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[OFFICIAL] Ji Chang Wook and Nam Ji Hyun Couple (JiBong/JiJi Couple)


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10 minutes ago, daloula said:







Yeah I know they denied, it's in the article I just shared. But unless there are pictures, it's most of the time denied. Those dating reports don't come from Nothing. You brought her up so I needed to clear the air in the thread since not everybody has the same information.




 Thanks! I forgot that not everybody has the same info. 



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Just saw a funny conversation between a recruit and his friends... I read from weibo..so I trans it for you all...look like wookie gained more fans boy after MS...hahaha

"The owner share out his conversation with his friends, the owner said recently he watch SP in army, and many thought he watch it because of NJH, results he said no... he watch it because of Changwook hyung, and he also said Changwook hyung belong to him, his friend comment to the owner that he don't have girlfriend, then the owner said he will shut up before he choose to go another camp, again he said Changwook hyun is belong to him. He also share that today finally he meet Changwook hyung in the camp medical department, because he feel so nervous end up he did speak anything to Changwook hyung."

10 minutes ago, weiyo said:

Yep @loyal_ss520 that's the one.... See how he bend his head before answering?

Yep... saw...can see how happy he is when talk about jihyun... Hahaha... btw chingu I send you a dm to ask you something...did you saw my message?

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I watch Manhole for now, its still hard to watch any drama since SP, but I try ..ahhahahah... anyway I watch Manhole since one of you mentioned here that the main lead actor, Kim Jae Joong has similiar face to wookie, so I watch it..ahahha.. and its cross to my mind if only I can watch wookie and jae joong and also hyunie play drama together. Maybe wookie and jae joong can be sibling/have brother and both of them fall for hyunie...hohoho...I really look to see those boys stand together side by side with jealous expression one to another.







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@weiyo She seems a sweet girl, but as you say this is a NamJi thread. And we are blessed because we have our darling Hyunnie to love 

She is truly a breath of fresh air. In the way she's comfortable just being herself casual or dressed up, her music tastes, her love of travel and adventure and just being a normal sister/daughter/friend/student. I feel she is so unique and refreshing in the K-Entertainment world. No wonder all her sunbaes, past co-stars and people in the industry love her.

I'm repeating what I said before, but we really picked our bias well :wub:

As a NamJi shipper, of course I'm hoping all that chemistry between NJH and JCW means this beautiful girl and that beautiful man can end up together. After all chemistry is not something that can be completely manufactured. There's always some truth in it. 

Hyuniie is sweet, kind, funny, smart, down to earth and beautiful
Wookie is sweet, kind, funny, smart, down to earth and beautiful

Her ideal matches him (someone she can rely on, thats playful but also mature, someone in the industry so they understand the life of an actor)
His ideal matches her (someone with a beautiful smile that he can talk well with and lets him be like a child)

I feel as if the hands of fate have aligned everything together perfectly and now it's just up to them. And we're the lucky spectators.
Let's watch this beautiful love unfold... :wub:

By the way, I don't do this often, since I still feel a little shy about self-promoting, so forgive me for doing this; but I've started a new FF for Suspicious Partner fans who miss No Ji Wook and Eun Bong Hee like I do (thanks to attriste here who who gave me the spark of inspiration. I guess that makes you my muse:tongue:). If you have some time give it a read: https://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/1283932 

There are quite a lot of authors from this thread on AFF who have written more JCW/NJH and NJW/EBH stories as well. Please check them out if you need a little JiJi/NamJi goodness: https://www.asianfanfics.com/browse/tag/suspiciouspartner

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23 minutes ago, genxv said:



By the way, I don't do this often, since I still feel a little shy about it, but I've started a new FF for Suspicious Partner fans who miss No Ji Wook and Eun Bong Hee like I do. If you have some time give it a read: https://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/1283932 




There are quite a few authors on AFF who have written more JCW/NJH and NJW/EBH stories as well. Definitely check them out if you need a little JiJi/NamJi goodness: https://www.asianfanfics.com/browse/tag/suspiciouspartner




I already subscribed to your ff! And it's daebak!



