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[Official] ♥ Lee Joon Gi x IU ♥ || JoonU [2016 SBS Best Couple & Hallyu Star Awards!!]


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4 hours ago, NoonaE said:

Hi everybody! The last time I (thought) I posted was only back in April after the 'real life drama' but it already felt like a thousand life times lol... I also thought I would never visit this thread -lest writing a comment- after the incident. But hey, here I am! thanks @chi13lou and @meahri_1 for tagging me to vote for MLSHR, I just saw the tags because today was the first time I logged in to my soompi account after three months lol... I suddenly got the urge to drop by to say hello to everybody and perhaps give a bit of my comments on the latest incidences from the perspective of Lee Joon Gi's ordinary fan especially for the newcomer stargazers here who are curious about his official status *please read under the spoiler, it's going to be a bit long*. Alright... I'll have to say bye again because life has been making it so difficult for me to go online even to support JG's latest drama intensively the way I used to do it for MLSHR *sigh*. I wish everybody a good weekend. Stay happy, healthy and blessed! I'll low-key chant the BBJX miracle with you guys even when it seems like I'm nowhere to be seen here. Annyeong ^_^

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Where do I begin? hehe...

Alright... the latest latest latest update: Ji Eun-ie post and JG's comment. Hooray! I did not expect this to happen very quickly because when a friend 'poked' me about JHB following JE on IG, I was downright worrying. Why worrying? Somebody mentioned that JHB also followed Lee Hyori, well I still want to keep a good thought for her because she's officially LJG's girlfriend, so I thought oh maybe she's been watching Hyori's Bed and Breakfast on JTBC that's why she decided to follow Hyori and JE. But... the old, not-so-deeply-buried stargazer soul of me and my not-so-good impression of her has told me also another 'warning'. Maybe the newbies here and the non-JG fans as well as the non-JoonBin supporters did not know this fact but JHB has a long 'history' with JG fans- mainly the Korean fans. JG fans mostly do not like her. Not simply because of her 'career past' (i.e. those almost naked photos, too suggestive dance performances, inconsistent boastful statements etc) but also because of her (and her circle of friends) 'innocently and coincidentally' dropping hints about her possible relationship/ connection with JG all these years before and after the (heart)breaking news despite his consistent stance towards not revealing his relationship to public unless he's sure of it.

Why did I say 'innocently'? because afterwards, she NEVER even felt sorry about those provocative posts and hints she dropped that possibly harmed JG's image. Instead, the last time she went on a recent variety show and 'whined' that she experienced a 'cycle of depression' since April, life's been hard and people have been scolding her so she felt sorry for her family and friends (but not for the boyfriend who got publicly shamed by the media and hated by some of his fans and sadly, IU's and PMY's fans also some previous stargazers-turned-JGhaters!). If you see comments under the article about her statement in the international media outlet such as soompi, most would simply blame JG's fans for being inconsiderate, selfish and delusional. Well, SOME of JG's fans indeed turned into very bitter haters and antis who constantly posted nasty stuffs on SNS. I couldn't even count how many times I had to report posts and accounts on IG who posted really nasty stuffs about JHB. No, it's not because I like her and support her. It's because I do not want to see that kind of posts with JG's name tagged on it. They can tag JHB as many times as they like, but I don't want to see JG's name attached to those provocative, hateful stuffs.

Her friends... her friends did not make it easier as well. They kept on posting his sister's pic *well, understandable enough because his sister is indeed dating one of JHB's closest friend's younger brother... we thought this was JHB's effort as well*. The most recent incident with the friends was when one of them posted JG's pics *dunno if he consented this since he doesn't follow this friend on IG* when the four of them *the friends are married couple* were allegedly having dinner at this friend's place in early May. One long time, quite famous JG's fan who's been famous for being a JG-JHB supporter posted this on weibo right after some JG fans and stargazers found JG's company van photo at GDragon's concert venue parking lot in June. I swear to God, I really wanted to slap this ***hole's face very hard for being so reckless and provocative even to her own fellow fans! Of course it is logically fine to post anything since JG is (forced to be) in a publicly acknowledged relationship- that was the point of her post, but she had to know it better as well that the situation inside JG's fandom hasn't been too peaceful since April which also influenced some fans' attitudes towards his agency, it's just wise not to provoke each other, especially at that time CM was still in early production stage and nobody should do anything stupid to ruin JG's chance to have a successful drama project.

