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[Drama 2017] Suspicious Partner, 수상한 파트너


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It was such a cute and fun episode with lots of progress for OtP. I have a good feeling about second female lead too. She will be more helpful than obstacle me thinks.  As far as I remember this writer doesn't use anyone as plot device we just need to wait and see their side of story. I love that we have seen more of BH pov in episode 5-6 and JW's in last episode. I find him so endearing now. I bet what he wanted to talk before Bong Hee asked about the night two years ago, was actually about Bong Hee being cautious to go near him and he wanted to explain himself about being strict to her.

On different note I don't think murderer just wants to play with Bong Hee, more likely he is being played by someone else. There are a lot more story waiting to be revealed about numerous murders.

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OH MY GOSH this show is absolute CRACK! Safe to say I'm addicted. Been replaying my favourite scenes again and again. :wub:

Love the dynamic between the main leaders. They understand each other on a deep emotional level and seriously Ji-Wook is just incredibly sweet. There were so many scenes where I went "awww" out loud. And loved the scene where he tried to pick her up when her foot was hurt that it wasn't done the typical swoony bridal style way. Still uber cute though. 

I'm really curious as to why Ji-Wook's ex cheated on him in the first place. Despite the fact that cheating is unforgivable, I reckon there might've been a reason why she ended up doing that? Perhaps she felt neglected? I know some of you would disagree but to me she doesn't seem to be an inherently bad person. 

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Love love the Suspicious Partner.. is like watching something and you don't want it to end.. both of them have really good chemistry. The way they treat each other as though as they have been together for years... JW is so innocent when comes to caring for BH.  I wonder how he would treat her when he realized his actual feeling. And the OST... is really nice to listen tooo... I like the way the drama plots... I hope it would not disappoint me till the end....

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3 hours ago, vangsweetie637 said:

It's 1am and i am finally done watching the latest episodes. It's late and I do need to get a rest. Will be back later for full thoughts.

Even though the whole crime plot has me at chills sometimes, I laughed so hard on the comedy aspect. I usually don't like funny sound effects but the way it was used here was perfect timing. They are not trying too hard to be funny. Which i really appreciate and enjoy.


I am still laughing. These two 'ill fated/good' love birds have me ROTFL. 




LMAO. I thought I'm not the only one who noticed that. The sound effects were just in time to make the scenes even funnier :lol:

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14 hours ago, cherkell said:

Since it is the oldest ratings company, AGB Nielsen Korea Media (started in 1992) ratings are the ones used as the benchmarks for drama/variety programs.  TNmS (started in 1999) is just another way of gathering ratings through a different set of household viewers -- AGB collects viewership data from a sampling of 2,500 households, while TNmS samples from approximately 2,000 households (with a +/- of 2-3% variable per sampling).  Only the Top 20-rated shows are listed on each portal for brevity.

As to accuracy, both companies are quite honest in their systematic approaches to data sampling.  But AGB Nielsen is the 'gold standard' that the production companies and networks utilise in order to sell CF spots and promotions towards (a/k/a product placements).

I don't trust the numbers listed on either Wikipedia or D-addicts. I usually go straight to their respective Korean websites and gather the information from there.

tnx alot for ur information

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I am really happy with how this drama is shaping. like everything is in balanced. and thank God NJW is not a typical drama hero i mean being a jerk first then turning into a nice guy. In fact he is totally opposite. we can clearly see he cares a lot. i have noticed JCW doesn't act typical drama heroes which are mostly one dimensional. like being a bad guy with a good heart or shedding big tears and stuff like this at least not in his recent work.He craves for experiencing new things  in all his dramas specially in empress ki healer k2 and now SP he has shown a different acting be it comedy action tragedy and melo.His characters are always multi dimensional. I have learned that ratings don't mean quality. No offense to anyone here like in case of descendant  of the sun i liked most part of it but i didn't get how they even fell in love so the romance didn't work for me. Media really play a big part in publicizing a drama. like healer brought huge fans for JCW and i think SP will do the same regardless of the rating as 99 percent of the reactions that i see are positive and it is shutting down many people who said he cant do comedy, His eyes really kill.He has really impressive range of acting. what really makes me happy is that usually when people talk about JCW among this generation they consider him a beauty with a great talent. they don't call him just a pretty face which make him a class apart from many and  i am saying this after watching many dramas for like 8 years and seeing many actors. i really wish him and other actors of this drama all the best and i hope he gets his real due as an actor one day. cause he really hasn't.he overshadowed everyone for me in empress ki although i didn't know him back then so i wasn't even biased. Like healer which i know has a special place in his heart i feel this drama will do the same even with not high rating as we can clearly see how content he is with his role and even writing as i have seen he is very critical with his own job. sorry for the long writing.

