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[Official] Katayose Ryota & Tsuchiya Tao (RyoTao | 涼太鳳) - Anikoma couple (real-life couple)


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@setokaonii Oh, so Tao wrote on the 29th of August, on Ryota's birthday, that she wanted to meet up with them. Yes, I think it is possible that she went to celebrate with them or just Ryota. As you said both of them are those who would squeeze in some time to do what they want to do. Besides, don't forget that they have formed a "Yakiniku alliance" :wink:.


Thank you for sharing the video of Mad Cyclone where they all sang happy birthday song to Ryota! I like when people call him Onii. 


@Dramanoona That is possible too. I'm happy by this mere thought of them doing that for Ryota (and Tao) :).


An old Genetalk interview from 20150310. Sekai (Exile member) was asking Ryota, Alan and Hayato if they have given flowers (to girls) before. Ryota said he hasn't. What he has given is only Barberton Daisy to his mom on Mother's day. 


Which means that the possibility is high that Tao is the first girl that has received flowers from Ryota? ^_^ So many of his first times were given to Tao, first onscreen-kiss/real-life kiss, first time choosing clothes for a woman and first time giving flowers to a woman other than his mother.




I was rewatching the BTS and noticed that the towel that Ryota was using here is the same as the one he put on Setoka/Tao in the bathroom-scene. 



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Here's a new clip which Ryota recorded when they were in China. The members were asked to show the things that they had in their bags. Ryota had his cellphone, wallet, a book (novel), notebook which he has written his lines from the moviescript in, earpieces and lipbalm. 


Haha, there were full of omamori (amulets) in his wallet. There was even one hidden in his phonecase. The host jokingly said that he is like a "walking-shrine". Ryota has said before that the most happiest thing he has received from a girl is an omamori. Could one or a few of those be from Tao since she also likes to go to shrines? ^_^


A fan on weibo searched what the book that Ryota is currently reading is about. The book is called 我的樱花般的恋人 "My lover that is like a sakura". The story is about Misaki, a hairstylist that the hero Haruto has fallen in love with. To get her recognition he decided to become a photographer again. Misaki got attracted by the serious Haruto and they started dating. The happy times between them were short though. Misaki has a type of disease which makes her age a lot faster than average people so to avoid him seeing her turn old she decides to...


As Ryota said in an interview last year, he does take a book with him everywhere he goes. 




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@Transition thanks for your translation. 

So Ryota has many amulets and he always keeps them beside him. 

I wonder if the one on his phone case is the amulet he received from a girl. He said it is the happiest thing, so I think maybe he sticked it on his phonecase.

About the novel he read, My lover that is like a sakura. So he likes this kind of novel. 

Fromwhat I read about him, before and after Anikoma, I think Ryota is a boy who likes to read/talk/think about love and he always wants to be loved, have girlfriend when he is young, the most beautiful age. *cough cough cough*

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@ryotatao9495  Yes, Ryota's wallet was really thick so the host got curious and when he opened it there were about 4-5 omamoris in there :lol:. I was thinking too if the omamori in his phonecase was the one he got from a girl, which he talked about, since it seems like it is the most special one to him. 


I was also surprised that he is reading these kind of novels (love stories). I would have guessed he would read thrillers or detective stories. It is a pity that Tao never posted a picture of the 8 books that she brought along with her to Europe. Otherwise we could have seen if this is perhaps something she recommended to him. 


I think Ryota has very mature thoughts about love. I also like that fact that he does look forward to marriage since there are many male artists who marry late. 

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Tao said this is a picture that she took today while working. It is of herself and someone who she hasn't met for a long time. She will have to wait for the announcement to be able to reveal more. 

Fans are guessing it is either Takahata Mitsuki or Matsui Airi. Commercial for JRA Hot Holidays or Ghana? Or perhaps it is for Harumatsu Bokura? The 2nd female lead and the one who plays Nana haven't been revealed yet. I don't have any guesses other than that it is a girl? 


Other than this, tomorrow there will be three announcements of Kasane. They will reveal the rest of the cast, the trailer and themesong. 

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There's a fan who took a screen-capture of Ryota's omamoris and then she searched up each of them to see what they are for and which shrine they come from. She is really amazing. 