Anyway, a bit more 'backstory' about JHB, she also did some other 'weird' stuffs which to me might have shown her insecurity. Do you guys remember the HK FM? It was a day before Ji Eun's breakup news. JHB 'coincidentally' followed one of JG fans who updated a lot of his pics from the FM... and this fan did not even follow her for her to be able to 'recognise'/ 'detect' the account precisely. She also allegedly liked a lot of their dating news and rumours several times. In the earlier year (2015?), some Japanese fans found out that her post 'accidentally' showed the GPS location of JG's apartment and they demanded her to delete the post. Seriously, if she's the considerate, warm girlfriend who understands JG a lot, she would have known that she couldn't be careless. If she's secure enough and she trusts him, she'd follow his lead. His lead? he didn't want to talk about the relationship at all and until now he still doesn't look comfortable enough to do so. When JG was busy starting his new drama project while 'calming' his fandom, she went freely to variety shows and boasted about their relationship- even when the MCs told her that she didn't have to talk about it if she's not comfortable. She chose to say a lot about it, leading the production team to even post a fake screenshot of JG's comment on her IG! Some K-fans were just so mad and asked the tv station to clarify immediately. Wasn't JG asked about the relationship too? we all know he was and he chose not to say anything carelessly about it. If they're indeed in a good term, if they're solid as one just like that ***hole fan was trying to imply to all other JG fans, they'll just do the same thing: protecting each other. But no. She's been doing weird, pretentious stuffs on her own even to such an extent as following his 'previously rumoured' co-star i.e. IU instead of just focusing on her own drama! Moreover, she also previously mentioned that JG was the one trying to find occasions to 'see' her all these times (low-key saying that he was chasing her alright) but having him attended her charity group activities, setting up his sister to her friend's brother, asking him (and his sister) to take care of her car and dog while she was away for traveling and yadda yadda... did JG ask for all those things on his own in the first place? maybe, if he really loves her that much. But... if he really loves her that much, he wouldn't do the things that led people to think that there's nothing between them anyway. He wouldn't go the distance to promote an already internationally famous drama i.e. MLSHR by being way too close to his co-star. And a bonus insider information for y'all, but please take this with a pinch of salt since I don't want to start any unnecessary rumour, JHB didn't attend JG's father's birthday this year despite her supposedly being his ofc gf and his sister's bff. He invited and brought with him somebody else- not JE, unfortunately, but also not somebody we should be worrying for. If their relationship is leading steadily towards marriage, just as their relationship supporters have been trying to imply all this time, he wouldn't hesitate. He would never hesitate, IMHO.

Somebody here mentioned about the bundle promotion right? Most JG fans including me hate this A LOT and it has been a primary source of anger and disappointment towards Namoo Actors. Nowadays, whenever JHB appeared publicly, media would just simply use JG's name as the headlines while he's not even in the news. This reminds me of Jang Kiha's articles back then when he was still dating Ji Eun. Now who doesn't believe in JoonU's red string of fate? lol... even their relationship looks the same lol. While I don't know a lot about JKH and his activities, JHB seems to be more 'psycho' to me. That's why, even when I have been trying to be more positive about the whole situation and prepare myself for the worst *marriage news*, I am still hoping that JG will be blessed enough to end up with a better one. The one who really really understands his situation and knows how to support him in a more positive way! the one who knows how to handle his many loyal fans and is careful enough not to hurt JG, herself, their loved ones and (their) fans. I have someone in mind, and I know you all here know who. So please... pray with me, stargazers. It's going to be a long, winding road especially knowing JHB (and her minions). But if our prayers are not heard now, probably that's the cross JG has to carry in his life. I pity him, honestly but what can I do, I ain't no God. As a fan, I can only support his work the best I can.

Anyway, before this is getting too long and irrelevant, I just want to wish everyone a strong grip for our JoonU. I might not be able to drop by in the near future due to my work loads which are getting crazier, but I'm still here to wish JoonU the best. I love Ji Eun more each day and love her for her newly found determination in her life... she rocks and I want her to be that 'savage' about the things and people she loves! Let's always support this little queen and pray for her happiness.

Bye for now and keep the faith, stargazers!




