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[Mainland Chinese Drama 2017] Princess Agents 特工皇妃楚乔传


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2 hours ago, ces8 said:

Master YWY has a way of reclaiming what is his...he even said this to the late YWH when he was picking up with XE...His kiss says it all...You are only mine...:D

He doesnt like it when someone snatch things with him :D i dont know his feeling toward YX still friends or love rival lol

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Both hugs, who will she end up choosing :

The one that risk his life, his reputations, his family and betraying his country, helping her anyway he can without expecting something in return, but he's still on her enemy's side


The one that abandon his revenge, his goal, his soldiers, on the same side with her, the one that through high and low for the past three years with her, but also the one that put her in this situations, scheming behind her back



cr : as tagged / weibo

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2 hours ago, cenching said:

@40somethingahjumma, we were wreaking havoc for this show bcoz of very little episodes left but the story line doesn't getting any better. It annoy me bcoz instead of the characters growing to be better they grow to the worse especially YX and YWY....The drama turns The Great General of Wei and The Great Rebel of Wei into love sick sappy lover boys. YX threw away the lives of many soldiers in order to come back to save Ah Chu, no wonder some soldiers want to kill her, I will too if I am one of them.....YWY getting bold and bolder. It cheapen their value in my opinion....

I am agree with your opinion of YWY. That was why he let her go and contradicted to many people, I didn't see that he was waiting for her reply when he asked her, "I need you too, can you feel it?" For me that is a rhetorical Q or even more like a statement...

I have too much respect for YWY to see him as a pitiful victim. He is an intelligent, perceptive man who knows where his choices will lead him so I don't think it's right for him to keep playing second fiddle to one woman's ideals. Although I root for his happiness and want him to get his heart's desire, it is still wrongheaded to put the life of one woman ahead of a lot of people. If I am going to criticize YX for doing that then I need to do the same thing with YWY. It's telling that even she doesn't expect him to go easy on her.

It's conventional thinking that he doesn't have a choice because he's in love with her and he can't fight his feelings. Well, I disagree because he can and he did at the beginning of their relationship when he put her through a gruelling training regime and criticized her wrongheadedness about jumping to conclusions and wanting revenge. The thing that's different is that he thought he'd lost her once and can't bear the thought of losing her again. 

I realise that the drama wants to show that both men love her equally powerfully so that when she walks away from one of them it isn't about love but about ideals and priorities. I appreciate that and I've always believed that would be the case BUT the route they're taking is so unnecessarily sentimental and convoluted. Not only are they turning YX and YWY into pathetic saps, they're making CQ look like she's a heartless two-timer when she really isn't. She never promised YX that she'd be his wife and she told YWY she couldn't act on her feelings for him because she had goals and obligations elsewhere. It's turning into a soap opera with swords and battle armour. 

YWY chooses to save her time and time again even without her knowledge because he loves her. But it is still his choice to put his life on the line for her even though she has chosen not to stay with him. Thinking of him as a victim in all of this is wrong primarily because he doesn't see himself as a victim or a cuckold even when Grandpa rubs his nose in the dirt. He does it freely and happily (okay, not that happily) even knowing that she has obligations elsewhere. He loves her too much to think of himself as The Victim. Love that places obligations isn't unconditional. Besides, he knows she loves him anyway. :D

Anyway, I'm glad that CQ will become a figure of dissent in YX's camp... I think they do need to play that one out. If she thinks her goals and YWY's are incompatible, then she ain't seen nothing yet. I guess in the end, she will be the one to walk away to protect YX.

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1 hour ago, gentlelily12 said:

For this scene and what a touching and heartbreaking one, they mainly focused on LGX's eyes knowing he will and can deliver the right emotions:

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...just his eyes and you feel all of YWY's emotions!


credit as tagged



Words on point!!! LGX did an amazing job at this scene! His eyes...*melting* Then he rests his cheek on her forehead. YWY is giving his life to CQ with those eyes!!! 

I cant help but praise LGX the most out of the whole cast. I know ZLY is crazy famous in China but I think LGX stole the show in PA. His YWY is not only mesmerizing to look at, it's what his character stands for that makes him the absolute hero for me. Knight in shining disguise. 

