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[Drama 2017] The Ruler: Master of the Mask /The Emperor: Owner of the Mask 군주:가면의 주인

Go Seung Ji

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this article just released. Ruler is the most talked about drama. I think it's like a content index where they measure the buzz of dramas from combined data through SNS, blogs, online video sites, news portals, etc. Ruler was number one with 3,180 pts:) 

If I read it correctly, their points are two times of the drama that's in 2nd place.

It's only been a week since it aired and I'm very happy with the response. I just hope it continues to reflect on the ratings. I would love for our team to meet their rating goal^_^

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The idea of the meeting  of both girls just to proof that the CP doesn't  simply fall in love for any pretty face he saw nor does he falls for the first girl he met face to face/close up or the first girl who sees his bare face. 


On Saturday, May 13, 2017 at 8:40 PM, soso2094 said:


I also really hope they don't make him marry her. That would be really predictable because the hero never marries the heroine first in drama land. But since his father mentioned a crown princess selection we'll see what will happen next.

Well I believe they do fall in love alright & she wudnt mind marrying Chungsoo.  However it's the royal family  that she hates but they're still stranger to her including CP. So I bet upon realization that the CP is actually Chungso that's  gonna hurt her so bad & their love hate relationship will begin. 

Also I bet CP will & has to marry her fast in order to protect her from both side; his father, the king,  because she has seen his bare face & Pyungsoo Hwee because they will kill her just to make his granddaughter the crown princess 


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Soompi article

First Impressions: “Ruler: Master Of The Mask” Is The Sageuk We’ve Been Waiting For


There’s been a lot of hype leading up to “Ruler: Master of the Mask,” and MBC’s new Wednesday-Thursday historical drama is finally here!


With a highly-anticipated cast and an abundance of intriguing teasers, “Ruler” has been on my radar for a while, and its first week did not disappoint. If you love historical dramas, charming male leads, beautiful cinematography, or all of the above, you’re in for a treat.


Warning: some spoilers ahead!


First off, what impressed me the most about this drama was the aesthetic appeal; “Ruler” is simply gorgeous to watch. The scenes are beautifully shot and filled with stunning landscapes, sumptuous robes, and flickering candlelight.

And flowers…





Now, allow me to introduce our lead, Crown Prince Lee Sun (Yoo Seung Ho). He’s a young Joseon-era prince who has had to live his entire life wearing a mask — and he’s beginning to question why.

I have to say how absolutely perfect Yoo Seung Ho is in this role. Every facial expression and gesture of his is totally compelling and conveys the youthful innocence of a sheltered prince. Lee Sun is idealistic and so genuinely wants to help people and make friends that it’s easy to root for him. Plus, you know, that smile….




Another character we get to know is our villain, Dae Mok (Heo Joon Ho). Dae Mok is the leader of the Pyunsoohwe, a cult-like group that has power over the royal family and has monopolized the water supply of Joseon. Oh, and is set on inducting Crown Prince Lee Sun into its ranks.


We also meet Kim Hwa Goon (Yoon So Hee), who is equal parts devious and haughty — it’s clear that this girl is used to getting what she wants. She’s also Dae Mok’s granddaughter and therefore a born enemy to the Crown Prince… which makes it awkward that she falls in love with him as soon as she lays eyes on him.

I mean, can we really blame her?

To complete the love triangle, we have female lead Han Ga Eun (Kim So Hyun). We don’t know much about her yet, except that she’s caring and intelligent, and a pupil of Woo Bo (Park Chul Min). And she has already worked her way into Prince Lee Sun’s heart.



Very subtle.

I know a lot of people are excited to see INFINITE’s L in his role as the other Lee Sun, a commoner who shares the Crown Prince’s name. I wasn’t sold on this character at first because he seemed to have two moods: sulky and angry. But it’s clear there are going to be some major changes ahead of him, and I’m looking forward to seeing what the drama has in store for him.




Crown Prince Lee Sun’s father, the king of Joseon, is a member of the Pyunsoohwe. When Lee Sun is born, the Pyunsoohwe threatens the prince’s life and demands that the king grant them control of Joseon’s water supply and promise that Lee Sun will also someday join the Pyunsoohwe himself. The king is forced to give in, but is determined to raise his son to be a strong, independent ruler, free of the Pyunsoohwe — so he does what any father would do (erm, right?) and makes the prince wear a mask to hide his identity, then spreads a rumor that the prince’s face was badly disfigured by a childhood illness.


