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[Official] Katayose Ryota & Tsuchiya Tao (RyoTao | 涼太鳳) - Anikoma couple (real-life couple)


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@cwkwkhp2 Thank you for the link. I just looked up Tsuchi-noko snake to see how it looks like and its characteristic. I don't know where Ryota was asked this and if the other cast members were present but in the 50 questions paper that Tao wrote for DownTown she knows about him saying that she looks like Tsuchinoko snake :tongue:.


@setokaonii  Oh, I see. Yes, that's the feeling I got too when I saw the gif of her fixing his suit in the Okinawa festival, that she seems use to physical contact with him ^_^.


@ryotatao9495 I also think Ryota thinks she is like a snake due to her being flexible. He has mentioned before that he has seen her dance in Sia's MV. Other than that he also said in the Modelpress interview in January 2018 that he has watched her commercials so he has most likely seen the two commercials of chewing gums which she also danced (the one with her acting as a teacher and the other one was of her dancing with a lot of other dancers). 


It was the last performance yesterday for Pluto so hopefully Tao can a bit of rest now before she starts filming again. 


I just saw this on IG. It looks like Tao wrote him a letter or birthday-card for his birthday in 2016 when they celebrated him on set. I like how she is so considerate and also that she is "old-fashioned" although she is so young, prefering to write letters instead of short messages, using flip phone instead of smartphone etc. 



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Anikoma stage greeting at Toyosu. Ryota and Takuya weren't there.
Tao,Chiba,Sugino were asked to compare the Anikoma members with animals.
Anikoma stage greeting at Yokohama.Only Ryota.
Ryota said Tsuchinoko,because Tsuchinoko and Tsuchiya sound similar.
Tao surname are almost the same.
I'm not good at english.:cold_sweat:
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@Transition You are truly a fan of Anikoma LOL...

The manly scene was ....




I like the little smile he gave at the end when he threw Haruka's words back at him.


So I assume both are on a break now? Since Pluto has ended and Ryota hasn't updated his IG recently. Hmmm...

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At 5:50 is Ryota's turn. The host and Ryota talked about him and mentioned Anikoma.

Ryota said "Shall we run away" (Onii said to Setoka in movie, festival scene).

Ryota looked so happy and cute when talking about Anikoma.

I love Katamoi - the BGM when he talked about Anikoma. But...why Katamoi, not Sora or Love You More like before, not new songs.

Katamoi is a very old song and it isn't popular like Sora, Love You More, many songs of Gene. Katamoi is unrequited love in English (suitable for Onii's situation in festival scene, right?)


And Gene's members seemed to tease/smile every time someone mention Anikoma/Onii.


They don't use Katamoi as a BGM before. So I just wonder why they played it when Ryota talked about Anikoma.

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@cwkwkhp2 Thank you for your reply. So it was due to Tao's surname that Ryota said she is like Tsuchinoko snake. Since Tao wasn't there I guess she has heard him say that to her before or he told her afterwards. She seems to be reading his interviews too since she said jokingly at DownTown that he should stop saying that she is like a baby in interviews. Please don't worry about your English. Like setokaonii said we understand you perfectly. It is always nice reading others' thoughts and views. 


Some fans have said that Tao and Ryota remind them of Samoyed dogs because they are always smiling very happily whenever they are together. 



@Dramanoona Thank you for the gif! I agree with you that Takane is cool there. That's the only scene I like of him because I didn't like his player-like personality in general in the drama and movie. Yes, I really like Anikoma. I have lost count on how many times I have been rewatching my favourite scenes in the drama/movie. 


I'm not sure if Tao gets to rest. I think the others have already started filming for Haru Matsu Bokura so I'm guessing she will have to join them soon. As for Ryota he still has the Shanghai stop left and I'm not sure if he is done filming Re Re Hello. 


@ryotatao9495 Thank you for sharing the video! I don't think I have heard that song before. So it is about unrequited love. I also like how Gene members always laugh and are happy when Anikoma, Onii or Tao is mentioned. It seems like Ryota was avoiding the request. They wanted him to use Onii's perspective to confess to the Chinese fans. He said that it has been two years now since he filmed Anikoma and that the feelings are a bit special/unexplainable. He also said it was through this production that people got to know Generations more and he hoped he could bring more productions to the Chinese fans in the future. The host had to ask him again to confess to the fans before he did it. Hihi...does he want to keep it for Setoka/Tao only? ^_^


@setokaonii  I'm curious too on what Tao wrote to Ryota on his birthday. I think writing letters is a charming and cute habit. It is more personal than SMS. I wonder if Ryota thinks the same because we discussed on weibo on Tao's birthday that we think it is weird how he always writes birthday wishes to the other Anikoma members (Yosuke, Takuya, Yudai and Ito) and the director on IG but not to Tao. He must have wished her happy birthday personally instead of writing it on IG. 