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Ladies, today she will wear the same outfit as when YX asks her "Do you ever love me?" Does it mean we'll get this tonight? I think after that she will leave him. In the book she goes off to the mountain and then comes back when she hears about the ice lake incident.

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3 hours ago, cenching said:

The most important thing for YWY is XE's life. He doesn't care what it take to keep her alive. He had experience her death and he doesn't want to experience that feeling again. It doesn't matter if XE chooses YX, YWY can bear it as long as she is alive. I can't imagine how much it cost him emotionally to "give" XE to YX in that battle scene.

He knew XE can keeps YX in check, at least temporarily since  he came back instead of rushing to conquer ChangAn. He said to The General Prince that he felt for the innocent during this war. So since YX is back to YanBei many innocent lives will be spared and he doesn't needs to kill off YX too. By this act, He can keeps both YX and XE alive plus hundreds of thousands of innocent, so why not? The only one suffering is him but for him it's worth it....For The Greater Good....


Well said, @cenching You pretty much summed up the kind of love YWY has for his Xing'er. It's selfless and as pure as it gets. The General Prince can even attest to YWY's selflessness when he challenged him about competing with the bond that XE/YX  developed over the years.That a flower no matter how beautiful , if it's blooming in someone else's yard , what's the point of loving it if it's not yours to have? Of which of course YWY responded that he'll be just fine looking/watching. Her mere existence is enough.

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There are many things running in my head about this c-drama i.e., Princess Agents (PA).  Aside being swamped with posts in here stating the fans worries and sadly, I'm being desensitized by it all due to the unnecessary convoluted plot.  

I don't normally have any expectation towards an ending, I don't like to project my want and always prefer to take on the writer's imagination.  Hopefully, if the writer is imaginative and creative enough, he/she is able to surprise me...even basically, the formula for a good tale is the same...but the little twists and knots make the difference.

I would complement the PA's writers (there are 3 of them) in somewhat butchering a good formulaic tale.  Surprisingly, the characters that were supposedly be able to sway and win sympathy were turned into obnoxious characters while vice versa.


This character in terms of her backstory should have wrung out every bit of sympathy from the viewers but instead we were mostly left astounded by her actions so far.  She's homeless, orphan and harsh life (all the main ingredients check) to solidify our sympathy and endless rooting for her.  What the plot so far failed in delivery is to connect XE/CQ's aspirations and dreams into her actions.  She talks about freedom, equality and fairness but I have yet to clearly see her actions depict her dreams.  Yes, she always fight back those who have been downtrodden but in a way that make her seems rebellious instead of an inspiring leader.  I understood the lies she fed to Xiu Li army but when the General He Xiao said to her after the 1st battle in ChangAn and she still kept with her denials that they were not left behind by YanXun. IMHO that scene did not reflect the her characterization, because she always deals in black and white.  I would have love it, if she were to position Xiu Li army to be an integral part towards the new YanBei, liked how XE/CQ said that they should have more faith in themselves but it was ruined because later on she added that she believed YX would one day forgive Xiu Li.  IMHO, it would have been awesome, if XE/CQ would keep on the path that Xiu Li army should be proud of what they have achieved in ensuring YanBei survival.  That what ever happened in the past, should stay in the past.  But whatever and however they act would determine their future in YanBei because their selves actualisation are the utmost importance not the credentials pegged by others even confirmation from YanXun.  

Moreover, I also don't get the rationale that XE/CQ joining in the fight of YanXun.  There was never any talks of freedom and nation without slavery between them two.  Off topic, but it is hard to have a nation without slavery during those ancient times, the best I guess would be a certain amount of time that the citizen need to freely contribute to the Emperor.  I'm also pretty sure YanBei is not without slaves maybe YanXun was not aware because he was a young child when he left his home to Northern Wei.  I do get the point that during the time of hardship, a person would be clawing for any scrap of hope hence, the short bonding in the prison has a longer lasting impact.  I also think XE/CQ fell into the relationship more quickly because of what she heard from Yuewen Zhou (Yuwen Yue's grandfather).

