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Kim Yoo-Jung & Park Bo-Gum | Moonlight Couple|


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I know that some of you are upset and disappointed about not-mentioning YJ thing.




However, to cheers you guys abit, informing you all that our ship has reached 800 pages!!! :glasses:



and let's keep sail it till we reach our destination...:heart:










Love you all, you guys are the bestttt :blush:


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1 hour ago, moonlightdream said:


YJ é realmente metade do sucesso desse drama! E o mais irritante é que o "cara" está brilhando como louco! E YJ teve que manter o mínimo para evitar que os fãs de PBG atacassem! Eu estou tão tão bravo! Então ele não pode agradecê-la neste prêmio internacional de Seul ?! Ele sempre pode dizer mais alguns nomes, além de seu nome, para torná-lo menos estranho. Por que só agradecer aos grandes professores como diretores? E pare de me dizer que isso é inadequado e me pede para remover meus comentários. Eu não vou tirar desta vez! Olhe para o fórum é inundado com todos os detalhes dos clipes e ppl me perguntou "bem" para remover meus comentários! Este é um mundo sem farsa, então pare de me dizer isso e aquilo! Os aborrecedores sempre odiarão YJ e quando vocês gritando mais detalhes do que eu também trarão a atenção dos odiadores, certo? Então pare de ser um duplo padrão! Olhe para o título IG da YJ, ela precisa de força !? Eu me pergunto por que ela precisa de força. Talvez seja por causa das práticas de discussão de fãs ou talvez alguém malcriado saiba como sobreviver no mundo do entretenimento e só agradece as pessoas "importantes" ?! Por que é tão ruim e difícil agradecer a liderança feminina no drama? E foram apenas o ppl ganhar o prêmio participar deste evento? Ou outras celebridades também participam? Por que eles também não podem convidá-la? Mesmo? Só o homem merece brilhar e ser amado ?! Tão irritante! Gong yoo agradeceu sua liderança feminina e a música joong ki agradeceu sua liderança feminina! Então ele não pode agradecer a liderança feminina? Não me diga porque ele não é alto o suficiente para fazer isso! Me dá um tempo! Se ele for pago tão alto quanto sénior, ele deve atuar como um sénior e como um homem adulto real! Isto' Não é sobre se eles estão apaixonados ou não, não importa! Trata-se de respeito e honra seu companheiro de equipe! 

I'm heart-pounding ... because she needs strength? I am very sad.:(:unsure::bawling:

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Same here...




(have neen trying to edit my posts to censor my mental expletives n say things in a  politically correct way .... but igive up..some honesty is  appropriate here)




I am sure there are many "good" reasons why YJ was not even given a mention...but for now i am just so disappointed and sad.This beautiful  costar put in her skill, heart n mind n body to get into the character of Raon  ;worked in gruelling conditions, ;cried her tears dry; and if i dare say; opened her until then,carefully protected n  blossoming heart n emotions to this namja in order to perfect their tangible chemistry..  She  was indeed an equal part in the success of MDBC and PBG...he would not be where he is now with a less lovable n talented actesss. . She despite her senority in acting, always deferred to him.,took care of him and gave credit to him, always ready to let him shine. Just a simple mention mashed in with a dozen other names would indeed not have killed anyone and meant a lot ...So disappointed...seeing the IG selca of this precious  lady looking so wan and vulnerable yet bravely smiling was just too heartbreaking.




Please understand that i am not criticising PBG as i know we dont have the full picture...but just feel very sad n disappointed. YJ deserves better.a lot better.




YJ fighting. Wishing her lots of strength and joy. always.









credit to owner



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Moonlightdream, I totally understand your rant of frustration, but I feel to give him the benefit of a doubt. Maybe we only see a glimpse of a bigger picture here. We do not know if there were agreements made "behind the scenes" with each other or their agencies. They are both at vulnerable stages in their lives, KYJ is young in her age and PBG is young in his career, and as we've seen with other unfortunate actors, one controversy can bring them down.  So though it may be interpreted as unfair that KYJ did not get her share of appreciation, it might have been a sacrifice towards something more worthy? Her star is bright, and I believe as talented as she is, she will be given other opportunities to shine.

