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[Drama 2016-2017] Guardian: The Lonely and Great Goblin 도깨비

Go Seung Ji

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13 hours ago, NRGchick said:

Thinking through rationally, there was no other way to end it. I mean, Eun Tak will have danger at every 29,39, 49 years old and onward. 

I am giving up on figuring how an immortal can live with a mortal who will age but what the heck... the drama doesn't cover that anyway. It could be eventually Shin requests that he is able to age alongside this Eun Tak. And it was good that Eun Tak more than thirty years later still remembers him. 

The one thing though that I hate the most is the use of the staring at each other at the end......SIGH...

Precisely.......hate the 'staring at each other at the end'.

The impact of the ending to me is - the sword is now stuck in my chest  :cold_sweat:

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7 minutes ago, stroppyse said:

There were so many good things about this drama, other than the ending. I guess I should at least take some comfort that ET doesn't drink the tea so that she will remember her previous lives with the goblin each time? And, that at least their love will have a longer than an average mortal lifespan? Small comforts against the idea of the goblin alone forever by himself at some point, but it is what it is. 

Anyway, I especially loved the frenemy bromance between the Grim Reaper and the goblin in this drama, and couldn't get enough of that. So, that's what I'll hold onto from this drama. Also, would it be possible to see Gong Yoo and Lee Dong Wook work together again on another project? Please, pretty please, and with a happy ending?  

Agree... with all the love, happiness, hate, anger and so so, I still love this drama.

Especially with the 2nd wish, I'm with you @stroppyse. I wish both guys will work together again. But still be frenemy bromance kind of relationship. Still can't get enough on that.

I was planned to unsubscribed from this thread, but.. let me bear for few more days until the special eps and the leaking pictures of Thailand holidays.


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read and heard enough about his cooking skill

imagine this HOT HOT HOT guy prepare your breakfast or even better... dinner.:wub::wub:

i'll eat what ever he give me, even tho it's vegetable that i hate the most :tongue::tongue:


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3 minutes ago, eylrx said:

does anyone know why ET started seeing ghosts again?


1. ET has many variables for her life because she's missing soul. Like she said to GR that she doenst even know why she can see ghosts again and GR said that some variables may happen to her.

2. Im sure it it because she comes closer to her death, in her 29 so that's why everything goes to where it starts.


That's my assumption only, hope it helps :)

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Can i say how i really cracked all this times Dok Hwa randomly added about this whole life events with the Chaebol heir quotes,amnesia,secret birth etc...Like the writer taking jabs at every drama troupe tossed at us

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Finally through 1000 yrs....BE HAPPY.. h











And I love Sunny and YIN.. She is so cool, warm, kind,,,,beautiful...sad...everything. Be happy








Edited by LyraYoo
please merge multiple photos in spoiler tag
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hi girls!! i'm here again...now i saw the end in spanish sub, and i understand everything! so beautiful end! is all start again and now eun tak will live more...the couples had a happy ending and that is a bless! maybe a hug in the end would be perfect haha but now it's ok...and kim shin is an immortal he is goblin! we have a fantasy ending for a fantasy history! amazing!! kim shin always managed to survive

and  wang sun stayed with kim shin  for 30 years! strong friendship 

i'm happy girls! and happy because i enjoyed each episode and stayed here with you! and i hope that we can know soon for the next projects of the guys and girls!


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i finally watched the ending and I can't believe it's really over! :cry:
being a part of this forum has been an honor and I am so glad I got to enjoy our goblin journey with all of you!
I hope to see you all around again in another drama! i feel so empty now that goblin is done airing!
I wish you all good health for the rest of this year! thank you for letting me a part of all the fun this past month! thank you to all who shared their thoughts and theories, and to those who tried their best to cheer us all up after all those heartbreaking cliff hangers! i hope to meet with you all again at some point! :heart:

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1 hour ago, sooyoungdaebak said:

Credit to Ceressi since I can't quote images: 


Gawddd, they totally tongue each other...zoom IN!!! Slowmo, please...kekeke. 

I really laught at this my friend!! He seems daZed after the kiss,,he was really on it but GE face look excited..

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Have been silent lurker but just had to post my thoughts about the final few episodes. At episode 13 with the supposed death of the goblin, I was wondering if it was possible to take the show a further 3 episodes, but I can see why they did now.

It would have been easy for the writer to come up with a deus ex machina to grant the characters a typical 'happy' ending but I think he was brave to persist with the ending he originally conceived and I applaud the decision. After all, this is a show that despite the many light-hearted moments was dealing with the very heavy topic of death and human fragility and so I think the ending was in line with that.

