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[Official] Katayose Ryota & Tsuchiya Tao (RyoTao | 涼太鳳) - Anikoma couple (real-life couple)


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@Transition the way Ryota drew Tao... LOL

honestly, I never see this situation. A movie ended so long but still actives and posts many pictures about movie and birthdays of the cast.

If you check another dramas/movies accounts, you will see 2 Anikoma acc have many many posts. I wonder when it will end? 

The way Ryota takes care about Tao, her birthday, his gift for Tao...everything is awesome and special, right? Like a boyfriend. 

I never see anything like that, especially in Japanese Entertainment industry.

I mean actors and actresses don't do anything like that after their work ended, especially on birthday, they don't do anything publicly.

Anw, I love clips where Ryota was drawing Tao. So cute!



 Some fans notice Ryota's shoes which was on a post he posted 2 days ago.



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@ryotatao9495  I think it is cute too how Anikoma still updates and how the cast and staff are so close. Even the original manga author seems close to them. She congratulated Tao today and she has posted before a picture of Tao's photobook with Generations's Best album together. 


It seems like fate has somehow brought them together. Tao was born on the 3rd of February (23) which pronounces like Onii and Ryota was born on the 29th of August which is Yakiniku day. 


I also like the way Ryota drew Tao and complimenting himself for drawing her cutely.


In Tao's latest Instagram post she said once again "important people that she cares for and loves". I'll translate her post later when I have time but like we said before I really think she has a boyfriend right now :wink: and everything she has said so far (the hints) seem to be pointing towards one special person (*cough*Ryota*cough*)


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@Transition yeah I really think It's fate. Remember you posted that on Wowow tv, Ryota said Sora is fate, meet everyone is also fate.

I believe that fate brings Ryota and Tao together.

Ryota is a cool boy, he didn't smile or laugh much but after he meet Tao, he is very different. He smiles/laughs too much, he jokes with everyone (before Anikoma, he was quiet and stood alone to watch everyone joked, We said before that Ryota said that on Tuesday Surprise with Tao, Chiba)

Tao becomes more beautiful, confident. Although she always smiles/laughs, but I think she smiled/laughed very real after she meet Ryota, smiled from her heart.

Both Ryota and Tao become happier, comfortable with everything after last stage. 

Hm...I remember the birthdays of Ryota and Tao last year, RyoTao didn't do anything publicly. So, why this year...Like I said before, I think Ryota Tao don't want to hide their relationship anymore. They give more hints than make everyone thinks they are in love. I'm quite sure they gave many hints that they are not single.

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@setokaonii I saw the instastory as well (bad stalker me!) and the timing is suspicious.


I hope she has a great birthday together with the person she loves and is important to her. (hehehe)


BTW, I managed to get some subtitling from a place and the timing is right but the subtitles themselves are a mish mash of direct translations. I am trying my best to make them sound sensible but if one of you can help with some of the translations?

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@ryotatao9495  I think they are being more obvious now, especially Tao. Ryota is still being a bit cautious. I was talking with another fan at weibo and we have noticed that Ryota has written birthday greetings to everyone in Anikoma, Yudai, Yosuke, Takuya, Ito and even the director on Instagram when they had their birthday but he didn't write a message to Tao. Not last year and not this year either. We think it is because he is sending his wishes privately and that he is being cautious. 


@setokaonii  I just saw Ryota's IG story. I think the chance is big too that he is celebrating Tao's birthday with her. The plastic bag is probably her birthday present. As you said I don't see the reason for him hiding the tag with an emoji otherwise. Looking at the furniture and everything I think it could be his home. I'm so happy by just thinking that she is celebrating her day with him :wub:.


@Dramanoona  I think it is suspicious too. Yes, hopefully Tao had a great birthday.


Thank you for volunteering to do the subtitles :)ryotatao9495 and me are actually currently doing that. I think I'll get the translations done today and then I'd send it to her and she and her team would do the subtitles. 

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@setokaonii I think anything is possible, These two are still young and there is a way to go for a concrete commitment but young love is always good in all its' guises.

@Transition Thank you for the subbing too. I had a headache figuring out what certain words meant and thank goodness for google translate and then to make sense out of the direct translations. Looking forward to the full movie ^^

But at least I kind of understand what was being spoken? LOL.

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@setokaoniiWhy I see Ryota and Tao looked similar in these 2 pics LOL

About the place Ryota used emoji to covered the gift, I'm quite sure that place is often used for writing receiver's name. 

And why he had to hide it? Maybe his girlfriend's name. *cough*Tao*cough*

Like I said before, Ryota and Tao gave more hints that they are not single now.