There was also the scene in which XE/CQ advised Moe'Er with regards to revenge and not to make mistake.  She was also flip flop in her views when she apologised to XingXing.  What make YanXun's revenge and grief to surpass others' needs and misery?  Thus, I opined it was not his family massacre but more of XE/CQ unwillingness to accept and come to terms that what she had planned and thought about the rebellion was wrong but to halt and admit it was such a bitter pill to swallow, so she was trying her best to salvage it.  In the long run, she will come to realise that you can't right a wrong with a patch up work,  but it needs to be corrected from the beginning.

The others have mentioned the unbelievable feat XE/CQ as YX's right hand, being the General for Xiu Li army but in her fighting mode, yes, I do believe it.  But so far from the plot, we can see that she lacked the long terms visions and planning.  She is good in survival mode and guerilla types of attacking.  However, I wonder in making YanBei prosper because there's a major separation between Bai Ping Ting and XE/CQ.  She would have benefit more if she would have stayed longer in Yuwen Manor at Green Hills because her impetus actions are being tampered down.  The past 3 years with YanXun, the plot did not show of both reading/learning from journals the arts of war and its strategies, more of developing the mechanics of weaponry.  Aside escaping from Nothern Wei to reach YanBei, there was no extension of what next once the plan is achieved.

End of ramblings - part 1 to be continued on YanXun  

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4 hours ago, cenching said:

In YX's life the most important person obviously is CQ. He wants to give her the best, he can sacrifice everything for her but the problem is they have different goals and different views. I am clutching my heart during the conversation of YX and Chubby Cook, he is very much The Sunny Young Boy he used to be.

This kind of relationship won't have a good end. In a relationship love only is far from enough. Even though XE really loves YX but with their differences that love won't survives.

I won't say that YWY's love is greater than YX's or vice versa. Both men love with their whole hearts minds and souls, XE/Ah Chu is very fortunate indeed....

Any relationship based on lies and deception is like a house build on mud in a flood zone.  Not stable and will eventually be washed away.  I would say XE is unfortunate to have overheard the grandPa talked about his plan for her and mistook it as YWY's plan for her.  It might be what YWY tells the grandpa to keep him happy but we all know he would not let a hair on her head come to any harm.  After that, her life became a lot more miserable.  If she had stayed there and kept visiting the man that supplied the weapons, she would have recovered her memory by now and whatever happens to her, at least she would have all the facts to make decisions rather than be deceived by her sense of loyalty and fear of being wrong about her judgement of someone and the possibility of failing to achieve her revolutionary ideas.  XE is unfortunate to have been loved by YX because she has the short end of that deal since she gave a lot more than she got.  But of course, the one most unfortunate would be YWY because he gave and gave and still giving without getting anything in return (except a few millions hearts that feel for him).  Life was so simple before he met her.  Drink tea, look at the flowers, go read some books, supervise the spies, go to the palace and visit royalties, listen to grandpa lecture.  Did I miss anything else?  Now his life is so miserable everybody hopes he jumps in a frozen lake soon to put an end to the misery.  It's a good thing XE is suppose to be the good girl of the story.  If she was the evil girl, instead of calling YWY a sap we'd be calling him the biggest fool ever in the history of dramas.  

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1 hour ago, Nina Bina said:


Words on point!!! LGX did an amazing job at this scene! His eyes...*melting* Then he rests his cheek on her forehead. YWY is giving his life to CQ with those eyes!!! 

I cant help but praise LGX the most out of the whole cast. I know ZLY is crazy famous in China but I think LGX stole the show in PA. His YWY is not only mesmerizing to look at, it's what his character stands for that makes him the absolute hero for me. Knight in shining disguise. 


Totally like what u said.  Am so besotted with LGX's YWY too so much so he's constantly in my head.

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59 minutes ago, The_Joker said:

There are many things running in my head about this c-drama i.e., Princess Agents (PA).  Aside being swamped with posts in here stating the fans worries and sadly, I'm being desensitized by it all due to the unnecessary convoluted plot.  

I don't normally have any expectation towards an ending, I don't like to project my want and always prefer to take on the writer's imagination.  Hopefully, if the writer is imaginative and creative enough, he/she is able to surprise me...even basically, the formula for a good tale is the same...but the little twists and knots make the difference.

