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[Drama 2016-2017] Still Loving You 빛나라 은수, Mon-Fri 20:25. Thanks for watch!


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So now, with the Upstairs Tenant's revelation that the twins are not his biological children.  Thus, it is entirely likely that they were not married, but rather that she was his girlfriend and he kindly assumed parenting of the twins when she disappeared.

If that is the case, the mother cannot show up at the last minute and frustrate the Upstairs Tenant's marriage to Sister Yoon, like in The Unusual Family.

But there is another possibility:  The Upstairs Tenant and Sister Yoon get married and happily co-parent the children.  Until the Mother appears and demands custody.  That story line could generate several episodes of storm and stress.

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11 hours ago, Jackie1048 said:

I think Bit Na is not so "keen" on Soo Hyun as she is not happy with his holiday plans and Gangster Granny know how to threaten but not realising what is going on in that house.

Yes, they are quite content with their king-sized bed.  I'd say the same thing about Halmoni but she and her late husband likely had separate bedrooms.

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19 hours ago, Jackie1048 said:

So true what Eun Soo said that women who received diamond rings as the symbol of eternal love still got divorce. However, there should be one when the marriage celebrated its 10th anniversary. I asked for one on that year's anniversary

Nicer and more expensive rings usually come to women who wait until the marriage is more stable financially and otherwise, so there's that.  Best wishes.

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If I am not mistaken, pension house would mean you will getting the accommodation of the whole house inclusive of meals. If Soo Hyun got his dates wrong, which meant that he probably dragged his reluctant wife and will bunked in with Soo Ho and Eun Soo. If he knew the full story, he will find another accommodation, I am sure he can (Jeju is a holiday destination and sure they must be some rooms) but knowing the person he is, he will probably look for Soo Ho.

Obviously, Eun Soo's mother will avoid Dr Kim for a while but she did asked what his profession really was. However, if she really want to keep Bit Na in check, marry the father will be the best "revenge". 

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that scene were ES tell SH that she may be slow to fall in love. but when love someone. she love him forever. was sweet.

that scene were rich brat BN learn that her husband taking her on vacation/her look all happy/ only to find out. it the same ISLAND ES/SH go honeymoon too.

that scene were SH tell his old bro. to act like he dont know him/when they go vacation/so he can have more lovey time with ES funny.

i wonder what BN reaction will be like? when she learn the real reason. her husband take her to that island? i bet she will rat on him again. to her grandma. so her grandma can nagg her husband even more.

ES/SH look so good in that wedding scene.

it must hurt rich brat BN pride. to play piano.for ES/SH WEDDING.

i wonder how ES ma. is going to act now? that she know. the person she like. daughter is none other then BN. will her love for him over come her dislike for rich brat BN.

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Yes, it was lovely that it was Eun Soo who made the proposal. This show this couple is on equal footing. Bit Na may be reluctant to be the wedding pianist but she was even more envious of the lovey dovey that was on-going. Did Soo Hyun kissed her at their wedding? Definitely, he did not carry her and shouted that "They will live well".

So nice of Soo Ho to make everything memorable for Eun Soo who did not have much fun in her single adult life.

I wander what the "steamy" first night will be like ... I remembered my own wedding where both of us were so tired and the first night we were "snoring" out our fatigue. I also had a self wedding. We paid for our own wedding.

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 @jina_bing_bang Your friend must have a lot of energy to play the Taiko drums and probably has developed "muscles". I noticed more and more females when watching Taiko performances. During the summer when Bon dances are held to honor the spirits of one's ancestors, Taiko drum performances may be part of the program. Love Obon season but it can get very crowded. Love to dance, but after being away for so long had to brush up on my "Bon Odori". You be amazed at how many seniors participate in the Bon dances.

@sk0317 Please do send me links for the  handmade wappa bento boxes. Will be great to have the information before our visit. Not really into "ikebana" but did take a flower arrangement class when I was a stay home mom in my twenties.

Really enjoyed this episode because it was a happy one. Their wedding was beautiful and very special. Even the events leading up to the wedding were special seeing family and friends  gathered together. The scene between the two mothers, for,  me was touching as they seem to have settled their differences, and asked each other to take care of their child. It looks like at the end of the episode, YM, finds out that her chauffeur boyfriend is BN's father. Will be interesting how this affects their relationship going forward.

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I think ES mom feels betrayed (1) not knowing he is actually a doctor and not a driver; and (2) he is the father of the girl who put her own daughter to misery 8 years ago.

Well, who told her Dr. Kim is a driver?  Every time he tries to explain to her, she stops him from talking so that was her fault.  Now she has to deal with the real problem - Bitna and her grandmother.  A big revenge  would be - marry and live in the same house with her enemies.

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it still puzzle me how ES ma. dont know who his daughter is. didnt BN pa tell her at the gym. that BN husband is his inlaw?

she should know who his daughter is. once that dinner meeting with SH family happen. i sure she not a forgetful person. cuz she still remember what BN did to her daughter.

i wonder will ES ma try to date that man. that bring her flower? just so BN pa would get over her.

i sure she not going tell him. the real reason, she stop seeing him. is cuz of his daughter.

