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[Mainland Chinese Drama 2017] Princess Agents 特工皇妃楚乔传


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10 minutes ago, Nina Bina said:

Just read all over FB that they will start shooting PA 2 in Dec? I hope LGX and ZLY don't return. I'm boycotting this drama now! 

For now it's still a rumor, there have been no official confirmation from the actors or production team. On one hand I really want ZLY and LGX to come back so that we can see their journey to a happy ending that they and we deserve, but on the other hand, I also want them to stay away from Ciwen. The two of them put so many efforts in the drama. In fact, based on the time they spent shooting, they should be the ones with the most scenes in the drama. ZLY and LGX spend 5 months shooting while DX only spent 4 months. And yet look at the drama now. I am sure there are many unused footages of our OTP. They have all the reasons to get angry and choose not to come back.

My only wish now is we get to see the cut scenes :(.

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9 hours ago, dashmount20 said:


they should smart enough that ZLY is very busy...

damn... how can i life without PA 2 for last 2 year? OMG.. so long.... whyyyyy.......

they should straight away shoot 70-100 episode larr... then cut whatever they want after that...

btw.. forgot to ask.. where is the link about the news? i want to see.. :)


I was telling my fiance the same thing, that why didn't they make it 70 to 100 episodes. We die-heart fans will watch it, even if it's 100 episodes. When a drama is good and everyone loves it, no one cares how many episodes there are. Now we have to wait soo long for season 2 and like @windyzz09 stated that ZLY hasn't accepted any season 2 roles before. :( I'm hoping she does and LGX keeps to his word that he won't do it if they don't cast her. He agreed to playing YWY in the first place because of ZLY. 


9 hours ago, 40somethingahjumma said:

Dear Me... so many! Okay, I'll do my best...

Missing Scenes (according to what's stated here)

1. After the lantern festival/meet, XE was pursued to be murdered by the Afterlife Camp, YWY saves her.

2. YWY teaches XE to write

3. YWY teaches XE to use the flying contraption

4. XE's fake death rescue

5. After XE's fake death, YWY drinks and reminisces about XE (accompanied by a monologue)

6. YWY's development at the border (Yeah, I was wondering about this)

7. After YWY and XE exchange swords, XE goes back to YX's place and sees the bell (accompanied by monologue)

8. Dialogue between YWY and XE when fighting in the palace

9. Discussing the bell during the one day spent as maid and when bandaging the cut

10. Monologue after XE returns to YX's place when she completes one day as (YWY's) maid

11. Spa/Bathroom kiss contains internal monologue by both parties. They spend the night on the same bed. The next day, YWY combs XE's hair

12. XE beats the Yue guards unconscious to rescue Minister Liang

13. During YWY's force kiss of XE, there's an internal monologue from XE. After this there's deep painful sadness expressed by both parties in respective internal monologues

14. After XE returns to Yanbei she meets up with Mr Wu

15. XE's internal monologue as she plays the bili flute

16. Battle between YWY and YX at Chang'an

17. YWY rescues XE at Hong Chuan city and gets injured (I think)

18. Kissing scene at Shan Shen temple

19. Extended scene of YX's plan to kill YWY (I think)

20. How XE breaks YX's trap

21. Icy lake scene between both parties (Not sure which two. Most probably XE and YX)

22. Scene after the icy lake


@40somethingahjumma You never failed to help us throughout this drama. Chingu, you're the best! 

I can't believe they cut out soo many from the drama and all those kiss scene! That don't matter much, just the fact that they cut out soo much of our OTP being together. :bawling:

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Since Dramas in China are pre-produced and they need to be so they can be vetted by the government body in charge of the content allowable I doubt this company can extend or change things midway. The progress of the story must have been decided and the ending decided well before we ever got a chance to influence the storyline.

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31 minutes ago, Kim Da said:

Whoever has that book or anyone who read the book what chapter is the wedding and the reunion ci thise are the ones i will read pla tell me 

The one who translated it wrote chapter 179 and 180

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4 minutes ago, Kim Da said:

Thank you so starting from that chapter its all about YWY and XE?