I would complement the PA's writers (there are 3 of them) in somewhat butchering a good formulaic tale.  Surprisingly, the characters that were supposedly be able to sway and win sympathy were turned into obnoxious characters while vice versa.


This character in terms of her backstory should have wrung out every bit of sympathy from the viewers but instead we were mostly left astounded by her actions so far.  She's homeless, orphan and harsh life (all the main ingredients check) to solidify our sympathy and endless rooting for her.  What the plot so far failed in delivery is to connect XE/CQ's aspirations and dreams into her actions.  She talks about freedom, equality and fairness but I have yet to clearly see her actions depict her dreams.  Yes, she always fight back those who have been downtrodden but in a way that make her seems rebellious instead of an inspiring leader.  I understood the lies she fed to Xiu Li army but when the General He Xiao said to her after the 1st battle in ChangAn and she still kept with her denials that they were not left behind by YanXun. IMHO that scene did not reflect the her characterization, because she always deals in black and white.  I would have love it, if she were to position Xiu Li army to be an integral part towards the new YanBei, liked how XE/CQ said that they should have more faith in themselves but it was ruined because later on she added that she believed YX would one day forgive Xiu Li.  IMHO, it would have been awesome, if XE/CQ would keep on the path that Xiu Li army should be proud of what they have achieved in ensuring YanBei survival.  That what ever happened in the past, should stay in the past.  But whatever and however they act would determine their future in YanBei because their selves actualisation are the utmost importance not the credentials pegged by others even confirmation from YanXun.  

Moreover, I also don't get the rationale that XE/CQ joining in the fight of YanXun.  There was never any talks of freedom and nation without slavery between them two.  Off topic, but it is hard to have a nation without slavery during those ancient times, the best I guess would be a certain amount of time that the citizen need to freely contribute to the Emperor.  I'm also pretty sure YanBei is not without slaves maybe YanXun was not aware because he was a young child when he left his home to Northern Wei.  I do get the point that during the time of hardship, a person would be clawing for any scrap of hope hence, the short bonding in the prison has a longer lasting impact.  I also think XE/CQ fell into the relationship more quickly because of what she heard from Yuewen Zhou (Yuwen Yue's grandfather).

There was also the scene in which XE/CQ advised Moe'Er with regards to revenge and not to make mistake.  She was also flip flop in her views when she apologised to XingXing.  What make YanXun's revenge and grief to surpass others' needs and misery?  Thus, I opined it was not his family massacre but more of XE/CQ unwillingness to accept and come to terms that what she had planned and thought about the rebellion was wrong but to halt and admit it was such a bitter pill to swallow, so she was trying her best to salvage it.  In the long run, she will come to realise that you can't right a wrong with a patch up work,  but it needs to be corrected from the beginning.

The others have mentioned the unbelievable feat XE/CQ as YX's right hand, being the General for Xiu Li army but in her fighting mode, yes, I do believe it.  But so far from the plot, we can see that she lacked the long terms visions and planning.  She is good in survival mode and guerilla types of attacking.  However, I wonder in making YanBei prosper because there's a major separation between Bai Ping Ting and XE/CQ.  She would have benefit more if she would have stayed longer in Yuwen Manor at Green Hills because her impetus actions are being tampered down.  The past 3 years with YanXun, the plot did not show of both reading/learning from journals the arts of war and its strategies, more of developing the mechanics of weaponry.  Aside escaping from Nothern Wei to reach YanBei, there was no extension of what next once the plan is achieved.

End of ramblings - part 1 to be continued on YanXun  


I love reading your insights @The_Joker.  Btw do u happen to have ur own blog?

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58 minutes ago, Melda Hung said:

Omg he is a really good actor he can cry when u ask him to cry haha watch this 


Very impressive! To think this is in front of a live studio audience in a variety show type of ambience , he didn't  even get distracted and still stayed in character. He can even cry on cue! Not the long drawn , trying to squeeze a single tear type of crying but rather a waterworks galore! He's not just a pretty face relying on looks alone. Dude has serious acting chops to back it up !

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Dear Foreign viewers, just want to share these mv with you. hope you can open it. The last one was cut by a very talented viewer, it's so excited bed scene. haha:D




Edited by zhoulina0529
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