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36 minutes ago, genxv said:

@weiyo She seems a sweet girl, but as you say this is a NamJi thread. And we are blessed because we have our darling Hyunnie to love 

She is truly a breath of fresh air. In the way she's comfortable just being herself casual or dressed up, her music tastes, her love of travel and adventure and just being a normal sister/daughter/friend/student. I feel she is so unique and refreshing in the K-Entertainment world. No wonder all her sunbaes, past co-stars and people in the industry love her.

I'm repeating what I said before, but we really picked our bias well :wub:

As a NamJi shipper, of course I'm hoping all that chemistry between NJH and JCW means this beautiful girl and that beautiful man can end up together. After all chemistry is not something that can be completely manufactured. There's always some truth in it. 

Hyuniie is sweet, kind, funny, smart, down to earth and beautiful

Wookie is sweet, kind, funny, smart, down to earth and beautiful

Her ideal matches him (someone she can rely on, thats playful but also mature, someone in the industry so they understand the life of an actor)

His ideal matches her (someone with a beautiful smile that he can talk well with and lets him be like a child)

I feel as if the hands of fate have aligned everything together perfectly and now it's just up to them. And we're the lucky spectators.

Let's watch this beautiful love unfold... :wub:

By the way, I don't do this often, since I still feel a little shy about it, but I've started a new FF for Suspicious Partner fans who miss No Ji Wook and Eun Bong Hee like I do. If you have some time give it a read: https://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/1283932 

There are quite a few authors on AFF who have written more JCW/NJH and NJW/EBH stories as well. Definitely check them out if you need a little JiJi/NamJi goodness: https://www.asianfanfics.com/browse/tag/suspiciouspartner

i've read your ff...you're jjang...i looove it..is it going to be weekly update?

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13 minutes ago, weiyo said:


The latest NJH pic on elevator in her ig is not today i believe. I saw it somewhere but can't remember where. Forgive this ajumma yea.


8 minutes ago, riririru said:


all of the pics that jihyun upload today are not from today.

Yup... all these pics has shared out hyunie friends, and last time hyunie has shared it on twitter...

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I need to say something about this.. RzhIP5Zh.jpg8EdR7L9h.jpg

Regarding these two photos.. please use the original photo because the one we used recently were cropped.. We should at least appreciate the owner to show their watermarks as it is their hardworks.. huhu 


Edited by ysrida_
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2 hours ago, daloula said:



I actually did some research and she was in jeju at the end of the first week of august with her mom. She also had a dating rumor with yoseob in may 2017:https://www.soompi.com/2017/05/15/breaking-highlights-yang-yoseob-reportedly-dating-musical-actress-shin-go-eun/




If she was really dating JCW, that would be awkward since the report says that it is well known in the musical industry that yang yoseob and her are dating. She's also still following him in instagram even after their dating report. It wouldn't have sat well with a jealous boyfriend.




I personally don't think there is something to worry about.








so i have no idea what this was all about and went to google it. when he starred in the musical with her, her hairstyle did not have bangs. she had long side swept bangs. even with bangs, her hair is very thin and flat, the pic wookie drew is totally not her. the picture wookie drew of the girl had thicker hair on the side and shorter hair - like hyunnie. that girl's hair is longer too. lol. nothing to be worried about 




i also saw an interview of the cast for the musical with wookie, her and the 2nd male lead of the musical. yeah, nothing to worry about. she's just a noona for wookie that he works with. no sparks. they didn't even sit next to each other. unlike wookie who cant even stay away from hyunnie. she seems like a cool noona, but nothing else.



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Omoooo I'm almost 30 pages behind since the last posted I made >< My new semester is starting already and its kind of hectic for both work and uni life pluss ever since Soompi went a bit error its kinda hard to open it through my phone because its somehow weird :( So for the past days I can only spazzing about our OTP by lurking into any IG posts related to them LOL But well since now is weekend, I can finally open this forum from laptop and properly post something~~ I just collecting lot of materials to post so please understand my another random post hahaha~

Forgive me that I haven't backread a lot. I just want to hurriedly post something before I forgot :D Here I go with another summary-like post (and sorry if its already discussed as always, will edit the post if its contained any repeated matter :D)  

1. Hyuni IG Post and Change of IG's profile picture



I'm beyond happy that at least we got 2 updates from her within this week *sobs* The first IG post where she just hang out with her friend, I just wanna say that I LOVE HER SIMPLICITY THE MOST :heart: She just looks like any college girl in her age and its fascinating to rem that she is also the same person that playing the role of our EBH lol

