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[Official] ♥ Lee Joon Gi x IU ♥ || JoonU [2016 SBS Best Couple & Hallyu Star Awards!!]


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I really love the cute friendship between Milla and JG. I watched a little bit of the press con and its evident that they are really close friends and can be considered siblings. It's also cute that they keep on having private conversations. Oppa was very cool because I know he can answer her with his english speaking skills B)

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1 hour ago, samtrocino said:

By the way, as most of us want a happy ending for MLSHR drama. I think the director just did the right thing. I remember that when I am still watching this drama, there is SBS note in every episode that they have the right to show in align with the history or something like that. Let's face it, Wang So is a real person because he is king Gwangjong and Hae Soo is the fictional character. As per their history, King Gwangjong married princess Yeonwha whom become Queen Daemok (?). As much as they want a happy ending, they can't. Because we know Koreans value their history very much. That's the reality. This is why LJG said that he hope/wish Wang So will be with Hae Soo, in his next life, for a very long, long time. 

Just a thought. Thank you.:)

I understand the view that history needs to remain unchanged (except in-universe, Ji Mong clearly stated that Wang Yo was NEVER meant to be king, so history was already majorly changing within the narrative anyway......). I don't think anyone was expecting So and Soo to have a happy ending in Goryeo time

However, I also don't think it's unreasonable for others to wish the director had shown us the happy ending they actually filmed for the modern era. In a story with a time travel element - where the heroine's soul literally travels back in time and enters a previous incarnation's body (plus she also gets to return to the present after dying?!) - already, I'm not looking for a realistic ending. lol 


1 hour ago, simplyme_crazyme said:

Have you watched Faith starring LMH?  This is also another sample of a period drama based on real history figures like LMH's character, but they also mixed it with fantasy, creative license or something like that.  His partner there was from the present period that was brought back to the past.  To cut it short, although they cannot change real history, but since it's a fantasy drama, they found a way to give it a happy ending.

From the get go, we knew that MLSHR is an adaptation and the original one has a happy ending.  They made it happen.  I think it was possible.  If they had only did the alternative ending, which JoonU re-enacted in JG's FM, it would have been very acceptable.  And much appreciated. hehehe.

But I guess, the director really wanted to break away somehow from the original drama for the ending.  That's why most are upset!  Somehow knowing there's an alternative happy ending is frustrating because the one that aired was quite heavy for the heart, after how much the two characters have suffered and their happy times seemed too short.  But I think also....it's one of the reasons the drama has left quite a mark in so many people's hearts.  The tragedy of it all.  The sad fate that they seemed to share.  To think that FATE brought them together only to part ways forever in the most cruel and saddest way ever for lovers.  One was left with feelings of regret and emptiness while the other was cursed in  a way to live apart from him with only those heart-wrenching memories.  Memories that would leave her yearning and regretting as well for the rest of her life.

Ottoke????  This makes me sad all over again.

I honestly cannot accept the highlighted part re: the director. He wanted to break away from the original drama ending (which isn't even happy anyway! Ruoxi is left crying after what could or could not be a reincarnation of the 4th, lol) when many of the big plot points in the last 2-3 episodes of ML was straight from BBJX?! The only major breakaway from the source material was Seol, but other than that, everything else was nearly copy & pasted from BBJX.

ML did a good job in the beginning of making their BBJX adaptation fresh, hitting major plot points without making it seem like they were simply lifting from the source material. Then the latter part of the 2nd half kind of spiraled downward without taking into account much of the characterization the writer herself established earlier on. I can accept hitting the same plot points of the original if it were written well, but it was not (in my opinion).

Then there's the fact that we got so much of modern!Ji Mong. We're not supposed to question how he went from homeless man to museum guide? lol I'd rather that screentime be devoted to modern!So. The set-up for them meeting again was all there. If we had gotten just a glimpse of modern!So (like, from behind Ha Jin - she didn't even have to see him, imo) - I would've been satisfied.

Anyways, I think the modern ending was exactly what LJG and IU re-enacted - So offers a crying Ha Jin a handkerchief, she looks up and sees him, he smiles - the end. If they wanted an open ending, they could've left it like that, and then the audience would have to wonder whether or not So remembered anything. That would be frustrating but it would also offer a sense of closure, lol. That would've been my ideal scenario.

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10 minutes ago, riuenu said:

Why his suit look alittle familiar...DIGGING FOR SAF PIC NOW!

Is it just without the inner vest???

It's different. The collar and also the inner vest. I mean, he could buy like 10 Versace suits and I can only buy 10 candies.


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ya, no news who will be attending @chi13lou



7 minutes ago, Silvermaine said:

It's different. The collar and also the inner vest. I mean, he could buy like 10 Versace suits and I can only buy 10 candies.

true..maybe that is just his style, OR cause my phone got too much SAF photos already...that why I keep seeing the same thing..

