in Korea, they have these things called "date courses" which are like a standard series of events that people do on dates. And as far as I know.. They're all kinda childish, such as, going to an amusement Park. Walking on the street while holding hands and shopping.. So these kind of things were what WS told SH about. He didn't exactly plan the date for them but he told SH a few "date course"s.. But SH was the one who chose to do exactly what WS said (according to what WS said to HR at the restaurant) so I think SH just has no game or has been out for too long so he just did a normal date.. Or took the safe choice of doing exactly what WS told him to do. What they did is also a pretty common date course in Korea regardless of age, and I think what JH said at the cafe abt how SH  wanted them to have a normal date just like any other couple was very telling of how the entire thing was just SH wanting to be a normal couple with JH despite their extraordinary circumstances. At the start of the date, he also tells her that it's something he wants to do.. So, I thought the date was fine ^^ but it's very interesting how some of yall thought it's a little bit childish haha


13 hours ago, mannequinstar12 said:

Finally i watched ep 12. And i realized that in one day SH is a very active man to JH. 

1. Let her sleep before go to work 

2. Come to see JH after work and ask her to Date

3. "Buy" her two gifts

4. Let her wash first

5. Ask her to sleep together with him

In one day he did it!!! I cant wait to see him want to hold JH hand but got rejected wkkwkwkwkwk



Oh yes this was also sth that I forgot to point out in my post-2nd watch comment. I love how he takes care of her more actively after the kiss, such as asking her to sleep before work even if it's for a little while. The gentle nagging is what gets me! I was aww-ing internally at that moment.


And Omg all this talk abt SH and JH as parents really makes me want to see it!!! I hope they include it in the drama. And if not, @ahhhjummahhhjo please feel free to exercise your creativity :lol:


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Something about JM's smile makes me so uneasy.  To be honest even while in the restroom helping JH with her earrings it felt kind of creepy I can't explain it just her actions alone.  Then her being there in the very place She and SH had said their goodbyes in the very same booth except she was now sitting on his side softly moving her hand across the table where she spoke those words.  Don't mention your father or your family. " Don't say US to me...  I don't want you to be happy."  I won't claim to know or guess why she was angry and hurt but I will say I believe from the sound of it they did live together or at least they were setting up house most likely at his parents.  Just as others have suggested.  Or even another house...  Which for some reason off topic but he always talks about dying in his own house...  :unsure:


I also thought about SH's lack of confidence in not only the date itself but the way he acted in giving his gift and then even later when he was at the table and said. " I know its ordinary and boring"  Which made me wonder where did he get such an idea? What or who made him believe that his gift would in fact be thought of in that manor?  JM? I wonder if his attempts to please her never felt enough to him. Maybe blaming himself for lacking.  JM seems pretty driven and in control of her life.   I wonder did he have doubts about JM himself?  That yes, his Dad tried to express his concerns or maybe he even confronted her after all she already had her stuff out.  Even his later words of " I wanted to do what others do"  in giving his gift.  Something just doesn't feel right...


Even when JH tells him more than once that she likes the earrings it's as if he is pleasantly surprised.  He often to me feels so humble... Maybe some things or should I say some of his feelings are brand new!  Firsts not just because they are doing it together for the first time but  because just maybe he didn't fall as deeply in love with JM as he is with JH.  @Pikachu92 already nicely said they are different and they truly are. I really don't believe JH could have ever no matter how angry or upset she was deliver such words to someone she was suppose to love...  No Way!


My last thought is JM's note to him "Don't ever love someone. You don't have the right to love."  what ever her reasons for saying this whether hurt or angry or revenge. Or like someone else said to allow him to let go of her.   Still it's a comment that like a sword pierces the soul.  Even more SH believed her and lived his life like in punishment and wrapped himself up in her blame.  Even now he said it best himself. " I'm afraid of myself...  I'm scared of myself... For hurting someone else" bless his heart can you imagine living like that?


Even more I think JM still doesn't want SH happy, maybe with anyone but her.  She sure wasn't at that table or place to eat or drink she was there for memories, feelings and maybe in wanting to recapture them.   Just my thoughts... Actually I hope I am wrong!!!!


We will have our answers soon enough.  Right or wrong it’s the wondering and sometimes guessing that makes watching a drama with others so much fun.:w00t: Looking forward to next week:heart:usafarmgirl

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Hello First Lifers! Just finished watching the last two eps.


He's worn and modelled more outrageous outfits even so he wore them suave. So this mismatched outfit is just like wearing another haute couture for LMK.

Thank you pdnim for not giving us pressed-lips kiss or rotating-camera-around-the-couple kiss. That kiss by the end of ep 11 was beautifully shot, it left me craving for more scenes like this. And I'm glad they gave us continuation of that kiss at the beginning of ep 12. But it felt awkward when SH was talking about JH's ringing phone while she got carried away kissing him; who wouldn't?