And today I can see that she is being so active. Update her IG, visiting her fancafe and also change her IG profile pic. So I spent time to read the comments in her latest IG post and I saw few comments which is so heartwarming to read (most comments written in hangeul so I just hope that she can read it and fully energized after it), there is comment saying sth like our hyuni is a celeb but she is not afraid to take public transportation (bus, train) and it seems like she is enjoying her life, how can anyone dislike celeb like her. and another thing praising her natural beauty, that she doesn't even trying so hard but still look pretty. from all of the comments I read, I can finally said that the reason why we are all so in love with her is bcs she gives us that warm feeling, just like a neighborhood friend, sister that we want to protect and we can't help but just love her. She is not perfect in anything but everything just in the right portion. In short, she is the type of person that can makes everyone feeling comfortable and willing to spend their time with her.

Its a bit random but I love how Hyuni wrote the caption. And that "yeppeuda" part just makes me having another goosebumps since I knew that in few pages back this thread is going crazy over oppa's "nam ji hyun yeppeuda" during their V-Live LOL another sync topic~

Anyone have any idea about that flying plane and blue sky pic? I have my own theory about that pic. Since I believe that Hyuni is not an ordinary girl, she must have something in her mind for any of her actions. I tried to googled the meaning of the pic from psychological side and it seems that the keywords she tried to delivers something like "I set a goal high and ready to aim that" it is just makes sense since she is also wrote a post about her study in the same day. So, from my PoV I can say that maybe at this time she is having a concern over her uni life and is really serious about her study and I'm so proud of her :heart:



2. Hyuni post in her Fancafe


Hmm I'm a bit clueless about this but is having a colds when season is turning is a common thing for many people? :o Well, my country only has 2 season and its not such a big deal I guess. So I can't help my delulu mind that our JiJi is worried for each others since this colds is linking them together according to their post LOL Another thing, she said that she applied for many major classes this semester and she has 5 semester left before graduate? This girl is surely know that she needs to graduate on-time, makes her mind occupied with study before she has to welcome and concentrate in her dating life, no? Fate is really reaaaalllly nice to our OTP *sobs* (and maybe she is preparing her next step to be "someone's wife and someone's mother too so that she really need to graduate on-time LMAO OMG PLEASE HELP MY DELULU MIND :flushed:). So after thinking a lot these past days, I can't help but feeling grateful that oppa's enlisted in the right time, after meeting the right person, and i know that everything will be alright in the end for both of them :heart:


3. Out of curiousity, I'm looking up for some explanation/signs related to Kissing lmao originally i want to find out about the meaning behind "caressing the neck while kissing" and "how to differentiate when someone get lost while kissing" but sadly i don't find the right keyword and I found this article instead and seriously..................goosebumps...............>< (I will cut the articles on the most important things only, you may read the full article here http://youqueen.com/love/seduction/body-language-of-men-in-love/). You may ignore my other post but makes sure not to miss this one! it's really good for our shipper's heart seriously :bawling: I cannot~~~~



Body Language of Men in Love: 15 Things to Pay Attention to

February 17th, 2015


It only takes a split second for your brain to read a person’s body language, so it should be easy to read the body language of men in love if you pay close attention.

Even if they aren’t using the three magic words, certain body language will give feelings away. If he is doing these things, your man has fallen and it’s in the best way possible. You may not have noticed these subtle cues, but after you read them, they may stand out more.Communication in relationships is much more than words and we can use our intuition to read them.

You can read body language to determine whether it is love or lust. This is an important skill for women to have so they don’t get their feelings hurt, and learn to interpret the body language of men in love correctly.

1. Hand holding

Is he the one reaching for your hand more often than not? If a man holds hands with you in front of friends and family, he’s hooked. He’s head over heels and doesn’t even know it. His body language will tell you before he even realizes how much he loves you.

When he is vulnerable with you in public by holding your hand, he’s saying that he is proud of who you are and proud to show people that you are a couple. If you’re not an official couple yet, it shows he’s definitely flirting with the idea.

2. They touch your hair

When men are trying to be sweet, they will treat you really well. They will try to make you feel special by complementing your natural beauty. When they begin to notice your freckles, dimples and birthmarks, they are noticing you and not just their idea of you.