From the moment the goblin chose to forsake his eternal rest, he was doomed to have another moment of heartbreak because JET would eventually pass on, whether it be 9 or 99 years. But the key difference in his second existence as a goblin was that this time it was his choice. Also, after 900 years, he had finally managed to let go of all his resentment and had gotten his first taste of love. Some people never manage that in their lifetimes so despite the tragedy of JET's early death, I think ultimately he was very blessed to have fulfilled his dream of marrying his first love. In real life, marriages are hardly the endpoint of a person's life and a guarantee of living happy ever after, so to have enjoyed the short moment of bliss was already a big bonus, especially since his existence was supposed to have ended there and then when the sword was removed. In fact, it could be said that he was spared the agony of having to see his beloved wither away in a slower and more natural death. 

Ultimately, I think the show has a very poignant message to tell about how fragile life is but also about why then it is so important to treasure the small precious moments in it. Very frequently in the show, it is shown how one small moment can be a turning point in a person's life. The recurring theme about how wrong suicide is because it is the easy way out and how it devalues the opportunity to even be alive is also very powerful. JET's last words to the goblin that the one left behind should live on bravely in response to the love that was received really sums it all up and I thought the sub-story about the North/South Korean couple seperated by the war was a particularly beautiful illustration. Also, I'm not an expert and although the show does borrow its themes on the afterlife from different religions, in the Buddhist concept of reincarnation, a reincarnated life is still different from the previous one despite being from the same root. Therefore, the current life should be lived and appreciated in its fullest like the proverbial candle in the wind.  

In the end, only the date and cause of death are what is provided by the deity to the GRs. But what happens before it are dictated entirely by the choices that the individual makes. And once in awhile, if one tries hard enough, a person does just enough to change the fates :)  

(btw, does anyone else DH is the old butler at the end of the last episode? Only the butlers in his family refer to the goblin by the older style of honorific.)

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Some few emotional scenes too last night is when the last remaining ghost friend of ET finally leave the world together with her aunt... Even though she was annoying before but they really become close.. Even she thank ET rudely but when her voice crack ,,i find it emotional

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Dear chinggus.

First and foremost, let me thank all the live recappers yesterday..you guys rock. I was so miserable because I had to attend an event and could not watch the finale but your recaps help me get through yesterday with a breeze

And also I would like to thank all the commentors, goblin troops, goblin-bride wannabe, team GY, team DW, reapers troop, KS-ET shippers, GR-Sunny shippers..all of you are daebak!!!...

Now my last take of the final two eps:

The Greatest Moment;

1. When ET got her memories back

2. Every KS and ET moments (the kissing, the goofiness, the togetherness, the cherry blossom moments, the wedding -even if I'm a bit pissed off that the bed scene was cut when we are feed with the idea in the preview. That is so cruel Mr PD nim..domu domu cruel..chinncha..

3. When it was finally revealed that Sunny had her memories intact -  felt so relieved at least a human remembers

4. When GR and Sunny are finally together

5. Of course, when ET met KS at the end


1. When ET got into accident

2. When the end was better for both GR and Sunny (walking on the stairs together)

3. When KS was left ALL ALONE at the end - WTH??!! Seriously after ET said to GR please take care of KS after everyone left. She left, his sister left and the GR, his true friend left too..- again too cruel PD nim..too cruel

Sorry I am ranting the last bits even if the drama has ended. Though I applaud KES for trying to put on reality check at the end but I wish the ending was a bit different. There were many suggestions last night and I love every suggestions made, better than the one I just watched..sorry my 2 cents.

I mean..reality is painful. Do you know how painful is trying to live your life bravely, to the full after you lost your loved ones? I had two of my loved ones taken from me in the same year. Both, I watched them died in front of me. Do you know how that ripped your heart apart? So, Goblin was supposed to be my escapism..supposed to provide people like me with the fantasy that at least there are better alternatives..it was supposed to be a fantasy, I repeat..It was supposed to give happier ending (happy ending we got..but not happier). 

When president Yu passed away, GY @ KS cried his heart out..It was already ripping my heart out. I was crying along with him. But I was comforted with the idea that ET was with him. Comforting him. At least he won't feel so lost. At least his true love was with him at that moment. But now he has to face with the death of ET and the his sister. With no one around him (except DW and Secretary Kim,  though they are precious but will never amount to the same value as these two people to him). So to me, that moment was cruel for KS to bear.

Anyway, I still applaud the whole production. I applaud the main casts for their superb performance (GY makes me cry and cringe at the same time..he is so DAEBAK and beautiful). I applaud KES for her epic scripts (minus the ending), I applaud the music director (perfect syncs). Although there are plenty of good moments but the drama is also a roller coaster,, too many sharp turns and intense moments..

See you guys again.. Let's meet again ( as per ET said to KS before she climbed the stairs). Let's meet at GY's next project

@valzki..are you still lurking here chinggu? Let's focus oon The Wolgyesu Tailor Shop now...hehehe...At least we can get some feel good moments in that drama and less roller coaster-heart breaking moments..


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12 hours ago, seasonsoftheheart32 said:

I loved the ending.