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Tao's Instagram 180202:

The coldness is still here.

Although February is very short and cold but there's always people who are deciding on their future or are on an important stage of their career during this month. 

So even though the weather during this season is cold I hope your heart is warm.


Having coldness and warmth at the same time this season is awesome, right?

I was born in this season. 


The last day for me being 22 years old.

There are lot of snow flakes, which I like, that are falling down from the sky.

Despite that, I still hope it won't be snowing much because if it does then it will bring troubles to a lot of people. 

So it is best if it doesn't continue to snow. The snow in Tokyo is beautiful but the amount is also very big. 

With that said, although there is indeed a lot of snow it is still beautiful.

Everyone at the company went to an awesome place to have dinner so I'm feeling a bit drunk. 

To my surprise they had decided to go to that certain place. I couldn't believe it.

This surprise was very good!

My heart feels warm as well as my stomach.

Really, I'm very thankful to you all...

I'll come to this place again in the future if there are some important things happening.

As for where this place is, I'll should keep it from you guys for now.

I'll tell you hereafter.

The last person that I met on my last day being 22 years old is her.

The theme of the picture: Dazzling world.

It is actually the light that reflexes when you take a photo.

That's how the picture turned out like this. 

Mitsuki-chan and light, 

they are gently shining on me.

I really like light. Haha.

All in all, it seems like this bright radiance is saying to me that the-22-years-old-me is also shining brightly in this radiance.


On my 23rd year what kind of radiance would be shining on me?

No matter if it is dazzling, deceiving or even weak,

I'll still want to be together with people that are important to me, who I like and also care for. 

Let's walk together with this heart of mine that is full of gratefulness towards this radiance. 




Tao's Instagram 180203:

I have turned 23 now!!!

I have received so many comments, letters, emails and messages. So many that I couldn't believe it myself.

I'm really super happy.

I initially wanted to write more but the time isn't enough for today.

I'll write more later on.


I spent the day together with my family.

I received a present that I will cherish a lot, just like if it was my life amulet.

My heart feels especially warm.....!!!!!

I'll put all my love and cherish this present a lot. 


Around this time of the year we will have to start spreading out beans.

It is the opposite of last year. 

Although there's a lot of noises at home but this is a blissful liveliness.


I wish that wish and happiness will reach you all. 



@setokaonii  I saw another picture of Tao yesterday and it is indeed blue. It is about the same shade as Ryota's sweater. They have been wearing matching clothes lately. I think it is possible that she first celebrated with him and then with her family later on since she wrote on her IG that she didn't have time to write her usual essays :tongue:. Regarding if the place on his IG is at a café or his home, according to a fan it is probably a café in Tokyo called Kafa Bunna. 


[edited] I just saw your post. That's the picture I was referring to. I like how their clothes have been matching lately. There was a fan at weibo who commented when they wore red together, "Hasn't Ryota said he likes matching things?" 


@Dramanoona  I think I came across that subbed version of Anikoma at youtube too. It was indeed not easy to understand. It is good though that you could watch it. Like you said yourself, at least you could understand part of it :tongue:I sent the translations to ryotatao9495 yesterday night so hopefully you will get to see the movie with English subtitles soon. 


@ryotatao9495  Their smiles do look alike. I like that whenever they smile, their eyes will smile too.  Fans commented that the chibi version of Setoka is the best drawing that Ryota has done :lol:. 


It is true that they don't seem to want to hide anything. Like the post above of Tao's and her earlier ones, she has mentioned "important people" and "people she likes" a few times lately. 

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@setokaonii  Thank you for the news about Ryota's new movie! This is probably the surprise he was talking about before. Yes, I have also read that the director and the team are the same. So hopefully, Tao is also in this. The director Kawai Hayato seems to like her since he has worked with her three times and like you said he will be working together with her again for her new drama. You are right about Tao mentioning earlier that she was working in a project with someone she is close to. Looking at the heroine in the manga though, Tao's image right now is quite different from hers. 

I'm crossing my fingers though that she is the female lead for this movie. I'm not quite ready yet to see Ryota with other actresses :unsure:. Speaking of other actresses, has he followed anyone new recently? I'm just trying to find some hints here :tongue:


Here are some scans I found of the booklet. I think setokaonii has posted some of them before.


I really like this one.








Credit: 锦衣卫轻蓝_ @ weibo

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@setokaonii @Transition 

Tao said she works happily with someone who is close to her, but she couldn't say who it is.

Ryota said in this month, his fans will have surprise. And now it is his new movie/drama from a famous manga. I wonder why they don't announce female lead while they announce Ryota is main male.