Here's another picture from the booklet (?) of one of my favourite scenes. 



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Here's Ryota's cut of the interview from the previous page where the members were asked different questions, among them were "Ideal girlfriend". 


Starts from 05:30


Q: Your ideal girlfriend?


Ryota: Someone serious is very good. Someone who I can respect when it comes to work.


Alan: Career woman.


Q: The first characteristic that you would observe when you look at a girl?


Ryota: Hair.


Host: What type of hairstyle do you like?


Ryota: Hairstyle doesn't really matter but I like girls with good hair quality. 




@setokaonii  I believe it is like that too. I can't think of any reason why Ryota would exclude Tao if it isn't because he is wishing her happy birthday privately. It does make her more special and it can also be that he is trying to avoid stirring some things up because their relationship is different compared to the others ^_^


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@Transition  Thank you for your post.

Q:Your ideal girlfriend?
Ryota: Someone まじめ is very good.

In this case,“まじめ”means “sincere,faithful,loyal,honest,polite,deligent…”in English.
Tao tries her best at everything and have beautiful hair. She is exactly his type:blush::heart:
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@cwkwkhp2 Thank you for the translation of the word. Yes, Tao is indeed very diligent and tries her best in everything she does, an example is how she keeps writing her long entries and updates almost everyday despite that she is super busy. She does indeed match his ideal girlfriend criteria.


Btw, do you happen to know Japanese? Sorry for suddenly asking this I'm just a bit curious and I have also a bit selfish thought of how good it would be if someone in here knows Japanese, because then we will know what Ryota and Tao are talking about in some clips or interviews which don't have any translation. 



@setokaonii Thank you for the comparison you made. I think it is cute how Tao noticed this detail during the performance of "Love You More". When I first heard fans mention about this I thought this was a movement in the choreography, it wasn't until later that I knew he only did it once. 


I have been reading some old magazines from 2017 of Ryota. 


When he was asked which line he likes the most in Anikoma.


Ryota:  "Let's elope together/Let's run away together". This is the line that Haruka said to Setoka when he held her hand at the summer festival. He couldn't express his inner true feelings so the atmosphere was sad. This word "elope" sounds very strong but in this scenario it gives one very sad feelings at the same time. I like this sentence very much. 





Earlier, we were talking about Tao liking guys who read books and also that Ryota likes reading books. He mentioned about this slightly in this magazine. 


Vogue August 2017

Q: During the period when you are having a tour what kind of "toy" would you still bring along with you?


Ryota: Novels (Books). 




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@setokaonii During this part of the interview Ryota and Yudai were going to compete on who of them has more "star aura". Tao was chosen as the judge. Whoever loses will get a punishment. The punishment is that Tao will use her fingers to flick on the arm of the loser. Yudai said he would like to get hit on his arm. Hayato said he wanted that too. Even if he won he would like to get the punishment too. Tao then said that she would do it seriously though so it might hurt. Ryota was laughing when she said that. Yudai then said: "It is true that Tao-chan is scary when she is serious". To which Ryota agreed. 




Yes, I think what Ryota meant with being "serious" is that she would do her best in everything she does.

Tao is the type of person who would do that. Even in such game like this :tongue:.


You are right. Tao likes to read books too. In the Okinawa interview Ryota was talking about a book that he was reading at that time that was really thick and then the interviewer asked them if he read on the set of Anikoma too. Ryota said he didn't do that but that Tao was the one who read books on the set.


Btw, it seems like the cast of Haru Matsu Bokura are all getting ready for the movie. Tao visited on the 14th of March "Words Café" (the café that Mitsuki, the female lead, works part-time at). The guys who play Aya, Ryuji and Rui have also dyed their hair. 




The guys' hair


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Here's a clip of the cute moment I have posted here before (weibo link). I didn't notice this earlier but it seemed like Tao took a quick glance at Ryota a little before he bent forward to look at her. As I said before I really like this moment because I think his gesture here is a sign of affection :wub:.


Just a screen-capture of these two that I found cute. 