I’m not quite sure how just hiding the prince’s face is enough to protect him from the Pyunsoohwe, but I’ll go with it.

Flash forward to Prince Lee Sun’s teenage years: the Pyunsoohwe has monopolized Joseon’s water, and the Crown Prince wants to know why he’s been forced to hide behind a mask. In search of answers, Prince Lee Sun disobeys his father and removes his mask to go galavanting around town, where he soon meets Ga Eun and the commoner Lee Sun and learns the ugly truth about the water situation in his country.

We don’t see anything too unexpected in the storyline for the first week, but the drama does a good job of laying out the foundation of the plot for us while still being interesting. The pacing was also well done, and the show didn’t try to introduce too much at once or rush into the romance, which some dramas fall prey to. But thanks to the teasers, we know we have some political and romantic twists ahead of us, and I am more than ready to sit back and enjoy the ride.

Final thoughts

I’ll admit it, I was a huge fan of the first week of “Ruler.” The drama is beautifully produced, the storyline is fulfilling all my sageuk dreams, and I like what I’ve seen of the acting and characters so far. “Ruler” also struck a good balance between the lighthearted and the serious, and there were more funny moments than I expected, mostly thanks to Yoo Seung Ho’s cuteness.


There were also some heart-wrenching parts that I was not prepared for, which hit me hard, and I was surprised that the drama was able to deliver such convincingly emotional scenes so early on. It’s definitely a sign that the drama is well-acted and has a plot that is easy to become emotionally invested in.


I’m trying not to get too excited, mainly because Crown Prince Lee Sun reminds me of a mash-up of plot lines from “Scarlet Heart: Goryeo” and “Hwarang,” and while I found both of those dramas entertaining enough, I wasn’t thrilled with the direction either ultimately went in.


Masks are apparently in right now if you’re a sageuk prince.

But I’m hopeful that “Ruler” will take a new route, and Yoo Seung Ho is so exceptional as Lee Sun that it’s hard for me to imagine a drama with such a solid and likable hero falling short of expectations. I’m excited to see what this drama has in store for us — can it be Wednesday already?

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6 hours ago, lxands said:
The idea of the meeting  of both girls just to proof that the CP doesn't  simply fall in love for any pretty face he saw nor does he falls for the first girl he met face to face/close up or the first girl who sees his bare face. 


Well I believe they do fall in love alright & she wudnt mind marrying Chungsoo.  However it's the royal family  that she hates but they're still stranger to her including CP. So I bet upon realization that the CP is actually Chungso that's  gonna hurt her so bad & their love hate relationship will begin. 

Also I bet CP will & has to marry her fast in order to protect her from both side; his father, the king,  because she has seen his bare face & Pyungsoo Hwee because they will kill her just to make his granddaughter the crown princess 




Well, I really hope he doesn't marry the evil girl ( I forgot her name) because I think the Queen asked her if she wanted to be crown princess and she said no but she thinks the crown prince is hot so she might change her mind :D

On Ga Eun and CP marrying, I think it would be cool if they do it early one in the drama as it would be different because OTP's usually go through a lot before they can be together.

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from what i've read in some books , there was actually a crown prince sado ( Lee Sun ) in joseon dynasty , but so far the story is not related to history or else the story would've been a really disappointing one ( thank god :) )

watching On Ga Eun gives me Kim Sun vibe ( Those who have seen Goblin will relate :) ) , hope they will start a good journey together and not a heartbreaking one unlike other series but it seems that there will be some actions from the evil granddaughter hope she won't be the concubine or anything :( 

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Where have I been?!! This brings back the memory of Moon Embraces the Sun. Sageuk, beautiful hanboks, stealing glances, soft touches, heartaches, a lot of longing and tears, ~ Bring it on baby!! Promising 2hours so far. KSH is beautiful and YSH is ridiculously handsome. Both delivers, as expected. Can't wait for next episodes. Now I need to go and negotiate bedtime story schedule with hubby. And I see familiar faces!! Anyeong!! Ahjumma here :) 

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Crown Prince Lee Sun’s father, the king of Joseon, is a member of th Pyunsoohwe. When Lee Sun is born, the Pyunsoohwe threatens the prince’s life and demands that the king grant them control of Joseon’s water supply and promise that Lee Sun will also someday join the Pyunsoohwe himself. The king is forced to give in, but is determined to raise his son to be a strong, independent ruler, free of the Pyunsoohwe — so he does what any father would do (erm, right?) and makes the prince wear a mask to hide his identity, then spreads a rumor that the prince’s face was badly disfigured by a childhood illness.

