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[Drama 2016-2017] First Love Again 다시, 첫사랑 Thanks for Watch.


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47 minutes ago, Jackie1048 said:

I wander how Min Hee will explain ... probably bring out the contract marriage and that Do Yoon knew the truth. 

I just realised that what Min Hee feared most is that her mother will abandoned her if she fail to stay as Chairman of LK Group. That is how much insecure she really is. She sound like a little girl ... an orphan little girl.

Banish any possible pity you have for her. Think of the suffering and abuse GO had to endure - all because of her vicious, underhanded and dirty deeds against HJ. 

She is a schizoid whose personality can change in a heartbeat, She belongs to the prison.

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6 hours ago, Morelia said:

Please do not be so hard with DY, having experience as parents gives no guarantee of anything. I raised two beautiful daughters who today are excellent human beings in cough aspects but I have met many times with other children that despite my "experience as a mother" I have not been able to handle or I have not correctly performed a situation Determined. Each child and their situation is different and unique. For DY it is even traumatic to face his own child and it is understandable that he makes mistakes and does not know how to handle the situation.


I'm not being hard with DY, My beef is with the writer. Of course it's plausible enough that DY should at first be awkard and uncertain how to relate to the boy, but that's a long way from behaving as though he'd never talked to a child of that age in his entire life or had the faintest idea of how to make him feel at ease. It's not as though GO, now he's got over his highly understandable mistrust of adults, is a "difficult child"  Especially since DY now carries the stamp "Approved of by HJ"  on his forehead. Remember the way that DY saying he was HJ's friend instantly dispelled the child's mistrust at the end of the previous episode.

No, the writer in thrusting such ineptitude on DY here is up to something. We've yet to see what it is, but there are a few clues. HJ is completely unconcerned when GO makes no bones about saying, in DY's full hearing, that he wasn't having fun. She merely seems to think that remark is fun herself.(Such impoliteness isn't actually in DO's previous character either, especially in the Korean context where this is a seriously disrespectful thing to say in an elder's hearing, even if the elder concerned has been proclaimed the Nation's Greatest Bore five years running).. Nor does she show any compunction about whisking  DO off for the meal he just told DY he didn't need, leaving DY standing, before he resigns himself to tailing along, ignored, behind.  When we next see HJ and DY together at the end of that same day, HJ gives all her attention to DY again, but there's something a little ominous, not only in DY telling her that he intends to play happy couples with MH for the time being and delay his divorce, but in the way HJ seems to welcome that decision, and the grounds she gives for being content with it.

"I told you already: I've lots of time. There's no limit to how long I can wait. Because now I'm not alone any more. I've got GO with me. Until you're able to join us, I'll have a chance to erase all GO's bad and painful memories, and give him nothing but new, happy ones. So don't be in any hurry to come." 

This comes perilously close to saying "Sure it would be great if we could be together as a family, but I've got 90% of what I really want already,  go ahead and lead MH a merry dance and don't bother about us for a while. I'm fine with that."

I think this is related to the exchange between HR and JW. It runs

JW: Are you glad your daddy's home?
HR: Of course I am.
JW: Who do you like more, your daddy or your mommy?
HR: To be honest, I told my granny she was the person I'm fond of most.
JW: Wasn't that true?
HR: Actually I like Mommy the best.
JW: Oh... Really?
HR: To my eyes she's totally cool and I'm so proud of her.[ 너무 멋지고 자랑스러워요 ]
JW: I see...
HR: But I like you, too.
JW: Honestly?
HR: Sure

There's no sign she's parroting that because it's been drilled into her. The enthusiasm in her eyes is visible, and it's also understandable enough from the child's perspective.

Then her conversation on the phone with DY

DY: Where are you, HR? I'll come right over and fetch you
HR: Daddy... you mustn't!
DY: What?
HR You can't come here. Mommy said I hadn't to tell you about meeting the person I'm with.
DY: HR, tell me where you are!

She remains silent and DY hears JW saying ('What yould you like for dinner?')

JW sees the girl's anxious face and asks "What's up?. Who's that on the phone?  Then the scene breaks off.