When they are paying attention to the details and imperfections on you, it shows they are trying to get to know you better. If he is petting your hair, either he thinks you are an animal, or he loves you. You be the judge.

Frankly, if someone who doesn’t love you touches your hair, and they aren’t your hair dresser, it’s just weird right? The only time your man will touch your hair is if he is trying to show you he cares. Either that or he’s trying to figure out how it magically goes from curly to straight.

yellow highlight: I can't stop laughing while reading that line, it seems like the writer is one of us and she is talking about JiJi omg lol

5. They are a cuddle bug

How does he act when you’re just hanging out on the couch? Does he pull you close? If he is resting his head on your shoulder or just acting like an adorable cuddle bug, the proof is in the pudding. It’s written on the wall, this man’s heart has been stolen.

It just brings the memory of the couch BTS for me :wub:]]

6. They keep their arm around you in public

When men haven’t decided if they want to keep you around long term they will often keep a safe distance from you in public. If he places his hand on your shoulder or waist, this man is marking his territory in the most primal sense. He’s telling the other men not to consider you as an option, even if he is not conscious of it.

Is it only me but I'm having a gossebumps now because of our theory about "marking territory" probably is not delulu at all, whoaaah seriously :crazy: hahaha~

7. They kiss your forehead

It has been said that a kiss on the forehead means just one thing; that he wants to keep you forever. It’s an endearing gesture that is respectful, and when he has reached this level of sweetness, you have won his heart. Whatever you are doing, keep it up because it’s working. Keep being the fierce woman that you are because he digs it.

It's hard to believe that this Article is not some kind of analysis written by JiJi shippers LMAO let's just wait until we have info that the forehead kiss after the morning kiss ritual is actually an ad-lib from oppa :ph34r: if it's an ad-lib we sure know that oppa meant it when he said that hyuni is controlling him; his heart. awww~<3

9. He does everything possible to make you comfortable

Is he offering you his jacket? Has he gotten you an extra blanket when you said you were cold? Did he buy you gloves because he noticed your hands are cold often? If he is being extra thoughtful of your level of comfort, he’s getting ready to drop the bomb on you in a good way. Hope you’re ready, because this guy is on cloud nine and will tumble for you.

I will relate this sign to how he voluntary helping her to hold the mic when she is done talking. and I will make sure to let Hyuni know that words in yellow highlight hahahaa :wub:

13. He offers his hand to help you up or down

Has he been lending you a hand like you’re Cinderella hopping down from your carriage? That means he thinks of you as a queen (of course, you are one). When he offers you his hand to make sure you’re safe or just to make your life a little easier, it’s his way of saying ‘I love you.’ He is trying to reinforce that he will take care of you and protect you.

The gesture of lending a hand goes way back in history. The hand is reminiscent of when a man gets on one knee and asks the question. When a man wants to offer his hand, he probably wants to offer more. He’s knocking on the door to your heart and asking for you to love him back. Way before you both say I love you, you both will know.

MAJOR GOOSEBUMPS :astonished: hahahahaha CAN WE JUST HIRE THIS AUTHOR TO COMPLETE OUR CSI TEAM CHINGUS OMG OMG I don't need to explain further since few pages back we are having a hot discussion about this during their SMA appearance huhuuuu

14. He looks you in the eye

Gestures are a way of communicating. They say you can’t look someone in the eye when you don’t trust them. Don’t get me wrong here, everyone that looks you in the eye isn’t in love with you, but when you do look people in the eye, it allows a sort of mutual vulnerability.

It’s a very strong way to connect with someone and if he’s looking into your eyes a lot, he may be searching for validation that you love him too.

Pay attention to the way he looks at you. If he avoids eye contact, chances are he’s unsure about his feelings for you, but if you get the eye lock often, you can bet there are deeper feelings there. The eyes are the windows to the soul and they speak more than words. Often we pick up on feelings we can’t put into words just by looking into someone’s eyes. So look into his eyes and see what your soul hears.

now now now.......even though I have read this article over and over again before share it in this thread but i still find it amazing that it is just some kind of reality-checking for us :bawling: it just makes my confidence level to board in this ship is getting higher. JiJi is in love, that's what I believe :bawling:



4. Just a light comparison and only for fun ok~~~~~



Oppa's forehead kiss~~~


And of course we can't left this out.....


