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[Official] Katayose Ryota & Tsuchiya Tao (RyoTao | 涼太鳳) - Anikoma couple (real-life couple)


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 @setokaonii I liked the small pictures of them choosing the outfits for each other too. Tao does indeed look like a wife choosing clothes for her husband. The fans at weibo were very satisfied with their choices. They think that Ryota looks much better in jeans than the wide pants that he usually wears. 


Thank you for sharing the news about Ryota's new movie. Hm, I'm curious on who the lead actress is. I also wonder why they are being so secretive about this movie and why there is still no news about it yet? They already started to film it before Tao started with Harumatsu Bokura but the announcement of Haru has been out for a while now and will even be shown at the cinemas this year. Anyway, I'm hoping both movies will do well in boxoffice. 


Here's a longer clip of the same interview where Ryota was asked if he is the type of guy who is cool and manly (little wolf dog) (小狼狗) or the type who would do aegyo/sajiao (little puppy) (小奶狗). Aegyo/sajiao= acting overly cute and innocent to charm someone. They cut the part here where the members were laughing.


(The subtitles in the clip aren't correct according to a fan who knows Japanese. Here's her translation.)


Ryota: You are asking when I'm dating right? I'm no longer at the age where I would do aegyo/sajiao. 




Hm, does it mean that Ryota is dating someone now. Thus saying that he is no longer at the age where he would do such things? Or he is saying in general? Nevertheless, Ryota is a quite serious guy so I can't really imagine him acting overly cute infront of his girlfriend either. :tongue:

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Honestly, I hope Ryota and Tao will work together, again, in a good drama/movie, not fake incest or stupid plot/roles like Anikoma.

I know a lot of people, especially real fans hate/ gave up Anikoma after watching several episodes of drama, or just watched trailer and read its plot. 

Ryota said he wants Anikoma can be loved by a lot of people. I was very sad when he said that.

I really sad when most of people who watched Aniioma said Tao's face isn't suitable for Ryota. Ryota is a boy but his aura is very cute, kawaii, soft and Tao has a very strong aura, not girly, she looks like a strong man. They are very contrary. 

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Here is Anikoma's last stage Engsub

 Cre: Irresistablytao 

They are very cute. But sadly, the owner cut the moment Ryota was embarrassed and bent, he said "yaaaa', Tao also said "yaaaa'" and looked at him so sweet. 

@Transition Ryota's answer made me think he isn't single now. If someone is single, he/she will say "If I have lover, if I'm dating...", right?

And the way Ryota answered seemed to be real.

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@ryotatao9495  Yes, that's what I thought too when I heard Ryota's answer to the question. That it seems like he is in a relationship now. 


Now to Anikoma, although the plot isn't the best but I'm still happy that Tao and Ryota met through this production. Due to them acting as siblings that have a very close relationship it made them want to get closer to each other quickly so they could portray the 16 years' of siblinglove between Haruka and Setoka well to the audience. Ryota and Tao have said they talked a lot with each other about all sort of things (mostly non-related to the filming) and also discussed with each other how they should do to make people envy this pair of siblings. I think it helped Ryota and Tao to become closer in real-life. 


As for Ryota wanting people to love Anikoma, I think it is because he himself really loves Anikoma and therefore he would like to promote it well and make the people feel the same as him towards this production. Even though Tao didn't think she was suitable as Setoka she still did her best to portray the character and also promote the movie. Of what I have seen so far she hasn't promoted any other movie or drama as much as she has done for Anikoma which means it holds a very special place in her heart too. 


Anikoma has also brought both of them, especially Ryota, a lot of popularity overseas. There have been many fans of Tao's too who got to know her through Anikoma and then started watching her variety shows and other productions and thus became a fan of hers. 


Sorry for rambling so much but it is the same for me. Although the plot may not be the best but I have come to like Anikoma very much because of Tao and Ryota. So I'm very thankful for this production. 