Too early to be sure, but my suspicion is that DY is being set up as the Nice Guy who doesn't really appeal to kids, whereas JW is the Nice Guy whom kids all love. Meanwhile, MH is being moved into position on the board as the Cool Superwoman her daughter can't help admiring, while HJ is being nudged towards the position of the doting mother who would like to have both her hubby and her son, but if she has to part with one to keep the other, it's goodbye hubby time.  With custody battles looming, this is far from encouraging..




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I think DY is planning on taking MH to the cleaners - that's why he is telling the bank officer they are still married.

I think I said it before -  would the  time come for GO to resent his own family because of what happened to him in the past?  He is almost showing that sign towards his own father.

Talking about HJ is exhausting - she is  still too emotional in handling every situation, unlike DY who is calculating his every plan.

I think with 20+ episodes in the work, the scenes/events are being recycled. 

Need to take a break from this drama - will come back with 5+ episodes to conclude.

BTW - as always, thanks everyone for sharing everything (clips, recaps, observations, etc. - it helped in my decision for  timeout).

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3 hours ago, euraka said:

I can't believe HR said she love her mother more than DY how on earth she has never given her motherly love and DY loves her as his own is the writer try to soften JW's heart since his daughter loves her mom he won't hurt her   it is ridiculous, HJ is right MH days are really numbered 

Same here. I didn't expect HR to say she likes her mother best. I too thought that she would reply that she likes DY best because she was so attached to him and she knew how much DY loves her. 

When HR said she likes her mother because she was so cool and was proud of her, it make me realize that she wasn't liking MH for her motherly love but rather she admired her of what MH has achieved and her capabilities. I can see some resemblance of MH in her. At her young age, she already knew how to sing praises to please the other party and sang the correct tune to the correct party. And I thought she was such a sweet girl. In front of JW, never once she mentioned she likes DY but instead she tells JW she likes him. 

I read from other forum that in the next episode, MH will be chased out of the Cha's household and she told HR to hang in there no matter what happens. So MH will manipulate HR to do her evil bidding. 

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Please all remember that those of you who don't understand Korean are relying on translations here, and that's a big problem in this case.

This is enormously complicated by the lack of exact equivalence between Korean and English expressions to express "liking", "loving", "being fond of", and "looking up to". That lack of equivalence even exends to basic grammar: whereas "like" and "love" are obviously enough verbs, the troublesome word in this scene, 좋다, is an adjective.

If any of you have a Korean teacher you'd like to put on the spot, try asking with a totally innocent face "what's the difference between 좋다 and 좋아하다?" You'll get the confident answer that 좋다 is an adjective meaning "good" whereas 좋아하다 is a verb meaning "to like". But then, keeping the same air of innocence, play a clip on your phone from any of millions of Kpop songs with lines like "난 네가 좋아" and ask what that means. There's 나 plus the topic marker, meaning "I", 네가 (pronounced since the 1950's by everybody apart from KBS newsreaders and elecution tutors as 니가, but the Ministry of Culture is in deep denial about that one) meaning "you" which carries the subject marker, not the object marker, so that the sentence, despite being so short, appears to have two subjects, which is something of a puzzle in its own right, followed by the word your teacher just explained is an adjective meaning "good". "I you good" (subject, subject, adjective) ???? So how come your favorite colored lyrics Kpop site claims (correctly) that line means "I like you" (= subject, verb, object).

There is no single good answer to that. Many grammar books ignore the problem altogether by claiming that such utterances are "bad Korean". Others simply state and illustrate the 좋다 and 좋아하다 contrast as between adjective "good" and verb "to like" and keep totally silent about the extremely common examples that show how inadequate that "explanation" is. The better ones concede that the existence of this and similar sentences shows that this is an area where Korean doesn't actually fit very well with its officially recognized grammar and that it's vastly easier to know what the sentences actually mean than to explain in grammatical terms how they manage to mean it. (There are many scholarly articles on this topic in specialist journals).

