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[Drama 2017] Reunited Worlds 다시 만난 세계

Go Seung Ji

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oh my goodness i totally did not see TH being the killer coming.

I thought it was his mother :scream:


2 hours ago, l0ul0u said:

TH.. now, I don't want him for YI.. he made HS siblings suffer.. marked them family of a murderer. Specially their grandma.. she died broken hearted.. then why didn't he confronted YJ not helping out his siblings.. even he is not the killer.. he and his family made HS family the way they are now.. HC didn't get to go to college.. YI didn't finish her schooling coz she had to take care of SJ.. I hope YI won't take TH back..

agreed though, as much as i am sad that it was him :( but his fault and his father's cover up caused any entire family to suffer :(

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Got a very strong feeling that although TH "killed" the friend,  the Park lawyer should be the real killer. The way  he ran away from JW,  he like very nervous. I felt that he is the real killer. TH might involved but I really think the Park lawyer is the last hit on that friend.... 

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I agree with everyone who thinks it is the punk lawyer who killed the boy. TH pushed him and ran. Something must have happened by the time he got back, because the kid was still alive when HS got there.   I think the lawyer topped the kid off and he is the real murderer.




I always found it difficult to accept that TH was the murderer because he showed no signs of guilt around HS and seemed so relaxed around him. He said he just wanted to make things well for him but that is still difficult to understand when is standing before an old friend who took the stigma of murderer for him and his whole family suffered.   I think he held back confessing because of his fear of his bully father who was slapping him around, and also because of his mother, he didn't want to cause her grief.   If he came forward perhaps the truth about the other kid would have come out.




I am also upset that Hae Chul's ex girlfriend wants to take the child who she deserted now that she has a rich boy friend. I am worried because he loses his temper so easily they can video his tantrum and call him unfit.  




I guess I have given up on JW and MJ, but who knows.  If Jw does get to stay (which i doubt) would he get old? Doesn't seem right to me that he stays. But sad for JW.




On the bright side things look great for HB and JJ.



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5 hours ago, maddymappo said:


I guess I have given up on JW and MJ, but who knows.  If Jw does get to stay (which i doubt) would he get old? Doesn't seem right to me that he stays. But sad for JW.



Who knows that shooting star wish of JW will come true (whatever it maybe)? Again, I am saying it.. hoping for a big miracle here.. lol  I want a happy ending.. 



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@saanjh sena @maddymappo @kaoriharang I don't think for one second that TH is the killer. Like he said, he pushed YKC and left the place. From his words, it is clear that he never took the weapon. If his fingerprints were compared to the one found on the murder weapon, he would be declared innocent. The lawyer PDS is the culprit. He knew where the student was and whom he would meet. That's the reason why he hid the second time because now he is living under a new identity. 

Actually, TH's father stopped TH from turning himself in because of the car accident. It was not to save his son but himself. If the police had heard that TH had called his father, they would have realised that the driver couldn't have killed HS. Striking is that TH has no idea that his father killed his best friend. In fact, I feel sorry for TH because he has always felt guilty and if he had confessed, the police could have discovered that he was not the real culprit and he shouldn't have blamed himself for all these years. 

All this happened because he was stopped by his father. Actually, his two parents are just selfish and greedy persons. I believe, TH's mother asked her ex-sister-in-law to leave the school after the murder because she was afraid that her secret would be discovered hence both parents played a huge part in covering up for the killer. 

As for GJ's mother, it is her karma to be with the killer. She abandoned her boyfriend and daughter because she felt burdened and they were poor. Now, she has got a rich boyfriend who turns out to be the killer. As a result, she can not take GJ. 

For me the best ending is that TH discovers the truth about his parents and cut ties with them, first because his father killed his best friend. Secondly because his father abandoned his first son and he might be not his biological son. I want the father to be sent to jail and the mother to be brandmarked as a wife's murderer. Or even better, when her husband realises that TH has never been his son and she lied to him about her past.

CMJ said that he would never forgive his father and I hope, he doesn't change his mind. I would like him to become the big brother of HS's family. CMJ needs a family and with HS, he could get one.