An old picture of Tao with her long and silky hair and Yahagi Honoka during the time they filmed Suzuki Sensei. Speaking of Honoka. For those who don't know she played Kotoko (the female lead) in Mischievous Kiss. Due to Tao's Tennen and pure personality and Ryota being the smart and quiet guy in real-life I have seen many Chinese fans say that they would be suitable as Kotoko and Naoki. 

I personally don't really like the story of this manga but the good thing is that the fans would get to see the different stages of their relationship from being schoolmates to lovers and then husband and wife. The new Japanese version was released just a few years ago so I don't think there will be another remake in the coming 10 years or so :tongue:


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Generations have now completed their China Tour. The members will probably return to Japan tomorrow. Coming up is their Dome Tour in Japan which starts in May. 


As for Tao some fans posted at Twitter that they saw her filming for Harumatsu Bokura at a park today. She was waving at them too. 


I have been re-watching some old variety shows of Tao's. A cute thing about Tao...I'm not sure I have mentioned this before but her childhood friend revealed that during the their time at kindergarten Tao was a "kissing monster" she would be chasing after the children she liked/thought were cute/ to hug them and kiss them. The host asked her if she would still do that now. She said her mom likes skinship (physical contact) so giving hugs and kisses to each other in the family is natural. She would also stick to her friends and hug them. In another show her younger brother has complained that she should stop hugging him in the way that makes it feels like she is breaking his neck. Haha. 

After watching the clip I was thinking that Tao's boyfriend will sure be getting a lot of hugs and kisses from her since she is so open and direct with her love towards people she likes ^_^




Many actors/actresses who have worked with Tao have only good things to say about Tao, such as her being like a buddha, goddess and that she would definitely end up coming to heaven after this life-time. I just read the translation to an interview of an actor called Yamada Yuki (one of Tao's co-stars in My Little Monster). Here's his answer:


Q: "Who do you think is the prettiest among all actresses that you have collaborated with from before till now?"


Yuki: Um...all the actresses are pretty but the one with the most beautiful heart and soul is Tsuchiya Tao!



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 Valentine's day 2017
Ryota posted "Happy Valentine's day". 
But he looked so unhappy, when looking at everything. Seemed to wait for someone/something/a relationship?
We also guessed that Ryota and Tao wasn't a real couple at that time. So maybe...*cough*

Valentine's day 2018
In GENEKOU TV, when acting what he would do if his girlfriend makes chocolates for him. Ryota said:
- I don't want to eat chocolate. I wanna eat you up. 
Note: "I wanna eat you up" was what Chiaki said to Setoka in Anikoma movie. It's very different from Ryota's style.
Ryota also post IG story a picture he reached a candy.
I mean Valentine's this year, Ryota was very different, right? he looked so sweet, very happy and not sad or wait for something like last year. His personality was different too, compare to Ryota before Anikoma.

White Day this year, we posted it before that when Genekou's PD asked Ryota to tell something to his girlfriend (if he has). Ryota said "please give me your time". 
Why he didn't talk another thing? That sentence was quite strange and obvious that he had girlfriend and she is very busy and they can't meet (*cough* Tao *cough*).

White Day, March 14, 2017.
He only posted about Gene. But I feel he avoid to post about Anikoma or Tao on that day. Because he posted about Gene's new album/song but it would be released in April. And only Ryota posted it on March 14, while other members posted another thing, Alan posted a photo of him and Mei for their romantic movie.
 I mean Gene always promote their activities at the same time on IG. But only Ryota did it on White Day.
1 day after, March 15 Ryota posted Anikoma, and March 16 he posted this RyoTao. It was first pic of RyoTao on his IG, just 2 people.

This pic was taken during filming Anikoma in 2016. He posted many posts about Anikoma before, also Ryota and Tao in pics but with other people, not only RyoTao.
Ryota chose this pic was the first pic of RyoTao on his IG, and just 2 days after White Day (honestly, this day is also a day when boys confess and give gifts for the girl they love). 
In pic, RyoTao walked together at the sea, they really looked like a couple. Tao has 3 letters in her name. Quite similar what Ryota said about best kiss. Right? 
And trailer with thumbnail was Onii hugged Setoka on March 18.
I mean Ryota really likes "walking with girlfriend at the sea".
The time Ryota described about best kiss in Genetalk 2017 was March, and on Anan April 2017 (was taken in March too), he said he had something was related about love and straight confession. 
Do you guy think it were a hint? 
March 2017 really had something. I guess and told you before.
Hm...I don't know what I'm saying. Hehe 

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@setokaonii Thank you for the video of Tao filming Sia's MV. Coincidentally I just rewatched the MV a few days ago. Her dancing is very good and as seen in the BTS she really put a lot of effort in the shooting. 