Gomawo @NoonaE for come to this thread again after a long time. I honestly miss all long time member with deep analysis. It really helps me to know JG & JE life story. 

You give me an enlightenment about what I don't know such as JHB career background, what she has done that made chaos for JG's fandom.

Oh my, I'm wiping my tears to know that. :cry:

I really hope JG could be detached from her. He deserves someone better who support his career and respect his fans. 

And I love your quote : red string of fate between JG & JE

All I can do is pray the best for JG & JE. And off course pray for BBJX miracle (JG & JE as a married couple) come true :heart:

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7 hours ago, marimari00 said:

I'm listening to For You and Can you hear my heart again after a long time. I couldn't listen to both songs since the April fool iceberg but now I'm rewatching JoonU videos and listening to our OTPs song^^

 My delulu self initially thought it's a response post to you know for following her on IG but our Queen gets followed by so many people every day she probably didn't notice that strange move by u know who. 

Curious to know how things will unravel in the coming months esp when Criminal Minds ends. 'Tis the calm before the storm right now. Either our ship goes turbo mode shooting out to outer space  or it will completely go the opposite way ala Titanic. After all this, I'm willing to see it through. Hoping and praying for the BBJX spell to weave itself ^^


I personally love to hear a song from IOI - I love U I remember you, & Loco ft. Punch - Say Yes ^^

Even now I'm trying to make FMV by myself that compiling Wang So - Hae Soo eyes contact. Just seeing they stared at each other makes me fluttered, lol.

I'm curious too, how things will happen especially after CM ends. Let's pray a bless for JG & JE in the future. And BBJX miracle come true :heart:

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16 hours ago, Desvlo said:

Instaflirting mode is on again for these two! They are savage, aware that someone just followed our JE. In your face! 

:tongue::tongue::tongue: B)B)B)

Hope there are more insta flirting soon. If that really happen it'll be nice lol & I like your comment In your Face! Lol

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6 hours ago, NoonaE said:

Hi everybody! The last time I (thought) I posted was only back in April after the 'real life drama' but it already felt like a thousand life times lol... I also thought I would never visit this thread -lest writing a comment- after the incident. But hey, here I am! thanks @chi13lou and @meahri_1 for tagging me to vote for MLSHR, I just saw the tags because today was the first time I logged in to my soompi account after three months lol... I suddenly got the urge to drop by to say hello to everybody and perhaps give a bit of my comments on the latest incidences from the perspective of Lee Joon Gi's ordinary fan especially for the newcomer stargazers here who are curious about his official status *please read under the spoiler, it's going to be a bit long*. Alright... I'll have to say bye again because life has been making it so difficult for me to go online even to support JG's latest drama intensively the way I used to do it for MLSHR *sigh*. I wish everybody a good weekend. Stay happy, healthy and blessed! I'll low-key chant the BBJX miracle with you guys even when it seems like I'm nowhere to be seen here. Annyeong ^_^

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Where do I begin? hehe...

Alright... the latest latest latest update: Ji Eun-ie post and JG's comment. Hooray! I did not expect this to happen very quickly because when a friend 'poked' me about JHB following JE on IG, I was downright worrying. Why worrying? Somebody mentioned that JHB also followed Lee Hyori, well I still want to keep a good thought for her because she's officially LJG's girlfriend, so I thought oh maybe she's been watching Hyori's Bed and Breakfast on JTBC that's why she decided to follow Hyori and JE. But... the old, not-so-deeply-buried stargazer soul of me and my not-so-good impression of her has told me also another 'warning'. Maybe the newbies here and the non-JG fans as well as the non-JoonBin supporters did not know this fact but JHB has a long 'history' with JG fans- mainly the Korean fans. JG fans mostly do not like her. Not simply because of her 'career past' (i.e. those almost naked photos, too suggestive dance performances, inconsistent boastful statements etc) but also because of her (and her circle of friends) 'innocently and coincidentally' dropping hints about her possible relationship/ connection with JG all these years before and after the (heart)breaking news despite his consistent stance towards not revealing his relationship to public unless he's sure of it.

