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[Drama 2016-2017] First Love Again 다시, 첫사랑 Thanks for Watch.


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30 minutes ago, maribella said:

I have never received that response. Nevermind what the sign says I am always good, almost a saint at times like HJ... :lol:  

Both DY and HJ are typically altruistic KD heroes, so he will most likely play the filial son.



DY wasn't trying to protect his father but instead HJ. Mdm Kim threatened to call the prosecutors on HJ of the fact she knew about the fraudulent deal before hand. 


DY is out for revenge and if it means taking his father down along with Mdm Kim and MH he will. Bringing GO out into the open is the best way to keep him safe. The very child MH tried to hide is now right in her face. Not only do that family have the kidnapping over MH's head but also HR is not of their blood. First the Chairmanship will be taken from her and then her child will not automatically inherit because GO is the the oldest making him the first grandchild. When DY and HJ get finished with MH she'll be going to a prison mental ward. 

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@baduy  My first question is are you in the Jewelry business? LOL:lol:  My second question is, have you ever thought about going into comedy?:DYou make me LAUGH  so much thanks!!!!!

It's hard to come here with serious thoughts :Dbecause reading the posts often feel like reading the funny pages in a newspaper but it sure beats the tiredness and frustration of our Dramas Sports page which always seems to read  Evil Swish... SCORE...Another Basket For The DARK SIDE who seems to Always be ahead!!!  How can you beat a team when it seems like the referees are all on their side??  

While the Good & Truth team always behind because of the other sides Coach EVIL KIM always breaking the rules who has plans we can't even imagine...:huh:  I will gladly give up my long look at family happiness seeing DY & HJ with their son and maybe a baby on the way ( wishful thinking ) in their own home.  For a not so quick ending to Evil Kim, I want her to suffer!!!  Prison NO WAY at this point that's not nearly enough I hope the writer takes her out and MH with her best thing that could happen to HR!!!  And Mr BOW-TIE TOO!!!  One more wreck can't hurt  us except this time no survivors....:ph34r:

This episode worried me a little I mean Evil Kim's threats are real but so were MH's in the past and look what that caused and got DY & HJ .  In fact just look at their lives and their past what it cost them as well, not to mention what that act of protection cost GO their very own son.  They can never recover all the time they lost,  they cannot erase all the pain, suffering, abuse and brokenness they all lived through and felt... Surly they have learned something from all of those secrets and holding back the truth in not being honest with each other.  Only harmed them in the past and destroyed their lives and happiness...

I am hoping that DY sees the light and realizes that obeying Kim will only allow the darkness to spread like a disease and just like in the past it will effect everything and everyone. She must be stopped!!! He must trust HJ and in turn she must trust him they cannot beat EVIL with compromise...  HJ is right!!!  Evil must be faced head on stomped completely out taking no prisoners and no mercy it's the only way no matter the cost.  For they have endured and suffered for way to long and the price they have paid at the hands of this family must be brought to light and justice must be given once and for all... 

,fa1b2feb5a32968ea1201910bb055f47.jpg   NO WAY!!! Not Letting GO!!! Evil Must Pay!!!


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Well, all we can glean from DY's question to HJ about how she felt 8 years ago when she was threatened into inflicting such hurt on herself and  DY to save him from disgrace and imprisonment, a question whose sigificance completely escaped HJ,  is that Mme Kim is pressuring him to do something that will hurt HJ severely and make her think he's betrayed her, but he's contemplating doing just that because he believes it's the only way to protect her. Mirror image of the situation HJ was in back then, including concealing the crucial "altruistic" motive for the apparent betrayal

We won't know till tomorrow whether he did indeed go to the meeting having made his decision along the lines  Mme Kim demanded, but in today's back-hug scene it's pretty obvious that DY was very much contemplating doing just that.

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1 hour ago, maribella said:
22 minutes ago, USAFarmgirl said:

This episode worried me a little I mean Evil Kim's threats are real but so were MH's in the past and look what that caused and got DY & HJ .  In fact just look at their lives and their past what it cost them as well, not to mention what that act of protection cost GO their very own son.  They can never recover all the time they lost,  they cannot erase all the pain, suffering, abuse and brokenness they all lived through and felt... Surly they have learned something from all of those secrets and holding back the truth in not being honest with each other.  Only harmed them in the past and destroyed their lives and happiness...

