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[Official] Katayose Ryota & Tsuchiya Tao (RyoTao | 涼太鳳) - Anikoma couple (real-life couple)


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@Dramanoona Most of the fans at weibo have been quite calm towards the thought of Ryota having a girlfriend, although they are a bit sad as well but they seem to understand that at his age it is pretty common to have a girlfriend. They said that LDH artists usually don't say anything about dating until marriage announcement. So they hope he will keep it low-profile so he won't lose some fans ("the girlfriend-fans"). 


I don't think Ryota knows about this...I was amazed myself at how this fan could find so much information by just looking at the omamoris :tongue:.

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About Kasane, yes, everyone said Tao's appearance is really amazing, great in trailer. 

Too long to see Tao in this kind of role/movie. 

I really love Tao in Limit, her role was very good: cool, cold, clever and calm. Many many people  (both non-fans and anti fans) watched and love Tao in Limit, all of them said Her acting was better more than main female role and Tao is one of 2 best roles/best acting in Limit. 

Seki Seki Ren Ren...She's beautiful and charming, her acting, the way she smiled and cried were well and real in that movie, although the movie is short, the plot is simple but good, light and dark.

I love The Werewolf Game 2. Her role is good, crazy and clever, cool. I love her song in this movie but don't know its name. Beside many people liked Tao in this movie, some famous artist said they knew this movie and said Tao was very good, some people bash Tao's stiff in this movie.

I like Tao's movies before Mare more than after Movies Mare.

But many people liked Tao in Limit, Seki Ren, Arcana,...Movies before Mare don't realize that was Tsuchiya Tao. They said her face is very different, before it was slim and long, now her face is quite big and O-line, especially when she changed her hair. 

Some of people liked Tao before, now they hate Tao because her silly movies/roles in shoujo LA and her acting weren't well or her aura weren't suitable for roles.

most of people know Tao in shoujo movies, and they hate her. When they watched her old movies, they still feel boring when Tao appeared although she was good, they gave compliments for all, but not Tao, Tao is the reason make them boring. And they still keep opinion "Tao again", they don't know she acted those movies, both Mare before many shoujo movies.

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@ryotatao9495  I think those people are just against Tao so whether she does well or not they would still find reasons to bash her. I think constructive criticisms are good, it may help actors to know about their problems and then they can work on improving it, but if they go so far as bashing her for her looks, saying that she is getting all these opportunities due to her background (her family) and are writing really hateful comments to just hurt her then I think these people are very scary. 


I read on weibo a day after Kasane came out that the haters went to the author of Kasane's Twitter to bash Tao. It went overboard so the author posted this:


"It is understandable that there are good and evil people but to degrade a person's appearance, someone you don't know even know, not to mention that this person is very considerate and sweet towards everyone around her and won't hurt anyone around her. Even if she is like this, there are still people who use hateful and harsh words towards her. So even if I were to explain to you it would be useless."




I haven't read the comments since I don't know Japanese but I guess those people were questioning the author and the director why Tao was chosen as Nina. At weibo though, the majority was very positive about Tao in Kasane, so I believe that the majority in Japan is the same. There are just some trolls that want to be heard and seen.


Now back to Ryota and Tao. After knowing about the love omamori (the one with blue and red string) I went to Tao's IG to see if I can spot the other half somewhere. Ryota has his half attached to his phonecase it seems? Or is it wallet? I don't think Tao has ever shown her stuffs like Ryota did in the Chinese show so unfortunately I couldn't find anything :tongue:

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@Transition the haters complained on mangaka's Twitter and the mangaka replied them?

Why haters could do that. They can hate but silently. They bothered others, and many people will be sad by it. 

I hope Tao won't be sad and hurt. But if the mangaka knew and replied, I think Tao knew.

Tao is suitable for both Nina and Kasane. Honestly, I wanted Tao to be Kasane, but Nina is good too. Most of people ( both fans and non-fans, who used to hate Tao) said Tao is great in Kasane's trailer, more than her face is beautiful or not, they especially like her acting, her aura.