Maybe it's all a "cover up" as one suggested. I could not help but notice KYJ's IG was a bit somber and PBG's smile wasn't as bright during the awards ceremony. There were a few instances that he appeared to be fighting back tears. Maybe tears of joy from being recognized?-sure. But there's still that sliver of possibility that it could be something else, right? Also who is to know how stable is their relationship (if one exists).  It must be difficult to maintain while being under a microscope. 

Part of me wonders with his speech and her IG comment if they are both secretly trying to move on from MDBC??? Call me crazy & maybe her mom might feel similar, but I still wonder if PBG is a wise choice for KYJ. He's seems perfect yes but he's a big Hallyu star.   It must be hard to have to share this guy with all his admirers and ability to really have anyone he wants.  Admit it, he definitely has the ability to break her heart! For this reason, I'm dying for her to take on a new project, even if it includes a romance with another leading man. Maybe then, would she (and he?) realize for sure how precious the other really is.

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To clarify with j31717, my point has nothing to do with their private relationship. This international Seoul drama award is probably the biggest award he received so far, it's way more meaningful than the stupid AAA. Many international viewers r watching this most likely, so what's so wrong of recognizing a great female lead so ppl can appreciate her hard work as well? I want to emphasize again! It's not about what kind of relationship they have or don't have! It's about sharing honor for teamwork! He seems to lack of courage on doing so! Business is business, all actors and actress want to shine and be recognized. He could have just share his honor a bit since he is clearly aware YJ is part of the main success for this drama besides the VIP directors! 

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1 hour ago, moonlightdream said:


To clarify with j31717, my point has nothing to do with their private relationship. This international Seoul drama award is probably the biggest award he received so far, it's way more meaningful than the stupid AAA. Many international viewers r watching this most likely, so what's so wrong of recognizing a great female lead so ppl can appreciate her hard work as well? I want to emphasize again! It's not about what kind of relationship they have or don't have! It's about sharing honor for teamwork! He seems to lack of courage on doing so! Business is business, all actors and actress want to shine and be recognized. He could have just share his honor a bit since he is clearly aware YJ is part of the main success for this drama besides the VIP directors! 

Thank you for the clarification. Most people expect them to celebrate this as a couple. Anyway, I did not realize how much bigger this award is in comparison to the others. With that said, I totally agree with you that she deserves proper credit, especially considering how much effort she has put into her acting career. Not to put down PBG's work, but we have heard how PBG looked for outside advice and motivation from his Blossom brothers to get into the LY role.  Meanwhile quiet KYJ just plowed through her Raon role, no doubts.  Let's not also forget that she is PBG's sunbae in the industry too! I don't think him at fault but yes he could have been a bigger person here.  It seems the "business" took her for granted due to her age and gender. But I believe her stronger than she thinks she is. Nonetheless I hope she finds positive energy through this. 

But hold the phone!-PBG won his award Outstanding Actor of Hallyu Wave.  Yes MDBC much contributed to his current success but he DID non-discriminately thank the MDBC staff and actors. KYJ was not solely responsible for his success as a Hallyu actor. She also said once that she doesn't want to be a star, but rather known for her acting so she can't be jealous she didn't get international attention like Bogum. I know ppl will be upset by me saying this, but maybe it would be more appropriate that KYJ get a mention by the directors accepting for the MDBC award in this case? Can someone translate PDKimSungYoon speech  if available??  Bottom line that  everyone seems to agree is that we wish KYJ was there.

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Here! English translation from yoobo_boyoofanatic IG and we should stop being so politically correct and finding excuses for someone! This is the moment he can totally thank her as well! Cuz he brought up the name of the drama and the names of the directors! Very obviously he didn't forget their names cuz they r THAT important! 



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Congratulation to Bogummy for this important international award! I am very happy for him and for the recognition to MDBC... :D

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To Bogummy: Merci! Thank you! Obrigado!  Gracias  谢谢!ありがう!ARIGATOU!고맙습니다!Gam-sa-ham-ni-da! Grazie! :D



I missed YJ on red-carpet and next to BG (I would have liked that she to have won the best actress award...:tears:), but in this international event there is not much space for Korean actors and movies. For this reason, I was really excited also for the award win of our favorite drama... And in spoiler an other riflession maybe uncomfortable for someone...