Yes, it seems like Tao's hair during her teens was brown while nowadays it is black. I wonder whether she has dyed her hair for her new character as Mitsuki since the other guys who needed to dye their hair did so. 


Here's another picture of Tao with the long hair that we like. You can see here too that it is a bit brownish.




Yes, it usually takes a month for them to film a movie so Tao should be done with HaruMatsu Bokura around middle or the end of April. She will then have a gap between this project and her next one, the drama about cheerleading that starts airing in July. It depends on if Sony decides to let her focus on school so she will be able to graduate this year or if they will try to squeeze in something. 


Haha, Tao does indeed like to hug her younger brother. Look at the picture below. I understand why he is saying that it feels like she would break his neck :lol:




I also think whoever that becomes or is Tao's boyfriend is very lucky. Being one of the optimists here I'm also hoping it is Ryota. The thought of it being him also makes me smile. I would imagine her giving him lots of hugs and kisses, especially now when they haven't seen each other for around 1-2 months :wub:.


Regarding Takahiro and Takei Emi I didn't know that Ryota had commented about the news. That's good to hear that he wants to follow his senpai's footsteps. Hopefully, he won't wait too long for marriage as some Japanese male artists.

I like that the reporters asked Tao about this news too :). 


Thank you for sharing the pictures of Ryota from Genekou and Anikoma. Haha. He can be quite funny and silly too when he wants to. 


@ryotatao9495 Nice observations. I think the picture of Tao and Ryota walking by the sea is very beautiful. It captured the sea and sky which both of them like a lot. As you said they do look like a couple there. Ryota has indeed said a few times that he would like to take a walk with his girlfriend like that. He has changed a lot since Anikoma and since he met Tao. Based on what Ryota said in the Anan interview and Genetalk it does seem like something happened in March 2017 that made him say such things. He said in the Anan interview that it was something that happened recently in March 2017 that made him have such thought about love. So that's why I was suspecting that Ryota and Tao already had something going on around the promotion period. 

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Summary of Ryota's IG post 180319

He was saying that the 9 concerts in China have gone well. Coming up is the Dome Tour. 

Their senpais Hiro and Kenchi came to support them on the last day in China. 


Summary of Tao's IG post 180319

Tao said that she has started to film for HaruMatsu Bokura yesterday but she is not allowed to show us her look in the movie yet so therefore she decided to post this flower that she took in Osaka. It is a known flower from the city. It is a type of flower that will still survive during winter and it happens to be her grandmother's favourite too. Her grandmother died before she was born but by looking at the flower it feels like she is close to her. 


@setokaonii Tao really dotes on her younger brother a lot. I saw another show where he mentioned that she would suddenly show up during events to support him and to give him a surprise. 


Thank you for sharing about Ryota's thoughts about Tao's attitude towards work. So here's yet another criteria that she fulfills ^_^. 


As for being serious/majime, the host asked Yudai and Ryota in this clip what kind of girl Tao is, Yudai said she is a serious girl who would read her scripts well and also study how to portray her character throughly. To which Ryota agreed. 

This is the same clip where Ryota just called her Tao instead of Tao-chan at 1:21. Some people also commented that Tao is standing really close to Ryota here. 



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About Orihime Shrine 
Ryota worked nearby Orihime shrine and tried to visit the shrine with his manager, took some pictures and posted on his mobile blog 4 times: Feb 12, 14, 15, 18.
Photos: https://goo.gl/o1YoW5
1 post was on Feb 14 to "Happy Valentine's day."
And one was on Feb 15, he said he saw a beautiful sunset. He believed the sky will bring his wish to a place
 far away.
The last one was on Feb 18. He said Orihime was Anikoma's filming scene, the movie connected me with fates. He really missed this place. Breathing at this place make he felt comfortable.
"It feels like the sky will bring my wish to a place far away."
Sky has am important place in Ryota, Tao.
 "A place far away"=>Thinking of Tao was in Europe at that time *cough*. 
Most of pictures, Ryota stood on stairs where Ryota and Tao took "falling down the stairs" and where he asked Tao "Will you still love Onii if Onii goes bald after falling down here?"
Ryota really loves Orihime and Anikoma. *cough*

Anw, I think RyoTao really had sweet moment at Orihime Shrine. Like we said before, Ryota liked Tao at that time. 

