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[OFFICIAL] Ji Chang Wook and Nam Ji Hyun Couple (JiBong/JiJi Couple)


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40 minutes ago, MoonlightSerenade said:

I guess this will be me ... :ph34r: ... *ROFL!* ... and yet N

Pssst....chingu quoting Proverbs 5:15:19 NIV 

"Drink water from your own cistern, running water from your own well. Should your springs overflow in the streets, your streams of water in the public squares? Let them be yours alone, never to be shared with strangers. May your fountain be blessed, and may you rejoice in the wife of your youth. A loving doe, a graceful deer— may her breasts satisfy you always, may you ever be intoxicated with her love."

Mark 10:6-9 NIV

 “But at the beginning of creation God ‘made them male and female.’ ‘For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh.’So they are no longer two, but one flesh. Therefore what God has joined together, let no one separate.”



37 minutes ago, MoonlightSerenade said:

Right. These games that "minors" play is unbelievable... but I respect rules so I'll just be literally ... *oh hello bible! You have been hiding for awhile. Welcome back.* :ph34r: Lmao!!! 

IKR? Ya know, methinks we are on the right track that are making people uncomfortable. 


34 minutes ago, tomago said:

So many theories today and i m loving it!! Too many to quote so I will just put one quote here... hehe.

I kept thinking abt the 8years that jcw mentioned. First I tot was he talking their first project tgt (wbsd) but that happen in 2011 (6 yrs ago), then 8 yrs ago hyunnie was in the drama "queen SD" and they nvr met, then was it their 8 yrs diff in age?? Then I read the storyline of wbsd, hyunnie appeared in the drama as a 12yo young lady, then when jsw appeared as the adult version, was he 20yo in the story? I can't seemed to verify the latter part. If it is, then it explain why he say he waited 8 yrs to meet his female lead! 

@Huntergal love the way u describe their meetup in 2014!!!!! Please do

I like where your going chingu. Puts it in a slightly different perspective. 


30 minutes ago, lovethatlook said:

Noooo. who would divert our attention when things start to get so teary and lonely??? LOL!!

WORD. But makes me more determined. This too shall pass. :D


30 minutes ago, lovethatlook said:


IMO, we were discussing kissing scenes and bed scenes, spooning and what not. How that becomes disrespecting the artists when they were the one who did the scenes. Such double standards. You cant write about it but who is stopping people from talking about those scenes in the bar, dark alleys, cars, taxis, friend's house, tea parlors, madam's boudoir, pet shop, coffee shop, resrto bar, whereever.  People here share ideas and bec all of us have different opinions on it, the discussion could become heated, funny, educational and sometimes serious. I do not discuss there kissing scenes and analyze it like how you water your plants, who does that? LOL. 

sometimes I dont get it




IA. Its not that different from making a commentary and discussing a scene(s) of a particular movie or drama. They are actors who are comfortable in their own skin. Heck, Wookie even kiss a man in his musical. Was their an uproar from his fans that he kissed a man? 

So if I make a reference to say a movie like "Jit" with some explicit scenes, is that also not allowed in Soompi? Its precisely why movies are rated or there's that conspicuous tv rating (GP, PG15, and in my country SPG (sexual content, etc. that needs parental guidance). 


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1 hour ago, thehanz said:

Omg I'm also watching save me! So far it's really good and I'm liking the lead actress and the hot bad boy with the drunk father (don't know his name) I hope they end up togather.


Hi5!! I am choosy with crime/thriller/psychological drama. My last crime drama was Signal. Somehow I don't see others living up to it (just my POV). I wanna give Secret Forest a try. I like Save Me female lead after seeing her on a variety show. She's bad***. My inner soul was crying after watching ep 2. Jinjja can't handle any romance drama right now....lol. 

@MoonlightSerenade I watch it on Dramafire. No ads and popups. 


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2 minutes ago, lovethatlook said:

IMO, I think maybe he meant he waited 8 years to do a romcom. Maybe he was offered to do a romcom before but he chose not to. 8 yrs ago, he was relatively building his career so he must have chosen serious projects to rocket ship his career and it paid out well :)


Oh ok, so he was ...FATED TO LOVE in 8years time. Then add on another 2 years of soon to be serving in the army and becoming more "manly" then that would total out to be 10years. So 8years of waiting. The meaning of the number 8 is NEW BEGINNING times 8 years of age difference to a two year wait meaning of 2 is ABUNDANCE or DOUBLE PORTION and add 2 years of waiting to 8 years of waiting equals to 10 years meaning of 10 is DIVINE ORDER or COMPLETELED CYCLE of our OTP JiJi Haven Ship Sailing for ALL of us FIGHTING DELULU MINDS on board. I am loving the numbers correlations .... :ph34r::ph34r: ... 