I'm sorry to read some comments. Why can not you just rejoice for Bogummy without worrying that YJ was not there? He withdrew an important award that confirms that he is by this time a korean hallyu at the height of the others ... Ksh, Sjk, Lmh ... Each of them has acted alongside great actresses, but are up there for their own merits. "Bogum, Congratulations!" It's so simple to say. Did not he nominated YJ? We do not know if more translations will come, but he thanked actors and senior (and YJ for him is a senior actress),  who worked hard while sweating during the hot summer days..." I want to tell them (staff/actors) that I was happy (while filming for the drama). Because I was working on a production with such great people, it felt like it made me, in turn, want to work harder and become a better person a well"...  expressly nominating the director,  way to go. I do not think he can be accused he did not  have given credits to YJ in his talk and interviews in these months. Have we ever wondered why a Leonardo Di Caprio became richer and more famous than Kate Winslet? No, because  the public  is attributen the success, and there are obviously more women than men in the public. Also, although we do not like it, they are trying not to amplify their relationship too much, just so they can save it. Let's not forget it especially when they speak in public and omitted to cite each other. YJ did he ever expressly thank him in his acceptance speeches? And most of all, he never mentions him in his Instagram, but he speaks of normal and everyday things, such as the food he is eating or the journey he is doing. Lastly,  let's stop to seeing to all costs the positive or negative feelings in IG updates of Yoo Jung. She is tired (and that is vitamin "B" on her head! :phew:). We do not know where it is headed,  maybe she is is traveling with his family. During this period they are both very careful not to attract too much attention. We had clues about their secret voyages, we saw thanks to Boyoo's courage on Instagram their tender moments on the set, we have to be just happy for them and BG's criticism is certainly not the right way to support BoYoo. Did we have forgotten what he did for her at Baeksang?  I think it is fair to have respect for both their individual career and not only as the MDBC couple that makes us dream.

I apologize for the  my last outburst.

-cr owner-

P.S. Only her heart knows who is right for her...:heart:

And the BoYoo moments also at Seoul International Drama Awards! 





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U can rejoice all you want and we also have our right to express how we feel! What's wrong with that? I wrote a long long post last week with happiest mood to share what i saw and now I am also expressing my disappointment! Like i said, this is a free world so I got my reaction to his act and u can be happy with him enjoying all the honor by HIMSELF! It's like me and my coworker work on a super important project with 50/50 effort and i received employee of the year awards but when I received the award on the stage i chose not to mention or thank particularly to this co worker that shared 50% effort with me! If u r my coworker, will u be happy!? Be real! I will not back off this time! 

To add, if I don't love them I will not spend US$260 to buy the stupid DVDs and share my thoughts with u! To me, right is right and wrong is wrong! So it's not about not love boyoo or not support  boyoo! 

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Argh, I still am unable to "like" comments in this forum. But, I like what you just said Boju while I was forever editing my thoughts in that last post. Like boyoo, "let us not forget."

ps I read one comment on IG that Yoojung's "B" hat was given by DC fan? If so, then I'm curious as to  what "B" really stand for. Anyone know?



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Congrats to MDBC team, welcome to new members and thank you to the members who still stuck with us even after almost a year that the drama is over. Thanks also for the bits and pieces of the dvd,( not the film itself, ok or we might get into trouble) that you shared, it's a source of encouragement to us boyoo fans. I don't know why yoojung wear the cap with a B whether it has meaning or none I'm a happy shipper.

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5:30 manila time.whats with bogum oppa? i read some ig.comment wen i wake up he did not mention my yoojung?not even a thank you for her sumbenim.some says bcs of her age.some says he just protecting her to tons of his fans jst to avoid attacking yoojung again..but i think thats unfair!! what is age going to do with dis?! a simple thank you for his sunbae is this hard for him to say that word? no one can deny the fact that kim yoo jung is part of the sucess of mdbc.or should i humbly said kim yoo jung is kim yoo jung bfre mdbc . though she's the youngest among the casts but shes's more experience in historical drama..everybody relly on her..Sory guy's kinda disapointed here.. just give credit wen credit is due! yoojung godbless.. thank you for this drama..love u frm phil.