Why did I say 'innocently'? because afterwards, she NEVER even felt sorry about those provocative posts and hints she dropped that possibly harmed JG's image. Instead, the last time she went on a recent variety show and 'whined' that she experienced a 'cycle of depression' since April, life's been hard and people have been scolding her so she felt sorry for her family and friends (but not for the boyfriend who got publicly shamed by the media and hated by some of his fans and sadly, IU's and PMY's fans also some previous stargazers-turned-JGhaters!). If you see comments under the article about her statement in the international media outlet such as soompi, most would simply blame JG's fans for being inconsiderate, selfish and delusional. Well, SOME of JG's fans indeed turned into very bitter haters and antis who constantly posted nasty stuffs on SNS. I couldn't even count how many times I had to report posts and accounts on IG who posted really nasty stuffs about JHB. No, it's not because I like her and support her. It's because I do not want to see that kind of posts with JG's name tagged on it. They can tag JHB as many times as they like, but I don't want to see JG's name attached to those provocative, hateful stuffs.

Her friends... her friends did not make it easier as well. They kept on posting his sister's pic *well, understandable enough because his sister is indeed dating one of JHB's closest friend's younger brother... we thought this was JHB's effort as well*. The most recent incident with the friends was when one of them posted JG's pics *dunno if he consented this since he doesn't follow this friend on IG* when the four of them *the friends are married couple* were allegedly having dinner at this friend's place in early May. One long time, quite famous JG's fan who's been famous for being a JG-JHB supporter posted this on weibo right after some JG fans and stargazers found JG's company van photo at GDragon's concert venue parking lot in June. I swear to God, I really wanted to slap this ***hole's face very hard for being so reckless and provocative even to her own fellow fans! Of course it is logically fine to post anything since JG is (forced to be) in a publicly acknowledged relationship- that was the point of her post, but she had to know it better as well that the situation inside JG's fandom hasn't been too peaceful since April which also influenced some fans' attitudes towards his agency, it's just wise not to provoke each other, especially at that time CM was still in early production stage and nobody should do anything stupid to ruin JG's chance to have a successful drama project.

Anyway, a bit more 'backstory' about JHB, she also did some other 'weird' stuffs which to me might have shown her insecurity. Do you guys remember the HK FM? It was a day before Ji Eun's breakup news. JHB 'coincidentally' followed one of JG fans who updated a lot of his pics from the FM... and this fan did not even follow her for her to be able to 'recognise'/ 'detect' the account precisely. She also allegedly liked a lot of their dating news and rumours several times. In the earlier year (2015?), some Japanese fans found out that her post 'accidentally' showed the GPS location of JG's apartment and they demanded her to delete the post. Seriously, if she's the considerate, warm girlfriend who understands JG a lot, she would have known that she couldn't be careless. If she's secure enough and she trusts him, she'd follow his lead. His lead? he didn't want to talk about the relationship at all and until now he still doesn't look comfortable enough to do so. When JG was busy starting his new drama project while 'calming' his fandom, she went freely to variety shows and boasted about their relationship- even when the MCs told her that she didn't have to talk about it if she's not comfortable. She chose to say a lot about it, leading the production team to even post a fake screenshot of JG's comment on her IG! Some K-fans were just so mad and asked the tv station to clarify immediately. Wasn't JG asked about the relationship too? we all know he was and he chose not to say anything carelessly about it. If they're indeed in a good term, if they're solid as one just like that ***hole fan was trying to imply to all other JG fans, they'll just do the same thing: protecting each other. But no. She's been doing weird, pretentious stuffs on her own even to such an extent as following his 'previously rumoured' co-star i.e. IU instead of just focusing on her own drama! Moreover, she also previously mentioned that JG was the one trying to find occasions to 'see' her all these times (low-key saying that he was chasing her alright) but having him attended her charity group activities, setting up his sister to her friend's brother, asking him (and his sister) to take care of her car and dog while she was away for traveling and yadda yadda... did JG ask for all those things on his own in the first place? maybe, if he really loves her that much. But... if he really loves her that much, he wouldn't do the things that led people to think that there's nothing between them anyway. He wouldn't go the distance to promote an already internationally famous drama i.e. MLSHR by being way too close to his co-star. And a bonus insider information for y'all, but please take this with a pinch of salt since I don't want to start any unnecessary rumour, JHB didn't attend JG's father's birthday this year despite her supposedly being his ofc gf and his sister's bff. He invited and brought with him somebody else- not JE, unfortunately, but also not somebody we should be worrying for. If their relationship is leading steadily towards marriage, just as their relationship supporters have been trying to imply all this time, he wouldn't hesitate. He would never hesitate, IMHO.

