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[Official] Katayose Ryota & Tsuchiya Tao (RyoTao | 涼太鳳) - Anikoma couple (real-life couple)


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@setokaonii Thank you too for sharing the video :)


I have been watching old clips of Tao/Ryota and I came across this show of Kame and Tao from March 2017. 


Around 10:00

Host: Tao-chan, what kind of gesture (that guys do) will make your heart beat faster?


Tao: Reading books. I like the look when they are thinking of something. *imitates* Turning the book, turning the pages like this. I think it is very nice. 


Host: When he is focused?


Tao: Yes, (I like) the focused look. 


Then the hosts made the member from Hey Say Jump do this gesture but they all teased him that he didn't seem focused and that he probably doesn't have the habit of reading books. Kame was asked to do the same too. 




Ryota likes to read books ^_^

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An old picture I came across on IG just now. I like how Ryota as usual has his eyes on Tao, even in such candid picture. 


I saw at weibo that Sugino Yosuke just cut and dyed his hair for his role in Haru Matsu Bokura. So they haven't started filming it yet? Mitsuki's hair is shorter than what Tao has now, does that mean she will have to cut it? I personally prefer Tao with longer hair but if it is to look more like the character in the manga then I guess it can't be helped. 


Speaking of hair length and Haru Matsu Bokura, I have been looking at screen-captures from Suzuki Sensei and her hair was very long back then. Much longer than I remembered it when I saw the drama and movie. Tao and Kitamura Takumi were still children/teens back then (7 years ago). So I'm actually a bit curious on how their chemistry will be now.  I will hide the pictures under spoilers for those who are interested, since it doesn't directly has anything to do with Ryota x Tao. 











Credit: 是蓝莓酱哦 and 土屋太凤烘焙坊  at weibo


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Hi!! I've been reading this thread for about 4 days and all I want to say is thank you so much for keeping this thread alive. I can only understand English so I'm really grateful to all of you for giving updates on RyoTao. I've watched the movie recently and I sooo love them, I ship them so much.


I may not contribute anything (because I can't understand Japanese) but I'm really looking forward to your comments everyday. It's all thanks to you that my inner shipper self is really overwhelmed. Thank you so much and I hope you'll continue this thread until they're officially a couple hahaha. :wub:

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@minniedesu Please do so :). Tao is very talented and hardworking, who really deserves to be looked at more, so I'm glad to know that you are a fan of hers. 


@Dramanoona I have come to chapter 23 now on Haru Matsu Bokura. Like you, I also like Aya more than Towa. Hm, I wonder if it will be the same when we watch the movie version. 


@setokaonii  I agree with you. I also think Tao looks especially beautiful with long straight hair like she used to have during her teens. I actually think that the majority of her fans prefer her with that hairstyle. Although there are also a few who think she looks a bit cold and distant with long hair. Unfortunately, she hasn't had that hairstyle since she cut it short in 2014 when she got the role as Mare. 


I just saw at weibo and twitter that the sequel to Downtown Rocket (a drama) will be coming out in October 2018. Tao was playing the role as the main lead's daughter in the first installment. So fans are wondering whether she will be back for the sequel. 

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Hi minna...happy sunday all for you! Thanks to @Transition dan others to keep this tread alive,i search in google bout Downtown Rocket and found this drama Ryoma Takeuchi act too and guess his role name Yosuke Tachibana,ha..ha..Let's hope Tao happy whatever her company choose role for her,and we know that our lady become more powerfull,because like comment netizens said if some actress has got role with Kento she' s become popular and same with our Tao too,if ikemen or actors act with her,,so who's gonna lie that facts? Hater gonna hate ha...ha..ha,..

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@minniedesu Welcome to the thread!  I am glad to see you are fan of Tao and also it made me happy seeing the people who ship Tao and Ryota are increasing.



Hi everyone! The past few days I was not able to visit the thread since I was on a trip and I came back today. 


@Transition  @setokaonii I agree with you. Tao looks really beautiful with long hair. 


Regarding the manga I dropped it after chapter 16 because I liked Aya better so I have not read further. It would be really surpising if she chose Aya in the end but it will probably  not happen. As for the live action I am only going to watch it because of Tao and also because I am a little curious of  how it will turn out.

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Hi Minna!! Thanks for welcoming me here. I've read Haru Matsu Bokura and yes I like Aya more, though in the latest chapter Towa has already admitted that he likes Mitsuki. I love that manga haha so I'm really looking forward to it. Though I admit it's a little bit slow with regards to its pace haha.


I haven't watched Downtown Rocket so I will search for it later. Oh I see Ryoma's there that's why he said in an interview that he already acted with Tao-chan for the 2nd time (interview in relation to Aozora Yell) and I'm wondering what drama did Tao and Ryoma acted together before Aozora Yell haha thanks for the info. :)

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Anyone knows the shrine which has their names? Considering there are a lot in Kyoto, I hope to try and make it there (if I have the time!)


