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Kim Yoo-Jung & Park Bo-Gum | Moonlight Couple|


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10 minutes ago, honey_izark said:



i think it is on the early video,with caps on the back side and glasses,at the end of video there is man with white t shirt and black caps i think it is DY

it is sad to see that they re on the same restaurant,but cant sit on the same table and even cant chat

whats wrong with it,did the knetz also suspect them?imagine myself cant even talk and eat with my friends on the same restaurant,they must be lonely:tears:


it's like during lunch break u cannot sit with your close friend and had to sit with your bosses instead. LOL! But i'm glad the position of PBG during the dinner is facing YJ, so his eyes can always be set on her whenever he wants to. LOL! Poor YJ she had to turn around to look at PBG though. 

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15 hours ago, Phuong Dinh said:


Some ppl kept saying It's Bo Gum but I cant spot him anywhere. Can someone point to me where he exactly is?

But yup, Yoo Jung is pretty obvious looking for "someone" here :D

The owner of the insta acct said that KYJ was staring at PBG he was the one seated but he was busy talking. They were outside the restaurant and the staff close the blinds so that they can eat in peace. Apparently, the fans were screaming when PBG was supposedly about to go out. Well, what do you think? Maybe we are just overthinking and all is well between them. In my opinion, they were asked to tone down because when dispatch caught kyj fixing pbg clothes, even I was thinking, I don't even try fixing my husband's clothes or even when we were bf/gf or I'm not just the caring type. But she looked like a wifey there. There must be something between them or this is just my delulu mind because of frustration..lol..

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11 minutes ago, Fiona Ang said:


I supposed that is BG ..YJ is looking at :)



i think its DY,BG is next to him,with the glasses and the black cap he wears is on the back side.sorry i cant edit pic.you can find him at the early vid when it shows YJ looking at the back

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1 hour ago, Fiona Ang said:

After few days speculation, I believe before they go for the trip, they are brief or have discussed to set 2 set of team for our F4 members, DY and BG one team, YJ and JY one team....this is to avoid further rumours...they are organized in the way that they do not interact at all... no chance for them to meet, chat even photos taken but fans... this is all planned.

They are indeed well prepared as MDBC over, they are no longer LY and RO, their agencies and team all wanted to protect..as they know alot of fans out there want to see them as a couple and wanted to dig more... whether they are a couple or not.... it's up to individual to gauge...if they are not a couple... they can take pic and enjoy together..yes rumours will stir up but everyone can feel whether a couple is genuine or for drama purpose...but being so protective is something weird like I have said earlier some lead indeed avoid each other deliberately to avoid rumours... but actually indeed date secretly..

Yes, YJ is young and she is the more sensible one as she being in this line since young....she is doing everything deliberately it's obvious... she stay away and stick onto her mum and manager... I believe both BG and YJ are informed by their agencies what to do(if they want to date) basically if they don't date they will avoid but will not so overdo...

I guess after MDBC both will not have any interaction for us...but behind we never know... the last time I ship PSH and JYH... both do interact after dramas and keep in touch well... you can see some of JYH's variety show when the host ask about PSH, he is smiling all the way...

It will be a long way... but will sail together :)



Thanks for the head-up.

Seriously, how can they expect us to see a 360 degree change of behavior overnight (after the fans autograph session).

Friendship build over the months don't just flip like that.

Our OTP must be going through a lot of stress. Even if they have nothing special going on, I am sure they have enjoy each other companies and having so much fun together. Just watch the BTS, all will understand.

Hope that uri poor puppies will take this break to de-stress and able to cope with this turn of event.

May they stay in contact (we don't have to know) and their friendship continues to flourish.

Lastly, this whole thingy is super FISHY.

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3 hours ago, Phuong Dinh said:

Lol, it seems that not only BoYoo shippers on Soompi but also shippers on Insta, Twitter, Facebook and all the fanpages have gone crazy over the lack of BoYoo moments on this trip. It's honestly so frustrating for us to change our shipper mode 180 degree so suddenly because BoYoo switch their mode as well. How the hell did MDBC and each of BG/YJ management sides block all the interaction between them? It's just unfathomable how they have made it look like these 2 are just strangers. It really feels like Bo Gum & Yoo Jung weren't even on the same trip, like they're both there on the same days but they belong to 2 different spectra they couldn't even see each other. 