I am still missing the creases on LMK's cheeks and the showing of his teeth when he is smiling genuinely though he is smiling more lately. SH's character took him 12 years to heal, must've been hurt real bad with his first love. Show us that closure quick! Still hoping that they're going to give us more SH pov, more vibrant look.

JSM is consistent, she's brilliant and beautiful from ep 1 up to the last. This girl keeps improving her craft in every drama she starred. And I'm cheering for JH's fighting spirit. She's really determined to win SH's heart. She's going to score a goal!

I'd like this drama to continue, no ending and see what is going to happen to our OTP and other characters lives. But I'd also like this drama to end because it is holding me back from doing other things lol Christmas is just around the corner and I'm supposed to be doing a lot of stuff but I keep watching BTIMFL from ep 1 up to its last ep every week. Haayzz...

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Does the Myers-Briggs test result change depending on your mood? Because mine changes all the time. Sometimes I'm an INTJ, sometimes and INTP, sometimes and INFP, INFJ... it just always changes for me. The only one that stays consistent is I and N (realised that even this changes! Sometimes I'm an S.). Right now, I'm an INTP. Long ago, I used to frequently log in as an INTJ.


Last time I used to be a SeHee (you'll have to fight me to pry cold hard cash out of my fingers for darts if I don't like you!), but now, I'm like a chill SeHee. LOL. I have a feeling SeHee is going to turn out that way too. His expressions are hilariously obvious - when he's caught off guard, his feelings are all written on his face - SO. CLEARLY. That, to me, just shows that he's been pushing all his emotions down. Maybe when it comes to kitty and his future family with JiHo, he'll be an INTP but with everyone else he doesn't care about, a cold hard INTJ. Hehehehe. But that's so weird. INTP and INTJs, even though differ by just one letter, think very differently and their motivators are very different too.


In any case, when both types decide that someone's important to them, both profiles take it very personally, to the end. It like, all or nothing when it comes to relationships - mostly because it's hard to find people who understand us? Maybe?

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20 minutes ago, hannajo said:

Nice to meet you! :D 


This thread moves so quickly; I can hardly catch up! It's so fun to read all of your views on Ji-Ho and Se-hee's current relationship, whether I agree or disagree with them. I see that some are envisioning what SH might be like as a parent. I'm LOL-ing so hard just thinking about it! :lol: I used to be as rigid and uptight as SH about my finances and my time. Then my kid came along and changed EVERYTHING, forcing me out of my INTJ mode and to accept flexibility and unpredictability in my life. It was a painful process for me, having to accommodate unforeseen expenses on a kid and having my daily schedule wrecked. I can laugh about it now only because I've become way more relaxed and adaptable. I still approach parenting in a very INTJ-like manner though. Think: schedules, a lot of reading on prenatal care and child psychology, strategising the best approach towards my child's education, analysing child's behaviour & noting them in a journal, etc. But it's no longer painful for me to accept changes in my life, so I have my kid to thank for that.


Personalities like mine and Se-hee's don't make for outwardly affectionate parents and sometimes we may even appear cold & uncaring, being unswayed by extreme emotions which children are prone to. But we care very deeply and will spare no expense (money, time, energy) for our children (and other people we've accepted into the idealistic INTJ world in our heads, haha). So yes, SH buying JH expensive earrings and spending 20 bucks to play for a snail plushie is a big deal, guys. That's love right there. I'm sure he'll do much more for his child, if he had one. I can totally see him collecting & analysing data on diapers and daycare centres before the child is even born. HAHAHAHAHA


I can see the excel spreadsheets now... or even better, an app!!! LOL

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20 minutes ago, ahhhjummahhhjo said:


I can see the excel spreadsheets now... or even better, an app!!! LOL


Kid: Appa, can I have an ice cream?

SeHee: Let me check my spreadsheets...

JiHo: Okay. After your meal.


Kid: Appa, can I have a drone?

SeHee: Let me check my spreadsheets...

JiHo: No. What do you need a drone for?


Kid's Teacher: Your kid fell off a bench.

SeHee: WHAT?! CALL 119!

JiHo: Aigoo... Is he/she hurt a lot?

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18 minutes ago, ahhhjummahhhjo said:


I can see the excel spreadsheets now... or even better, an app!!! LOL

it would be so much fun if their company launches a marriage app. marriage as in the complete works. diapers. kids. soccer. the antithesis to their dating not marriage app just to expand their market access. then se hee gets to head it with won seok. lol

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3 minutes ago, xxPeepsxx said:


Kid: Appa, can I have an ice cream?

SeHee: Let me check my spreadsheets...

JiHo: Okay. After your meal.


Kid: Appa, can I have a drone?

SeHee: Let me check my spreadsheets...

JiHo: No. What do you need a drone for?

I want a little Se Hees and a little Ji Ho! And then they'll be twins and the little Ji Ho is a boy and the Little Se Hee a girl. The little girl being the quiet rationalizing type and the big bro being the cute and sweet type. Awwwwwwww. Now I really want this in the drama. 

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