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[Official] Katayose Ryota & Tsuchiya Tao (RyoTao | 涼太鳳) - Anikoma couple (real-life couple)


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I read through a few chapters. Uhmmm... my comment is that it is not really a challenging manga or possible live adaptation?

The premise of the girl who finds herself with four (good looking) friends from a basketball team and on top of that


her childhood friend who happens to be actually a guy (who is really a nice character - at Chap 12) comes back and is the second lead...

It's really a shoujo manga plot-wise.


I love shoujo and josei mangas but I haven't read much lately so I suppose it's a good time to look at some and see what would be awesome as a live-action.


PS. Watching Princess Jellyfish (Kuragehime) and it's quirky and different!

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@justananimelover Oh, so you have read it before? I have read some reviews of Haru Matsu Bokura and people said the story is quite simple and cute so I guess it is something for people who prefer light-hearted stories. The female character seems like a decent character though? She is a more soft-spoken character than the loud ones? I'm curious about Kasane but I don't know if I should watch the live action first before reading the manga or vice versa. 

I read at asianwiki that they already had some pre-screening of the movie and people who saw it said Tao did great there. I'm looking forward to see her performance. 


@Dramanoona  Hm, so it seems like the manga isn't that good and it most likely won't turn out well if it gets a live-adaption. I haven't started reading the manga yet but according to someone on weibo , fans are guessing Mackenyu will play the 2nd male lead (her childhood friend who she mistook as a girl when they were younger due to the long hair?) while the male lead will be played by Takumi Kitamura. Takumi Kitamura won the Best Newcomer award yesterday for his role in "Let Me Eat Your Pancreas". He also acted as one of the many males who liked Tao in Suzuki Sensei.


(For those who haven't watched Suzuki Sensei Tao was liked by two teachers and four male pupils in the movie/drama, if I remember correctly.)


He actually mentioned Tao in an interview recently. He said it would be nice to work with her again. 




I just looked up Kuragehime. The female lead there is Tao's co-star in Kasane. I haven't seen her act before. Thank you for the recommendation. I might check it out when I have time. 

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I have read up to Chap 31 and somehow I cannot see Takumi Kitamura as the lead? Haha. But Mackenyu would actually be great in the role of Aya-Chan/kun.


Kuragehime has a slow buildup but Koji Seto is looking fantastic in dresses! I hope you enjoy the weirdness of the drama.... haha.

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Takumi Kitamura was very young when I saw him last time in Suzuki Sensei so I don't know how he is like now. Can you see Tao in the role as Mitsuki?


Koji Seto is in Kiragehime too? I haven't seen any drama of his since "Lost Days." So he is the guy with the wig on the poster? Haha. 

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Anan magazine, April 2017

Katayose Ryota: "I think there are more than one method to express important feelings"


Regarding the attitude when it comes to love...I do have that. I don't want to lie  (laughs). Speaking of this, I recently could relate to this [By only directly expressing your feelings isn't important.] Having a straight-forward confession and whether it successes or fails is indeed important but other kind of methods to express (your feelings) can perhaps give her even more warmth and support. No matter how many times you say "I like you" you would only be able to express your loving feelings for her and then it would end there. "When you are having it tough I will be there and share the burden with you." or "Would it be better if you do it like this?", having such conversations I think it means that you really care about her, from the bottom of your heart. It is because there are different ways to express your concern, I would now think that a guy who can come nearer to the girl's inner heart is more charming. 




Tao has said before that she would like a straight-forward confession. Ryota mentioned here that it is indeed important but it is not the only way to express your love and concern for a girl. He thinks being there for her and sharing her burden and caring for her is even more important. Was he trying to hint at something here? He also said that he recently (around March-April 2017) could relate to this feeling. It was around this time that they started promoting Anikoma. He also said he didn't want to lie that he had a view/attitude about love. The sentence about being there for her and sharing her burden is similar to what he wrote to Tao in the letter too. 


What do you guys think about the things he said here? 

@Dramanoona  @justananimelover


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Ryota, Marry Me! LOL


I like the way he thinks about relationships.

Saying 'I like you' or 'I love you' is important in a relationship but what maintains relationships is what he has said - to share the burden and providing support.


He is revealing and at the same time not revealing....hahahaha

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@Dramanoona  Hihi...I like Ryota's thoughts about love too. I think it is quite rare among men, especially at his age. Yes, his answers are very honest but as you said it seems like he is revealing something but at the same time not :tongue:.


I just saw setokaonii's IG update of Ryota and Tao when they were in their teens, which reminded me of a clip of 10 year old Tao I saw a while ago which I don't think has been posted here before. It is from her Miss Phoenix audition in 2005. She was so cute there although I couldn't help but laugh during her singing part :lol:.