So let me re-"translate" that exchange between HR and JW in a way that keeps the literal sense of "good" in every place where it occurs (and while I'm at it I'll stay a lot closer to the Korean syntax as a further reminder of what translators into Western languages are up against.

JW: Daddy because came home good?
HR: Of course
JW: Daddy good, Mommy good?
HR: Truth to Granny Granny she being most good I said.
JW: Therefore is not?
HR: For me, Mother is most good. [echoing Mme Kim's words to MH as a child, MH strictly forbids HR to call or refer to her as 'Mommy']
JW: Oh, indeed?
HR: When I see Mother very cool and proud-making
JW: So it is thus?
HR: Ajusshi also good.
JW: Truth?
HR: Yes.

So SIX instances of the same problematic word in one short dialogue.  It would be a brave soul who, in the face of that, claimed HR says (or implies) she loves MH more than DY... I'd say @rikimaiu's last post gets as close as anyone can to what the girl really means....

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@baduyYour last analysis is excellent and profound, made me look at the drama with another optics, but at the same time I was worried and I would not like this drama more if the path that will take is the one you intue, so it is best to give me a break from This drama for a few days.

Here goes my little contribution of black humor:

I'm so scared that I think at any point HR will appear on the screen like Chucky or Linda Blair in the film The Exorcist.

HR: "from such a mother such a daughter" or "from such a stick like a sliver"
DYy MS regarding HR: "Raise crows and get your eyes out"

The whole writer could use the well-known resource "a few years later" and we would find HR as an evil and crooked woman equal to or worse than MH and GO a man who discovers that DY is his father and hates him for abandoning him, thanks To the stupidity of HY.

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@baduy  @Morelia  After reading both of your comments re DY's behavior towards GO, I need to share my thoughts now before I forget what I want to say. When you look at GO's and HR's backgrounds, it's sooo different. GO kidnapped as a new born, sent to the US, only to be adopted by an abusive family, raised with verbal and physical abuse, receiving no "tender, loving care" from both parents. Then we have HR, who lives with an effluent, loving and caring family. A caring and loving grandmother and father. As for MH her caring and love came in the form of "grooming" her daughter to become the heir of the LK company. There's ABSOLUTELY no comparison in regards to what type of environment they grew up in. DY has been with HR since she was born. DY just recently found out GO is his bio son, who was kidnapped and abused by his adoptive parents, So I can see why DY acted the way he did with GO. BTW, I haven't watched today's episode yet so my thoughts are based "strictly" on both your comments. DY's hesitated not knowing how to act or what kind of questions to ask this little child who doesn't know yet that DY's his bio father. DY didn't want to come on too strong by showering all his love and affection for his child  who he thought was dead for eight years. We must remember that GO only knows DY as HJ's close friend. As @Morelia has stated, each child has their own unique personality so we would approach them differently depending on their background and family situation. As a mother who has raised a child, I have had experiences like DY had with GO, when dealing with children with different backgrounds, especially when I was a Sunday school teacher of grade school children the age of GO and HR. Each child is so different  and a few of them were from broken homes.

I just hope the writers don't change DY's character to a person that will be ignored by GO, HR and HJ, the ones that are most dear to his heart. No matter what they do, I will not abandon this drama, as DY is the most important person to me, who has the STRENGTH INTELLIGENCE, and PERSEVERANCE to bring MH and all the other evil doers to justice. Yes, HJ is doing her part, but sorry, she doesn't command the recognition like DY does. 

If HR wants to love or like JW more than DY, the father that doting on her up till now, then let it be, since JW is her bio father anyway. Too bad she is being used by her own evil mother MH, who probably will be the one to destroy HR's happiness. 

@sava2sava I, too, was introduced to Kim Seung Soo in the drama, Jumong. Great acting as the evil brother of Jumong (Song ll Gook) Have watched some of his other dramas also.