One of these omamoris (the light blue one with blue text) is from Orihime Shrine and it is a relationship/love amulet. For those who have forgotten, Orihime Shrine is the same shrine as the one in Anikoma. Ryota has said before that the happiest present he got from a girl is an omamori since it means she is thinking of him at such a place and moment. Is this yet another "coincidence"? :wink:


Some fans over at weibo reacted on the relationship/love omamori. They are wondering if it means that he is currently dating someone. :wub:


1. 祈念神石 (to decrease accidents, increase popularity, luck etc.) From Kurumazaki Shrine (Kyoto)

2. Art and wisdom omamori. Black. From Kurumazaki Shrine (Kyoto)

3. Art and wisdom. Light blue. From Kurumazaki Shrine (Kyoto)

4. Relationship omamori. From Ashikaga Orihime Shrine (Ashikaga)

5. Luck omamori. From Kiyomizu-dera temple (Kyoto)

6. Omamori from Yohashira Shrine (Matsumoto)

7. "Achieving goals" omamori. From Hakone Shrine (Kanagawa)


There are 3 more that she hasn't been able to find where they are from. 






The official account of this channel (DUALlife just posted a picture of all of Ryota's omamoris. 


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@Transition thanks.

that the happiest present he got from a girl is an omamori since it means she is thinking of him at such a place and moment. 

and he has one amulet for relationship/love.

OMG I just realize that Ryota said straightly that he is in love now. 

I wonder if the girl Ryota said is Tao? Most of shrines are related to Tao.

Here what I see.

Most of amulets were from Kurumazaki shrine in Kyoto. That was a shrine where Tao visited and took a picture with her name and fans saw Ryota's name nearby.


One amulet was from Yohashira shrine (Matsumoto). 

Tao visited Matsumoto Catsle and posted a picture on her IG in October, 2017. Yohashira is a famous shrine nearby.

And one was from Orihime shrine, Anikoma's filming location where he had many sweet moment on screen and off screen with Tao. Ryota loves this shrine so much, he visited it while he was busy, took photos and said that He felt comfortable at this shrine and wished something. 

Most of names at Kurumazaki shrine (where had Ryota and Tao names) are artists of LDH (Ryota's agency) such as EXILE, Sandaime J Soul Brothers,...and Avex's artists like AAA.  If you notice, GENE's videos on YouTube are uploaded by Avex. These 2 agency are very close, you can know more by searching.

Until now, I only see Tao is an actress there. I don't see any actors/actresses here.

Both Ryota and Tao love shrines and go to shrines if they can. 

Some fans said in this post, Tao prayed for a good relationship. It was July 8th, 2017. And July 12 was Anikoma last stage. We guess they start to date after July 13, so...


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@ryotatao9495  Thank you for the information! I remember seeing the picture of Tao on IG but I didn't know it was a place near Yohashira shrine. As for Tao praying for a good relationship/love, I have also heard some fans mention about this before but I didn't know which post it was. So it was the 8th of July?


As for the girl Ryota was talking about, I think it is highly possible that it is Tao. As you said, both she and Ryota like visiting temples and shrines. Tao was in Kyoto by herself at the beginning of 2017 which Ryota talked about in an interview. He said he wanted to go there too after he has heard her talk about the place. So perhaps she gave it to him then or later on a different occasion?  

Besides, are there any other girls other than Tao who likes to visit shrines? I don't think it is that common among young girls?


I have also noticed that there were a lot of LDH artists' names in Kurumazaki Shrine while Tao is indeed one of the few actresses there. Perhaps Ryota brought her along with him? 


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@setokaonii Yes, it doesn't seem like Tao has dyed her hair. Mitsuki's hair is supposed to be light brown. I guess she, her manager or director prefers to keep it natural. Her hair seems shorter though. I agree, she does look pretty there.


It is rare that Ryota doesn't like her posts when he is online. :tongue: Perhaps he just went on weibo fast and then went back to rehearsing for the Dome Tour?


Haha, regarding Ryota and "his coincidences". There have been too many of them now for them to be mere coincidences. 


Here's the short trailer for Kasane. I got goosebumps while watching it. Both Tao and Kyoko seem really good as Nina and Kasane. There seems to be many kissing scenes in here too. Fortunately, it is with Kyoko although I saw one of Tao and Yokoyama Yu (a member of Kanjani 8 from Johnny's entertainment). He is most likely playing the guy who Nina likes. 



Credit: Toho Movie




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@setokaonii Apparently, Tao and Kyoko have 12 kissing scenes in the movie. Except that I just read a fan's translation of an interview about Kasane. Yokoyama Yu said he will have a "strong" love scene in the movie. He said he has never filmed such realistic love scene before. His character is paired with Tao/Nina if I'm not wrong?