I am hoping that DY sees the light and realizes that obeying Kim will only allow the darkness to spread like a disease and just like in the past it will effect everything and everyone. She must be stopped!!! He must trust HJ and in turn she must trust him they cannot beat EVIL with compromise...  HJ is right!!!  Evil must be faced head on stomped completely out taking no prisoners and no mercy it's the only way no matter the cost.  For they have endured and suffered for way to long and the price they have paid at the hands of this family must be brought to light and justice must be given once and for all... 

,fa1b2feb5a32968ea1201910bb055f47.jpg   NO WAY!!! Not Letting GO!!! Evil Must Pay!!!

@USAFarmgirl  I wish it was some kind of way which I think it is for HJ to be able to hold that foundation and LK group responsible for the kidnapping of GO .. Then she could put a freeze on Mdm Kim assets such as stocks in LK group and the foundation which monies from both companies was paid to Jang to keep GO out of the picture.. Even though she wasn't involved in the kidnapping she was just as responsible because she allowed MH to act as she wanted with the foundation and LK group monies.. But I do think DY should call Mdm Kim on her threat destroying his family will also bring the downfall of hers..

1 hour ago, maribella said:

I have never received that response. Nevermind what the sign says I am always good, almost a saint at times like HJ... :lol:  

Both DY and HJ are typically altruistic KD heroes, so he will most likely play the filial son.

@maribella  :lol: I hope you don't have a pair of those earrings lying around that she was sporting today because those earrings represented her personality today with fighting eveil with evil she was ghetto fabulous today:joy:

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9 minutes ago, USAFarmgirl said:

My second question is, have you ever thought about going into comedy?


A bit late for that now, since I turned 70 (by Korean reckoning, at any rate) at the last Lunar New Year, but it's not the first time something like that has been suggested. A campus administrator once (somewhat improperly) showed me what a colleague had written on the form faculty members had to fill in if they had particular requests about the size or location of a room for specific classes. He had said any room would be fine for his class provided it was nowhere near a room where I was also teaching. "I cannot expound serious academic topics if I have to make myself heard over the noise of audience reactions to a standup comedian."

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@imgreatgal Your feelings were correct re DY and HJ being separated again. Now besides the threat of bringing down his whole family and LK, it includes HJ @baduy for her involvement in that scam franchise contract. @viyra the writers have indeed revived what happened eight years ago. It is now DY's turn to save HJ from going to prison, just like what HJ did to save DY. At this point DY must succumb to Mdm Kim for his plan @awsparkle to work. To bring down Mdm Kim, CDB, MH and Myhunghwa Corp. This is the only way all of the evilness that is going on will stop. He must send all these criminals to jail where they belong. The sadness of this whole situation is that, DY, HJ and GO's reunion will not happen until DY brings the criminals to justice. Looks like the writers have  now put the burden on DY's shoulders in getting everything back in place. @baduy love your comment about the Squad of Brazilian Bees attacking HJ's earrings! Made me laugh so much!!! Thanks for breaking all that tension after watching today's drama! 

I can't wait to see DY's plan of action! Just don't want to see anyone harmed in the process. Does anyone have this feeling that possibly,  just possibly,  that HJ will get closer to JW now that DY has returned to MH's side?

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7 minutes ago, Mailelei said:

I can't wait to see DY's plan of action! Just don't want to see anyone harmed in the process. Does anyone have this feeling that possibly,  just possibly,  that HJ will get closer to JW now that DY has returned to MH's side?

@Mailelei  I think HJ will know his return to mH is to protect her and GO and will have to trust DY on this but I still see her working behind the scenes.. I think Jw already knows that trying to be with her is a losing battle being that it was GO father that brought him back safely all Jw could do now is help destroy evil while him and DY to less damage and hurt possible to HR..

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1 hour ago, baduy said:


A bit late for that now, since I turned 70 (by Korean reckoning, at any rate) at the last Lunar New Year, but it's not the first time something like that has been suggested. A campus administrator once (somewhat improperly) showed me what a colleague had written on the form faculty members had to fill in if they had particular requests about the size or location of a room for specific classes. He had said any room would be fine for his class provided it was nowhere near a room where I was also teaching. "I cannot expound serious academic topics if I have to make myself heard over the noise of audience reactions to a standup comedian."