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Thank you @baduy for that clarification on HR and JW's dialogue. After watching that scene with subs my first thought was 'what is the writer up to now making HR 'like MH more than DY' but I get what you mean now and what @rikimaiu is saying about HR. But what i noticed from that scene is JW's worried look, he is probably thinking at that moment 'its time i take HR away from MH' 

I can't understand why DY wants to delay the divorce. HJ has already laid out the foundation to bring down MH with that recording. What MH is afraid of is the public and media perception of her. At the end of yesterday's episode she refutes the claims that she caused her husband;s accident saying their marriage is intact. DY should just proceed with the divorce and stop faking amnesia.

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12 hours ago, imgreatgal said:

Thank you @baduy for that clarification on HR and JW's dialogue. After watching that scene with subs my first thought was 'what is the writer up to now making HR 'like MH more than DY' but I get what you mean now and what @rikimaiu is saying about HR. But what i noticed from that scene is JW's worried look, he is probably thinking at that moment 'its time i take HR away from MH' 

I can't understand why DY wants to delay the divorce. HJ has already laid out the foundation to bring down MH with that recording. What MH is afraid of is the public and media perception of her. At the end of yesterday's episode she refutes the claims that she caused her husband;s accident saying their marriage is intact. DY should just proceed with the divorce and stop faking amnesia.

I'm bored so I came back and found @baduy's explanation - and prompted me to pull out all my Korean textbooks to locate which chapter I saw the explanations.

Anyway, @imgreatgal- like what I mentioned, DY is delaying the divorce so he can clean all their (DY and MH) assets - and that would lead MH zero.  He will take his shares back from MH that she used while he was in a coma - this is just my opinion.

HR would grow up like MH - and JW himself would be the first one to notice that - she really is acting like her - she is not aloof and approachable.

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I want to see MH crushed before they move to the third generation. My beef with KD is that they play blood is thicker than water too much. 

HR is supposed to like many things that JW like. Now they are turning her into MH - maybe. Let us hope they don't turn GO into the greedy old coot Chairman Cha - honorary.

This writer must be desperate for a plot if he keeps using children to fill in the episodes. If he does, there may be another HJ-DY break up before the end. I can see HR playing her mum to the hilt while GO is just learning he has a mother, getting used to being loved, able to eat his fav food....  DY an JW will over compensate HR and HJ- the brilliant recipe maker but utterly, emotional where GO is concerned.


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1 hour ago, viyra said:

DY is delaying the divorce so he can clean all their (DY and MH) assets - and that would lead MH zero.  He will take his shares back from MH that she used while he was in a coma - this is just my opinion.

HR would grow up like MH - and JW himself would be the first one to notice that - she really is acting like her - she is not aloof and approachable.

In the first place why was DY at the bank assuring the manager that their marriage is intact (as posted by @baduy) and from the subs DY told the manager 'to leave it as it is" if i'm right, he can't take whatever if its a joint account. 

It looks like MH made an arrangement for HR to meet JW on a regular basis, that is whats pissing MS. I'm surprise too that HR was ok with it. I can see that MH has a real influence over HR for the child not to question her mom over such arrangement and to keep the meeting secret from her dad as instructed by MH. I'm starting to see where this is going now. 

@maribella may be you could be right about HJ-DY breakup. MH will use HR to hold on to DY, i will not be surprise if HR fakes illness of some kind so DY will not be able to leave her in the immediate sense.  

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10 hours ago, imgreatgal said:

In the first place why was DY at the bank assuring the manager that their marriage is intact (as posted by @baduy) and from the subs DY told the manager 'to leave it as it is" if i'm right, he can't take whatever if its a joint account. 

It looks like MH made an arrangement for HR to meet JW on a regular basis, that is whats pissing MS. I'm surprise too that HR was ok with it. I can see that MH has a real influence over HR for the child not to question her mom over such arrangement and to keep the meeting secret from her dad as instructed by MH. I'm starting to see where this is going now. 

@maribella may be you could be right about HJ-DY breakup. MH will use HR to hold on to DY, i will not be surprise if HR fakes illness of some kind so DY will not be able to leave her in the immediate sense.  

While almost everyone is keeping everything a secret, HR is spilling her secret away.  She told MS  and DY the same thing - not to  tell anyone she is meeting someone.