The question now is "Do BG & YJ themselves purposely ignore each other?" or are they forced to do so? :(

Of course we can't assume things and we don't know what happen behind the close door, but it's just absurd to see such a total turn of event. This is just weird in every level and never happened when previous dramas of both BG & YJ ended. Especially when both of them are sweet kids known for keeping long-term relationships with their co-stars. and The drama's effect is still so hot there. OTP moments would benefit them more. 

So are they gonna pretend they didn't know each other for the rest of the trip and stop all the interactions from now on? It doesn't make any sense, BoYoo ah!!


3 hours ago, Phuong Dinh said:


I think they had separate teams too since they have so many people. BG sticks to DY all the time and is always on the active team (going out, trying all the activities, having fun with the guys...) while YJ seems to be resting in the hotel? That's why she's not been spotted for any other activities? I guess she's just relaxing and walking around with her omma then :( JY, as I heard from his fans, he's like a "grandpa" who gets tired easily, so he needs rest as well. That's why YJ & JY were always together yesterday?

It's really weird how their management try to block rumours for YJ but let JY accompany her the whole day. Hey, JY is a guy too and he's even older than BG. Not to forget he's such a sweet handsome talented guy!!! Anyway, I'm just glad that YJ had JY by her side ytd. How lonely could it have been for her if she had travelled to Cebu alone without her mom and her JY oppa?

And to answer your question, even if BoYoo are an item (this is just wishful thinking now), of course they can't go public with a minor-adult relationship, netizens and the media would burn them alive.  That's why my wish rn is just for them to have a close innocent relationship as friends/oppa-dongsaeng or whatsoever until they reach a certain age. I fell in love with this OTP because of their sweet bright playful chemistry, and I know for sure I cant demand for more. But the reality now is alot more depressing that I had expected. Can they just be the "Oppa-DongSaeng" again???? :bawling:


some reason that i can think happen between them currently:

1) internal problem: yoo jung and bo gum relationship are not in a good term currently. so now they kind of give cold shoulder treatment & limited their interaction with each other. whatever it is, whether it big or small issue had happen we don't know. so there's no selca between them:tears:

2) external problem: yoo jung & bo gum don't have whatsoever problem in their relationship currently. but their management tell them to keep a distance or limit their interaction with each other whenever they are in public to avoid any rumor. it can be coz of yoo jung current's age, MDBC's drama sanction by KCSC coz of people complaint & other taboo thing. so in this trip, when they are in public they are separated to two group, 1) yoo jung, jin young, her mom, her manager & other and 2) bo gum, dong yeon & other. but actually when they meet each other in private they take tons of selcas with each other LOL:P

3) actually there's no problem at all whether with the internal or external: yoo jung & bo gum don't have any problem at all with their current relationship neither their management block or warn them about their interactions. but now their relationship has been change from "non blood related bro-sis" to "boyfriend/girlfriend" phase after the wrap up party so they intentionally keep their relationship in a low profile coz yoo jung is still seen as underage in their culture. and yes when they meet they take tons of selcas together with different kind of pose LMAO:lol:

i vote for number 3 hahaha

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Lack of OTP pics may be order of agencies or common sense especially since the censorship board went into hyperdrive....Probably trying not to fan the flames of our shipper hearts...which.nearly exploded into an inferno just by seeing the pics at the fan sign event....

They are so so sweet together....

Just waiting for pics via "official channels"

Though the post of the pics of the last kiss in HD nearly killed me....lol...wasn't paying that much attention...now will snap to attention when I rewatch the final episode...lol


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17 hours ago, antares1975 said:

Hi guys.. actually, I read the thread and ship BoYoo silently but I made decision to register account to tell you something.


Cebu friend told me that F4 & some actors/staff swim together @ hotel's pool after dinner. They're so happy and playful.BG played something with YJ just once (overturned her body in water). :blush: He seems close to DY the most but  just buddy, not couple! haha

She can't take photo, just see them from afar.


BTW, I think we can't expect to see Boyoo moment for this trip. It seems not good for YJ & BG and must be careful.

But I can prove one thing! They're still good relation but not know it's just oppa-dongsaeng or lover..




wow nice!! do your friend stay in the hotel?

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1 hour ago, sunallyce24 said:


Thanks for the head-up.