This scene sounds very intimate. We were just discussing a few days ago that we hoped that the live-action of Re Re Hello won't have such scenes and now we get this in Kasane. I think someone will get jealous :tongue:


Thank you for sharing the Chinese show! It seems like many people there know Ryota and Anikoma. He is indeed a thoughtful guy. Being in a group you will have to consider other members' feelings but I believe if they are all friends they would be happy for him for his success. So I hope he won't restrict himself because he wants everything to be fair. I like his rendition of "I do/I'm willing to" 我願意 towards the end of the clip. The Onii doll looks cute but like Ryota said, it was quite expensive too. 


As for the part where he was asked if he has a girlfriend by looking at his smile and also listening to his tone I also think he has a girlfriend but like you said and he himself too, even if he has he can't tell. Although we have heard his girlfriend criteria a lot of times already I wanted to hear it one more time. But they cut that part for some reason. 


Here's the first part of this show (episode 105)


There were a lot of people who said Ryota looks pretty. A elder woman even thought he was mixed because he is so tall. He didn't really believe he was so popular in China until he saw that people recognized him on the streets. When the director asked him what he likes to do. He immediately said eating. Then he said being an artist he has to restrict himself though (to maintain his figure and weight). Ryota tried eating a frog for the first time. He had the courage to try it but he didn't dare to look at it while eating. He looked elsewhere :lol:




Thanks for sharing Generations' schedule of their Dome Tour. I just checked how long time it takes to travel with train from Tokyo to Nagoya. It takes around 2 hours and 45 minutes. Wonder whether Tao will come to the first stop or will she wait for the stop in Tokyo? 


Here's the music video of "My Little Monster". It has a lot of unseen scenes of the movie and it features all the 6 songs of Nishino Kana's (Best Friend + Call Me Up + LOVE & JOY+ このままで+Wishing+アイラブユ)


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@setokaonii Here's the link to the article. I think it was Yokoyama Yu who revealed about the love scene. I don't know if the scene is what we think of...but from his description that he hasn't filmed such realistic love scene before, unfortunately I think it might be the kind that we think of. Perhaps @justananimelover can disclose if such scene exists in the manga? 




Yes, both Ryota and Tao are food-lovers. Apparently, Ryota's favourite food is meat too if his taste hasn't changed. 


Ryota answered 100 questions for the May issue of Exile magazine 2014. 


Q21 What is you favourite food?

Ryota: Meat.


Q29 What type of clothing-style do you like on girls?

Ryota: Knitted beanie with short skirt.


His favorite clothes on girls have changed. Before it was short skirts now it is long skirts, especially in denim. I don't think I have seen Tao wear short skirts before only shorts (pictures from her old blog) while she mostly wear long skirts nowadays ^_^




That's true. Both his dad and he himself are more tanned than "normal" Japanese and their eyelashes are very long and dark too. 


My Little Monster does have a lot of Nishino Kana's songs. Perhaps her record company sponsors this movie? Just like how LDH sponsored Anikoma? I think her songs are good too. I agree, Tao does look beautiful in short hair. It is a pity that the female lead is probably not her. Didn't this director like her a lot? If only he insisted on casting her this time as well just like what he did with Anikoma then we would have been able to see Ryota and Tao collaborate again. Hm, so they are saying that Ryota's new movie isn't adapted from Re Re Hello (the manga)?

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 @setokaonii @Transition thanks for your information and the link of Ryota's full show. 

Although Ryota is my bias, but I love GENE. I don't want and don't like the way Chinese fans and producers/staffs focused on Ryota, give him many works and forget other members.We can see Ryota is very busy now, especially in China.

I love Anikoma but I think it's not ok if Ryota becomes popular just by Onii. Anikoma ended, he gets new projects. 

I want Ryota becomes famous as a vocal, as GENE'S member. All members become famous. 

Hm...I don't want Ryota to join Chinese dramas/movies. 
But if he joins Happy Camp, I'm very happy. It's better if Ryota and Gene or  Tao can join Happy Camp together. Some foreign artists/the cast of dramas movies who is famous in China can be invited to Happy Camp. And Happy Camp is the best way to promote in China.

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@setokaonii Happy Camp is a very popular TV gameshow in China. Every hosts of this show got over 40-70 million followers on Weibo. No stars can be more popular than the hosts.

Chinese stars join this show to promote new dramas/movies, increase fans, more popular... Most of Chinese artists want to appear in this show, but honestly, they just invite who has many many fans. Some unpopular can appear if they join a big project or comes from a big agency.

 some Korean/Thai stars who is famous in China and act in Chinese's projects, especially K-pop idols often join Happy Camp if they want to active in China. 