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10 hours ago, viyra said:

I think DY is planning on taking MH to the cleaners - that's why he is telling the bank officer they are still married.

I think I said it before -  would the  time come for GO to resent his own family because of what happened to him in the past?  He is almost showing that sign towards his own father.

Talking about HJ is exhausting - she is  still too emotional in handling every situation, unlike DY who is calculating his every plan.

I think with 20+ episodes in the work, the scenes/events are being recycled. 

Need to take a break from this drama - will come back with 5+ episodes to conclude.

BTW - as always, thanks everyone for sharing everything (clips, recaps, observations, etc. - it helped in my decision for  timeout).

@viyra  I decided to do the samething, I'll come back with DY steps into the game, This would be a lot more interesting as he gives Mdm, Kim a run for her money and if need be he'l step all over his father because per conversation today he's siding with Mdm Kim about MH being the cause of his accident he'll step all over him he has no love or sympathy for the man that supposed to be his father.. It was him that got him into all of the mess in the first place and it's going to comes a  time to choose between saving daddy and GO well we all know who he's going to choose.. 

6 hours ago, Mailelei said:

If HR wants to love or like JW more than DY, the father that doting on her up till now, then let it be, since JW is her bio father anyway. Too bad she is being used by her own evil mother MH, who probably will be the one to destroy HR's happiness. 

@Mailelei  This is the sad part about it all , Hr is in for some very miserable times that her mother the one she looks up to and admire will be the one to put all this mental stress on her.. If she can get past a child shrink I say MH # 2 is already to take the stage and become and evil monster like her mother.. She grew up in her mothers make believe world only to realizes that everything was a fake.. She will hate GO because her thinking is he came into the picture to take over from her and her not knowing she wasn't supposed to be there from the beginning.. Any attention DY shows GO she's going to act out on it because she want to have daddy all to herself.. Even if she finds out Jw is her real father she would rather stay with DY to keep his affection for her and no one else.. It's going to get ugly for the two kids as GO needs to be with his father but HR will act out according to MH orders and get found out and out the door like her mom.. 

We have atleast 8 to 10 more episodes before the KIm family downfall.. MH biggest fear is being outed for bring adopted and Mdm Kim disowning her..


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22 hours ago, euraka said:

I can't believe HR said she love her mother more than DY how on earth she has never given her motherly love and DY loves her as his own is the writer try to soften JW's heart since his daughter loves her mom he won't hurt her   it is ridiculous, HJ is right MH days are really numbered 

I am also very surprised that the writer has chosen to change HR's character. HR has been doted by her grandmother and father and we have seen how cold MH is with her, hardly spending any time with her at all. At this late stage to actually have her tell JW that she loves her mother the most seems so out of character. Perhaps she admires how cool and confident her mother is as a career woman and even though she has no time for her, she loves that image of her mother. Will this confession softens JW's heart toward MH or will it alert him to the danger of keeping HR with MH? HR might turn up like her mother if she takes her mother as her role model!


22 hours ago, Morelia said:


Please do not be so hard with DY, having experience as parents gives no guarantee of anything. I raised two beautiful daughters who today are excellent human beings in cough aspects but I have met many times with other children that despite my "experience as a mother" I have not been able to handle or I have not correctly performed a situation Determined. Each child and their situation is different and unique. For DY it is even traumatic to face his own child and it is understandable that he makes mistakes and does not know how to handle the situation.

I watched that scene and it was really an awkward time for this father and son. Both were relieved when HJ appeared. DY is full of love, regret and apology to his son for not being there for him but he cannot tell him yet that he is his father. GO will not trust nor warm to anyone easily. Even with halmoni (HJ's mother) he is still wary of any physical contact.  It will take time but I am sure they will get there when GO feels the sincerity and love from DY.