With this said, I too hope that Ryota and Tao will collaborate again. Next time as other characters and in other setting :).


As for the comments about their looks not being suitable for each other. I think whether someone is suitable for the other isn't all about looks but also their personality and if they share the same thoughts and valuation in life. So I hope you won't take these comments to your heart. 


Thank you for sharing the english-subbed clip of the last stage-greeting. Haha, I like how the guys were all discussing about Tao's clothes and untying the strap. Tao's pout towards Ryota is adorable. "The Katayose drowning joke" was funny too. Based on what Tao said about each of the guys' performances we can understand a bit of what she thinks of the guys and also her view in relationship. As Ryota teased her about, Tao seems like a mother or older sister to Sugino Yosuke saying that he has grown up a lot and that she feels relieved now. As for Takuya, she really likes his eyes. Hihi...she has complimented him before on IG. I was a bit surprised though that she said if she and another girl (her sister in this case) like the same guy she would compete with her fair and square. I would have thought she would be someone who would give up on the guy and let the other girl have him. Regarding Yudai's scenario, I'm happy to hear that Tao is alert and knows how to protect herself, saying she wouldn't enter the guy's room if they were on the verge of breaking up. 

As for Ryota, she complimented that his confession was very direct and straight-forward like Onii. I decipher it as her liking his confession the most because she has said she likes straight-forward confession and among the guys in Anikoma she likes Onii the best :)


I think it is a pity too that s/he cut the part where Ryota was looking down because he was embarrassed and Tao was looking sweetly at him all the time. 

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Oh, so Words Café is in Osaka? I thought it was in Tokyo. This means that Tao is still in Osaka then. It takes 3 hours 45 minutes to travel from Tokyo to Osaka and the other way around so I don't think she will be going back to Tokyo in-between filming unless she has other jobs to do. 



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@Transition @setokaonii Thank you very much and sorry if I said something I shouldn't talk here. 

I love Anikoma and Ryota, Tao too much. That's why I'm easy to hurt when reading bad comments for them. 

No girls want to be said like that and compared to boyfriend about who is cuter/prettier. 

Tao is still girly and beautiful. She deserves to Ryota if they are real. 


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Until now, our thread got 83.042 views. 

I notice after our Anikoma engsub was public, in 1 month, this thread is from 63.000 to 83.000 views. 

It means many fans read here. I hope someday they will comment with us 

Does anyone know this song? I like it but can't find its name.


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Sadly, hot scenes. They really did it, so I wonder how about live action?

About main male, he is really similar Ryota. I mean face, body, fashion.

Main female, her personality is the same with Tao and some roles before. Tao can act well this type since a lot of people like her when she acted this type before.

But some information fans said on Weibo, Twitter, maybe not Tao 

I'm dead (T_T) 


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@setokaonii I hope they won't take those scene or take it fastly, light kiss.

I know dramas/movies are often different from manga/anime. 

But if about love story, hot scenes like deep kiss, bed scene can happen. 

I watched some shoujo live action movies, some of them had quite hot/embarrassed scenes.

I think deep kiss/bed scene aren't ecchi, especially when the plot is a love story. 

Those scene I shared above are romantic scenes, not ecchi or incest. 

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@setokaonii If Tao will be staying in Osaka till the middle of April then I think she will have time to visit different places there. Yes, hopefully it will be with that certain someone ^_^. Speaking of Osaka, Tao has said on IG a few weeks ago that she likes the Kansai dialect. I remember reading a post at weibo that during the time when they filmed Anikoma she asked Ryota to speak that dialect. Although I don't understand much Japanese I do think that dialect has its charm. 


@ryotatao9495  You don't need to apologize. We all like Tao and Ryota a lot so I understand how you feel when you read bad comments about Tao. It is indeed frustrating and it makes one sad that they can't see how talented she is and how good she is as a person but fortunately there are still a lot of people who likes her for who she is. So that's something that I feel happy about. Regarding the discussion whether she deserves Ryota or not, the only thing I would like to say is I think whoever that becomes her boyfriend or is her boyfriend is really lucky to have her as a girlfriend.