I can't read Chinese so I don't really know. But from the translation it seemed like  that. 

This is the link to translation that somebody here had kindly enough to share (I bookmarked it :D )



(you can ask the translator herself to be more clear)

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Does this drama get any better? Watched the first 10-20 Episodes, but it mutilates the novel so much that I stopped watching. Since the MC turned into a wimp in the drama and the male leads are oh so superior "I know it all".


Actually I have yet to see any good chinese novel adaption...

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1 hour ago, Lacus Klein said:

Does this drama get any better? Watched the first 10-20 Episodes, but it mutilates the novel so much that I stopped watching. Since the MC turned into a wimp in the drama and the male leads are oh so superior "I know it all".


Actually I have yet to see any good chinese novel adaption...


hmm I dont know, for me those were the best episodes but I didnt read the novel and I liked the whole spy aspect. It does get more bloody/war like after ep. 20.  But almost all book readers were dissatisfied. The drama only covers 3/4 of the book just fyi.

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2 hours ago, Lacus Klein said:

Does this drama get any better? Watched the first 10-20 Episodes, but it mutilates the novel so much that I stopped watching. Since the MC turned into a wimp in the drama and the male leads are oh so superior "I know it all".


Actually I have yet to see any good chinese novel adaption...


It depend on you but I can understand the conundrum of the book's fan even though I didn't read this particular book.

I am a fan of Harry Potter Books and cursed the films endlessly. That was why I decided to NOT watching any books adaptations that I had read the books. GoT was sooo far from the book that I only started watching the series at season 7 bcoz that season is not based upon the books anymore.

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If they will push through with PA2 and different cast, Ive already crossed depression stage...Since I pledged allegiance to master YWY and XingYue OTP... it is an utterly disgrace...there is no moral obloquy...abomination on how they played with the audience...Im done with it... Finally moving on

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16 hours ago, jolin_chan said:

I remember back then at TJOF's thread someone mention about this,that MC's TV station only has certain slot every year for traditional custome drama (Wuxia, Xianxia, Palace Drama) and like @cenching said Hunan already put other drama to air after PA's end. So with that much sponsor that want their artist getting more screen time, the lack back up one (in this case would be LGX who didn't have any big company behind him) will get cut, so that Hunan can still mantain their scheduling plan. Either these, or they just want to milking the success of PA into season 2. Because with the different time slot that they gave to PA's last 3 episodes, they should be able to used that time slot for additional episodes?

And I used to think back then at TJOF, that the one who make those cut and bad editing and bad CGI will be the director (sorry Ms Director Lin Yu Fen, I know I'm wrong now). But the director of TJOF next project is Love 020, TMPOB, LLiT and all 3 not have that bad cut, bad editing and bad CGI, so the culprit all along must be Ciwen Media then?

If it is, I really hope the cast of PA and other actor/actress will rethink hard if they want to sign project with Ciwen then, so that Ciwen could also learn to stop their bad business act and not make a lot of viewers feel these miserable after giving them such a high viewer rating and success.


I think that it's ridiculous that sponsors have a say in how a drama will play out. Sponsors shouldn't have a say in anything. It's a shame to have cut LGX airtime even though is one of the MC because of sponsorship. :angry:Airtime shouldn't be based on who the sponsors are but the characters and the storyline. That's why I was so pissed and dissapointed with TJoF. Too many hands involved that project that shouldn't have been, and the editing and cutting out major scenes was even more horrific.

It's been stated that the Ciwen CEO stated he will use the original cast for the Season 2 PA (still a rumor) but we all know it's bullcrap!! They are just out to make a quick buck, because ZLY already said she has projects well into 2018. Boo to whoever messed up PA!!!!

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There's no guarantee that even with a sequel with the original cast back together that we'll get any kind of closure. What's to stop Hunan or Ciwen or the political machine from butchering that in order to wring a third series. Bah... pardon my scepticism. I've also yet to see any sequel that's any good. BBJX 2 was odd and terrible. 