I’m not quite sure how just hiding the prince’s face is enough to protect him from the Pyunsoohwe, but I’ll go with itm

Just my 3 cents,  from what I recalled from other saeguk drama, during Goryeo era as well as Joseon era, having a scar scar face is an embarrassment to  the family, let alone a disfigured face.  I think the king was trying to get the pyngsuhwee people off his son's back because by having  a disfigured face, it's very unlikely he'll be the king.  At least he let everyone believes so until CP becomes strong enuf to handle these people. 

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Based on the trailer, LS will become the CP with the mask, when CP will ask for his help. However, LS will turn against CP later and become PS's puppet in order to get rid of the real CP. We can already see the love square in the first episodes:

- CP is interested in GE, so is LS too

- GE is already attracted to CP (she cooked properly this time!!, indication that she wanted to impress him)

- HG has fallen hard for CP

So the sypnosis says that GE wants to avenge her father's death by killing the CP, but since LS will become the fake emperor, GE won't discover CP's true identity immediately. But when she does, she will realise at some point that she had wrongly blamed the CP because she will discover that there is more behind the scene. On the other hand, I can imagine that HG will push for the marriage believing that she will get the CP, yet she will only meet the fake CP.

 Now, I am wondering if the prediction about the CP's birth could be connected to LS' birth as well. Imagine that they were born the same day, since they share the same name... their fate could be intertwined: the one who becomes a true ruler and the one who won't survive. I am expecting a tragic death for LS anyway, especially if he becomes PS' puppet.

@tintin92 Hello chingu, nice to see you here! 

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On 5/14/2017 at 3:22 AM, ktcjdrama said:

How can you tell it was CW behind the mask? First pic may pass looking like CW, but the second pic, the gritting of teeth is clearly CP's.

I sure hope LS will not join the PSH, because they are the ones who directly killed his father. The CP may indirectly caused the death of his father, but he has promised to seek revenge for him. I hope LS will stay righteous even though I don't mind seeing him struggling which direction to take because of his status/background and opportunities presented to him.


I might be wrong, but I've got a strong feeling that it is not the CP who is going to do the execution. The face anatomy/ bone structure of the person behind the mask in those scenes is completely different than that of the CP. Yoo Seung-Ho has small face bone structure and his face is on the slimmer end. If you watch ep 1 again (27:16, when he's about to remove his mask in front of the harem) you'll see that the mask is big enough to cover most of his face down to his jawline, and more than three quarters of his side profile, and 95% of his cheek, except for the part with the sideburn and the ear. The furthest edge of the mask even touches his sideburn on the left side, and its lowest point nearly touches his jawline. Normally when you scream, the jaw extends vertically downward rather than horizontally, which means the mask will at most reveal more of his chin rather than most of his cheek, if that makes sense at all (I'm really bad at explanation, I'm so sorry).

Meanwhile, upon looking more closely, you can see that the person behind the mask in the execution scene has a much larger face bone structure. The lowest point of the mask hardly makes it past his lower lip, let alone touching his jawline; additionally, it doesn't cover all of his cheek: it still reveals a large patch of skin near the sideburn. When you grit your teeth, your chin extends a little downward, but not to the extend that it will make the mask expose half of your cheek and 100% of your chin, considering the mask always covers 95% of your cheek and hovers just a little over your jawline when you keep a straight face. You can try this with a piece of paper against your cheek, with its pointed tip touching your jawline and grit your teeth, and you'll know what I mean.

For easier comparison, this is what the mask looks like on our CP's face. Compare it with the executer's face, and you'll see that he (the executer) has a much squarer and bigger face than Yoo Seung-Ho:



More screenshots for side-by-side comparison:


Our CP, from left, with mask on. Please note how far down his face the lowest tip of the mask extends:


Then compare it with this screencap of the executer; he has a bigger face, so the lowest tip of the mask reveals 100% of his chin and jawline. Plus, he has bulging eyes, instead of eyes deep set in the face as Yoo Seung Ho has:




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27 minutes ago, Berou said:

@bebebisous33 saem ! My eyes lighted up when i saw your comment :lol:. Are you going to watch the drama and post your beautiful/excellent analysis? Please do it, *wink,wink*

Based on the characters information, LS commoner is a villain who will turn against the CP  and will try to take the throne from him. We've already seen on this week eps how he hates being looked down because of his social status. He is an intelligent person, who silently aspires to climb the social ladder,hence his unwilling to not give up studies ( if I remember correctly he said what's wrong with studying,then the CP said to him he was strange since a commoner can't have a public post/ official position) Replacing the CP and wearing the mask is an opportunity to him to fufill his desires. But when it will be time to go back being the LS commoner,his love for GE and his greed will push him to betray the CP.