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1 hour ago, moonlightdream said:


Pode regozijar-se com tudo o que você quer e também temos o direito de expressar como nos sentimos! O que há de errado com isso? Eu escrevi uma longa e longa publicação na semana passada com o melhor humor para compartilhar o que vi e agora também estou expressando minha decepção! Como eu disse, este é um mundo livre, então eu recebi minha reação ao seu ato e você pode ser feliz com ele aproveitando toda a honra por MISMO! É como eu e meu colega de trabalho trabalhar em um projeto super importante com esforço 50/50 e recebi os prêmios do empregado do ano, mas quando recebi o prêmio no palco, eu escolhi não mencionar ou agradecer particularmente a esse colaborador que compartilhou 50% esforço comigo! Se você for meu colega de trabalho, você será feliz !? Sê real! Não vou recuar desta vez! 

that's right, exactly ... it's in that comparison, it's all said now. very intelligent observation (parabens). I really loved your comment, I am in full agreement.:)

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my heart is bleeding after reading all of your POV's here chinggus .. can we just agree to dis agree ?? i respect each POV's here .. it's just that we do not know anything about what is really happening .. we all have our speculations without proper basis if its the real reason behind it .. I'm not defending BoGum but I believe in the purest of his heart and his love and concern for YooJung .. same goes to my baby doll, I know she understands everything ..




i can not help it but the way things are happening .. yooJung is behaving like HyeKyo now .. allowing JoongKi to get all the credit and spotlight just like what is BoGum having right now .. the only difference is JoongKi always mention and appreciate HyeKyo in everything but I've guess you're really protecting YooJung from all the bashing and hurtful words that may occur everytime your name will be link to BoGum ..




I'm sure BoGum will think or will find a way to let YooJung feel the appreciation of his baby doll deserve .. just like what he did in KBS awards ..




let's just be happy for what is happening to them right now .. both in their respective careers and personal life ..








have a great day chinggus 


edit: and may i just add.. the smile of Bogum yesterday wasn't reaching his eyes.. for someone who is accepting a grand award should be happy but why is BoGum like that?? 

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please remember that we are BoYoo shippers. I may have joined late but obviously there will be times that the Moonlight gang may spend together which do not get into the papers.




B1a4 is coming back soon and I am sure that BoYoo as well as KDy will be there to support their castmate.




PS. I felt that JY felt left out during the commentary. He was quite quiet but you could see the camaraderie he had with the others.




And PD-nim absolutely loves his cast. LOL.



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Just to add my two cents, everyone who has seen the bts aired on tv and on the dvd will know how much YJ has contributed to the success of Moonlight.  DvD really showed how YJ would have suggestions and discussions with Kim PD about scenes, acting, angle and execution more than any actor, if my limited korean is correct I think PD said something about her having talent in directing/producing. Add on to the fact that I think most of her suggestions on scenes were the once broadcasted.




As for the SDA, I also think its everyone's prerogative who to thank on their speech. And us viewers being disappointed is also our prerogative.  And I've long known that most of the time, in most successful korean drama, its always the guys who takes the glory and the female takes the back seat, unless agency of the female lead is media savvy (like Suzy and Seolhyun and few more actress who are very good in media exposure).










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Omoooo guys!  Check ajussi lover's instagram!  They posted a video of the final kiss scene where in bo gum kissed yoojung's cheek!  Omoooo why did he do thatttt it was not on the final scene!:o:wub:

I think my heart is gonna burst!!!  Too much "kilig" :wub::lol:

Do not repost that video thoughh

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Sorry guys, I think all of your ideas are correct in your POVs. Some could speak out softly, some could speak out strongly. But I think no one here gave her bad purpose on their idea so please do not blame each other.




I know after MDBC Bogum got all the spotlights, I'm his fan so I am very happy for this. But Yoojung sometimes got anti because of jealous people on her acting, her beauty, even her closeness with BG. I'm really feel so sad at well. 




However above these, I think BG is the one who respected and thank you Yoojung the most. I believe, by anyway, he will have his own way to thank you Yoojung.




You could see him not eye smile like in Baeksang night in SDA award. All his smiles are his PR's smiles. He's very happy, but there's something in his soul that cannot be comforted (I think that is Yoojung's part).




About YJ's IG, she is not sad at all, just tired, and need a "B" vitamin,.....yes her cap with "B" make my mind thinks wide :glasses:


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ok lets just move on from why bogum not mentioning yoo jung on his speech, lets focus why we sail on this ship.




after seeing all this directors cut, and BTS, it is obviously that bogum first who falling hard for her, while i can say that yoo jung still a bit shy and try to defense, but well our boy is very persistence hahhaha...



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