I like HC because it has many interesting/difficult/funny games. Every episode will have different games.

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@setokaonii haha Tao's pic is cute. I wonder how Ryota felt when seeing that pic. But why little Tao appeared there, I think it would be mature Tao. 

So, Ryota's new movie isn't Here Hello live action?

And I'm quite sure he is filming now. Remember his notebook in the video had amulets, he said he wrote about his role. 

If he's filming now, surely not Tao T_T

But Tao often join 2-3 films at the same time, so not sure. This time, she only has basketball live action. I don't know if Chia Dan started?

She joined Anikoma ad Tori Girl, PtoJK at the same time.

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@ryotatao9495  I'm happy for Ryota that he has gotten more popular because of Anikoma and that the drama/movie are well-liked overseas because nowadays it is mostly Korean dramas that people are talking about in Asia. So as a fan of Japanese dramas I'm happy for them. I understand your worries though. Ryota likes himself as a singer more so hopefully people won't overlook that. I have heard about Happy Camp before. I think it would be very nice to see Tao and Ryota on that show. It was a good opportunity last year when the drama and movie were shown and not to mention when they won the "Best Asian Onscreen Couple" on Tencent. I guess with their busy schedules it was hard to be able to find a time that suited both of them. 


You are right that Tao accepted many movies in 2016 which overlapped each other, P&JK in June-July, Tori girl July-August and Anikoma starting July-October. She joined Anikoma in August if I remember correctly so that's why she said she joined it in the middle of its production. So although the chance is slim that Tao is the female lead in Ryota's new movie, there's still hope. 

As for Chia Dan, I think Tao will start filming it in June-July. The drama will start airing in July and in Japan they are always airing their dramas while the cast are still filming. So she should be "free" from middle of April to June.


@setokaonii I see. Perhaps it is an original story then? So they are still filming? It has taken quite a long time. Ryota already started filming it in February although he was busy in early March due to the China Tour but still...it usually just takes a month to film a movie. That's why we thought that maybe they halted filming because they are waiting for the female lead (Tao) who was busy with something else? I also thought it was weird that the movie isn't going to release until March 2019. HaruMatsu Bokura is going to be shown in winter this year and they just started filming it. 

I'm also hoping for a special or sequel of Anikoma. 


Thank you for sharing the video of the chibi Tao that was shown in the Chinese program. Haha. She is so cute. She must have been 10-12 years old in that picture. The picture on wiki-d-addicts is also of young Tao. It seems like some sites don't really update the artists' profile. 

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@ryotatao9495  Tao never fails to impress me. Those stunts don't look easy to do and she did it well, especially that spin she did on the man's neck/shoulder. I also hope she will be able to be in an action movie or drama in the future. 


There were a lot of positive comments over at weibo yesterday when the trailer of Kasane was released. Some people said that they were surprised at her acting and said they didn't recognize her. I think some of the fans haven't really noticed her earlier work like The Werewolf Game 2, Arcana, Seki Seki Ren Ren etc. 


A weibo user has done some screen-captures of the Kasane trailer. Here's the link for those who would like to see the scenes clearly (in the trailer everything went by so fast). Tao looks really pretty here especially in the first picture. Is it just me or do you guys think the way she looks at the other's person's lips before being kissed is quite charming/sexy (although I'm a girl myself :tongue:)?



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Many fans are now thinking that Ryota does have a girlfriend. The weibo user has now found where all the omamoris stand for and where they come from. The last one comes as a pair,  one half attached to a blue string and one with red string). It is a 和合御守 which literally means "in harmony" omamori. It is an omamori for relationship/love. Ryota has only the blue one which means the other red one is with someone else. The girl who he has given this to, is it the one who we are all thinking of? :wub: He has said he likes to buy matching things when he is dating so I think this is a clear indication that he is in a relationship. 


(In the picture it says that except for married couples and lovers, it can be given to siblings too or buddies. Ryota doesn't have any sibling and giving this to a buddy doesn't seem like something he would do, when one is red and the other is blue :tongue:.)


8. Art and protection. From Togakushi Shrine (Nagano)

9. Toyokawa omamori. From Toyokawa Inari Temple (Toyokawa) 

10. Achievement omamori. From Kinomiya Shrine (Shizuoka) 

11. Luck omamori. From Izumo-taisha (Tokyo)

12. Victory omamori. From Togo Shrine (Tokyo)

13. "In harmony" omamori (love omamori). From Hakone Shrine (Kanagawa)











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