I'm glad to hear that our thread has gotten more views and that we are approaching 50 pages. Hopefully, we will be able to keep this thread going. The song that Tao played does sound good but sadly I don't know what it is called either. 


Oh, I didn't expect Re Re Hello to have such scenes but as setokaonii said the liveaction might not have these scenes. Director Kawai excluded all "daring scenes" in the liveaction of Anikoma so hopefully he would do the same this time as well. As much as I hope it is Tao who is the female lead, after seeing the picture that setokaonii posted before and also the earlier rumours from weibo/ch2 that the female lead is Sakurai Hinako, I'm afraid that I have been getting my hopes a bit high and I might get disappointed. So I'll try to stay neutral and wait for the announcement.

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I just read the translations to a fan's encounter with Tao and the other actors of Harumatsu Bokura today. S/he said Tao's JK look (high-school girl look) in this movie is the best so far. Tao seems to get along well with the guys. Apparently, Takumi isn't a guy who usually smiles much but he was seen smiling a lot now. They all ate lunch together, Tao was sitting beside him. The fan who wrote this seems to be fond of them both.


Here's a short part of the special episode of Genekou. Ryota was asked to act out a scenario where his girlfriend is leaving for Tokyo by train to attend an university there.


Ryota: Although I will feel very lonely after you have left but I'll definitely come to see you there. Before we meet again, last chu chu (kiss kiss) train. 


Hm. I think it is misspelling from Genekou's side. Ryota meant chuchu as in kisses. Choo Choo train is something else...:blink:


Hihi...Ryota is indeed getting better at these things ever since Anikoma. I was thinking while watching this if he did something similar when Tao was going to Europe ^_^.



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@Transition. So do I.

Ryota is very popular now, he can't act with Tao forever. 

I know he will get many projects. And his image has changed. Now he is cute and sexy. 

Here is translation of a show Ryota, Tao, Chiba joined. Just what Ryota said about how Tao love meat. 

Tao also said like that in a show with Satoh Takeru and back number.


tao takes pictures of meat and looks at them when she's having a hard time on set. she thinks about being able to eat it again so it encourages her to work hard

Cre: @kentokuns


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Hi @ryotatao9495, @Transition


Tao's old blog





The song is titled  “大地讃頌” daichi sansho (song of praise to Mother Earth ),which is often sung at

graduation ceremony and choir competition in Japan.

She played this song on the piano at her middle school graduation ceremony.

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@ryotatao9495 Haha, Ryota knows Tao's habit. Except for meat he also knows that she likes sushi (which he mentioned before in another interview. The one where he used called her Tao). The fan who saw Tao eating lunch with the guys today said she ate a lot. Probably so she will have energy to continue filming for the rest of the day :tongue:.


@setokaonii So it was the title to one of Exile's songs? Now I understand why it was spelled that way. 


Thank you for sharing the video of Ryota and Kenchi! I haven't watched it before I have just read it in textform. Ryota looked shy when he was asked whether he had kissing scene with Tao. So cute. I would like to see how Tao would react when she is asked about those scenes with Ryota too. Unfortunately, I don't think it happened during the promotion period. 


Speaking of manga and "daring scenes". As of the latest chapter of Haru Matsu Bokura that is out in English (chapter 32) the 2nd male lead Aya-Chan (character played by Koseki Yuta) has kissed Mitsuki 2 times on the cheek and one time on the forehead, if I remember correctly and Towa (played by Kitamura Takumi) has kissed Mitsuki one time on the cheek. There have been a few hugs and holding-hands-scenes too but other than that there haven't been any daring scenes so far :tongue:. I don't know if the director will add anything to the movie though. 


@cwkwkhp2 Thank you for telling us which song Tao played on the piano :)!

