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[Official] ♥ Lee Joon Gi x IU ♥ || JoonU [2016 SBS Best Couple & Hallyu Star Awards!!]


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9 minutes ago, nsyavita said:

so Oppa in Italy, wonder when he went to Italy? if he really went to HSC bday so he could be left the next day on even that night, because after that day neither JG or JE have posts anything yet, they too busy facetiming or calling each other i guess :D 

I agreed with u @kilovekyo i think JG told her that day he had to go to Italy that was why she posted sad melow face and JG posted tired sleepy pic (meaning i didn't wanna go JEya..but i had too I will miss u so much love).  oppa lastest posts was saying "have a wonderful week" with full of love emoticons (means i will be back in a week my love see u soon) #delulu :D 

I think Oppa does have a ninja skill now (well he did that too before when he filmed RE n no one knew) but i think his skill got better thanks to someone, and yes i never saw JG so attached with his phone while working (i know u miss someone whose all the way in SK, and listen to her song also might help hihi.. :wub:

ps: like u guys i also wondering where this ninja couple will go for adventures that wil be exciting and romantic kyaa... :wub:


Waa...really your thought about that caption surprised me, i agree with you maybe the caption that Joon Gi wrote is for Ji Eun! hmm... *nod nod* :D

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1 hour ago, Joseph Lim said:

Look like the lead role for the Criminal Minds remake is still JG. :rolleyes: They plan to air this fall and they still have not finalize the casts and start shooting :tongue: Look like it will be a short drama maybe?


Oh yeah .. I read on korean articles if LJG accepts the role, they will start filming in early April.

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1 hour ago, Joseph Lim said:

Look like the lead role for the Criminal Minds remake is still JG. :rolleyes: They plan to air this fall and they still have not finalize the casts and start shooting :tongue: Look like it will be a short drama maybe?


Both are under Namoo actors (Moon Chae Won since last September). I have read that Moon Chae Won is a really good actress (haven't watched her dramas). I kinda like how they look together based on those pics posted. Seems that Kim Kyu Tae is good with action. I am not sure if I will be watching Criminal Minds but well, if LJG accepts, I wish for the drama success in South Korea. I am saying South Korea and not only internationally because I know is really important for him the ratings in his country. 


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3 hours ago, iliveforsosoo said:

ohmygosh guys!! stargazers are so talented, another beautiful video that's so epicly done. I first got creeped at how it synced so well:

The Vow (SoSoo/SoHae Ver.)

I hope you guys get to watch this!!

This was interesting too watch...interesting to hear Scarlet Heart Ryeo characters with different voices. I like it, thanks for sharing. ^_^

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Re: "I fooled around and did some slapstick comedy to make her laugh" alsjf;klsdj;flkdsj this is EXACTLY what I find so charming about IU and LJG together. I'd also like to point out that it's also very, very reminiscent of SoSoo--when Soo was down in the dumps So suddenly became an OOC comedian just to lift her spirits ("I said I'd get your permission... I lied!!", pretending to tip the boat over, etc). It would seem art imitates life. B) Very excited to see the rest of those subs.

Also, I've only seen Moon Chae Won in "No Such Thing as Nice Guys" but she put in a strong performance there so I am satisfied with her being LJG's next partner.... Not here for the comparisons and shade being thrown at IU for not being fit to lick LJG's boots though. (Didn't read the Dramabeans comments but I KNOW it's there. <_<)  

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What I would do to be JG's phone right now :wub::wub::wub: All the crumbs I could share with my fellow Stargazers. I'm so curious what song he could be listening to? Maybe it's a microphone/earphone and he's talking to someone :lol: Also, JG yah, I'm always curious which IU songs do you love listening to aside from Good Day??? I wanna knowww!!!

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15 minutes ago, NerinaC said:

Good morning from my side of the world. TGIF! I am so happy seeing oppa in the peach jacket, totally ravishing!

about CM ... I really hope the news of oppa new project will be annouced soon, I miss him a lot. Also waiting for more news about JE new album.... 

anyway to fill up the weekend i randomly made a short story about JoonU, it has no connection with the chapter I made previously, just something for fun, hope you guys can enjoy it  as much as i do,

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A Random interlude (A Jump to the Future)




His brain froze, he blinked, trying to process what he had just heard and he was too shocked to say anything. Slowly he turned his face to her, trying to read her expression. There was nothing but a happy excitement on it. Her beautiful face glowed more these past months, despite the couple bad months in her early pregnancy. She has become more beautiful than ever, his heart always pounded like crazy whenever he saw her.




“Triplets, doctor?” her voice pulled him back to reality, she was excited. 