14 hours ago, Mailelei said:

@baduy  @Morelia  After reading both of your comments re DY's behavior towards GO, I need to share my thoughts now before I forget what I want to say. When you look at GO's and HR's backgrounds, it's sooo different. GO kidnapped as a new born, sent to the US, only to be adopted by an abusive family, raised with verbal and physical abuse, receiving no "tender, loving care" from both parents. Then we have HR, who lives with an effluent, loving and caring family. A caring and loving grandmother and father. As for MH her caring and love came in the form of "grooming" her daughter to become the heir of the LK company. There's ABSOLUTELY no comparison in regards to what type of environment they grew up in. DY has been with HR since she was born. DY just recently found out GO is his bio son, who was kidnapped and abused by his adoptive parents, So I can see why DY acted the way he did with GO. BTW, I haven't watched today's episode yet so my thoughts are based "strictly" on both your comments. DY's hesitated not knowing how to act or what kind of questions to ask this little child who doesn't know yet that DY's his bio father. DY didn't want to come on too strong by showering all his love and affection for his child  who he thought was dead for eight years. We must remember that GO only knows DY as HJ's close friend. As @Morelia has stated, each child has their own unique personality so we would approach them differently depending on their background and family situation. As a mother who has raised a child, I have had experiences like DY had with GO, when dealing with children with different backgrounds, especially when I was a Sunday school teacher of grade school children the age of GO and HR. Each child is so different  and a few of them were from broken homes.

I just hope the writers don't change DY's character to a person that will be ignored by GO, HR and HJ, the ones that are most dear to his heart. No matter what they do, I will not abandon this drama, as DY is the most important person to me, who has the STRENGTH INTELLIGENCE, and PERSEVERANCE to bring MH and all the other evil doers to justice. Yes, HJ is doing her part, but sorry, she doesn't command the recognition like DY does. 

If HR wants to love or like JW more than DY, the father that doting on her up till now, then let it be, since JW is her bio father anyway. Too bad she is being used by her own evil mother MH, who probably will be the one to destroy HR's happiness. 

@sava2sava I, too, was introduced to Kim Seung Soo in the drama, Jumong. Great acting as the evil brother of Jumong (Song ll Gook) Have watched some of his other dramas also.

I have to add in my support on DY. HJ and JW may have tried very hard but it is still DY in his quiet, determined, smart way who will be instrumental in bringing down the evil doers! Finding GO is a clear good example.


Regarding HJ's agreement with DY about delaying his divorce with MH and that they have time so to take things slowly, I feel it is because HJ is confident of DY's love for her and his sincerity in wanting to be a family with her and GO. She is a very protective woman toward the ones she loves and this is another example of her protectiveness to DY. He has come back from the dead, so to speak. He is still recovering. She does not want to add any pressure on him. He needs time to heal. Just as her son needs time to heal his emotional wounds. She is reassuring DY that it is ok for her to wait. She will wait. He just needs to concentrate on what he has to do. She will take care of their son and wait for the day when they are a family together. 

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8 hours ago, imgreatgal said:

@maribella may be you could be right about HJ-DY breakup. MH will use HR to hold on to DY, i will not be surprise if HR fakes illness of some kind so DY will not be able to leave her in the immediate sense.  

I think they will fight over how DY puts HR before GO, or so it seems to HJ. I want to see a more human HJ, instead of being a saint most of the time.

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23 hours ago, baduy said:

Meanwhile HJ's dimwit mother is making GO uncomfortable by over-grandmothering him and probing what he thinks of DY.

This has being weighing heavy on my mind, Just what is she up to and why with her medical condition HJ would even leave the GO with her one she allows any one to walk into her home claiming they are the police..  Is she still on the kick of Hj and Jw. ? Probing GO about DY is stupid why ask the child about someone he knows nothing about..  Is she hoping for HJ Jw and Go be a family I hope not it's time for HJ to kill that thought of her quick if this is what she's thinking.. 

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The 1st minutes of epi 84 , Mr Jang recorded both his voice and MH ...what MH said " both of us will go down "

How long he will show this tape ??? that time MH will be in jail ... and no more $$$ !

Epi 84 HR begins to learn how to kiss the other bum to live ... she told JW she loves her mom and like JW ....because she knew .. she must say that to get their points .. and in front of DY's mother she also knew how to made this old woman to love her !

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