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our house is so hot!!!


Chingus, my piece of advice.... I've read a lots of "ranting" in our thread...why don't we focused on JoonU? I do understand the feelings of my fellow shippers here and retaliating the attack of antis isn't the solution to this fuss.. Don't buy these morons crap instead ignore them for all they wanted was an ATTENTION..This moron was trying to mislead our happy fandom especially now that some lurkers (the real fan lurkers) begin to show up and post their thoughts about our OTP.. Remember "The more recognition, the more they garner attention". Let's just keep and maintain a harmonious ship, anyways we know our limitation as fans as long as we don't stomp anybody and show our big support to our OTP's individual life, then our ship will sail smoothly no matter how attackers do to us. Let their mouth stretch out to the fullest for us to see their funny faces...Or else if we really want to shout it loud our emotions, as suggested why don't we go to private chat (it's a reverse psychology)..Let the anti's witnessed our happy fandom like we are untouchables in a vigilant way..This is just my opinion to continue our happily and giddily threading..and of course I want the FF soon to publish here.. Goodnight chingus...Let our BBJX chant all the way...fighting..


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15 hours ago, summer2017 said:

Such a coincidence that the eclipse is near SHR anniversary. I pray and hope all the best for JoonU. They deserve all the love and happiness. 

It's fated.... nothing is coincidence.... That's what Ji Mong will say....:lol::lol:

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Thanks to all Chingus for understanding the situation and agreeing to lay low about this issue.

And to @Netizentown aka jobless bighead(since you like the nickname we gaveB))

Since you seem to lurk on our thread more than on your twitter handle,I will reply you here(If you want, you can tweet a Screenshot of my reply on your handle and cry like you are doing until now:D)..Thanks for publicizing our thread -free of cost. And to those people who came here reading her tweet,I will suggest you to read about this issue from the beginning to understand the problem.I don't care if you call us delulu or crazy. I am not going to change my POV about this issue.:expressionless:

And yeah, @Netizentown -- I know to read Hangul, don't think people will be clueless if you tweet in Hangul.It clearly shows that you don't have any guts to face us.


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50 minutes ago, enigmaticangel said:

Thanks to all Chingus for understanding the situation and agreeing to lay low about this issue.

And to @Netizentown aka jobless bighead(since you like the nickname we gaveB))

Since you seem to lurk on our thread more than on your twitter handle,I will reply you here(If you want, you can tweet a Screenshot of my reply on your handle and cry like you are doing until now:D)..Thanks for publicizing our thread -free of cost. And to those people who came here reading her tweet,I will suggest you to read about this issue from the beginning to understand the problem.I don't care if you call us delulu or crazy. I am not going to change my POV about this issue.:expressionless:

And yeah, @Netizentown -- I know to read Hangul, don't think people will be clueless if you tweet in Hangul.It clearly shows that you don't have any guts to face us.


Very well said chingu, he screenshot my post. He wrote it in hangul so that we can't understand it, well, well, I'm not buying him. I just laughed at his caption, and even his commenters did not even follow the logic of that post and my post. Just get a life Chuchu. 

This will be my last post about him at least we slapped him IN YOUR FACE, he's too lame to give further attention. Spread the Love..

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Hello to the new passengers of HMS JoonU. I would like to welcome you all on boarding this ship. Hope you brought your life vest along since this place depending on which day, will turn into a rocket ship or a submarine. It's a great place to profess our love for our main OTP and enjoy your regular dose of crumbs. I would also like to extend a special hello to anti lurkers who have recently dropped by here. Please, find something more productive to do with your time such as, ummm, actually supporting people you want to support? This is OUR thread and whatever we discuss here, we do not take beyond the confines of this forum. So puhleease, don't misconstrue our words and use it as propaganda to further your own agenda, whatever it may be! Good day!

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I have something here from one of the most active shipper, this is my gift before I went silent again. My vacation is over and I have to go back to my work.. Reality.. have to teach college students and return to my homeland, well, well, no matter what others say we Stargazer will someday prove them wrong, and if we will be sinking or not the best thing that this ship/house had given to us is FRIENDSHIP, JE and JG will always be together no matter what they have a lot of videos, photos and memories together and who knows what really is happening, neither WE or those PRO - Haters know. JE and JG's fans new and old some of them maybe most of them are not against their being close together, They glow when they are together. So chingus, I'll be visiting this site from time to time when I have nothing to do. Thank you I enjoyed the haters and the FIGHTING Spirit of all of us here, that's how we do it guys don't let your guard down and don't let others let you sink because we are protecting our OTP, we can protect them by defending them in an Educated way that you guys have proven. You are all educated and act as a good community.AND I'M PROUD TO BE IN THIS COMMUNITY OF STARGAZERS.

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Anyway, while I (im)patiently await for Hyori's Bnb subs I found out about a little connection lee hyori has with both LJK and LJE~~~ 

OR Maybe everyone knows already haha and I'm the only one who doesn't xD. 

LHR and LJK are supposedly good friends from a long time ago ( from what i read online , you can search as well~)


and LHR and LJE got close together thru Hyori's BnB



Fate~~~~ *sigh* 

oks signing off~~

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Good morning from my side of the world *waves*

Just a shoutout before heading to work (Yes, people here do have life outside this thread! :lol:) LOVE YOU ALL!


We are being targeted by someone who thinks dealing with the issue of BULLYING would be done best by BULLYING someone (in this case, us) back. Let him or her. We'll fight back in our own way. Don't give him the power to intimidate, humiliate or even stop us from exercising our rights. This is a public forum created for the specific reason of having a venue where people sharing the same views/interests can interact with each other freely. Much like what he's doing in Twitter.