I tried to obe objective while comparing both forehead kiss scenes. But seriously, the one in SP just have too much feels :cry:  I'm just getting so confused because the scene in Tornado Girl (?) is also super sweet and pretty but I can still have that "they are just acting" feeling meanwhile the overall of how they performed their acting in SP just sometimes makes me confused whether its jcw-njh or njw-ebh that i'm watching rite now :blink: Hahahaha i wish i'm not crazy yet to even say this lol



5. This not directly related to JiJi but somehow reminds me of them hehehe


Ah~ this couple reallllly give me high expectation >< Beenzino finally got his first army vacation and its so heartwarming to see them spent the precious times together. Anyway, it doesn't feel too long since Beenzino enlisted :o I guess, we can expect a lot from oppa's first army vacation. I hope that he can use it to create a lot of memories just like what Beenzino did with his gf. Oppa will be busy making time for his eomma, ggoma, and friends but I bet he will also spare some of his time to check on that-one-girl-waiting-for-him. ah, i'm just too excited for someone else's love life lmao 




Soooooorrrry for my super-long post >< Hope all chingus here don't mind :D I tried to make it shorter by put it under the spoiler tho :D

Actually I want to catch up on a lot of things but my main problem is i'm too lazy to backread :bawling: I'm soooooo sorrrrryyyy (bcs I have limited time also and its hard to do that using phone so I'm so sorrry), but can anyone brief me in case there is any interesting discussion that I missed? Thank you in advance :D

Last but not least I want to thank our chingus here who have IG acc and keep on updating about JiJi. Even tho I just randomly went to checked all of the acc (idk who owned the acc bcs I'm just literally stalking here and there hahaha). Thank you bcs you guys just source of my energy beside this thread hehehe <3 please keep up the good job and I wish we can share and spread only postive things for JiJi and never once involved in any immature acts. I respect you guys a lot! <3

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Forgot to say this, regarding oppa's drawing of his ideal type, until now I still believe that he draw it with Hyuni in his mind whether he is doing it consciously or not :D I found collection of oppa's drawing in IG and it seems like he is the type who likes to draw details point in his object. Maybe its not 100% perfect but its presentable to say what is the object of his drawings.




More than that, I think I have read somewhere that Hyuni said this is the only time she doesn't have bangs. Before she always had a short/medium hair with bangs. Please correct me if this is wrong info bcs I forgot where I read this :D 



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i also want to say that being a shipper is hard. especially on a ship where one (wookie) is on hiatus in MS for almost two years, which means we won't get to hear much news about him.




but i just want to say not to worry - wookie is a popular guy. he has male and female friends. no need to worry about him being attached to another female. we all have friends lol. and for wookie, they are just that: friends.




hyunnie is also very popular amongst people, while she may not be as popular and might not get as much media attention, we all know she has a lot of boys and girls around her. as a girl, she's been pretty good at keeping herself low key and striking down any unnecessary rumor with guys - wookie has been the same, he's welcomed questions about past costars (with the exception of hyunnie) and shot them down.




wookie's actions and behavior before SP, during SP, in the BTS, and even POST SP has showed us he is smitten. he has fallen hard. hyunnie is also in love with wookie or she wouldn't be so worried about him. theyre both strong individuals who can get through this MS. it's a good break for both of them. no need to worry about any baseless rumors. they are both entitled to having friends, but we all know who the real one in their heart is <3



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7 minutes ago, miss0115 said:



































Forgot to say this, regarding oppa's drawing of his ideal type, until now I still believe that he draw it with Hyuni in his mind whether he is doing it consciously or not :D I found collection of oppa's drawing in IG and it seems like he is the type who likes to draw details point in his object. Maybe its not 100% perfect but its presentable to say what is the object of his drawings.




















More than that, I think I have read somewhere that Hyuni said this is the only time she doesn't have bangs. Before she always had a short/medium hair with bangs. Please correct me if this is wrong info bcs I forgot where I read this :D 
















yup, from what i remember hyunnie has always had bangs. this is the first time i've seen her without bangs! it's totally hyunnie. literally, 100%. <3



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