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@ryotatao9495  Yes, it seems so. Here's the screen-capture of the author's post. 




Tao tends to read the comments on IG and her blog but since she doesn't have Twitter I think she doesn't know this. Or at least that's what I hope for. Although Kasane seems like a more interesting role but since they will be switching identities I think it will be challenging for both actresses whether they are acting as Kasane or Nina. 


Btw, I think the author of Kasane did a good thing by coming out to defend Tao because if she herself who is creator of the characters recognizes and is very satisfied with Tao, who are the haters to question her for not being suitable? 

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I think that practically every actor/actress or idol have their trolls.

What matters would be the people around them and in this case, the mangaka who supports the actors.

I hope that Tao focuses on those who love her rather than random people who have no idea of how Tao is like but are keyboard warriors.

I am sure Tao is also aware of how much she is loved by 99% of the people and not focus on the 1%.

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@Dramanoona I agree with you. I think Tao is generally a positive girl so I believe she won't focus or dwell on this too much and just continue to do her best in every role that she gets. 


I'm looking through some magazines from Anikoma promotion period and I don't think I have translated this before. 


Nicole magazine. July 2017.


Q: If you and your friend like the same girl what would you do?


Ryota: Eh...surprisingly I'm someone who would take a lot of initiative. I would observe what kind of plan he has and then take action without revealing anything.


Q: In the movie there are a lot of heartskipping scenes, please tell us what your ideal summer date would be like? 


Ryota: I would like to eat curry at a café by the sea in Shonan. I like girls with a good appetite. With both of us wearing the same couple-pants (matching pants) or something like that. 




Ryota really seems to like wearing matching things with his girlfriend. As for liking girls with a good appetite, Tao is known for liking food especially meat. She revealed before (in the BTS of Anikoma) that she can eat a lot even if she is with people she isn't close with :tongue:

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@setokaonii It seems like a lot of people are getting sick nowadays. I was sick about 3 weeks ago and my colleague got sick last week and a lot of patients at the hospital that I'm working at got influenza too. I hope you will get better soon. You should drink more water and rest more. 


As for the pair of love omamori, it seems like Ryota is hanging his on his wallet. So I was trying to spot Tao's purse somewhere on IG but I could only find pictures of her phonecase :tongue:. I also hope we will be able to see it hanging on her purse, bag or somewhere else. The fans at weibo were wondering too when he went to Hakone Shrine. Generations haven't had any jobs or events there according to their schedule so they think it is privately. They were also saying that these omamoris are only effective for a year so when one year has passed they have to get a new one, which means Ryota got his love omamori in March 2017 at the earliest (it can also be later, like you said). The clip of him showing his omamoris was recorded in March 2018. Some fans were also guessing if he perhaps got it from someone. So the girl kept her red one and gave the blue one to him. It could also be that both of them went there to get it, like you said. 


Speaking of shrines, Tao mentioned in this clip which is from March 2017 about visiting shrines. She went to Kurumazaki Shrine on the 2nd of January 2017 and also to Kifune Shrine. Kifune Shrine is known for being a Love Shrine. When she returned to Tokyo on the same day she discussed with her family about going to more shrines. The hosts were laughing at her and then she said: "Is it okay for me to say this?"

Haha, she really loves visiting shrines.




Both Hakone shrine and Kifune shrine are in top 10 when it comes to love shrines in Japan. 



Thank you for sharing information about Shonan and Enoshima! So Shonan is a known dating spot. I think it is cute that Ryota likes to wear matching things with his girlfriend because I have heard it is usually the girl who wants to do that and the guy would find it embarrassing. That's good though, it means he wants them to be seen as lovers. 

Ryota and Tao have indeed worn many matching outfits before :).

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@Dramanoona Yes, I noticed too that Ryota has liked Tao's post and also posted an entry. I remember he said he has been recording songs in January-February so Gene should have something new coming out soon. 


@setokaonii It does seem like Ryota and Akihisa Shiono were filming at the same place so they are most likely filming for the same movie. Akihisa wrote "Coming soon" so the announcement isn't far away? 