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16 minutes ago, lovethatlook said:

IMO, I think maybe he meant he waited 8 years to do a romcom. Maybe he was offered to do a romcom before but he chose not to. 8 yrs ago, he was relatively building his career so he must have chosen serious projects to rocket ship his career and it paid out well :)

hmm maybe what he meant to say is he was destined to wait for 8 yrs to do his first romcom with none other than NAM JI HYUN. #suspiciousfate



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15 minutes ago, Huntergal said:

@MoonlightSerenade @lovethatlook  ROFL!! They want me to acknowledge I had been a bad, bad girl before I'm allowed to post again. -_-

For now I'll be good since MyOppa fans don't like what we're posting about Oppa. Well, we are praising his ***** and think of his capabilities highly and greatly everyday (and that's rare coming from me). I guess my friend was right, he does have sensitive MyOppa fans who wanna preserve him for themselves. *roll eyes* 

Me trying to be good...


@MoonlightSerenade @songsongdiehard @nikih @tomago Thanks chingus! :kiss_wink: Glad I made y'all feel fuzzy with my deluluness. Maybe I might write more since I have to be a good girl. :tounge_xd:


chingu ... your writing will definitely help me get over this ....


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49 minutes ago, babyval22 said:

Okie guys.. We gotta be real good already. Hahahs. We should blame it on jiji for turning us into Byeontae squad. Hahahas! Let's be good girls then and leave the byeotae-ness to both of them! Behind their closed doors. LOL. 

BTW, your analysis on the team vacay jiji being ninja.. Hahahs. It may be plausible but considering the schedule Wookie was on.. Hahahha. Very tiring for him. LOL. But we won't ever know also won't we? 

Sometimes honestly I wished we had fan sightings. Hahahs. I don't want dispatch to disturb them. But fan sightings without pic would be good for our souls. Hahahs. But uri jiji is super ninja, so what to do? Keke. 

Although we should really clarify thoufh. If the gifs and video is about jiji, is it allowed? How do we check on that? 

Ah the possibilities are endless. You know what they say about the truth being stranger than fiction. And as the old adage goes, if there's a will there's a way. If one's not inclined, one will find excuses. 

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3 minutes ago, MoonlightSerenade said:


Oh ok, so he was ...FATED TO LOVE in 8years time. Then add on another 2 years of soon to be serving in the army and becoming more "manly" then that would total out to be 10years. So 8years of waiting. The meaning of the number 8 is NEW BEGINNING times 8 years of age difference to a two year wait meaning of 2 is ABUNDANCE or DOUBLE PORTION and add 2 years of waiting to 8 years of waiting equals to 10 years meaning of 10 is DIVINE ORDER or COMPLETELED CYCLE of our OTP JiJi Haven Ship Sailing for ALL of us FIGHTING DELULU MINDS on board. I am loving the numbers correlations .... :ph34r::ph34r: ... 


I love it!! :heart:

That :astonished: must have made you channel your inner Nancy Laine in you :)


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8 minutes ago, Huntergal said:
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Hi5!! I am choosy with crime/thriller/psychological drama. My last crime drama was Signal. Somehow I don't see others living up to it (just my POV). I wanna give Secret Forest a try. I like Save Me female lead after seeing her on a variety show. She's bad***. My inner soul was crying after watching ep 2. Jinjja can't handle any romance drama right now....lol. 

@MoonlightSerenade I watch it on Dramafire. No ads and popups. 



try tunnel (broke rating record for OCN). i love both Tunnel and Signal. I felt like Tunnel is like a sister to Signal, a little softer with a lot of heart. It has the similar time traveling and solving serial murder theme. Quite heart warming actually. You will sure connect and invest in each character. Has minimal little romance. 



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8 minutes ago, malaya said:

Pssst....chingu quoting Proverbs 5:15:19 NIV 

"Drink water from your own cistern, running water from your own well. Should your springs overflow in the streets, your streams of water in the public squares? Let them be yours alone, never to be shared with strangers. May your fountain be blessed, and may you rejoice in the wife of your youth. A loving doe, a graceful deer— may her breasts satisfy you always, may you ever be intoxicated with her love."

Mark 10:6-9 NIV

 “But at the beginning of creation God ‘made them male and female.’ ‘For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh.’So they are no longer two, but one flesh. Therefore what God has joined together, let no one separate.”



IKR? Ya know, methinks we are on the right track that are making people uncomfortable. 


I like where your going chingu. Puts it in a slightly different perspective. 


WORD. But makes me more determined. This too shall pass. :D


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IA. Its not that different from making a commentary and discussing a scene(s) of a particular movie or drama. They are actors who are comfortable in their own skin. Heck, Wookie even kiss a man in his musical. Was their an uproar from his fans that he kissed a man? 