Funny isn't it? How a word of two can be twisted into something ugly by someone else? I say....let him be. If he wants to think he's being the better person for singling us out and INCITING HATE, then let him be. The more we react, the more he will be happy.

So, again, let's just go back to what we do best. Being happy!




Thank for all the gifs, vids and pics!!! 

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Welcome to new Stargazers who join with us here, and share your encourage words for what happened to us lately, all thoughts here and outside thread convo should make me getting better now... :D i feel very sad and kind of anxious before that how those bad persons created public opinion and put blame to Stargazers, this just unfair :( and hurt me. But yeah we're keep going strong, i hope truth will reveal soon.

To the hater, you said we're crazy but i will say you point that to yourself, why you should lurk here and bring hatred outside? Be careful, if you too much lurk here that will make you crazy for real! Too much hate mean you're too much care, and you might be falling for us :wub: 

Stay fighting with loving way Stargazers. BBJX miracle come true!! 

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Just a little story for starting the day... Not joonu related but hey it has a nice moral on it. 


One day there was a girl who was having a baby without a father, her parents were so angry at her and kept demanding her to tell them who is the man responsible for it. So the girl finally said that a monk from a nearby temple was the father of her baby. Her parents angrily went to the temple and gave the baby to the monk, telling him to take care the baby. The monk accepted the baby and smile. Since that day he did all he could to give the baby enough milk. He used his own little sum of money all for the baby needs. News spread out and the monk name became tarnished, lots of people judge him, but he kept on giving his best to the baby.  A year passed by... The girl couldn't stay lying anymore she confronted her parents and admitted that the father of her baby wasn't the monk. Her parents feeling guilty to the monk and ran to meet him, they found the monk looked so thin but the baby looked very chubby and healthy.  The girl and her parents asked for forgiveness from the monk. The monk just smile and nod. They confused why the monk wasn't angry at them. But he told them that for monks good name is not a big matter for them, he thought as long he could safe a life and help someone he was okay even when many people judge and insult him. That is a true kindness. Beside... Trying to tell everyone on what is the truth won't do much good. People believe what they wanted to believe. So instead of defending himself he focused on what he could do for the baby. People will always judge others. Bad things happened... But it will pass eventually. Time will work on it's magic, sometimes the real truth speaks louder in silence. 


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12 minutes ago, NerinaC said:

That is a true kindness. Beside... Trying to tell everyone on what is the truth won't do much good. People believe what they wanted to believe. So instead of defending himself he focused on what he could do for the baby. People will always judge others.


@NerinaC thanks for the nice 'reminder' and let me just quote the part above, since the bully who visited apparently also tried to 'bully me' behind my back lol. It is really showing his/ her true quality as a person. No need to deal with such a 'hateful' person who hurts (Jeon, 2017).

Truth and realities may have different 'faces'. Our world is somewhat constructed of different realities. Yours might not be mine, and vice versa.

Anyway, let me just say this once again: nobody is taking an advantage of other people's pain here in this thread. Nobody is aiming at forcing their own 'narrative' (Netizentown, 2017). If happy ending happens to the OTP together, that's the most desirable situation. If not, separately we also wish them all the best. Nobody wants to insist on playing God and steering the fate of people we barely even know. So, if in the end the OTP of this thread isn't together, there's no point of mocking or bullying the people in this thread further... none of us will 'kill' ourselves in desperation or feeling lost to anybody else. We'll just move on and keep praying for good stuffs. That, I can guarantee ^_^.

Have a nice day, everyone! I hereby state that I won't ever dwell on this bully lurker issue anymore.

Stay healthy, happy and safe! *bowing*


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Annyeong all, I'm very new here. So will just make a short intro on how and why i arrive here. I'm a very late bloomer in this. Only started binge-watching the K-dramas since feb 2017. My fav are the sageuks. I even watched the chinese dramas General and I and Princess Wei Young (tho i admit, i skipped some due to its long episodes). In May, after searching for more sageuks, I came across MLH. I went for the plot, not much on who the actors are. At my age, i guess i have passed the fandom thingy!! Was more on good story and acting. As the drama unfolded, the actors potraying Wang So and Hae Soo really got into me. Their chemistry on screen captivated me. So, i made more searches on them. The BTS, IG etc and finally to this thread that i started following about 1.5 months ago. I tried to back read most of the inputs from all of you. I too hv watched Arang and SWWTN and some of JE's MV. So, from the info that i have got from the above sources, a decision is made today.... I'm jumping onto this ship purely because of these 2 beautiful people, LJG and LJE and the positive vibes they send when they are together. i dont call myself a fan (yet) though some of JE's songs are rubbing onto me already (i love them...). Yes, let us spread love (and not hate...) because that is how i feel with this couple. I can sense their respect, admiration for each other too. Ta for now. :heart:

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7 hours ago, purexorange said:

Anyway, while I (im)patiently await for Hyori's Bnb subs I found out about a little connection lee hyori has with both LJK and LJE~~~ 

OR Maybe everyone knows already haha and I'm the only one who doesn't xD. 

LHR and LJK are supposedly good friends from a long time ago ( from what i read online , you can search as well~)


and LHR and LJE got close together thru Hyori's BnB



Fate~~~~ *sigh* 

oks signing off~~


Wow! Definitely such a small world and no coincedence. 

Ahh~~~! Definitely in a delulu mode now

Anyways, I also won't be posting as of now due to school issues (yes, I'm still in my college years). Let's keep up the faith, spread love and chant the BBJX! 


P.S. as for the lurkers, ENJOY watch and mocking our thread. Kisses, Mwah2x!

P.P.S. Welcome fellow new stragazers! Glad you guys finally showed up. Prepare yourselves, cauz this is going to be a VERY long and bumpy ride.


6 Days to go before the Anniversary Peopz ! :D

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