I'm reading some old articles again and came across the Okinawa interview again. The book that Ryota recommended to Tao is called. Mitsubashi To Enrai (Honeybee and distant thunder). The story is set in an imaginary rural city called Yoshigae, the novel depicts the maturation of young pianists participating in an international competition. 


Ryota warned Tao though that the book is very thick.


Tao: It seems like it is a book that is worth reading. 


Ryota: The books that I gather are getting more and more so it makes me feel troubled.


Tao: But you really give one the impression that you really love reading books. I was even thinking if you like reading vocabulary textbooks. 


The books that Tao were reading during Anikoma were Secret of Serotonin and Genji. 



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@setokaonii Yes, Genji is a classic novel written a long time ago. The reason why Tao read it is because she thought the character is a bit similar to Setoka. So I guess she was trying to get some inspirations and also understanding of Setoka through reading the book. 


Thank you for sharing Tao's new cm with us! It is a cute cm. Some fans at weibo were saying jokingly that there's a lot of her so they can get one each. 


The Onii doll does look cute but as you said it was also quite expensive. It will make a good memory though since Anikoma and Onii have an important meaning to him. 


That's a lot of omamoris there. Even though it is from a drama but since Tao likes visiting shrines so much I believe she has her collection of omamoris somewhere. 


@cwkwkhp2  Thank you for sharing the episode of Tao in Downtown Rocket. I haven't watched it yet because I have heard that she doesn't have a lot of screentime there. I'll see if I might give it a chance sometime in the future. 


Another magazine from Anikoma promotion period. Vivi July 2017.


Q: Your ideal girlfriend? 

Ryota: Someone with a strong willpower. Someone who knows how to take care of others. When such a perfect person shows her fragile side sometimes, it would make my heart flutter. 




More July 2017

Ryota: Having the same taste (interests), the same language and also someone who is honest and straight-forward, I would get attracted to such girls. 


Ryota: Although I like to be by myself...I'm also very interested in human. I like to analyze people. Speaking of that, regarding Tao-chan my answer (after analysis) would be a baby (laughs) She is very pure. No matter what you ask her she would answer very honestly. As for myself? A child. A child that is not yet mature. 




Some of Ryota's fans commented on weibo that they think Tao is the type of girl that he likes. They were praising her for being a good girl and they didn't seem to oppose the idea of them being together. 

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@Transition thanks 4 your translation.

LOL Ryota mentioned Tao although no one asked. 

Iremember we talked before, fans noticed that Ryota often mentions Tao in interview/shooting although no one mentioned her.

Yes, we can see Tao is really a baby girl, she's pure and honest, but she is mature sometimes. She knows what she should do and shouldn't do, takes care of everyone, help everyone and thinks so far about future. Ryota's ideal girls is the same Tao, 100%. 


@cwkwkhp2 thanks for your information. 


Ryota and Tao have the same hobby: amulets *cough*

They bring amulets anywhere they can. 

Ryota has some amulets from Nagano and Tokyo shrines, Tao visited Nagano's shrines (Matsumoto Castle and shrines) and she lives in Tokyo, of course she visited Tokyo's shrines.


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@ryotatao9495  Yes, Ryota tends to mention Tao although they aren't asking anything about her. I remember there was another article where they were asking him about dating place and then he mentioned that Tao had just visited Kyoto and that he wanted to go there too. 


That's what I like about Tao. She is like a baby in the aspect that she is pure and honest but mature in the way that she is modest, considerate and polite and also takes care of people well. She really matches Ryota's ideal girlfriend criteria. 


Here are some instant photos of Tao looking at Ryota with sparks in her eyes ^_^




I just noticed that we have reached 50 pages. I want to thank you all for the interesting and fun discussions we have had here. It has been fun talking with you all. I hope we will be able to see this thread grow by each day that passes :)

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@setokaonii Still not sure the female lead, right? 

I still hope Tao, but I also repair to see another.