However, I want TH to be with YI because TH is indeed a decent guy, a friend who stood for HS and tried to help him in the first place. TH was honest because he really wanted to turn himself in. I don't blame him at all. His father was just pressuring him.

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2 more weeks I am going to miss HS on screen.. that bright smile and the whole personality of HS.. 




TH/YI  I supposed, I wouldn't want them together.. cut ties or not with his parents.. still a big no for me. The whole family were tagged as family of a murderer.. TH/YI may look good together but the fact remain the same. HS family suffered big time. Even TH is sorry for what had happened. He can't correct it anymore. HS grandmother wouldn't know anymore that his grandson is not the murderer. Those 12 years of suffering won't erase the pain. I want to see YI strong and the way she stood up for his big brother.. I want to see that standing up on TH for what he did to her family. He can't use the reason my father made me do it. Lives and reputation were ruined because of that. HS was right when he asked TH why did he get closed to his family, his friends and dated his sister after all what they did to them. That is called betrayal.. TH betrayed everyone. JW suffered mentally and physically because of that. I am sure HS grandmother too.. if ever they want it end.. they can forgive TH but not forget what he and his parents did to them. So TH/YI not possible.

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Whoa I did not see that coming. Suddenly it all makes sense...why TH went to see HS' younger brother and why he met up with HB after he found out about the posters. I'm totally sad. My TH/YI ship has sunk. Even if it turns out that TH is not our murderer, how could anyone knowingly go back to the man who ruined your family?  

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I have been trying to write a reply so hopefully this works

P.S sorry this post comes so late, i have been having difficulty posting this @bebebisous33


After I rewatched the episode, i also eventually came to the conclusion that TH may not be the one that actually killed him. True he may have injuried him in the process - but clearly there is something much bigger going on.

TH's mother clearly has a secret (whether is the fact that she is hiding her past or something well we will find out soon enough)

TH's father - for sure he has something else larger at play. Whether the whole accident of HS dying, was it really an accident or something calculated?

PDG - clearly he was shaken up when JW came back into the picture at first it was very causal but now there is something clearly deeper as well, I am sure he is connected to the murder somehow. Also what is the deal with the sudden custody battle. what is going on

I sometimes don't understand GJ's mother - she clearly never wanted her daughter at first, left her and HC. Now she wants back in? you think he would? I wouldnt...



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2 hours ago, kaoriharang said:



After I rewatched the episode, i also eventually came to the conclusion that TH may not be the one that actually killed him. True he may have injuried him in the process - but clearly there is something much bigger going on.




really?i wonder too what happened that day...thanks for updates...i just arrived and i still have to watch today ep



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Just in case someone has not yet watched, I will put it under spoiler



So we finally learnt that TH is not the killer and it is PDG. I feel much better that TH is not the killer, but I feel bad that TH found out that it was his father who ended HS's life the way it did :(

I am rather liking MJ actually, he is someone who initially I did not think would stand up for HS but he did, if acting this friendship between MJ and HS, I love it especially now that MJ knows that HS is going to disappear.

I am sad that JW found out already that HS will disappear soon, I know it is something that eventually had to be told but now that TH, MJ and JW know. I think it is only time that eventually the rest of the siblings will find out.

I really want HS and PDG to meet because I think he will get an utter shock of his life once he sees him.


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I'm so happy tae hoon is safe now....but I also thought may be brothers reunited but why TH mind not strike why Min joon talking to his father about hae sung.....I really wish soon tae hoon now about it.

Finally YJ know about Soo ji illness may be he will become donor to save her.

Ho bang and Jin joo asusual daebak...love them so entertaining.

Poor jung won how she gonna handle this situation. And my min joon ❤ ❤ ❤.  May be hae sung stay and not leave this world anything possible in fantasy drama.

After watching preview --hae sung trying couple match making jung won and min joon. Please hae sung don't do it ,,it will hurt three of you.....and I don't want to watch anyone of you hurting 


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I would hate it if HS just spend his last few days pairing JW/MJ.. you can't push love.. let time decide.. like I said.. hoping JW wish will come true.. 

then about TH.. that was so big of HS to forget what TH and family did to his family.. letting go and even asked TH to take care of his siblings.

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