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@setokaonii Thank you for the video of Genekou Award. I also wonder what they were saying there and how they will act out the scenario. 


Regarding the fan who saw Tao yesterday her schooluniform in the movie looks like the one in the manga. 



Tao has worn something similar before. 


Summary of Tao's IG post from 180324

Tao was telling us the thoughts she had regarding her occupation as an actress in which a lot of people have said to her that she should express herself tn the fullest and perform for the sake of herself versus other occupations where the focus is to help others such as teachers, healthpersonel etc. She said she has always thought she is performing for the audience but now people is saying it is for herself so she is getting a bit confused. She isn't someone who is good at thinking and she doesn't have much time to think (due to her busy schedule) but fortunately she has someone/people by her side who she can talk with. She also mentioned a bit about Harumatsu bokura. 


I don't know if I'm overanalyzing but when I read that she has someone by herside who she can talk with regarding her problems. I was thinking of the things Ryota said in his letter to Tao and also his ideal relationship with his girlfriend that he would like to support her, help solve problems etc. She has used the term "important person/people" a few times before so I was thinking if this is another of those times when she doesn't think it is appropriate to mention who it is ^_^.

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Hi all! I am back!

Unfortunately was not able to spot anything about Tao and her new movie.

17 hours ago, cwkwkhp2 said:

Hi @ryotatao9495, @Transition


Tao's old blog




The song is titled  “大地讃頌” daichi sansho (song of praise to Mother Earth ),which is often sung at

graduation ceremony and choir competition in Japan.

She played this song on the piano at her middle school graduation ceremony.

Welcome to our club! And thank you for sharing!


Thank you all for your updates - I am trying to catch up on the thread and it seems like the pages are flying more quickly than before!

I hope some fans who are following this thread will introduce themselves soon.




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@Dramanoona Welcome back! It is a pity that you couldn't spot Tao but I hope you had fun in Japan nevertheless :).


I just listened to Genetalk (180319-180325) with Hayato, Yuta and Mandy. At 1:30 in the clip they read a listener's letter in which s/he wrote that when s/he was in the classroom and she saw a couple who did "something" (they censored it but later both Yuta and Hayato mentioned kissing so it should be kissing) at the back of the classroom. All of the members got excited and said: Nice! Awesome!

Yuta then asked Hayato and Mandy what they would do if they saw something that they weren't supposed to see.


Hayato: "But this isn't something that shouldn't be seen, right?" 


Mandy: It feels like they wanted people to see that. 



At 2:30


Hayato: Have you guys seen something that you weren't supposed to see before? 


Mandy: Something that we weren't supposed to see? Earlier on, on Ryota's birthday.


Hayato: The thing about Ryota can't be said. Such a pity!




Fans on weibo got curious on what happened on Ryota's birthday. Some fans guessed it has something to do with Ryuto. He was going around with only a towel in the livevideo they had. Another fan guessed that Ryota has started to date someone and he did something there (similiar to the incident that the fan wrote about). I thought so too at first but then when Hayato said kissing isn't something that is considered "things that shouldn't be seen" then I started to think that it might be something else :tongue:.

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@cwkwkhp2. Thank you for the song. Tao really loves this song. 

@Transition thanks for your translation.

I wonder what Hayato meant when he said "Hayato: The thing about Ryota can't be said."

is it about Ryota but they weren't supposed to see?

since they mentioned about kiss and couple's action before, so I think maybe the thing they said later about Ryota's birthday was something about couple.

About Ryuto, he often like that, shirtless so I don't think Ryuto with a towel (even it dropped) was strange with GENE. They often see Ryuto's body, his muscles *cough*


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@ryotatao9495  I don't know know either if Hayato meant that it was something Ryota did that they weren't supposed to see or if it was the members who did something on his birthday that they weren't supposed to see. Hayato said he can't tell the listeners though. 


During this time (last year 2017) there were many fans on weibo who said they think that Ryota has started dating. So perhaps it does have something to do with doing "couple-things"? 

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