Somebody here mentioned about the bundle promotion right? Most JG fans including me hate this A LOT and it has been a primary source of anger and disappointment towards Namoo Actors. Nowadays, whenever JHB appeared publicly, media would just simply use JG's name as the headlines while he's not even in the news. This reminds me of Jang Kiha's articles back then when he was still dating Ji Eun. Now who doesn't believe in JoonU's red string of fate? lol... even their relationship looks the same lol. While I don't know a lot about JKH and his activities, JHB seems to be more 'psycho' to me. That's why, even when I have been trying to be more positive about the whole situation and prepare myself for the worst *marriage news*, I am still hoping that JG will be blessed enough to end up with a better one. The one who really really understands his situation and knows how to support him in a more positive way! the one who knows how to handle his many loyal fans and is careful enough not to hurt JG, herself, their loved ones and (their) fans. I have someone in mind, and I know you all here know who. So please... pray with me, stargazers. It's going to be a long, winding road especially knowing JHB (and her minions). But if our prayers are not heard now, probably that's the cross JG has to carry in his life. I pity him, honestly but what can I do, I ain't no God. As a fan, I can only support his work the best I can.

Anyway, before this is getting too long and irrelevant, I just want to wish everyone a strong grip for our JoonU. I might not be able to drop by in the near future due to my work loads which are getting crazier, but I'm still here to wish JoonU the best. I love Ji Eun more each day and love her for her newly found determination in her life... she rocks and I want her to be that 'savage' about the things and people she loves! Let's always support this little queen and pray for her happiness.

Bye for now and keep the faith, stargazers!




Hi NoonaE, i'm newbie on this thread..so glad you stopped by & gave your great analysis again ..when i was a silent reader(quite long time :) ) , i liked &  enjoyed your posts very much on previous time like today post. with your long post made me understand the real situation :) and happy too a lot of old shipper came back & posting again too.

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Annyeong dear chingudeul!!!  LOL I see there are so many of us who haven't given up yet. I'm glad. I'm loving all of our Jieunie's posts. Even though she does eat hate for breakfast, she was, even with Kiha, very careful not to give the haters and antis ammunition. So her recent 'in your face' activity is so unlike her. Isn't it great?? Get your popcorn and soda ready. I'm sure there's more to come.  :D

By the way, W is slowly catching up. If you haven't voted yet, please do. ALSO, could you all make sure to LIKE our post submission? It will be another way for us to show our support of the drama and our efforts in the contest.  THANK YOU!!!  :heart:

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1 hour ago, meahri_1 said:

Annyeong dear chingudeul!!!  LOL I see there are so many of us who haven't given up yet. I'm glad. I'm loving all of our Jieunie's posts. Even though she does eat hate for breakfast, she was, even with Kiha, very careful not to give the haters and antis ammunition. So her recent 'in your face' activity is so unlike her. Isn't it great?? Get your popcorn and soda ready. I'm sure there's more to come.  :D

By the way, W is slowly catching up. If you haven't voted yet, please do. ALSO, could you all make sure to LIKE our post submission? It will be another way for us to show our support of the drama and our efforts in the contest.  THANK YOU!!!  :heart:

Do you mean this right?

Plis everyone like that post, shipper JoonU & MLSHR

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pls help to post this post link to your IG or Twitter or Facebook. Can encourage people to vote. I have been leaving the link on my IG and my followers IG too. 

we really need more supporters, W is really catching up! 

1 hour ago, meahri_1 said:

Annyeong dear chingudeul!!!  LOL I see there are so many of us who haven't given up yet. I'm glad. I'm loving all of our Jieunie's posts. Even though she does eat hate for breakfast, she was, even with Kiha, very careful not to give the haters and antis ammunition. So her recent 'in your face' activity is so unlike her. Isn't it great?? Get your popcorn and soda ready. I'm sure there's more to come.  :D

By the way, W is slowly catching up. If you haven't voted yet, please do. ALSO, could you all make sure to LIKE our post submission? It will be another way for us to show our support of the drama and our efforts in the contest.  THANK YOU!!!  :heart:


I agree. She just did a "in your face" stunt 

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NoonaE, excellent analysis, thanks!  For that JHB was not at his father's birthday are two possibilities: or JG did not want to take her to  his  Father's bday or his father did not want to see her.  From what I read, his father is a very religious man and I think he wants for his son a good-hearted  and honest  girl, with a pure and sincere soul who loves him deeply. I saw that JG is a religious man also … I am an engineer and I'm used to thinking logically but something in this story does not make sense or I’m missing something. What is clear to me is that  his feelings have changed in the spring of 2016, if we consider Scarlet  BTS. A man in love does not say to another woman that he enjoyed kissing her. I wonder what JHB felt seeing this and  how  she got over it. I think it was not easy for her, I saw a Woman with suitcase drama in the fall of 2016 and she is showing her age, she  was not so fresh as in Gunman period.

I am glad that the relationship between IU and JG restart and  they are not afraid to interact in public. I feel like between them were born some beautiful sentiments during the filming of Scarlet and I feel those feelings have not died yet. JG said in an interview in the fall that is not kind of man who takes the initiative in a relationship and at the meeting of the last episode of Scarlet, he said he liked Kang Ha Na character because  was a strong woman who fought for him. JG hope to have changed tactics and fight for his feelings. I wait until the fall, after the end of the CM broadcast (not to influence ratings), to see what decision he will take.

I watched two episodes of CM. I liked very much episode 2,  psychological profiler analysis was more detailed in ep 2. JG seemed has not been well highlighted yet. I hope that in the future his character will gain more weight and depth in the series.

Thanks to all of you for news and comments. I wish you a nice weekend!

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21 hours ago, chi13lou said:

Welcome to the ship! Glad to know you finally boarded. As I always remind everyone, don't forget to wear your life vest and hold on tight because the crew is beefing up for its maiden voyage. Strong waves and bombs may come our way but we will remain strong!!!




Thanks .... already giddy from the tossing and turning! :crazy: buT NO WAVES will sink our ship! :heart:

22 hours ago, Siracusa said:

Hi Fatmeow! Welcome!

Thanks Sira!! :rolleyes:

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Let's chill-out-smiley-emoticon.gif and enjoy the weekend!

Welcome to the thread newbies and to our returning chingus, glad to see you even if it is just for a visit.



:heart: WE CAN MAKE IT! :heart:


speaker phone leafLet's do our daily chant

1. News we have been waiting for to be released before we hit 1,000 pages! (JoonGi, I know that it's still 93 pages before we hit 999 pages but pls. save us from this rollercoaster ride!) not-available.gifhurry-up-smiley-emoticon.gif

2. The TRUTH to be finally revealed soon-with-rightwards-arrow-above.pngfingers-crossed-smiley-emoticon.gif

3. Guidance and enlightenment for JoonGi confused-face-smiley-emoticon.gifin making decisions bright-idea-smiley-emoticon.gif  and for him to be happy with the decision he makes good-job-smiley-emoticon.gif, as requested by @akinahana89.



4. JoonGi and Jieun to keep posting in their Instagram logo and continue liking each other's posts. working-on-a-computer-smiley-emoticon.gi

5. Return of JoonGi's eye smiles. widely-grinning-smiley-emoticon.gif

drum pink mousedrum pink mousedrum pink mousedrum pink mouse

6. Everyone who does not like JoonU and those with evil plans to live together in a snake- and shark-infested and deserted island without electricity and wi-fi.  Castaway emoticon (Nervous smiley faces)

menial milk bottlemenial milk bottlemenial milk bottlemenial milk bottlemenial milk bottle


7. JoonGi and Jieun to prove that things are not always what they seem to be and TRUE LOVE conquers all! love-birds-smiley-emoticon.gif

8. JoonGi and Jieun to always support each other. love-birds.gif

crazy monkey 020crazy monkey 020crazy monkey 020crazy monkey 020crazy monkey 020crazy monkey 020

 9. Success for JoonGi in Korean adaptation of Criminal Minds. detective-smiley-emoticon.gif

10. Jieun to upgrade her housekeeping skills to prepare herself for domestic life. sweeping-smiley-emoticon.gif  housewife-cooking.gif     cleaning-windows-smiley-emoticon.gif

11. SHR 2 or spin-off to become a reality, as requested by @WH.

  alarm pink mousealarm pink mousealarm pink mousealarm pink mouse

12. SHR cast to get together frequently so JoonGi can continue to see Jieun become more beautiful right before his eyes. drunk-smiley-emoticon.gif 

