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[Official] ♥ Lee Joon Gi x IU ♥ || JoonU [2016 SBS Best Couple & Hallyu Star Awards!!]


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@NerinaC KYAAAAAAAAA, I really love your fanfic!! Ahhhh, my shipper heart~~~ please tag me whenever you update it! Keep up the good work and looking forward to the next update! :w00t:

You should compile a list of all the links of every parts, if you can hehe~ will make it easier for all of us to find the parts :3

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1 hour ago, meeibe16 said:

But btw aren't they really interested to our paradise thread? they said they got head spinning when read our analysis and our delulu mind.. but they indeed read all our delulu mind here lol.... how funny they are... lmao


Not to toot our own horn or anything.. BUT WE'RE FRICKING HILARIOUS. 


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11 minutes ago, crazyshell said:

JE has the habit to take the burden when something happened.

Joon Gi has a similar habit. He'll point the fingers to himself first whenever unfortunate events happened to/ around him. Anyway, when an article came out earlier today on Korean media about JG's insta being flocked by comments about JE's breakup, some K-netz started blaming LHJ and international-netz blamed us shippers for that lol. Super ridiculous lol... *scratching my head*.

My shipper heart and desire aside, I just wish that this 'breakup brouhaha' will subside soon... so JE, Voldy and even JG can move on with their lives again without feeling guilty or having to be blamed by anyone and apologize for anything at all.

*Chanting silently for BBJX Miracle- i.e. JoonU's happiness together!* :heart:

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1 hour ago, lily120 said:

Sorry for cutting your original post short, but here's a response to your question about original BBJX.

I was part of the shipping train after BBJX for both Nicky & LSS at the time. I remember I was following a forum that was similar to Soompi and they also posted lots of clues like pictures on each other's weibos and videos showing their interactions with each other. 

In the spoiler below is an example of a 2011/2012 video that already showed their strong chemistry and developing closeness. I don't know when LSS broke up with her old BF but I know she & Nicky didn't officially confirm dating until 2013! So we may have to wait a while for our K BBJX ship to be official but let's stay optimistic! 

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@ 2 minutes, Nicky has this intense but gentle look on his face, similar to LJG when he looks at LJE. Also they held hands for MOST of this song as well. 


And totally agree w/ your other points about how we always supported LJG & LJE but never force anything. Let's stay positive, respect both LJG & LJE and spread love! :)

Thank you, @lily120, for your insights, for the bit of precedence, and for the video. The intense-but-gentle look on Nicky's face is a dead-ringer for Lee Joon-gi's default IU-gaze. Yet Nicky and LSS were not dating at the time this video was made? Really? Interlocking fingers and all? If not, I may need to reassess my definition of "fan service."

But...but...but...what is with the two dancers in the background/on the main stage? Why are they there? I almost pulled a muscle laughing at their appearance. On the one hand, we have a smoking hot couple walking around and singing like they're already committed to each other and on the other hand, mere feet away from them...I just can't. :grin:

Truly, I mean no offense, but the juxtaposition is super-funny to me, and if I am missing an important cultural point, please let me know!

Edited by akinahana89
Mod Edit: Please don't quote videos~
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