Your hypothesis about the fake CP and real CP is excellent. I didn't think about it. I'll wait for the upcoming eps to see if it can be held :wink:

Calling me "Saem" made me smile. leaf

Actually, I didn't want to watch this drama because I am about to have the visit of my parents and friends for 10 days which means that I'll visit less our beloved forum soompi for the next few days and less time to watch any drama. Yet, I must say that reading the comments and recaps made me curious. Moreover, I like the actress KSH very much: she is so good at acting that I watched all her dramas this last two years. So I started watching it and I don't regret it: the tension and the acting are really good.

Yes, LS will turn into a villain: jealousy and greed will be the triggers for LS to become a part of GS so that he can get rid of the real CP. But I can imagine that HG will do anything to stop LS in the end. Right now, HG indirectly helped her grandfather, although her true goal was to find the CP so that she can become close to him. But at some point, she will realise that she can never get the CP's attention, if she keeps working for GS and her grandfather. So to me, even if she is right now working against the CP, she will change her ways.

I agree with many that CP won't be the one who kills GE's father. They will use a usurpator in order to increase the hatred against the CP. The more people dislike the CP, the less powerful the CP is but it helps GS to increase the pressure on the King and CP.

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13 hours ago, lxands said:

The idea of the meeting  of both girls just to proof that the CP doesn't  simply fall in love for any pretty face he saw nor does he falls for the first girl he met face to face/close up or the first girl who sees his bare face. 


Well I believe they do fall in love alright & she wudnt mind marrying Chungsoo.  However it's the royal family  that she hates but they're still stranger to her including CP. So I bet upon realization that the CP is actually Chungso that's  gonna hurt her so bad & their love hate relationship will begin. 

Also I bet CP will & has to marry her fast in order to protect her from both side; his father, the king,  because she has seen his bare face & Pyungsoo Hwee because they will kill her just to make his granddaughter the crown princess 



true!! he was impressed by her being a girl who learns about everything and speaks of true freedom not only enchated by her beauty (which she is)!! 

yeah, she's as much into "Chun Soo" as he is :wink: but she'll hate the masked Crown Prince!! and I think the love-hate relationship here will be different since our Crown Prince will be fully aware of her hatered toward him which she's not aware of since thinking Chun Soo and CP Lee Seon are different people and I can't wait to see how this will get unfold though I'm bracing my heart for all the heartbreaks!! 

I WANT THAT!! :wub: 

4 hours ago, azuwaza163 said:

Where have I been?!! This brings back the memory of Moon Embraces the Sun. Sageuk, beautiful hanboks, stealing glances, soft touches, heartaches, a lot of longing and tears, ~ Bring it on baby!! Promising 2hours so far. KSH is beautiful and YSH is ridiculously handsome. Both delivers, as expected. Can't wait for next episodes. Now I need to go and negotiate bedtime story schedule with hubby. And I see familiar faces!! Anyeong!! Ahjumma here :) 


Annyeong, happy you hoined us here and good luck with your negotiation!! :D 

4 hours ago, lxands said:

Just my 3 cents,  from what I recalled from other saeguk drama, during Goryeo era as well as Joseon era, having a scar scar face is an embarrassment to  the family, let alone a disfigured face.  I think the king was trying to get the pyngsuhwee people off his son's back because by having  a disfigured face, it's very unlikely he'll be the king.  At least he let everyone believes so until CP becomes strong enuf to handle these people. 


yeah, I believe so, but the King did a really bad job giving Pyunsoohwe group alot of power and doing nothing to have better, more trustworthy officials to be a support to the Crown Prince when that time come and he'll have to take on the throne add to hiding everything from his son!! how is the Crown Prince supposed to rule when he's surrounded by oficials who are all in that evil grandfather's side and no nothing about how bad things are?!! 