Here is a post of a fan went to the place GENE made a IG's live video where they ate yakiniku on Ryota's birthday last year, August 29th, 2017.

On the wall, there were 2 pictures and some words. Left side was Tao, right was Ryota. I wonder why 2 pictures were on a same place. Did they go together?

I think the guesses who came to this place would stick a picture and write something on the wall.

It means Ryota and Tao used to go that restaurant.


2 pictures were very close, Ryota's pic next to Tao's pic.

Did they go there together?

LOL if my eyes aren't wrong, Ryota wrote 2017.6.12

It was the Anikoma's promotions time when Ryota and Tao met a lot.

LOL Tao also wrote 2017.6.12.

Same day?


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Since they let their pics at the same place, I think it was a hint. 

Because male artists and female artists often avoid, never do like that. 

If you notice, there were some people took pictures with friends directly and sticked on the wall. But Ryota and Tao didn't while they went to there together.

And they find their pics on internet, printed and sticked. LOL :)))) 

Because they are celebrities?

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@setokaonii Here's the article where Ryota mentioned Tao and Kyoto. 


Cinema June 2017


Q: What dating location would you like to go to?

A romantic and quiet place. I want to go to Kyoto or Hakone for vacation. If the room has an onsen where you can see the sky then that would be even better. Ah--that would be very nice! I especially like shrines. Before I often took the bus by myself to visit the shrines in Hakone. I have been quite busy recently so I haven't gone there much. This year I would like to go to Kyoto. Speaking of this, Tao-chan has said she has gone to Kyoto by herself. After hearing her say this I thought she is amazing. 




Thank you for sharing the information about Ryota's possible new female lead. I just looked Shirashi Sei up. She seems new indeed. She hasn't been in many movies nor dramas before. However, it seems like her acting is quite good. She auditioned for the role in her latest movie together with 300 other girls and she got chosen at last. 


Regarding the place where Ryota and Tao ate yakiniku together, as usual you are a good observer. I wouldn't have remembered when and where they went to the different stage-greetings if you didn't tell us. 


As you said, no matter whether Ryota or Tao just ate there because they happen to have an event there or because they deliberately went there after work, it makes me happy that they went to a yakiniku restaurant, eating the food that both of them love and also with just the two of them (I like Chiba, Takuya and Yosuke too but sometimes I wished that there were more promotions with just the two of them). 


@ryotatao9495 Thank you for discovering that Ryota and Tao went to that yakiniku restaurant together. I would like to see their picture together if they took one there. They probably kept it for themselves. 


I'm surprised that no one encountered them there? But then, it may be because the Japanese fans are more reserved so even if they met them they would probably just watch them from a far. During the time when they filmed Anikoma, Ryota said they would go to the café/restaurants nearby and eat. After eating a main dish he would then order pancakes too which made the others say in surprise "You have a quite big appetite". He also mentioned that Tao praised him for using his fork and knife elegantly. Haha. She is so cute. 



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@setokaonii Ryota and Tao really like to visit shrines. By the reaction of the host in the show that I shared before of Tao, it seems like it isn't common among young people? Haha...but these two are very mature for their age so it kind of explains everything. 


I didn't realize that one of the girls was Ishii  Anna of E-girls. Since she is in it then I think the chance is big that their songs will be featured in the drama. Will she play the 2nd female lead, the transfer student? 


Among the girls, Tao has actually worked with two of them before, Sakuma Yui (the tall girl with short hair) in "The Werewolf Game 2 - Beast Side" and Otomo Karen (the girl beside Tao to the left?) in "Omukae Death". 


I wonder whether there will be any guys in this drama? Or the story will perhaps be set at an all-girls high-school? Since one of the E-girls is in this I was thinking if one or a few guys from the Exile Tribe will be in it as well...


Thank you for sharing the link to the fan who originally posted the pictures of the yakiniku restaurant. It looks like a nice place. 



@ryotatao9495 I hope the drama will be good. It has been a while since we saw Tao in a drama last. Except for Tao and Anna (?) I wonder if the other girls have some dancing background? 

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