“Yes congratulations! Looks like you are expecting triplets, we need to be extra careful and take additional care of your health.” The doctor smiled wisely.




“Oppa! We are having triplets! Isn’t this exiting?” 




Joon Gi, who was still too shocked by the news only nodded with blank eyes. He tried to put on a smile, but it was like pulling up a big truck with their own bare hands. 




‘What have I done.... oh my god.... What have I done to my Ji Eun ah... ommo... Ottokeee’ 




“Okay, let’s decide  the schedule for check-ups and other things too,” the doctor continued.




They discussed all things they needed to pay attention to, such as the food and also exercises. Joon Gi wasn’t really present , his mind was in mess. He had always loved kids, since he wa young. When he finally married the love of his life, Ji Eun, he directly told her he wanted kids. Ji Eun agreed because she loved kids, too. But to have three babies as their first born - he felt blessed and cursed at the same time. It was like being in heaven but at the same time in hell. 




‘How are we going to take care of them? It’s not that we don’t have money for it, just Ji Eun has always said that she wants to take care of the baby herself without a babysitter. I promised to help her, but three babies?’




He automatically grimaced because of the thoughts on his mind, when Ji Eun saw him.




“Are you okay, oppa?” she touched his elbow, concerned. “You have been very quiet since we came to the doctor. Is something troubling you?”




They were on their way back from the hospital. Joon Gi had been moving around like a robot without saying much since he received the news. Ji Eun seemed to notice. He didn’t know how to tell her how sorry he was, how much he worried and how he panicked thinking about the fact she was having his kids, all three of them, inside her petite figure. He was happy, he always was. When she told him that she was pregnant with their baby, he shouted and jumped around in joy. But now - hearing she would have these three babies at the same time, he couldn’t help to curse himself. He couldn’t imagine how much pain she would have to endure, how exhausting it would be and how much danger she would face. He had heard from his mom and sister the fact that women were always putting their life in danger when they gave birth.  He didn’t want to lose her.




“I am sorry Ji.... so, so sorry,” he blurted out in the end. He pulled the car over, because it was impossible to talk while driving.




“Sorry? What do you mean, oppa? Why are you sorry?” Ji Eun looked confused.




“I am sorry.... Oh gosh.... what have I done?” He put his hand over his face. He seriously didn’t know what to say.




Ji Eun looked at her husband with a wise smile, “I think you have done a lot oppa, like our honey moon remember?? Two times in the morning, then three times at night. We barely got out of the room,” she teased him.


“Oh yeah, also whenever you were back from your tour or I came back from my tour, you didn’t let me sleep till morning.”




Joon Gi slowly dropped his hand in devastation; listening to her, like it was all his fault.




“Oh my God, you should have told me to stop. Now, what have I done? I put you in this situation. I am the worst!” he exclaimed in guilt. Seeing his panicked face, Ji Eun chuckled.




“Are you not happy for our kids?” she asked calmly.




“No! I am happy, I want kids with you. It is the best gift you could ever give to me, but... but... straight to three??” He frowned and his eyes glistened with worry.




“We can do it, oppa! Don’t worry!” she entwined her fingers with his and smiled encouragingly.




He took a deep breath, calming his jumbled mind and just stared at her deeply. He softly brushed his hand on her cheek.




“It will be hard for you, Ji. I feel so bad that I am the one that put you in this situation. Having one baby is already hard enough. And here we are going to have triplets.”




Ji Eun smiled lovingly and quickly hugged him.“I won’t say it won’t be hard, oppa. But I am not alone, right? I have you right here at my. I can do it! No actually, we can do it. We will get through this whole pregnancy, because I have you. Because we have each other, please don’t worry, oppa.”


She pulled back and gazed deeply into his eyes, sending all her love to him and smiled assuringly. Then she dropped soft kisses on both of his eyes, one by one, on his high nose before finally going for his lips. The kisses, the way she stared at him, the message she send trough her gaze and her words had some kind of calming effect. Somehow he felt better and slowly gathered his confidence. He grabbed her face gently and gave her a slow and deep kiss. It was a kiss that was filled with all the love he had for her. He caressed her lips gently, taking his time in exploring her soft lips appreciatively, pulling out a little bit in between the kisses and returned to give deeper pressure. He could feel them both smiling in the process. He heard her sigh softly and eventually his tongue dwelled in, twirling with a slow dance inside her. When they finally parted, they closed their eyes in peace and hugged.




“I love you Ji, thank you for loving me,” he whispered with a determined look. “Thank you for being here, I don’t know what I would do without you. I promise you that you won’t face this alone.”




Ji Eun smiled, “I love you too, oppa.”