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3 hours ago, ilwoo_aein said:


"Suspicious Partner" presscon on SHOWBIZ KOREA


Are the leads in some kind of dressing theme? The Staplers, The Banana Leaves, The Burlap Wrap-ups, ok....:) EunHyuk is the only normal one but his color matches with Nara.

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7 hours ago, bonuibonui said:


Guys...can we have a fan name for this drama?? Any suggestion is open!!!!!

Ji Bong! Ji Bong!    Haha so cheesy right?

Just thinking, Ji Chang Wook has never play a chaebol before, did he?

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Oh great! This drama is taking over my life just like how healer does.

Me in a deep sleep. 

Then unconscious me hear someone whistling outside my apartment hall.

Me wakes up from the whistling.

Wide eyes I gasp "The killer is in my place!"

freezing onion head I just woke up and I'm still having the chill. I need to rewatch SP!evil smile onion head

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12 minutes ago, Ainee Etp said:

Are the leads in some kind of dressing theme? The Staplers, The Banana Leaves, The Burlap Wrap-ups, ok....:) EunHyuk is the only normal one but his color matches with Nara.

HAHAHAHA You got me rolling in my floor with that Clothe naming. New fashion perhaps. 


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So I just finished eps 3 & 4.

Two words: riled up. That's what these two episodes did to me...or to be more exact, what No Ji Wook did to me.

The first couple of eps he was fine, but now he's just too much! He CLAIMS to care about justice and fairness, yet nearly convicted Bon Hee, despite there being contradictory evidence, which he withheld to the last minute I might add! Then he played martyr/hero who did the "oh so difficult and sacrifial move of sacrifizing his career" for Truth/fairness...The one thing he claimed he fought for. If he TRULY cares about fairness like I do then he wouldn't need to internally debate EVEN FOR A SECOND whether to submit that other knife or not! And he would'nt play victim/hero who bravely "sacrifized" his career, he'd just realize he did the right thing, followed the value of fairness without being smug about it. Next ep according to preview he'll have Bong Hee beg for forgiveness, despite her not doing anything wrong! Verbally abusive Jerk. 

I usually like tsundere stories, but this writer seems to not be able to differentiate between tsundere and jerk characters. There's a world of a difference! I cannot stand NJW's smug mannerisms either, he should be more humble.

So NOT ONLY is this guy not very fair, but he's also a fake! Claiming to value a thing (fairness), then not following up on that value he claims to follow! He needs more self-awareness and genuiness and to get down from his mighty condescending high-horse richard simmons-hole attitude!

Please tell me this gets better & he starts to TRULY actually care about fairness, stops verbally abusing Bon Hee and gets his body language wiped clean of any thraces of smugness! Goodness!!

And please don't tell me Bon Hee doesn't actually start to work hard for his-mighty-that-is-all-this-world-needs's forgiveness! She needs to be a strong chararacter and stand up to this jerk's behaviour!

I might just start to ship her with Choi Tae Joon's character instead. He was one actually on her side.

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2 hours ago, dekaron said:

Any ideas on why HeeJoon was murdered?

Hee Joon is murdered just because he is at the wrong place and at the wrong time. The killer wanted to kill BH but she went out. And Hee Joon just arrived at her house n he saw the killer face when he turn around. 

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after re-watching episode per episode, I noticed that "thing" BH left in the taxi on their first meeting was also left again for the second time in JW's car. I wonder if that "thing" will have some significant in the future episodes. It seems like the writer is dropping hints since episode 1 which are not yet discussed. So excited to get in unravel.

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2 hours ago, dekaron said:

Any ideas on why HeeJoon was murdered?

So glad that you asked this question. So my thoughts on motive, is this. 

1) The killer saw EH and thought she saw him when he had the other body. So, he came over to finish her off before he left.

2) The killer may be intertwined with the ex's father in some way. Just the way his father is handling this makes me feel like he is hiding something. Maybe the person the killer originally killed was somehow a hit job called by the father, and now his guilty conscience is desperate for someone to blame, so EH is an easy target.

3) What if the killer and HJ knew one another. The last shot of HJ before EH finds him dead leads me to believe that he somehow knew the killer. 

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104May 19, 2017

Suspicious Partner: Episodes 7-8

by LollyPip


You see that face? That is the face of a very, very happy girl. I won’t spoil the fun by telling you why… suffice it to say that Bong-hee’s personal life is taking a definite upswing. But she’s still got a killer to catch, and he’s drawing closer in response to her invitation to come and find her. Bong-hee is brave, but she may come to regret that invitation before this is all over.





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