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[Official] GOBLIN COUPLE | Kim Go Eun x Gong Yoo

Emily Bett

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I'm not back reading yet. 

But I think except overwhelming tags of shipper posts on social media for couples on goblin, I also think may ne this thread also been stalk by people from the managements. If only shipper thread can be set on private mode, and only members who subscribed to the thread can read and post the contents. 

I'm sorry ... I just feel sad.

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Hmmmm this is even more strange:


Meanwhile, Hwa & Dam Pictures, the production company providing the vacation, expressed their surprise at the news. A source from the company said, “The plane tickets were bought and other reservations all finished already. We didn’t receive any word from the actors [about them not being able to come].”-(https://www.soompi.com/2017/02/01/goblin-cast-unable-take-reward-vacation-phuket/)


All 4 leads canceling last minute, on the same day, without the production company kept in the loop.....hmmmmmmm....I just hope the gang didn't ruffle any feathers.... 

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@yonjo Not only the production but each of the main cast agencies miss calculates the popularity of their star. For example when Gong Yoo went to bbq restaurant in Sydney, they didn't expect such a flood of fans. Because there was only one bodyguard for Gong Yoo.  It also applies for Sung Jae. 

And i have other question. I've seen news about Gong Yoo, when he goes to Phuket he will have a photoshoot and CF filming. So if this is cancelled so will he still goes to Phuket or they change the place? 

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This makes me happy somehow. Because If this is true, then i'm pretty sure that they have their own group chat. They've agreed to cancel the vacation. Gahhhh, They're so in sync, and have build up such a bond of friendship. I'm pretty sure that they've planned something for their own. Away from fans, and media. 

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8 minutes ago, aytnihc19 said:

@yonjo Not only the production but each of the main agencies miss calculates the popularity of their star. For example when Gong Yoo went to bbq restaurant in Sydney, they didn't expect such a flood of fans. Because there was only one bodyguard for Gong Yoo.  It also applies for Sung Jae. 

And i have other question. I've seen news about Gong Yoo, when he goes to Phuket he will have a photoshoot and CF filming. So if this is cancelled so will he still goes to Phuket or they change the place? 

That's true, I remember reading that he would be working during/maybe after the vacation and stay behind.. Does this mean we might need to send out a SWAT team to protect GY from overzealous fans in Thailand when he actually has to go there for work related reasons?

I don't want what happened to YSJ at the airport be repeated in Thailand. I feel that would make GY go back to his hermit lifestyle quicker :cold_sweat: but on the brighter side, maybe it will allow him to reflect and think about GE more when he's not so busy with work functions all the time :tongue: This shipper will go and recite my daily prayer for our ship :wub:

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9 minutes ago, aytnihc19 said:

@yonjo Not only the production but each of the main agencies miss calculates the popularity of their star. For example when Gong Yoo went to bbq restaurant in Sydney, they didn't expect such a flood of fans. Because there was only one bodyguard for Gong Yoo.  It also applies for Sung Jae. 

And i have other question. I've seen news about Gong Yoo, when he goes to Phuket he will have a photoshoot and CF filming. So if this is cancelled so will he still goes to Phuket or they change the place? 

They probably didn't expect the mania surrounding the actors. Those 4 wouldn't be able to enjoy the vacation anyway, not with those rabid fans lurking around.

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Im super sad of this news. They deserve the vacation but I agree with all you that this happened because of the groping incident and they might want the crew to have peaceful vacation. Hope there will be more news of them after this week esp GY and GE. I need more dose of both. 

I need to rewatch ShinTak FMVs to ease my sadness. I love all of them but this one is special


p/s: how to make the video appear here? is it not possible if i use mobile?


Edited by anrytoma
noob mode
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I agree with those who said they might plan their own vacation and go together. When CITT was awarded with reward vacation KGE was still go even tough other cast could not make it.  Also safety and privacy reason must be the biggest reason they postponed their trip, Goblin is still famous worldwide so they whether wait until it die down a little bit or they want to wait until all 5 of them can go together. KGE always communicate with her co stars after they done project together so I believe they have inner circle chat between them. Lets cheer up girls who knows this not so happy news become a blessing in disguise for us shippers. 

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37 minutes ago, ChunSungIm said:


37 minutes ago, ChunSungIm said:

one of the reason,wow he appeared on high cut,where/when he did the photoshoot ?