Edited by ryotatao9495
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@ryotatao9495 Yes, with Ryota mentioning sky and a place far away there can't be anyone other than Tao that he is thinking of :).


I just saw on pe1k0_531's IG story the cover of the last volume (11th volume) of Anikoma manga. It is of Setoka in a wedding dress. Will Setoka and Haruka get married in the manga? That's a happy ending for them. Although I know it is impossible it would have been nice with a SP (special) of the live-action where we can see more of their life after they have gotten together and also their wedding. 

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Hi @Transition  I've been busy lately.
I'm Japanese.:)  I found some mistakes in your English translation of “Pray”(page.4)
  ✕ So even if I’m clumsy with my words, I’ll tell you how I feel. Please just forget about me.
 ◯ They're clumsy words, but I will tell you. Please don't forget yourself.(Don't lose yourself.)
  ✕ Everything that reminds me of you is starting to come back to me.
      The words you told me will always be a treasure of mine. I’ll hold you, hoping not to break you.
 ◯ (??????)just be yourself, remember it one more time.
      The words you gave to me is always like a treasure, I'll hold it so it won't break.
I'm not sure if my English translation is correct.:unsure:  I think this song is about Tao(Setoka).:wub:
I really like this song.
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@cwkwkhp2 thank you very much.

I'm glad to hear there is one Japanese here. 

About Pray, I saw many Japanese fans said they think about Anikoma (Onii x Setoka) when listening Pray. 

So I wonder if Ryota wrote Pray based on their story in movie?

Because Ryota didn't have a deep relationship, he said he dated 1 time but just reached hand and it wasn't long since he was 14. So I think Pray didn't base on his real love experience. If what I guessed and posted here was true, Ryota and Tao in real life had some moments like Pray's lyric. Especially if Tao denied his confession in March, 2017.

Honestly, writing songs don't mean it really happened, right?

Transition didn't translate Pray. That lyric was copied by me from another blogger who often translate GENE's songs.


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@setokaonii I was thinking too if Tao had cut her hair and dyed it so her look will be more like Mitsuki in the manga. Mitsuki has light brown middle-length hair but in the picture she posted yesterday on IG her hair-length was still the same but it seems like she trimmed her bangs? In a way I feel a bit relieved that she didn't cut it short because I prefer Tao with longer hair. 


In the video below I think Ryota was asking Tao what kind of food she would like to eat now when they are in Okinawa. She said a tofu dish but she said the wrong name so he was teasing her about that. He said Tao at 0:13 instead of Tao-chan. 



Credit: LDH


Regarding the manga, I thought the 10th volume was the last one too but I'm glad to hear that it will be a happy ending for Setoka and Haruka. I think a lot of fans would be very happy if there will be a sequel to the liveaction. Btw, have you read the latest volume (volume 10)? Has Haruka proposed to Setoka yet?


Thank you for sharing Tao's blog entry. It seems like Ryota and Tao have been talking with each other about their worries and the difficulties that they have encountered. It is just like what he said in the interviews, in a relationship he would like to become the pillar to support the girl and be there for her. 


Thank you for making the compilation of the Okinawa film festival! They look so sweet there, like a newly married couple. I like how their gestures are the same and also how protective Ryota is towards her. If I remember correctly he also posted a picture of her in the car on his IG story that day or was it perhaps through the Anikoma account? I don't really remember now but the photo was definitely taken by him. 


@cwkwkhp2 It is nice to see a Japanese fan here :). We appreciate all the information that you have shared with us. Thank you too for clarifying the lyrics of "Pray". Some parts of the lyrics did make me think of Anikoma/Tao. The parts were he mentioned sweet flavour, the sky and "I’ll protect you now and forever" is similar to what he wrote in the letter to Tao. 


@ryotatao9495  Maybe he got some inspirations from Anikoma and also Tao but to not make it obvious he added something else (fictional) to the lyrics? Hm, I'm not really sure.

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@setokaonii  Hm, yes, I thought it was weird too that Tao said she wasn't allowed to show her look in the movie but then she posted pictures of herself afterwards. So it is perhaps not her new look afterall. 


Thank you for the picture of her in the red sweater. You have good eyes. Both she and Ryota have been wearing red a lot nowadays.


Speaking of wearing clothes I came across the translations to Smart magazine from August 2017 on IG a few days ago. As we have said before, Tao is indeed observant. She has noticed that Ryota usually wears black so she deliberately chose white clothes to him. Although she is overall very generous when praising people it still makes me happy that she was saying that he is good-looking in this interview ^_^.




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