1 hour ago, bebebisous33 said:

Based on the trailer, LS will become the CP with the mask, when CP will ask for his help. However, LS will turn against CP later and become PS's puppet in order to get rid of the real CP. We can already see the love square in the first episodes:

- CP is interested in GE, so is LS too

- GE is already attracted to CP (she cooked properly this time!!, indication that she wanted to impress him)

- HG has fallen hard for CP

So the sypnosis says that GE wants to avenge her father's death by killing the CP, but since LS will become the fake emperor, GE won't discover CP's true identity immediately. But when she does, she will realise at some point that she had wrongly blamed the CP because she will discover that there is more behind the scene. On the other hand, I can imagine that HG will push for the marriage believing that she will get the CP, yet she will only meet the fake CP.

 Now, I am wondering if the prediction about the CP's birth could be connected to LS' birth as well. Imagine that they were born the same day, since they share the same name... their fate could be intertwined: the one who becomes a true ruler and the one who won't survive. I am expecting a tragic death for LS anyway, especially if he becomes PS' puppet.

@tintin92 Hello chingu, nice to see you here! 


I think Lee Seon was the one who offered to be the stand-in for our Crown Prince: we saw CP Lee Seon asking him if it's really ok to do that which indicates it's not CP Lee Seon's idea to do that!! but yes communer Lee Seon will turn against him later on!! 

hhhhhhhhh yes!! :wub: 

yeah, I'm counting on Ga Eun finding out that there is more than what she knows behind her father's death before finding out that Chun Soo is actually the Crown Prince she's plotting her revenge on!!

 hhhhhhhhhhhh I'll have an evil laugh if/when that happen!! :naughty: 

I was wondering about that too but if (and hope not) the communer Lee Seon has to die than I want it to be an honorable and redeeming act, protecting the real CP from the Pyungsoohwe's group!! 

1 hour ago, Berou said:

@bebebisous33 saem ! My eyes lighted up when i saw your comment :lol:. Are you going to watch the drama and post your beautiful/excellent analysis? Please do it, *wink,wink*

Based on the characters information, LS commoner is a villain who will turn against the CP  and will try to take the throne from him. We've already seen on this week eps how he hates being looked down because of his social status. He is an intelligent person, who silently aspires to climb the social ladder,hence his unwilling to not give up studies ( if I remember correctly he said what's wrong with studying,then the CP said to him he was strange since a commoner can't have a public post/ official position) Replacing the CP and wearing the mask is an opportunity to him to fufill his desires. But when it will be time to go back being the LS commoner,his love for GE and his greed will push him to betray the CP.

Your hypothesis about the fake CP and real CP is excellent. I didn't think about it. I'll wait for the upcoming eps to see if it can be held :wink:


WHAT?!! he's a villain?!! I guessed he'd go after the throne himself and take it over from the real CP but reading the word "villain" breaks my heart!! :( I believe he really wanted (will want) to help CP Lee Seon but then finding himself with power beside being smart will make him unable to let go of the opportunity to live as a King righting what went wrong to those like him, at least that's his intention, beside having Ga Eun's heart but that won't happen just like how the current King allied with Pyungsoohwe's group to be a great King only to be a puppet one!! 

1 hour ago, maskros said:


I might be wrong, but I've got a strong feeling that it is not the CP who is going to do the execution. The face anatomy/ bone structure of the person behind the mask in those scenes is completely different than that of the CP. Yoo Seung-Ho has small face bone structure and his face is on the slimmer end. If you watch ep 1 again (27:16, when he's about to remove his mask in front of the harem) you'll see that the mask is big enough to cover most of his face down to his jawline, and more than three quarters of his side profile, and 95% of his cheek, except for the part with the sideburn and the ear. The furthest edge of the mask even touches his sideburn on the left side, and its lowest point nearly touches his jawline. Normally when you scream, the jaw extends vertically downward rather than horizontally, which means the mask will at most reveal more of his chin rather than most of his cheek, if that makes sense at all (I'm really bad at explanation, I'm so sorry).

Meanwhile, upon looking more closely, you can see that the person behind the mask in the execution scene has a much larger face bone structure. The lowest point of the mask hardly makes it past his lower lip, let alone touching his jawline; additionally, it doesn't cover all of his cheek: it still reveals a large patch of skin near the sideburn. When you grit your teeth, your chin extends a little downward, but not to the extend that it will make the mask expose half of your cheek and 100% of your chin, considering the mask always covers 95% of your cheek and hovers just a little over your jawline when you keep a straight face. You can try this with a piece of paper against your cheek, with its pointed tip touching your jawline and grit your teeth, and you'll know what I mean.