Tao's instagram post 180303:

I have seen many of the comments that you have written. I have actually a lot of gratitude that I would like to express (to you). However, today and also tomorrow work will start very early in the morning and not end until very late at night. So I don't have much time to write my gratitude (to you). Sorry everyone that I'm being so impolite. 


Tomorrow when I'm on my way to job with car I think I'll have some time. I'll write it then. 

The 3rd of March is "Girls' day" in Japan. 

In this night when spring is about to arrive I'm really feeling the greatness of Japan.

The time I attended "Japan Academy Film Prize" award ceremony was a very happy and blissful moment to me. I have a lot that I'd like to say but I'll have to sleep now. 

Good night everyone!



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@setokaonii I agree with you. I like Ryota's thoughts about love too. From the interviews we have read so far he is a guy who values communication and who would want to be the girl's support whenever she is feeling troubled. Actions like that would really give a girl a sense of security. Tao likes reliable guys who can make her feel at ease :wink:.


Yes, Tao seems very busy these days. It seems like her manager wants to squeeze in as much as possible before Pluto starts again this Friday. 


Little Tao is indeed very cute and pure. Adult Tao too. The things she says and does are so cute and Ten'nan. Haha, like in this clip below. She accidentally mentioned Pocky (Lotte's rival company). She is spokesperson for Ghana, a brand under Lotte. 



Yes, I remember this guy Yoshida Hitoshi. Hm, I wonder who he is and if he has some connections to Ryota or Tao. It isn't often that artists like other fanaccounts, right?


Ryota's instagram post 180305:


Shenzhen for 3 days have ended smoothly. 

Although there were quite a lot of uneasy things that we encountered but thanks to your support we could overcome them. 

Coming up is Beijing. 

It is my first time in Beijing so I can feel a lot of freshness in the atmosphere.

I hope I can have beautiful experiences!!



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@setokaonii I'm wondering too how Gene will do regarding the time-gap. I guess they have to rehearse so they will probably fly directly to Beijing and then Shanghai. 


I didn't expect that Tao would write so many entries either and in English too. I think she really wants her gratitude to be reached to everyone so she decided to write it in both Japanese and English. She is always so thoughtful in choosing her clothes and accessories. Even the clothes she chooses to stage-greetings have special meaning. I also like how Tao has taken in concern all the movies she were in last year and not only 8-Year-Engagement. It shows that she really appreciate all her productions and characters. Tao has gotten better at using Instagram . She is now even starting to use tags. I don't think she knows that you can upload multiple pictures nor posting IG story yet though :tongue:. I'm curious on what motif from the dress is related to Anikoma. 

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On 1/14/2018 at 3:55 PM, Transition said:

@setokaonii Oh, I didn't notice that you had put them as instagram stories. I just watched those you posted as "normal" entries. It is okay though. I think Subpig or Ryota/Tao's fanclub will translate them eventually so please don't feel that you have to reupload them again just for my sake. You have already done a lot for us :)


Here's the 2nd part of Genetalk with Ryota, Mandy and Ryuto. They all had to draw a topic from a box called Bestbox that they have to talk about. Ryota drew a card/paper where it stood "Best Kiss". Mandy then asked him to come up with a best kiss scenario.


Ryota said: "It is around March, when the coldness from winter has passed and the lukewarm season has begun. I say: "Even though it isn't summer yet I really want to look at the sea. Although we can't go and swim yet let's walk to the seaside". So we take a walk along the sea. It is around 3-4 o' clock in the afternoon, the breeze that has a scent of sea salt fill our noses. The sea is sparkling, you that are watching the sparkling sea are even more sparkling. I'm silently watching your profile. That's when I think: "Ah, now it is time."


Then I call her name.

Me: xxx ( Ryota said Nai Nai Ni so hence the three x). 

She says: Hm?

At that moment, I give her a kiss. 





When I heard this part of Genetalk I thought Ryota is either really good at coming up with ideas on spot or he is actually describing a real-life experience. The scenario he was describing also seems a bit similar to the last scene of Anikoma when Setoka gave Onii a surprise kiss by the sea. When he was describing the best kiss scenario he said that he called her name and since he can't possibly say a name he said "Nai Nai Ni" which I decipher as a girl's name with three letters. Although it may be common that girls in Japan has three letters but I couldn't help but connect it with Tao whose name has three letters. I then thought of what Ryota and Tao were doing last spring then I remember they went to Okinawa to promote Anikoma at that time (although it was in April and not March but it is still around that time of the year). Okinawa is also known for its beautiful sea. So is there a chance that he was describing something that happened last spring in Okinawa, with Tao? The Okinawa Film Festival were held for 3 days. I don't know if Ryota and Tao stayed for that long but if they did then as @ryotatao9495 said then they sure had a lot of time there with just the two of them. I don't know if I'm overanalyzing things but those were my thoughts when I listened to this clip :tongue:

Some problems about March - April 2017:
From what I know, magazines/newspaper always complete artists's photos or interviews 1 month/ half a month before the time it is released. So I'm quite sure his interview for Anan April was taken in March 2017.
And he said on Anan:
"Regarding the attitude when it comes to love...I do have that. I don't want to lie  (laughs). Speaking of this, I recently could relate to this [By only directly expressing your feelings isn't important.] Having a straight-forward confession and whether it successes or fails is indeed important but other kind of methods to express (your feelings) can perhaps give her even more warmth and support. No matter how many times you say "I like you" you would only be able to express your loving feelings for her and then it would end there. "When you are having it tough I will be there and share the burden with you." or "Would it be better if you do it like this?", having such conversations I think it means that you really care about her, from the bottom of your heart. It is because there are different ways to express your concern, I would now think that a guy who can come nearer to the girl's inner heart is more charming." 
He said "recently"? So it was March too.
In GENE TALK, Ryota described "best kiss around March". That GENE TALK was taken in 2017, so I guess it was March 2017 too. And from what he said, we guessed it really happened. 
I told you before, I guessed it happened and Ryota seemed to give Tao a surprised kiss. Maybe after kiss, Ryota distracted Tao or confessed but Tao denied. 
Why I say Tao denied or Ryota distracted her? 
Because I said before Ryota kissed Tao in March but they didn't become a real couple later. There are some thing make me think they became a real couple after last stage in July.
This show was April 2017 too, some days before Okinawa Fes. When the female host chose Ryota to confess to Tao, Ryota said "I will wait until you love me". That's also what Onii in manga and movie said. Tao was really shy, she just "Oohh" and smiled after Ryota said.
That's why I think they weren't a couple at that time & Tao denied him, so he said he will wait for her.
We talked before, on TV show "Tuesday Surprise" in April 2017 was the first time Tao called "Ryota", Ryota & Tao were very shy, silent after she called.
If they became a couple before April 2017, they weren't shy like that and Tao definitely called "Ryota" several times before Tuesday Surprise. 
I didn't say this thing before, but before April 2017 I think Tao actually realized Ryota loved her. 
About Anikoma last stage (July12 2017). I (and setokaonii) don't think they started to date as a real couple before that day. Ryota's red ears/face, couldn't look at her or audience after acting like a couple on last stage. It mean he was shy with Tao. I shared some pictures where Ryota & Tao were very shy, couldn't look at each other or said anything at backstage after Tao read letter for Ryota and they hugged on last stage. So... they weren't a couple at that time.
Everyone can see how Ryota takes care about Tao while filming and promotions, till now. Especially in his letter for Tao and when he drew Tao on her birthday recently. No male artists do that, especially after their work ended...
And honestly, as a partner, no actors say to an actress like what Ryota said in his letter. "I will be beside you when you're stressed, direct you, protect you, help you and share the burden together."
 Those sentences are just used for lover, right? Celebrities can't say it publicly. And actors and actresses have to keep distance to avoid love scandal. 
When Ryota said like that, I really felt he worried he would lost Tao, he want to keep her because after last stage ended. Who knows if they are still meet or just old co-stars and can't meet anymore. 
 In showbiz, it's very difficult to keep relationship and meet each other whenever they want, especially man and woman if they are not lovers, right?
 Like we see, celebrities are very busy and just meet/keep relationship with several friends (most of them are the same gender). 
Like Tao doesn't meet her old male co-stars after their work ended. If they meet, it will be at events they join. 

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@Dramanoona I really like her dress too. Speaking of the mix between kimono and western dress, the fans on weibo were actually afraid that Tao would wear a kimono/yukata to the event because the other nominees are all quite tall so they didn't want her to look too petite beside them and then it turned out that she had prepared a dress which is a mix between traditional and modern style. So they were all surprised.


Yes, I just noticed that she has liked Ryota's latest posts too. Ryota won't be able to access IG though these coming days when he is in Beijing and Shanghai unless he is really desperate and gets something called vpn :tongue:.


@ryotatao9495 You are right about the dates. It usually takes a while before the interviews release so the one in the Anan magazine was probably from March 2017. Yes, he said recently he could relate to the things he mentioned regarding that there are many ways of expressing one's feelings to someone. That a straight-forward confession is indeed important but he thinks caring about her and being there for her, to share her burden is a method that will make him come closer to her inner heart.

So I think your reasoning might be right. He has perhaps already confessed his feelings for her in March but Tao needed time to consider so the only thing he could do was to keep being there for her to show her that he really cares about her.

(Takeru has said before that she is someone who needs to think a lot before making a decision.)