13. JoonGi to continue meeting Jieun in his dreams, sleeping-and-dreaming-smiley-emoticon.gi and in real life.

 dong onion headdong onion headdong onion headdong onion headdong onion headdong onion head


and our ultimate wish,

BBJX curse/blessing, come true! loving-thoughts-smiley-emoticon.gif


ritual soldier babyritual soldier babyritual soldier babyritual soldier babyritual soldier babyritual soldier baby 


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1 hour ago, loljk17 said:

For that JHB was not at his father's birthday are two possibilities: or JG did not want to take her to  his  Father's bday or his father did not want to see her. 


In Asian countries like SK, couples only see each other parents if they are serious and confirmed dating. Once u are a couple, u need to attend each other parents birthday, Chinese New Year celebration even if u are still BF and gf only. It is strong proof that either JG or JG's father did not acknowledge their relationship.

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51 minutes ago, summer2017 said:


In Asian countries like SK, couples only see each other parents if they are serious and confirmed dating. Once u are a couple, u need to attend each other parents birthday, Chinese New Year celebration even if u are still BF and gf only. It is strong proof that either JG or JG's father did not acknowledge their relationship.

Could this mean the person he invited to his father birthday is perhaps the real one?

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14 hours ago, NoonaE said:

Hi everybody! The last time I (thought) I posted was only back in April after the 'real life drama' but it already felt like a thousand life times lol... I also thought I would never visit this thread -lest writing a comment- after the incident. But hey, here I am! thanks @chi13lou and @meahri_1 for tagging me to vote for MLSHR, I just saw the tags because today was the first time I logged in to my soompi account after three months lol... I suddenly got the urge to drop by to say hello to everybody and perhaps give a bit of my comments on the latest incidences from the perspective of Lee Joon Gi's ordinary fan especially for the newcomer stargazers here who are curious about his official status *please read under the spoiler, it's going to be a bit long*. Alright... I'll have to say bye again because life has been making it so difficult for me to go online even to support JG's latest drama intensively the way I used to do it for MLSHR *sigh*. I wish everybody a good weekend. Stay happy, healthy and blessed! I'll low-key chant the BBJX miracle with you guys even when it seems like I'm nowhere to be seen here. Annyeong ^_^



its been sooo longg @NoonaE.. u got the point and its clear. we all kinda have that hate-but-forced-accept that jhb. she is super suspicious that im really happy when ji eun kinda troll her in a smart way at her instagram. kekekke. served her right. 


14 hours ago, simplyme_crazyme said:

There are fans of LJE that just don't like shipping her with our king....simply bcoz they don't want her to be dragged into this so called relationship and be seen in a bad light, which is understandable. And you chinggu, @NoonaE as well as my byeontae squad, I know how you may be hurting for LJG.  But.... cheer up!  Love is a mystery.... who knows how everything will turn out?  Let's just all continue to hope and pray for them.... celebrate what we need to celebrate and be strong for everyone. 

This is our safe haven.... may it continue to be one for a long long time.



hello mommy.. no. unnie.. long time no see.. i missss you! well.. its hurt but we gotta support oppa for whatever he decided to do. all we can do is pray for him to have a better things comes ahead to him.. but but but but.. the recent moves of oppa in liking ji eunnie's post really brighten my day backkkkk. not until he finally comment in je's post... im fainted. the feels is real.. all the hard time as a shipper is gone as the halo comes when they are interacting like nothing happen. kekkekekeke


7 hours ago, meahri_1 said:

Annyeong dear chingudeul!!!  LOL I see there are so many of us who haven't given up yet. I'm glad. I'm loving all of our Jieunie's posts. Even though she does eat hate for breakfast, she was, even with Kiha, very careful not to give the haters and antis ammunition. So her recent 'in your face' activity is so unlike her. Isn't it great?? Get your popcorn and soda ready. I'm sure there's more to come.  :D

By the way, W is slowly catching up. If you haven't voted yet, please do. ALSO, could you all make sure to LIKE our post submission? It will be another way for us to show our support of the drama and our efforts in the contest.  THANK YOU!!!  :heart:


even im not in soompi, i always catching up with @NerinaC and dessi. so im reaaadyyyyy for moreee~~~

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Firstly, I thought JE's team only having fun with singing For You song spontaneously & coincidentally. 