For easier comparison, this is what the mask looks like on our CP's face. Compare it with the executer's face, and you'll see that he (the executer) has a much squarer and bigger face than Yoo Seung-Ho:


More screenshots for side-by-side comparison:

  Hide contents

Our CP, from left, with mask on. Please note how far down his face the lowest tip of the mask extends:


Then compare it with this screencap of the executer; he has a bigger face, so the lowest tip of the mask reveals 100% of his chin and jawline. Plus, he has bulging eyes, instead of eyes deep set in the face as Yoo Seung Ho has:



you're not wrong, I'm 100% sure our Crown Prince wasn't the one doing the execution!! he'll never let someone die on him let alone do the killing himself!! but thank you so much for your detailed explination chingu!! :) 

1 hour ago, bebebisous33 said:

Calling me "Saem" made me smile. leaf

Actually, I didn't want to watch this drama because I am about to have the visit of my parents and friends for 10 days which means that I'll visit less our beloved forum soompi for the next few days and less time to watch any drama. Yet, I must say that reading the comments and recaps made me curious. Moreover, I like the actress KSH very much: she is so good at acting that I watched all her dramas this last two years. So I started watching it and I don't regret it: the tension and the acting are really good.

Yes, LS will turn into a villain: jealousy and greed will be the triggers for LS to become a part of GS so that he can get rid of the real CP. But I can imagine that HG will do anything to stop LS in the end. Right now, HG indirectly helped her grandfather, although her true goal was to find the CP so that she can become close to him. But at some point, she will realise that she can never get the CP's attention, if she keeps working for GS and her grandfather. So to me, even if she is right now working against the CP, she will change her ways.

I agree with many that CP won't be the one who kills GE's father. They will use a usurpator in order to increase the hatred against the CP. The more people dislike the CP, the less powerful the CP is but it helps GS to increase the pressure on the King and CP.


happy you changed your mind and joined us here :D 

hope so, though I'll never trust her!! 

the King himself will bring that stand-in for the Crown Prince!! it's his way to protect his son and keep the Pyunsoohwe group from going after him but that will put more pressure on the CP who'll be hated by his people!! the more I think about it the more mad I get, this King is all "I need to protect the Crown Prince so he'll become the great King the people need" but he's doing nothing but making it harder and harder for the Crown Prince to be a great ruler!! :rage: 


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Two quick comments:

―Peasant Lee Sun could perfectly be a "villain" if he is blackmailed. How? Pyunsoohwe's poison pills. If he is forced to choose between having his guts burning in pain and doing anything else, will he be strong enough to resist?... and he's got the jade emblem, he is the Crown Prince for everyone outside the Royal Palace (except Hwan-goon and Woo-bo) and, if got captured, Pyunsoohwe will probably force him to take those damn pills.

―Dae-mok is against marrying Hwan-goon with Crown Prince: remember that analogy with the cup, the water and the tea leaves. So, if Hwan-goon lies and "confirms" that peasant Lee Sun is the real Crown Prince, it's a win-win for her: that way, she could run after her beloved without facing her grandfather.

(Though that's going to be hard for her: I bet Dae-mok is now catching all her lies. It's a great oportuniy to the actress, Yoon So-hee, to develop those acting skills that almost everybody is missing now)

@maskros I'm shocked with your detailed analysis. Excellent work.

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26 minutes ago, angrytomato said:

Two quick comments:

―Peasant Lee Sun could perfectly be a "villain" if he is blackmailed. How? Pyunsoohwe's poison pills. If he is forced to choose between having his guts burning in pain and doing anything else, will he be strong enough to resist?... and he's got the jade emblem, he is the Crown Prince for everyone outside the Royal Palace (except Hwan-goon and Woo-bo) and, if got captured, Pyunsoohwe will probably force him to take those damn pills.

―Dae-mok is against marrying Hwan-goon with Crown Prince: remember that analogy with the cup, the water and the tea leaves. So, if Hwan-goon lies and "confirms" that peasant Lee Sun is the real Crown Prince, it's a win-win for her: that way, she could run after her beloved without facing her grandfather.

(Though that's going to be hard for her: I bet Dae-mok is now catching all her lies. It's a great oportuniy to the actress, Yoon So-hee, to develop those acting skills that almost everybody is missing now)

@maskros I'm shocked with your detailed analysis. Excellent work.


  • I believe he'll be forced to take those poison pills but I believe that surviving won't be his only reason to betray the real Crown Prince!! 
  • but if she doesn't agree to the marriage her grandfather will see throw her lie over the Crown Prince's indentity!! 



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