I have always been told by my parents its never to late for anything! It's all about whats between ones ears and whats in their hearts and that magic called passion. For what you see when looking in the mirror doesn't define who you are inside and take it from me your still have it!!!  I would have loved to have been in your class I would  much rather be laughing, listening and learning than to put up with stillness,boredom or sleep.... It's funny I just knew there was comedy in your blood!!  It sure beats the slowness of this dramas revenge/justice....:lol::D

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4 hours ago, sava2sava said:

it seens BIg Nam never did the press conference..

Nam and HJ can just do a pc anywhere. I can't understand why they need to do the pc at LK. Is the idea to hurt MH's reputation and bring her down from the chairman seat.? MH reputation is already at its low and rumours are already circulating within the company after the recording was played. 

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OK, I admit it. I know you told me to take home a sugared Belgian waffle loaded with strawberry jelly for GO, but I happened to pass this boutique, and came out with this instead. Will he really mind so much?




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4 hours ago, baduy said:


OK, I admit it. I know you told me to take home a sugared Belgian waffle loaded with strawberry jelly for GO, but I happened to pass this boutique, and came out with this instead. Will he really mind so much?

This must be the most horrendous piece from her wardrobe thus far. 

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35 minutes ago, imgreatgal said:

This must be the most horrendous piece from her wardrobe thus far. 

Just lurking here after breakfast and just can't resist to remind you.

Big bow, huge bow, giant bow? That was painful for me to watch. Ok  a bientot. 

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There was a brief scene of HJ and the mistress in yesterday' episode 87. HJ was asking the mistress the reason MH was kicked out from the mansion but the mistress was not telling. When the scene came on i couldn't make out who HJ was talking to, probably a new character?? but when the camera move in on her i say WHAT?????  The point is ...What was the mistress thinking trying to look like a 20 year old??

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2 hours ago, baduy said:


OK, I admit it. I know you told me to take home a sugared Belgian waffle loaded with strawberry jelly for GO, but I happened to pass this boutique, and came out with this instead. Will he really mind so much?




1 hour ago, imgreatgal said:

This must be the most horrendous piece from her wardrobe thus far. 


Dang and here I thought she was wearing either a wash cloth jacket or a picnic blanket throw...  I have no sense of fashion what can you expect I wear work jeans most of the time LOL:w00t:

I have to add this is the best thread it's just my happy place.... Just reading is enough!!!!:heart:


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DY is being pushed into a corner. His hands are tied and in such a short time there is nothing he can do now except to give in to Mdm Kim's demands. 

I can't say that DY is returning to MH's side. Returning to MH's side means going to her and stand by her willingly. That is the last thing he will do. He is just doing what Mdm Kim wanted under threat and his divorce will be on hold as he has planned originally and which HJ understood. It's cruel but it is his turn now to feel what HJ felt 8 years ago. 

8 years ago, he wanted to gain power to take revenge on HJ and 8 years later he wanted power to take revenge on MH and her family. The price to pay is high which means distancing himself from HJ and watching her with GO from afar. I don't mind him separating himself from HJ and GO temporarily so that he could make things right once and for all to bring everything to a closure. Will be looking forward what he plans to do. 

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So it was Big Nam that DY was talking to in that final part of yesterday's teaser when he said he planned to become a monster like his opponents so he could out-monster them. It appears that only Big Nam is to be allowed to know what he's really up to, with HJ kept in the dark like everyone else.

And the final line of the teaser for tomorrow is what everyone expected. After discovering GO near the end of today's episode, thanks to the stupid Mistress showing him the photo MS has been hiding from him, DY's father is answering DY's anxious question about what he plans to do about GO with "Bring him home here, of course."  So since Mme Kim has said HJ must be fired from her job and HJ seems unlikely to take Mme Seo's advice to flee the country with GO while there's still time,   [EDIT Sorry I realized when I got round to watching the RAW that I got the wrong idea on his matter first time round from the live stream. Corrected version of what Mme Seo was saying is in a posting I made later...]   It looks like she may be going into the next phase jobless and childless yet again...Maybe it's just as well that JW made HJ promise today that if she ever needed help in future, she'd turn to him again.

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30 minutes ago, baduy said:

Maybe it's just as well that JW made HJ promise today that if she ever needed help in future, she'd turn to him again.

If HJ does not want to lose custody of GO she should just dump DY at this point and go with JW. 

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