The world needs a goblin who is actually fairly responsible when it comes to human dealings, as opposed to that butterfly who likes to wander around and possess people to spy on other people. 

1. For those who wonder why the butterfly god couldn't have given the goblin another chance/the chance to be mortal/some other thing that KS decides to beg for, KS answered that back when the Paris boy died.

'Too many people repeatedly beg me for more miracles after the first one, as if I owe them miracles that they deserve.'

2. Everything that happened from the end of Episode 13 was of KS's free will. He chose to not move on to the afterlife. He chose to remain in limbo and try to get back to ET. He chose to get to know the new her. He chose to get married with her and live their happy (albeit short) married life. 

Even when ET died, he didn't blame anyone (as he used to do, thinking everything was god's fault/idea/machinations). KS has also grown up through this drama, with the help of ET and all the others around him. He makes his own choices, and chooses his own life to live. By the end of the drama, he no longer stays at the edge of human life as a passer-by, but lives on as happily as he can be to the best of his ability (as ET said to him when Chairman Yu died, and again when ET died).

3. He is, and will always be, a lonely goblin guarding over and guiding humans when necessary. When ET arrives in his life for the next 3 times with her memories intact, those years they spend together will be the great part of his life. That's why he's a lonely and great guardian.

This drama will be one that I will rewatch many many times, as it has taught me a lot about human life. Best drama I have ever watched. Kudos to the cast, KES writer-nim, the directors, and the crew for their hardwork. Thank you for all the wonderful and shining times we had in the past 2 months.

highlighting the ones that I cant help but agree:

1. Yes, it would have been too much to ask for another miracle like be a mortal again. If he became one we cannot know if he will have the same face or memory or fate. who knows. 

2. Remember what DH/God said that he throws us questions and we choose what our fate will be by our choices. KS decided to stay in limbo. God didnt force him to be at peace and get him our there, right. 

3. KES sticking to the title of the series, Lonely and Great God. I think that's the beauty of it. He would stay the same as a Goblin and he has to wait for what another 2 times JET would be reincarnated again (it took her 60 yrs to be Park Soo Min -if i remembered it right with JET memories, right). Imagine meeting the love of your life for 3 more lifetimes but then again, JET and her reincarnation will die. We may never know what will happen to KS after the 4th reincarnation die. But hey, meeting the love of your life 3 more times. We dont get that kind of chance! let alone even a second one! 

I was skeptical about JET being reincarnated over and over again and KS will remain a goblin but after giving much thought, the ending is perfect. kudos to KES! It's a sad love story after all.. Bittersweet ending but acceptable. 


12 hours ago, emilydark said:

I'm so sad it has ended.  I don't want it to end yet.

About the ending, I'm satisfied.  Once again, I think this drama has always been about the choices we make.  The goblin chose not to pass thus he remained a goblin to be with his bride but once again that came with a price, his immortality.  The goblin's bride is mortal and her first life has ended.  He will continue to wait for his bride to come to him again and again but this time a longer life. 

I think this drama has always talked about the importance of cherishing the moments because it is transient.  Again, so many motifs in this drama - impermanence, permanence, forgiveness, sanctity, and grace - not just about God's but towards each other.  I really enjoyed this drama and will continue to look forward to your theories and I will re-watch this drama again after reading your theories.  Thank you so much for the theories that you guys posted - really appreciate them.  Thanks!!!!

Cherish and live the moment while it last. 

12 hours ago, mouse007 said:


I didn't expect this kind of ending but a part of me thinks it's not so bad that KS keeps living and ET keeps getting reincarnated so long as she keeps her memories. In a way, it's as if they are able to love each other be together forever. I am happy that KS continues to have his powers bec it's what makes him unique. It also makes me appreciate the depth of their love for each other...that no matter how much time passes, KS will always be there waiting for her to come back and she, in turn, will always come back to him. They get to have lifetime after lifetime together. 


One thing though that I can't help but wonder about, does ET keep dying young? I mean how weird would it be for them to be together and only she grows old and he stays the same right?

Let's just hope she will not die young as Park Soo Min this time. 

12 hours ago, rosamundekingsley99_stv said:

And remember at the water fountain, Ji Eun Tak said that she believes in eternal sad love when the Goblin asked her if she believed in eternal sadness or eternal love.


Perfect ending then.

They got what they wanted. Sad Eternal Love. 

12 hours ago, natouuu said:


no one knows what can be after finishing fourth life and this is another question to think a lil bit about it ; ) that's why i really like the end like this: gives a lot of questions without answers - everyone can interpret as want and this is much better than happy ending with wedding, kids and full of happiness. I think kind of bittersweet is more memorable for the viewers.

About Sunny and GR they did the best job what they could do. :D

Yes! We may never know what will happen, right. That's life too. We will never know ALL the answers to the questions. 

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