I think the things Ryota wrote in the letter also exceeds that of a normal co-star. It is a quite a huge responsibility and promise he made, to always be there for her, to lead her, protect her and feel troubled with her.

I think Ryota's love for her is obvious that even people commented on bilibili that they now know why he likes girls wearing long skirts of denim (because of Tao) and that he started to say he likes Ten'nen and cute girls after he knew Tao.

As for Tao, her description of her ideal boyfriend started to become more detailed since September-October and the words she used were the same as she used to describe Ryota, someone who knows a lot of things and who is very considerate.

She also expressed that she would like to become more like an adult/woman in her IG posts (that she wrote during that time) and she started to get interested in adult-like perfumes. In the BTS of the movie Ryota said he liked Setoka's perfume, which Tao said she thought smelled like adult. So your guess might be right that they probably started dating after the last stage-greeting, sometime after July.

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Tao's instagram 180306:

Until yesterday the weather has been quite warm but now with the sudden change in weather are you all fine?


I suddenly woke up yesterday when I was sleeping. It felt like I was about to get a cold so I quickly took some precautions. Fortunately I didn't get a cold. 

During this season in which the weather changes back and forth and also when the temperature during nighttime suddenly decreases, you will all have to be careful. 


Japan Academy Film Prize award ceremony was really wonderful. Right now there isn't anything more that I wish for. These people who became the roots in my heart, who acted in the movies that I have been promoting on IG and on my blog, they walked towards me, sat beside me, even though I only talked with them I would think: "Ah~ I'm so blissful.

I couldn't believe this. I don't know if I have gone through something really tough in my past life because with my current capability I don't think I deserve to stand here and sit here around these people. However, through all the projects and characters and through "The 8-Year-Engagement" I have now gotten a connection. They have given me directions. Even though I haven't thought of being able to easily stand here again, I will hereafter keep this heart which is full of gratitude and continue to walk along this path. 

If it is possible, let's all continue to work hard and treasure everything that we encounter along our way, okay?

If we all could do that I would be very happy. I have heard a lot of words that have made me happy. This festival for people in the movie industry has given me a lot of energy and surprise, which have exceeded my imagination. 

Hopefully, I will be able to repay you all (for your support) some day. 


Hm, will Tao be updating in both Japanese and English from now on? Her latest posts that she posted just now has English as well. That's good for international fans but it also means more job for her, no matter if it is she herself who writes it or if she is asking someone to help her translate. 

She is always so considerate.


Ryota liked her post of her explaining where the idea of her dress came from and also her thank-you message to her co-stars, staff and fans. He has to like her posts even when it is bothersome to access IG :tongue:.

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@Dramanoona It is okay. As you said we all have moments when there's a lot of things going on, so don't feel any stress. You can post here once you have more spare-time. Btw, I have started reading the manga Haru Matsu Bokura. I'm only at chapter 4 though so I don't have any special feelings towards the story nor characters but I'm glad that the female lead Mitsuki isn't acting like the other girls at her school (the fan-girls of the basketball team).

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Saki (Tao Tsuchiya) is a 2nd grade high school student in Fukui Prefecture, Japan. When Saki was little, she admired the cheerleading club "JETS” from Fukui Chuo High School in Fukui Prefecture. She dreamed of joining the "JETS,” but she thought it was impossible for her to join and enrolled at another high school. One day, a transfer student from Tokyo talks to Saki and proposes "let's do cheer dance together."


I suppose this is confirmed.  She seems to be the only one casted.

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@Dramanoona Yes, this drama is going to air during summer. It will be the first time that Tao will be playing a lead role for a drama that airs during the "prime-time". It is good that she can show her dancing skills here. She has tried this type of dance before at high-school. which can be seen in the video clip below


Credit: Irresistably Tao


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@Dramanoona  @justananimelover


It is now confirmed that Tao will be in Haru Matsu Bokura. The movie will be out in Winter 2018. It will be the 2nd time that Tao works with Sugino Yosuke (95) (Anikoma) and Kitamura Takumi (97) (Suzuki Sensei). So the close people/person Tao was talking about in January that she was going to work with again were these two?  I think the fan mistook one of them as Mackenyu earlier. 

The other actors are Isomura Hayato (92), Inaba Yu (93) and Koseki Yuta (95).





Speaking of dancing. Here's a cute dance by Tao. :lol:


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@Transition So it is confirmed that Tao will be in Haru matsu Bokura? To be honest I am not that excited I would rather if she was not. It's really a pity that a talented actress like her plays in shoujo movies. I want her to play more serious roles. Well it can not be helped there are going to be other chances to show her acting skills. So the close person that she mentioned before that she is going to work with was probably not Ryota but I still hope that these two will act together again. 

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