#GongYoo dress up in warm-looking boyfriend look for 'HIGH CUT' Magazine  via@koreanupdates http://entertain.naver.com/now/read?oid=311&aid=0000698940



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heres the girl at old high cut photoshoot








Omggggg *drool* my eyess my eyes helppp :lol: lol sorry cant help my self. If i'm KGE i wont think twice if he's into me "let's go oppa date-te.. date-te" *grins* 

 *back lurking* 

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1 hour ago, janeeta said:

Haha I had done is back on page 104

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The whole theme of the shoot was pink and flirty and for her to randomly pull it out two days after I ask her to post is too much of a coincidence eh? Yep, she's on our side. Good to know :) 


kyaa kyaaa thanks @janeeta you're brilliant, hahaha , i didn't paid attention on yr posting before, but when u mentioned go back to page 104 and then saw the picture she posted on IG, whaaa ..... it feels good to know that.. so happy... it's like our squad is getting stronger and stronger..


But then, reading the news that all casts is cancel, it was like I just break my mom's antique china vase , whattttt?! oh no.....

1 hour ago, aytnihc19 said:

@cristapark yasss agree with u. From what i know, i've seen several hardcore fans even already booked flight to Thailand so that they can meet them all. Even doing some research when and where they're going to stay while they're in Phuket. I think despite of tight schedule, they just want to enjoy the trip with five of them and privately. Their agencies may not say it publicly. And we may not know where are they going to spend their vacation together. I hope that they'll get their well deserved vacation together. 


You know what, even I'm not a hardcore fans, I once thinking to fly Phuket too..... although eventually i didn't execute that crazy idea haha (it's not that expensive to fly there fr my country) I can imagine that all those overexcited/overzealous/ hardcore fans willing to do just for the sake seeing all the cast.. maybe the casts will never be able to enjoy a peaceful vacation.

21 minutes ago, ChunSungIm said:

one of the reason,wow he appeared on high cut,where/when he did the photoshoot ?

#GongYoo dress up in warm-looking boyfriend look for 'HIGH CUT' Magazine  via@koreanupdates http://entertain.naver.com/now/read?oid=311&aid=0000698940



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heres the girl at old high cut photoshoot




 The photoshoot was done right after the Goblin's filming wrap up.

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But... but... but... *sniffs* I thought GY will be staying behind until mid-March in Phuket or thereabouts for CFs and photoshoots.  He'll stay there after the Goblin cast and crew all expense paid vacation is done.  Waaah!

I was hoping Go Eun might stay behind too and that the 2 of them will have CFs or photoshoot together *more sniffs*

Oh well, for their safety and enjoyment from overzealous fans and paparazzi, I guess a "secret" friendcation would be better.  As long as they share some of their photos after the trip, I'll be ecstatic.

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@ribbonbii yas i'm willing to go in the front line to protect him from those scary fans. The gun is fully loaded B) The thought of him go back to his hermit life scares me the most. Coz at the same it decreases the possibility of our ship to sail. Dear fans, Gosh just please get a life. Or if you don't have anything to do could you help me with my work? 

@janeetathey're squad after all, so if one can tag along, better cancel it

@yonjoglad that they're aware of that fact. 


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so the reservations already booked and paid,and clearly back then there news about gong yoo and kim go eun company said they will attend the vacation.truly unexpected though. as for vacation i remember another oh hae young cast got vacation reward too (all of them joined),seems they just fine in phuket (well there some fantaken pics)

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1 hour ago, janeeta said:


Lets just #PrayerCircle for a wedding announcement :D:D:D 

Yeah!  Let's wish for what matters!  Wedding announcement it is.

If we wish for the wedding itself, we will get the other wishes too - vacations, late night dates, photo shoots, CFs together :-) and many, many more.

Let's go big or go home!  Aim high #GoingToHellSquad 

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@janeeta and @aytnihc19 can you please PM who's that girl in the IG... I am so lost... lol

OMG after two days full of work stress the sad news greets me that GY and the rest of the gang postponed their vacation plan...

I thought I can get a HAPPY PILL when i see them together...

the rude or should i say excited fans area really annoying they cant control their fangirling...

I think the management purposely  release that news so that the fans will not bother their artists...


GOBLIN is PHENOMENAL around the WORLD! daebakkkk 


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