“Oppa…wake up. The plane has landed; we need to get off.” Ji Eun shook him awake. He blinked drowsily and rubbed his eyes lazily. How long had he been sleeping?






“Ji,” he took his time looking at her, something was different, something was missing. He tried to remember, and when he did, he suddenly grabbed her arms in surprise.






“Hey, why are we travelling when you are pregnant with triplets? We should be really careful. It can be dangerous for your health!”






Ji Eun just looked at him, confusion written on her face  “Triplets? Pregnant? Are you okay, oppa?”






“I am not okay! We shouldn’t have travelled! Let’s exit the plane  and meet a doctor. I need to make sure that you and the babies are okay.”






“I think you are still dreaming oppa. This is not even our first honeymoon night," Ji Eun laughed so hard in response, "unless you have knocked me out without my knowledge, but I am not pregnant, yet”






“Eh? ... a dream?” he looked dumbfounded






Ji Eun roared with laughter. She could hardly reply as she was nodding and repeating the word “triplets” and burst out laughing over and over again.




“Thank God, it was just a dream!” he finally exclaimed in relief, when he realized it had been only in his dream and joined her laughter.









Thank you for your short story,  I really love it!!  I can't hide my smile and giddiness at the same time when I read it.  Please make another story if you have a time, I'll read it with my whole heart :)

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50 minutes ago, postnihilism said:

Re: "I fooled around and did some slapstick comedy to make her laugh" alsjf;klsdj;flkdsj this is EXACTLY what I find so charming about IU and LJG together. I'd also like to point out that it's also very, very reminiscent of SoSoo--when Soo was down in the dumps So suddenly became an OOC comedian just to lift her spirits ("I said I'd get your permission... I lied!!", pretending to tip the boat over, etc). It would seem art imitates life. B) Very excited to see the rest of those subs.

Also, I've only seen Moon Chae Won in "No Such Thing as Nice Guys" but she put in a strong performance there so I am satisfied with her being LJG's next partner.... Not here for the comparisons and shade being thrown at IU for not being fit to lick LJG's boots though. (Didn't read the Dramabeans comments but I KNOW it's there. <_<)  

oh..tell me about it, it always sadden me whenever i read such comments. i was not IU's fans before but i really like her acting in mlshr (and trust me i know how to judge a good or bad acting) and become her fans now.

i didn't get why some ppl said she didn't meet JG's acting n we can see that their chemistry is the strongest of JGJE past dramas. I feel they just being harsh on her because she is young. Thats why i am so thankful of JG he is so sweet and kind to always praises her. 

btw me too..i can't wait for the subs, to me their interaction looks so natural, and i think the reason why he acted goofy not only to made her relax but also for himself too because he was nervous in front of her (remember he tended to forgot his lines whenever they acted together i mean this is JG we r talking abt hihi..wonders why :wink: )

honestly i could careless about the leading lady on JG's new drama, as long as JG in it i will watch it, but i like the new leading lady she seems a good actress and i heard the love lines is minimal to none so that's good hahhahaa.... :D  can i still have hope to have JE sings the OST?!  

oh..can't wait for their comeback...

@NerinaC thank u for the short story u r so talented chingu, it brings all the giddiness and feed my lonely shipper hearts because the lacks of crumbs 

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@NerinaC WAHAHHAAA Chinggu yah. I almost died laughing. Thanks for cheering up myself and I'm sure the rest of us who'd read your latest story. How do you manage to make a squeal worthy fanfic and then make me roll on the floor laugh so hard with this one? I love you a thousand times for this! Thank you thank you from the bottom of my deepest JoonJi shipper heart ❤️ 

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1 hour ago, NerinaC said:

Good morning from my side of the world. TGIF! I am so happy seeing oppa in the peach jacket, totally ravishing!

about CM ... I really hope the news of oppa new project will be annouced soon, I miss him a lot. Also waiting for more news about JE new album.... 

anyway to fill up the weekend i randomly made a short story about JoonU, it has no connection with the chapter I made previously, just something for fun, hope you guys can enjoy it  as much as i do,


I really love the story chinguuu :heart: i can't hold not to smile while reading it, keep update us here ^^ thank youu.

I found this, i think this new one. She's so pretty, miss them a lot.


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28 minutes ago, ucieh said:


What is this show about?



EHHH??? this show if im not mistaken is about like tell the story through the phone to someone, i've watching this show one time with Jang Geun Suk in it..



16 minutes ago, kilovekyo said:


I really love the story chinguuu :heart: i can't hold not to smile while reading it, keep update us here ^^ thank youu.

I found this, i think this new one. She's so pretty, miss them a lot.


Seems like she was attending someone's graduation day.. yepp even with less make up, she's indeed naturally beautiful :heart:

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