Seriously, how can they expect us to see a 360 degree change of behavior overnight (after the fans autograph session).

Friendship build over the months don't just flip like that.

Our OTP must be going through a lot of stress. Even if they have nothing special going on, I am sure they have enjoy each other companies and having so much fun together. Just watch the BTS, all will understand.

Hope that uri poor puppies will take this break to de-stress and able to cope with this turn of event.

May they stay in contact (we don't have to know) and their friendship continues to flourish.

Lastly, this whole thingy is super FISHY.

I think it wasn't even a change overnight more like a change over a couple hours. compare the fan signing to the wrap up ( even tho yes lack of pics/vid etc) and now ...so far at least ...they've pretty much been seperated into different groups. YJ is the tomboy ish type so she'd probably be happier chilling with the guys than with the girls isn't it? ...at least we heard about them playing in the pool that night after dinner..so I don't think they had a fight or anything like that....it's other people keeping them apart. and seriously they're just oopa/dongseang! if DY/YJ can say things like I miss you to each other and JY/YJ can spend the whole day together, why can't YJ and BG just eat dinner together? it's just dinner with co workers...( I guess everyone sees our OTP's explosive chemistry lol) I really wonder what will happen during the drama awards...like are they going to seat them across the room? sigh 

49 minutes ago, ggdczy17 said:

I hope this answers our BIG question at the moment...

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Credit to the owner and uploader


I was looking for this pic lol is he looking at YJ? isn't that the direction where she's sitting? 

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Hi guys! There are pics of kyj, jinyoung and the princess again today. I don't know how to post it here. Jinyoung seems not dress for outdoor activties. They bought something across the hotel. They probably were divided into 2 grps ir decided to stay together. Jinyoung however is leaving at midnight today. The interview on the 26th will be done separately, I heard.:). I guess that's it for us shippers. I want to post in kdy insta to beg him for a photo of them 4 but I dare not. I still respect their privacy. Well, patience is a virtue. Or as one of us here illustrated we might be skin and bones waiting for that rare photo.

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14 minutes ago, princesssarang21 said:

I was looking for this pic lol is he looking at YJ? isn't that the direction where she's sitting? 

 i think that pic is the other side of the fan vid. in that pic BG is talking with the man with the white t shirt in front of him

i hope our OTP enjoy the vacation. the best part going vacation with groups of people especially with best friend are have a silly chats, and laughing. hopefully they still do that. 

come on blossom n sidus, we wont suspect anything if they just did what they always did...like talking and laughing. :phew:


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9 minutes ago, myvilvil said:

Hi guys! There are pics of kyj, jinyoung and the princess again today. I don't know how to post it here. Jinyoung seems not dress for outdoor activties. They bought something across the hotel. They probably were divided into 2 grps ir decided to stay together. Jinyoung however is leaving at midnight today. The interview on the 26th will be done separately, I heard.:). I guess that's it for us shippers. I want to post in kdy insta to beg him for a photo of them 4 but I dare not. I still respect their privacy. Well, patience is a virtue. Or as one of us here illustrated we might be skin and bones waiting for that rare photo.

 Is it confirmed that the interview is to be done separately?

You know strangely I think this makes believe even more that they are together for real:wub:. ....They can't help themselves when you put them next to each other (recall fan meeting) so they are being removed from temptation.:wub:

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I'm just gonna add my speculations as well..... 

It just seems that the division of the MDBC team (specifically the actors) into 2 groups is not coincidental, it's more intentional.  Coming from whom....its hard to say!!!!!! I mean we all know that the trio (DY-BG-YJ) are the closest amongst the batch, as even evidence by DY Instagram-ing a picture of "Sam nom-ah" missing her and asking her to come quick, and then no public/semi-public/fan taken pictures of even the 2 of them.  And heck, we all know that all the young actors got along well, so its even weirder that there are no pictures of all of them together.  I kinda understand where handlers are coming from, since YJ and especially BG are very "hot" but young (one of which is a minor) actors right now, but it seems that the can't-interact-in-public-immediately-after-shooting strategy is drawing more attention to it.  And I'm one of those who thinks they have chemistry, but not in that kind of relationship.  Hence the cat and mouse game draws more attention to their friendship.  But then again its for their own "celebrity life" good.    As long as privately, all of them are good friends, its fine.  :phew: 


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