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Cranky Granny's current driver once hit the brakes too hard to avoid slamming into the car in front of theirs in a traffic jam. Cranky Granny's body was thrown forward as a result of his sudden braking.

She sternly warned him and told him he's been fired after he stopped in front of her house. Just then Cranky Granny's SiL arrived home and caught a glimpse of her lecturing and giving the driver his walking certificate.

Dr. Kim told the driver to leave for the day and took the car keys from him before assuring him he will persuade Cranky Granny to let him keep his job. YM was in the same area doing her rounds of delivery and was on her way to deliver Cranky Granny's clothes when she met Dr. Kim in front of the house. Dr. Kim was seen recovering items from Cranky Granny's car and that was when and why YM mistook him as Halmoni's new driver.

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@jina_bing_bang "Bon Odori" is a dance that we participate in during the "Obon Festival". Most of the dances are not that difficult but some can be, with the fancy hand movements. Some of the older dances I remember from my teenage years but the newer ones I usually have to follow someone. Many seniors wear "kimonos" but my sister and I wear shorts since it is very humid here in the summer time and you can work up a lot of "sweat" if dancing for a long time. Good exercise!

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Now that the Aunt has taken the initiative to spring the surprise gift of a honeymoon trip before Corporate Jerk, Rich Brat and Wimpy Jerk need to think of something else to give the newly married couple!

ES said it's her first trip to Jeju Island. I hope Soo Ho and ES have a memorable honeymoon on the romantic island!

Cranky Granny needs to stop doing what she's doing to Corporate Jerk now. It's already beginning to have a side- effect on him as he didn't even manage to get the booking of their hotel right!

Wimpy Corporate Jerk needs to get ES's GM to interact more with Cranky Granny since she seems to have too much spare time on her hands after completing her compulsory community service.:lol:

If Cranky Granny continues to constantly bombard him with text messages, he might just turn into a (f)rigid and (c)old fish over time:unsure:.

The kiddies will come most probably like you have speculated at the end of the drama.

I don't think we will see JM again. If he does reappear, I want him to witness how ES is right now, happily married to her loved one and gaining a new family in the process. I hope he is miserable and stuck with a nagging and materialistic wife his mom had picked for him.

About the sad story behind the twins' mom and the webtoon artist. He could have fallen in love with a single mom with a terminal illness. And HS decided and promised to raise her kids after her untimely passing. This scenario sounds so tragic I don't hope it's the case with him though. Your speculation sounds so much better! He deserves to be in a new and loving relationship.

If he hasn't and is considering adopting the twins, I think he should consider renaming them as Park instead of keeping the Kim last name in order to avoid discrimination and confusion for the kids at school. HS could have kept their last name as a remembrance/in memory of the twins' mom. But we have seen the kids being made fun of just because they don't have a mom. They might become bullied or face more prejudice if the word gets out their dad has a different last name.

Aging is a natural process every human being has to experience and go through. While aging gracefully like Audrey Hepburn might be impossible, I need to be careful not to turn into an ugly "obasan" like leaving shopping carts in undesignated spots; queue-jumping etc.:(  


How was your weekend @jina_bing_bang?

I went to watch a jazz performance by Lee Ritenour (guitarist), Melvin Lee Davis (bass), Otmaro Ruiz (piano/keyboar), Akira Jimbo (drums), Masato Honda (sax) and Naoko Terai (violin) on Sunday.

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@Mailelei @jina_bing_bang

Here's an article about summer in Japan:


"Yukata" and "jimbei" are worn in summer.

Taiko is great and powerful! Do you like the "shamisen" too @Mailelei?



Here are the links to handmade "wappa" bento boxes:

On (other) bento boxes:

This will come into handy if you make you "dashi" from scratch:


It's simply called a "dashi" pot:).





I have butterfingers so I bought a ceramic one to make my "dashi":lol:.

Soo Ho's mom was initially mad at him for setting up her "date" with him at the doenjiang jjigae restaurant with YM. Like you, I'm glad the "make peace" meeting turned out well.  And yes the scene of the two mothers shaking hands and asking each other to take care of their respective children was heart warming and touching.:)

This week YM will have to sort out her feelings for Dr. Kim and see how issues and differences with their daughters can be ironed out.

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Wimpy Jerk could also be used to describe Jae Min!  Since JM and ES's relationship was kept a secret in school, JM didn't stand up and act as ES' shield when she was verbally attacked by Cranky Granny. He did however intercept the fight between ES's GM and Cranky Granny and brought ES's GM home. He left ES's GM telling her he has broken up with ES before she managed to rush home. That was how ES's GM became aware of her breakup with JM.

He was skeptical of ES and her innocence in the case. He received a call from his mom after she suspected seeing ES being shoved by Cranky Granny on the clip that had gone viral. She told him to avoid dating someone like her and he probably succumbed to pressure.

JM the Jerk broke up with ES over the phone when she rang him from the hospital telling him she needed his support since her mom was hospitalized and due for surgery at that time.

