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[OFFICIAL] JongJoo|Honey Couple (Lee Jong Suk ❤ Han Hyo Joo)


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I bet the photos turned out great (InSyle)!

Also, I am always surprised that these people who are so terribly introverted and who get sweaty palms in non-videoed interviews and who get tongue-tied when asked to give impromptu speeches manage to pull off fan meets. Isn't that a whole bunch of people just looking directly at you? I guess you could mentally try to assume a role, as if you were acting, and just be that persona for the night. (They are experts at that one, right?) Or maybe the smaller venue helps. (There is only room for 400 people at HJ's event.) Or maybe it helps knowing that the people who expended the effort to come really are your supporters. Anyway, I hope it's a fun time for all. I hope HJ can feel that she is loved and supported by many--those who are able to go, and those who aren't.

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So today is the BIG day!! on this side of the world it's still night, I guess when I wake up I will have a lot pics of her ... just like all of you I also hope she can spend a pleasant moment together with her fans who love and respect her a lot , I'm so anxious to see everything that will happen, if she will sing or play an instrument, idk but I'm sure that anything she does will be amazing, of course I'm really curious to know if there will be any special guest, if invited by herself or will be part of some surprise for her, you guys saw that in the FM of some celebrities, in a video the close friends say some congratulatory message or something? (since not everyone is able to attend) well I am crossing my fingers so that there is a video with some of her friends congratulating her and that JS is included there (video), after all they're celebrating her anniversary, right? well it would be nice, since maybe he didn't will attend and I don't say for his busy schedule.... I just think there could be other reasons, but who knows? If he attends I think it would be 1000000 times better. Anyway I hope this is an unforgettable experience for her fans and definitely for her too.

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That would be awesome (some kind of video message). I could really some of her fanboys (2d1n) doing that. Of course I wish JS were there. But I am not expecting that because firstly, schedule (if he could not get off to promote his own drama, I doubt they'll let him off for a friend's FM.) And can you imagine the chaos that would erupt if he showed up?  Chaos that would be lovely to see, though... But I think that it would be nearly impossible for him to show up around her and have it not charged with meaning at this point. (After so many people have seen the DVD and become shippers, I mean). So I do not expect anything from him. (Sigh. But I wish!) In the meantime, though, the girl can sing and dance and act and play the piano and guitar (and draw). Plus I would love to just listen to her share her thoughts, because she seems to think about interesting things and have unexpected insights. So I think it will be good. (But of course we'd love to hear her perspective on him, too, if she wants to share!) 

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@frozentundraLike you, I am pretty sure JS won't appear in HJ FM, not because of his schedule but I think they can't be that obvious, if there is an announcement, they will usually make it via media or their angency right? 

Besides, when I think about it more carefully, it was strange that JS rarely mentioned HJ in all his FM after W, despite that they were extremely close with high level of intimacy during filming. Is he afraid that he will slip out something? (remember he is a person who wear his heart on his sleeves lol). It was very fishy, if there was nothing to hide, he would just simply talk about her as other costars :rolleyes:


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What has he been like in the past? Does he usually mention former costars after a drama is done? I guess he does bring up LBY (who is married with a kid and who seems to be a true literal noona to him.) A totally safe person where no one will misunderstand. But others? I would also guess that people want him to promote his current project instead of looking back to a past one (especially from another, competing network). Either he is trying to distance himself and move on (I hope not--plus it would be really confusing after everything we saw with our own eyes), or someone over him in his career would like him to be quiet about it (possible, especially as his idol status grows/he works for other producers who have their own goals),  or HJ would prefer to keep their private life private. (also possible) I confess I was a little irked at first that HJ went on her own to HK to promote their joint drama and he was silent. (I know he couldn't go. But he never even mentioned it. It was half his show, if you want to be strictly professional about it.) Yet she herself did not seem annoyed at all (and was even kind of sappy and giggly every time his name came up). To me that meant that as someone on the outside, I really don't have all the facts, and should maybe be careful about making judgments. 

As to the high levels of intimacy during filming, my sister (um... who is of another ship) thinks they were just having fun and weren't serious. (She has not watched the bts and DVD.) But it wasn't just physically getting close so the kissing scenes weren't awkward. They really got to know and really understand each other to unusual levels, too. It's impossible to believe they would be that close and that happy and then just walk away cold turkey. 

So I don't know why he's  quiet. I think he did describe her carefully when asked about his ideal type in several fan meets, though...so I think he did mention her, if not by name. And I do think some of his posts have been about her. I suspect that there is more to this industry than what we see from the outside, and I imagine it's hard to be a private person with a private life when literally 9 million people (at last count) are watching you. I guess it's safer to say nothing than to say the wrong thing and get misinterpreted. 

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1 hour ago, frozentundra said:

As to the high levels of intimacy during filming, my sister (um... who is of another ship) thinks they were just having fun and weren't serious. (She has not watched the bts and DVD.) But it wasn't just physically getting close so the kissing scenes weren't awkward. They really got to know and really understand each other to unusual levels, too. It's impossible to believe they would be that close and that happy and then just walk away cold turkey. 


I used to tell myself that as well (that they were just having fun and weren't serious, or that they were just acting really well), when I was taking the tack of 'let's assume the worst case scenario so there won't be disappointment later'. But what really convinced me of something deeper was that split second glimpse of him caressing her fingers when they were taking photos, in the last BTS MBC released (the final shoot they had together; I have not watched the DVD). I can understand two actors generating great chemistry for the cameras, and getting closer to each other so as to portray their relationship more realistically, but that caress spoke of something else. 

In any case, as you've mentioned, there is just not enough known to the public for us to draw conclusions, of any kind. Just wishing them both well, and wishing her a great FM tonight!

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@frozentundra As far as I remember, he did mention Bo Young noona in his FM, thanked her for looking after him, how beautiful she is and she is the co-star he likes the most...As for PSH, he did talk about her in his FM, that she was beautiful and lovely (Thailand FM in Nov 2014), how she helped him out in some acting scene (Hongkong FM in May 2015). Same as other close friends of JS (Kim Woo Bin, Yoon Kyun Sang), PSH also sent video message to JS's FM. In a FM, when the MC asked JS to save LBY or PSH if they both drowned in water, he said then he might drown as well...So you see he still talked about his co-star even after the related project finished. And given JS's personality, I think he will choose what to say and what not to say in his FM. As for HJ, he was quiet, rarely mentioned her name in all FM after W, even though the drama was very famous...that raises up my speculation...

Anw it is only my speculation. And I agree with what you said, I too, felt like he talked about HJ in his own way, via the ideal type descriptions...it was even more suspicious about their relationship :D

Btw HJ looked so gorgeous in the latest Instyle photo, Im sure she will look extremely pretty and adorable in today FM...Can't wait to see...

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OMG, Jong Suk was making a live video, right before HJ FM, it's unusual he is active on Saturday, what a great coincidence!!!

p/s: he is so so handsome in simple white t-shirt...And I did wonder if he would be on SNS this special day then he actually did...ok I'm beated...I'm wondering if uri HJ will be in white today :rolleyes:
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