LOL..or maybe, I just miss him and his queen too much at SAF...

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9 hours ago, riuenu said:

ya, no news who will be attending @chi13lou

true..maybe that is just his style, OR cause my phone got too much SAF photos already...that why I keep seeing the same thing..

LOL..or maybe, I just miss him and his queen too much at SAF...

The lapel is different. Pity them, seems like no one attended the premiere.

Edited by akinahana89
Please don't quote images!
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Alright, let me reply these posts that I had quoted for you know how long. Then time to go home! TGIF!

6 hours ago, aimwanie said:

hahahahahahhaahaha.. whenever i think abt that dream.. im just smiling like a fool.. even when im driving to my workplace this morning, the smile cannot escaped from my face.. keke.  i would love to dream of him again. like pretty please. my morning mood maker. hahahahaha.. nothing overly wild ok @riuenu. mild one. ahahahahahahahahahhaa.. ok i need to stop talking abt it. im just going to makes myself pretty well known as byeontae angel like u and @simplyme_crazyme been called me. 

hahahahahahahahaha, caught ya!!! Just continue making yourself as byeontae angel of the byeontae gang, and we are loving you for that <3

6 hours ago, NerinaC said:

Hahaha thx for welcoming me... I usually a closet byeontae type tho lolz, but cant help it JG shi is very appealing ...

@Silvermaine anything related to JoonU n SoSoo... would.love to read your fanfics... 

@Christabelita I know its pretty common, (but the vid kinda makes it seems she kissed his neck hahah) still... lol. I need to calm my mind...

hehehehehehe, loving the closet byeontae type...welcome to our gang/squad! HAHA!! I really quoted this post for very long already

6 hours ago, simplyme_crazyme said:

@Silvermaine DAEBAK!!!  You're making a cold climate sizzling hot!!!!  Continue pls!!!! PRETTY PRETTY PLS!!!!!

HEY!  How am I byeontae????  @riuenu I was just seriously concerned coz I can't protect our King's neck!!!!  I SWEAR!  :mellow: Since you posted those pictures and keep mentioning his chest.... the number of byeontae shippers are coming out you know!  Even the long time angel @aimwanie is SERIOUSLY turning into a byeontae angel!  And I can just picture you two with your EYES WIDE OPEN and mouth open while reading @Silvermaine's fanfic!  Wipe your drool chiggus and drink some calming pills as well! :tongue:

Aisssssh.  LJE really must have saved a nation in her past life!  Capturing the attention (& affection!!!)  of the elusive MAN that is LJG! 

@simplyme_crazyme dun poo poo me of protecting the king neck when you are already one of us! :phew::phew:

6 hours ago, mooncookies24 said:


OMG!! Love it.. @riuenu  already give spoiler. We going crazy in line group..SCREAMMMM..HAHHAA..AND WE LOVE IT..PLEASE CONTINUE IT AND KEEP UPDATE IT..LOLOLOL..HAHA

About this one:


I said to riuenu: maybe milla saw this pic last night so she tempted to kiss his neck: hahahahaha..


Maybe at the source at cuteJG twitter..hahahaha..so after nose bleed last night..

Gomawo chingu @Silvermaine

For give us that loving wild fanfic..love u to the moon 4 that, chinguuu

Have a Nice Wild Day, Stargazers!! :wub:




dearest @mooncookies24 love, I dun run an army or military here anymore, do u wan to join my new byeontae gang/squad LOL, by your above post, I think u are totally qualify for that =x

Just now, junee22 said:

@Silvermaine I totally love your fanfic..can you continue please?hehehe *puppy eyes*

joining @junee22 in giving the *puppy eyes*, please continue @Silvermaine

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I think the event is quite similar to the one in Japan? I thought I saw some posts back then with some Japanese stars attending, but dunno about the Korean event this time... maybe more to the public, fans of the series, media and film-makers?


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Is it too much to wish for JE to attend the screening? I miss them!!!!!! HUHUHUHU

@krysyuy  I get you....I feel you. 

That's why I stopped analyzing the drama itself early on TBH.  I decided that I would simply watch without prejudice and expectations.  It was hard...because you see the loopholes of the drama but thankfully the OTP and the rest of the cast saved it.  I even gave the drawings a justification in my mind for seriously, I was like.......there are pictures/paintings of those moments???? even that of her and Wook walking in the snow????

But overall, I just loved it.  For its beautiful beginning and its tragic and terribly sad ending.  If you think about it.....no one got their happy ending.  None of the brothers nor their partners. 

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Sorry if I'm a bit late to discuss this with you. It's regarding JG's For You IG post. Why the heck did he make the moment he held JE's hand in slow motion? What was the purpose? Is he publicly declaring his love for her? Everyone who doesn't know about JE's current status will think that they are dating. My thought is, JG is really making a move in revealing his feelings to the public. A very brave move to do. Oppa, jjang ! 

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