I'm glad she has gotten completely over him and moved on to marry Soo Ho!

Wimpy Corporate Jerk and Rich Brat could have contacted Soo Ho and ES since they were booked to stay in a pension. So a joint honeymoon for the two brothers with their wives on Jeju Island:lol:.

Will Rich Brat and ES "make up" before they return to the Yoon's residence after their honeymoons?

Thank you for "trusting" and saying I'm not the type who would jump queue and leave things around. I'm what you call an "osekkai (officiousness)" person who enjoys helping the elderly especially in supermarkets when I think they are in need of some:lol:. Also I get approached a lot by the elderly when I shop alone.

I help them unload their shopping baskets or choose (food) items etc that they may have difficulty finding.:lol:

Glad to hear your migraine is gone and that you are feeling much better to beat the Monday blues!

I thought I was there to see Masato Honda, the sax player but was surprised the performance was organized in collaboration with the other very talented and famous musicians. It was an evening of fusion and jazz and the show was brilliant! The plus side was the venue for the show was pretty close to my house (around 45 minutes by train).

I would like to venture out more often to watch live concerts and shows but due to time constraints and other commitments, I'm unable to spend long hours away from home.

Do you like going to music concerts and who are your favorite artists?

You are most welcome on the article and I do hope you can plan your travel around other Asian countries apart from Korea too!

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Eun Soo's mother confronts Rich Brat in the Aunt's cafe. She tells her that she can see that Rich Brat hasn't changed. She reiterates that if Rich Brat hurts her daughter again, she Won't Let It Slide. The Aunt returns to the cafe, terminating the conversation.

Eun Soo's mother returns to her shop and is joined by her mother in law, who attempts to calm her.

Halmoni continues her text storm v. Corporate Jerk.

Corporate Jerk tries to discuss work with the Manager. He is interrupted by Halmoni;s storm of texts. He texts her back: we will go to Jeju Island. He and the Manager were discussing setting up a business meeting on Jeju Island, so he'll be able to get some work done. He asks the Manager to buy him two tickets to the Island, saying that he will take care of the hotel reservations.

The manager returns to his work space. The clueless female office worker tells him that she sent Eun Soo to fetch coffee for her. He lifts his eyes heaven-ward. He scolds her and tells her to get her own coffee from now on. She's like, What did I do wrong?

The Manager approaches Eun Soo with a thick envelope of Wedding Money and a cheesy smile on his face. By the way, he wants to make sure that he has never done anything to offend her. He kisses up shamelessly.

The Assistant Manager gives Eun Soo a spa membership. She tries to ingratiate herself, telling Eun Soo that "only rich people" go to this spa.

Sister Yoon has summoned Eun Soo to a meeting in a restaurant. She hectors Eun Soo: Don't cause strife, be nice to your mother in law, etc.. They are interrupted by the arrival of Club Jerk. Sister Yoon storms off after the Aunt gets on her nerves. The Aunt gives them a wedding gift: a honeymoon trip to Jeju Island.

Club Jerk invites his mother and future mother in law out on "a date."


The Yoon family eats breakfast. Corporate Jerk informs his family that he and Rich Brat are going to Jeju Island the next Friday. Rich Brat beams. Club Jerk protests that he and Eun Soo are also going to Jeju Island that Friday on their honeymoon. Rich Brat's face collapses.

Rich Brat follows her husband into their bedroom and protests. She confesses that she hates Eun Soo. Her husband, who can't catch a break lately, sighs and promises that they will avoid the honeymooners. She asks him why he is trying to be nice to her all of a sudden. He hears Halmoni's voice from a corner of his skull.

Club Jerk has taken his mother to the Yoon family restaurant for their "date."

Eun Soo and her mother arrive at the Yoon restaurant for their "date" with Club Jerk.

Eun Soo's mother and Mother Yoon eye each other with distaste. A "date" that shall live in infamy.

Club Jerk serves everyone food and tries to make nice, but there is a Chill in the room. If thoughts were audible there would be a brawl. Then Mother Yoon erupts. Then Eun Soo's mother responds. Club Jerk runs off and brings a bottle of soju back to the table, which he somehow thinks is a Good Idea. The two mothers marinate their respective sorrows.

Eun Soo and Club Jerk retreat to the kitchen and surveil their mothers. They are both like These Children These Days. What Can One Do? Each agrees not to destroy the other's child and they click glasses.

Back in the kitchen, Eun Soo presents Club Jerk a small earthenware pot with two wedding rings.

Eun Soo's family, the Upstairs Tenant and the twins participate in a dinner with the bride and groom. (Club Jerk has a new haircut. He looks like a Korean Tab Hunter.)

Rich Brat's father is about to leave his office for the wedding but is delayed by an emergency patient.

Eun Soo's mother walks her daughter down the aisle. Rich Brat plays the wedding march on the piano in a dutiful manner. The wedding occurs.

Rich Brat's father arrives as the guests are leaving. Eun Soo's mother looks up, sees him, and begins to approach him. Then Rich Brat hurries to his side. Cue the ominous music and Eun Soo's mothers stricken face.

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