Rewatching and this scene made me sad for Onii. And Haruka (Ryota) did really well here in showing his reluctant approval for Setoka and Takane. Turning his back so he doesn't have to see Setoka drive off with another guy and the look on his face after.



Tomorrow I will post the scene which made me think Takane can be a cool guy! And he struck me as very manly at that moment. Can you guess which scene?

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@justananimelover I think the manga is quite okay, it got better once Aya came into the picture. He made the slow and dense Towa realize his feelings faster too. With how things are going in the manga and also the fact that Towa is played by Kitamura Takumi (the male lead in the movie) I also think Mitsuki will most likely end up with Towa. 


@minniedesu I didn't know that Ryoma was in Downtown Rocket either. I wonder how many of the original cast will be returning for the sequel. 

Regarding Haru Matsu Bokura, I think the manga has gotten better with each chapter so I'm actually quite curious on the movie. It is good that Towa has finally confessed his feelings to Mitsuki in the chapter 32. Btw, here's a picture with the cast and their manga versions that I found on IG. 



@Dramanoona The shrine in Kyoto which has Ryota and Tao's names is called Kurumazaki Shrine. I hope you will have a nice time in Japan. 


Thank you for the gif. I felt bad for Onii too in this scene and also when he tried to avoid Setoka thereafter. Hm, the scene when you thought Takane is a cool guy. Could it be the church scene when he "handed" Setoka over to Onii? 

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The 8-year Engagement is going to be shown outside of Japan soon. It will have its premiere in Hong Kong in April and on the 11th of May in Taiwan. That's good news that the movie and the cast can be known to even more people. I think it is still showing in Japan too? It has been running since December, so for 3 months already. That's a good achievement too. Hopefully, it will be able to break the 3 billion mark. 


Generations had an interview at bilibili today. Here's one of the question that the members got. 


Q: What type of girl do you like? The first characteristic that you would observe when you look at a girl?


Ryota: Serious and respectable professional woman. The first thing I would look at is her hair. I like girls with good hair quality. 




I remember reading a few articles where Ryota asked about how Tao is as a person he said things like she knows how to take care of people, polite and has a lot of discipline. He thinks she is really awesome and admirable or was it respectable? I don't remember which article it was now. Anyone who recognizes this? As for hair quality,  @setokaonii 

@justananimelover and me 

 just praised Tao for looking very beautiful with her long, straight and silky hair in Suzuki Sensei. She has naturally nice-looking hair. 

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Today is 3.14 White Valentine's Day, the day when the guys who received chocolates honmei-choco ("chocolate of love") or giri-choco ("courtesy chocolate") on Valentine's Day are expected to return the favour by giving gifts. 


It is sad that on Valentine's Day Tao was in Europe and now on White Valentine's Day Ryota is in China. 


Here comes another poll. Since it is White Valentine's Day the topic is "Ideal Lover". Tao came on the 7th place. It is the first time she gets a spot on this poll. 


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 @setokaonii Yes, I think that's what Ryota meant too about liking serious girls, serious when it comes to work. 


Hm, snake? I wonder too why he thinks Tao is like a snake. Perhaps it is because she is flexible and have smooth movements? I don't know actually :tongue:.


Thank you for sharing the news articles! If Ryota read books during breaks then I'm sure Tao must have seen him do that. She seems to really likes seeing guys do that since she has mentioned it a few times in different interviews. He must have gotten some Brownie points there


As for the topics that Ryota and Tao talked about during filming. They were asked about that too during the stage-greeting in Okinawa and he mentioned that they talked a lot and most of it didn't have anything to do with filming. Tao said Ryota knows a lot of things so he must have told her about his experiences (like he mentioned himself in the article posted by you above) and other things that have given her this impression. 


Haha, his answer about the back-hug was indeed funny. So it means he would like to do that to his girlfriend too? :tongue:


Thank you for sharing the picture of Ryota and Tao! They are so sweet. Looking at their clothes it should be from the BTS of their first stage-greeting? Anyway, I read your comments on IG so the focus wasn't on them but on Chiba Yudai? I actually like it this way because it means that this is how they usually interact. This reminds me of the moment at the summer festival when the focus was on Yudai and Takuya but on the background we could see Ryota touching Tao's cheek with his fan.


Was Tao touching his jeans-jacket or was she tugging on it like she has done the other times (in the Okinawa festival and Pon interview)? 

Nevertheless, I like when she does that. 


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I read it before, since last year. I forgot to post it here. And...

It's just me who thinks Ryota called Tao is a snake because she is very pliable.

Ryota said Tao always practice during the filming. He knows Tao is good at dance and he said they danced together while making Anikoma.

I'm quite sure he saw Tao did many difficult actions.

Tao can dance, ballet, yoga... very well. She made many people surprised on shows when she performed her skills.

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