I love your bible reference gonna mark it down because I am a good :ph34r: ... Lmbo!!!! ((But I do love love your bible reference added! Thanks love!)). 


But I do agree, I feel like everytime we are on to something MAJOR we get police zoned or something... like the interview translations and now the clues of their :ph34r::ph34r: moves and whatever else I may have missed from previous post. Hmmmm.... makes me think ....


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8 minutes ago, MoonlightSerenade said:

chingu ... your writing will definitely help me get over this ....

Okay! Your wish is my command! *thumbs up* 

@angelangie Much appreciated your reply. So no "naughty" gifs or words but we can spazz as much as we want on their kissing/bed scenes/skinship, right? Just wanna make it clear for meself and other chingus. :)

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5 minutes ago, MoonlightSerenade said:

But I do agree, I feel like everytime we are on to something MAJOR we get police zoned or something... like the interview translations and now the clues of their :ph34r::ph34r: moves and whatever else I may have missed from previous post. Hmmmm.... makes me think ....


What Interview Translations? I might have missed that police zoned episode. Care to explain? please? :) *don't kill me, I'm just curious* 


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I'm also wondering about the 8 years thingy that he mentioned. What was his exact words again? That he waited for hyunni for 8 years right? Then he went on to say he didn't know why he waited for 8 years right? Hahahahaha. This is such a bf tease to me. Gah. #delulumindremainsfree 

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3 minutes ago, lovethatlook said:

I love it!! :heart:

That :astonished: must have made you channel your inner Nancy Laine in you :)



I love being  #BYUNTAESQUAD with it .... epecially being too close to August 14th and quirky fun helps to divert my attention away from going to deep into my heart thoughts ... where I can easily find myself over the top and :wub::bawling: but .... I guess ... LOL!! Thanks chingu ... :ph34r:


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 I don't understand why would haters care so much about our shippers. They stalked hyunnie IG then talked bad about her and make fun of our discussion. We are aware that we are delulu sometimes .I don't understand why would these people bother so much about what we do/discuss. I am wookie oppa fans and jiji shipper as well, but never did I talk bad about others ship/partner. It anger me to see them talk bad about hyunnie and us. I don't think oppa will be proud to have fans like them especially talk bad about his working partner. I just hope they mind their own business and stop bother about our shipping business and

I know you guys haters lurking here..it's okay if u bash shippers but pls pls stop involve NamJiHyun in your critism,haters!!.<_<


Sorry.i just need to let out here ;(

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32 minutes ago, Huntergal said:

@MoonlightSerenade @lovethatlook  ROFL!! They want me to acknowledge I had been a bad, bad girl before I'm allowed to post again. -_-

For now I'll be good since MyOppa fans don't like what we're posting about Oppa. Well, we are praising his ***** and think of his capabilities highly and greatly everyday (and that's rare coming from me). I guess my friend was right, he does have sensitive MyOppa fans who wanna preserve him for themselves. *roll eyes* 

Me trying to be good...


@MoonlightSerenade @songsongdiehard @nikih @tomago Thanks chingus! :kiss_wink: Glad I made y'all feel fuzzy with my deluluness. Maybe I might write more since I have to be a good girl. :tounge_xd:


What happened? Someone messaged you to take it easy on Oppa? Is that for real?

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1 minute ago, babyval22 said:

I'm also wondering about the 8 years thingy that he mentioned. What was his exact words again? That he waited for hyunni for 8 years right? Then we went on to say he didn't know why he waited for 8 years? Hahahahaha. This is such a bf tease to me. Gah. #delulumindremainsfree 

he said he doesn't know why he waited 8 years for her. I think he wants us to put on our thinking cap and solve the mystery for him. And we responded with 692 pages and counting! You can count on us, chang wookie oppa!

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7 minutes ago, MoonlightSerenade said:

But I do agree, I feel like everytime we are on to something MAJOR we get police zoned or something... like the interview translations and now the clues of their :ph34r::ph34r: moves and whatever else I may have missed from previous post. Hmmmm.... makes me think ....



I agree! Every. Damn. Time. 

Oy vey....




Ah yes, Tunnel!!! #smh How could I forget that drama! Yup, I did watched it and I really like it. I agree with you about it being Signal's sister...lol. OCN makes TVN shookttt with their dramas. 


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Just now, leeeeeecx said:

Found this on IG. Is this legit/new? Just read the caption 'cause I don't know the language. 


i am wondering if that is from his latest interview with Fossil? Theres no interview source on there though. We will soon enough find out I guess. But heck we are all satisfied with his bed scene with NJH.

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