That said, I agree with @The_Joker that ZLY and LGX should lawyer up big time before they commit themselves to another project with this mob. Now that LGX has attained some measure of celebrity currency he should use that to his advantage if he decides to go back to the bargaining table. Shawn too. Honestly, what they did to YX to drag out his arc at the end was absurd as well. 

It's true that they forewent long-term goodwill/business relationship for a short-term cash grab. Yeah, killing the goose that lays the golden egg.

I'm hoping that the MC fans agitate for an extended edition that includes all the missing scenes. Us international fans are powerless in that regard.

@mrsyooknit I really liked the premise of Mystic Nine and while I FF through a lot of crappy Er Ye and wifey stuff, I always hoped that the show would live up to its potential BUT it never did. The butchery that was inflicted on that show was beyond anything done to PA. It wasn't just censorship and politics. There was something systematically incoherent about the storytelling right throughout. I take my hat off to the E subbers who persevered all the way through but that show was a right royal mess.

I'm also wondering now if there were even more scenes cut than the ones that people have highlighted. The 22 that we've seen are the ones the MC fans know about but I'm beginning to wonder if there are even more. 


@turtle0217 No worries dear. A pleasure. At least my early years of slogging through Chinese classes have not been a complete waste of time. :wink: And I happen to have some time at the moment. 

@hyall I care about good subs too and I often whinge about it here. From what I gather K subs aren't always the best either. But it's hard to get quality subs if people want them in a hurry. Sadly, nobody seems to want to wait these days. I don't think people really understand how important it is to have good subs because it can reveal important socio-cultural nuances in the dialogue. I fear that people weren't always well-served with the subs in PA either. However having been involved in the process I can understand the difficulties of putting together a good team of people  and also trying to fit translations in a timed situation.

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17 minutes ago, 40somethingahjumma said:


@turtle0217 No worries dear. A pleasure. At least my early years of slogging through Chinese classes have not been a complete waste of time. :wink: And I happen to have some time at the moment. 



That's good. :) I have a month left before I'm done with my masters. So I'm going to invest in some times to go learn Korean and Chinese. 

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@40somethingahjumma, its seems 4uDrama.com lurks here and posted your following post in the website but gave credit to you.  Check it out here:  https://www.facebook.com/4udrama/?hc_ref=ARSIFCBybz9Ku-p5w55PljBnJCpB7uDpV4stVm1srnpuBmijDVLWXUHAvl8LiwPiJNo&fref=nf


[Missing Scenes] Drama Princess Agents (according to what's stated in image)

1. After the lantern festival/meet, XE was pursued to be murdered by the Afterlife Camp, YWY saves her.

2. YWY teaches XE to write

3. YWY teaches XE to use the flying contraption

4. XE's fake death rescue

5. After XE's fake death, YWY drinks and reminisces about XE (accompanied by a monologue)

6. YWY's development at the border (Yeah, I was wondering about this)

7. After YWY and XE exchange swords, XE goes back to YX's place and sees the bell (accompanied by monologue)

8. Dialogue between YWY and XE when fighting in the palace

9. Discussing the bell during the one day spent as maid and when bandaging the cut

10. Monologue after XE returns to YX's place when she completes one day as (YWY's) maid

11. Spa/Bathroom kiss contains internal monologue by both parties. They spend the night on the same bed. The next day, YWY combs XE's hair

12. XE beats the Yue guards unconscious to rescue Minister Liang

13. During YWY's force kiss of XE, there's an internal monologue from XE. After this there's deep painful sadness expressed by both parties in respective internal monologues

14. After XE returns to Yanbei she meets up with Mr Wu

15. XE's internal monologue as she plays the bili flute

16. Battle between YWY and YX at Chang'an

17. YWY rescues XE at Hong Chuan city and gets injured (I think)

18. Kissing scene at Shan Shen temple

19. Extended scene of YX's plan to kill YWY (I think)

20. How XE breaks YX's trap

21. Icy lake scene between both parties (Not sure which two. Most probably XE and YX)

22. Scene after the icy lake

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Cre: 40somethingahjumma (soompi)



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