But I just realized that JE's team who hold an umbrella was parodying JG when He sang For You in his FM, ahaha that's why JG commented "what's wrong with u, lol"

They are so funny :lol:

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On 7/30/2017 at 1:58 AM, roseli6 said:




I didn't wish to create another rumour by sharing the small piece of that insider info. My point was just to show that on JG's side, things are not as 'simple' as it seems.  Anyway... let's just keep praying for the best.



@simplyme_crazyme chingu! thanks for the warm 'welcome back'! I've missed those happy days of being delusional over JoonU as well. Starting April, everything has been soooo hard as a JG fan. The thing that 'healed' my 'wound' actually was when JE liked JG's posts recently lol... that just washed away all the bad thoughts and ensured that the two are still in a good relationship/ friendship and I could continue trusting JG and respecting him as a good person he is. By the way, Hanteoo and Sang Hyun seem to be still in a good (IG) relationship as well lol... Hanteoo liked Sang Hyun's post of JG fans' billboard support for CM lately, too. I couldn't be more grateful for the ML Squad 'family-like closeness'. It warms my heart .

I'll drop by whenever I can... nowadays I'll just come to vote for MLSHR... the least I can do for JoonU.

Have a good Sunday, everybody! and JG updated his IG today. I hope JE will post something cute, too... I like how she enjoys playing slime and doing covers again.

Edited by Guest
edited for the Stargazers' world safety! I bet you've all read the original content so please enjoy the cute gifs instead!
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@NoonaE thank u for the clarification. It is good enough that the person is not xxxxxx. (Can't use a better word) because I know meeting parents is serious business in Asia.

anyway it is true that xxxxxx has been gaining a lot of sympathy on variety shows, I saw on YouTube there's a part of it that said she was depressed or what. 

I only shipped JoonU after the incident happened so based on what I see now I still feel the attraction was real. And I'm glad both of them are still friends. I have slowly learnt to understood Jg and wish him all the best.

i loved JE's caption of Soo Ya as if to state a claim on So. I love it when Jg is so considerate of JE and when Je is so supportive of him, even after ml ended.

9 minutes ago, Viraa UzerlySultana said:

Good morning everyone :)

Long time no see for me since March kkkk :grimace:

Lets support our King & Queen together again!!! :blush:


Good morning chingu,


pls vote for ML! 

Shoutout to @fatmeow too, thank u

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@NoonaE  I too have so many misgivings and thoughts about things....the timing, how it was done and the aftermath....but I am really really trying not to say anything because frankly speaking, disappointments or anger can cloud one's judgements and I might say things that I cannot take back.  So I buried myself in work and other things (but checking this forum daily LOL) and waited for things to calm down.

I will only say this once....and I will forever be silent about JHB after today (:rolleyes:) as I am generally a nice ahjumma (no arguments pls! :lol: )


Let me just say first that I don't bash any artist....deserving or not.  And I don't like bashing this girl really.  I am just gonna try to put my thoughts and feelings as a shipper and as a woman.

1.)  Like what you pointed out @NoonaE  I have never ever seen anyone involved in a dating scandal that supposedly suffered depression talk so much about that "scandal" and even give out details to establish how the man "pursued" her.  Normally those artists/entertainers refrain from coming out to variety shows and they WE ALL KNOW that even before shooting/filming starts, a sort of agreement is done between an agencies or the artists themselves and those shows about certain topics that can't be asked or they hope not to be asked, specially if it's a "hot" one.  LIKE HELL it doesn't happen that way.  But SHE made it so like she's suffering and yet wouldn't just shut her mouth.....talk about digging your own grave.

2.)  I REALLY REALLY REALLY DON'T LIKE HER FOLLOWING LJE.  I am sorry....but I just do.  If its LJE that followed her, I would singing a different tune right now and abandon this ship forever.  SINCERELY! Sure....anyone can follow anyone...free will and all... BUT SERIOUSLY???? AFTER ALL THIS TIME???? AFTER LJE & LJG IG INTERACTIONS, YOU FOLLOW HER???? Trying to draw attention using other people is a big NO NO.... really .... I pity her.

Let me calm down first....before I say anything further.... :lol:



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