Honestly, it's difficult to be Tao. I repair to hear and see another actress who will work with Ryota T_T 

But I don't hear Tao has any new project recently, except Chia Dan (in July) and PLUTO stageplay. Ryota's new project will be in 2019. I think Tao can have enough time if she is female leading role.

Talk about the manga Ryota will act, it has a good plot. Tao is really suitable with the main girl in this. 

@Transition I agree that Tao's image right now is quite different but she had some famous heroine roles before in Mare, Limit, Kenshin. I mean Tao is very suitable for strong characters who has effort.

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@ryotatao9495 No, that's not what I meant with image. What I meant is Tao's hair is longer than the heroine in the manga. So I was a bit worried that she isn't going to be in it since I assume that filming has started already and her hair is still long. I think Tao is a very good actress. I don't doubt that she can handle any role that is given to her. Although she is just 23 years old she has already tried a lot of different characters and she did a good job in all of them. 


May I ask you what the manga is about and how the characters are in there? I wonder when they will announce the full cast of this movie. 

Yes, I think Tao has time to film this if her company and she wants to and if the director has asked her. Tao's schedule so far isn't as hectic as the one she had in 2016. She filmed 3 dramas and 4 movies that year. I wonder if she even got any sleep at all with such workload. As you said she has only Pluto and the cheer-leading drama planned so far, that we know about. 

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@ryotatao9495 Thank you for the link. I just read the plot and the introduction of the characters. So in short it is a rich boy - poor girl story and the female lead met the male lead because she substituted her dad when he got hospitalized. She was just supposed to take care of him for that time only but somehow she started to cook for him and helping him with other errands. 


I can imagine Tao in this role. It would be quite interesting as well if she is in this because this time it is the girl who takes care of the boy, doing the cooking and everything while in Anikoma it was Onii who did that. 


@setokaonii  Haha, it doesn't seem like any of us here are ready for that. The same goes to the fans of Anikoma at weibo. You are welcome! I especially like the first scan because of the way they look at each other and their smiles.

I'm with you. If both Ryota and Tao are the leads in this movie then the God of dramas (movie in this case :tongue:) have finally fulfilled my wish. I'm sure I will also be following this project as closely as I did with Anikoma. 

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Should I get excited yet?  (Hahaha)

I do hope it is the two of them because they caught my attention from the very first episode.

I haven't read the manga but it will be interesting switch of characters and no (faux) sibling dilemma.


Thank you for the scans @Transition. I love the first one because Suzuki-kun has that "Why am I here when both of them don't notice me' face. :tongue:

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 @Dramanoona I think I'll have to keep my hopes low too so I won't get too disappointed if it doesn't turn out as we had wished for. I also got surprised  when I first watched the drama version of Anikoma that Ryota and Tao share such good chemistry. Then after watching them off-screen and getting to know how many similiarities they have I started liking them as a couple even more.


You are welcome. I didn't really pay attention to Suzuki-kun's expression until you mentioned it. You were on point with your description :lol:Here's another picture that you have perhaps seen before. Standing in-between them while smiling awkwardly. Ryota looks so cute here. 




Credit: Anikoma Twitter

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On 2018-01-20 at 7:30 PM, Transition said:

Tao's Instagram 180118:

(Only a part of the entry)


Today I have a new job/project again.

I encountered people I'm close to so I'm especially happy and excited. Since I can't reveal what it is yet I'll have to use this time properly to do my best...!


I wonder what kind of new work it is. Movie probably? She is working with someone she is close to. Then it is most likely someone she has worked with before. I know the chance is slim but I'm hoping it is Ryota. 


After reading what you guys said about Tao's earlier post I just had to re-read this and see if I understood her right. When they can't reveal the details, it is usually movies/dramas they are talking about, right? I was thinking if it could be commercial too but she would usually just say that it is a new cm and not just call it "a new job". There shouldn't be anything with a cm that can't be revealed either, right?


I should probably not think so much about this and just wait for the official announcement. 

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Sorry for coming with a rumour that might burst our bubbles. I heard from a fan at weibo that this actress named Hinako Sakurai might be the female lead. Her hairstyle looks like the heroine in the manga. I haven't seen her act before. Probably quite new? Ryota hasn't started to follow her on IG yet though nor has she followed him. 



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@Transition many female artists in Japan have this hair style, so I'm not sure about this girl. Maybe this girl or another girls. 

I told you before, I'm ready to see Ryota with another girl. If Tao has a new shoujo live action, she will have many many bad comments from haters, Ryota's fans if she works with him again again, fastly. I know Ryota/Tao will act with other actresses/actors in the future.

I just hope RyoTao still have a good relationship. 

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