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[OFFICIAL] JongJoo|Honey Couple (Lee Jong Suk ❤ Han Hyo Joo)


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@bluesky2323 I agree with you in every point. I don't know why I quite relax with this ship. I think I can feel their feeling. However, any relationship need time to learn and grow and it is not necessary to open to everyone. I'm just happy to see them happy with work and life and wait patiently. It's my skill.:wub:

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10 hours ago, May Low said:

Hmmm I feel yesterday is a big coincidence when the IG pic reach its 1 millionth like at 22:09pm Sept 22th. What a memorable day! 

Its just combine our honey couple birthdays together:

Jong Suk: Sept 14th

Hyo Joo: Feb 22th

= Sept  22th :P:wub:



Sorry for cutting your post but woo~ does the date Feb 14th remind anyone about anything? Hahahaha :w00t:

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43 minutes ago, May Low said:

love this slow mo action...so sweet...miss my honey couple badly T.T :bawling:


Me too! I love this slow mo too!! And it's not an action he was surprised with... he even leaned ever so slightly towards her reaching fingers!!! Just want to check with our Korean friends - is this normal between just friends? (Ahem... I'm hoping for a no... but I know I can take the truth.)

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Hi again... i more to silent reader and less comment because i'm no good in word(it's true) ..hehe..  a lot of things that have been discussed and i read every pages :w00t: and  i try my best to comment too:lol: , both of you have so many point/facts/analysis. I can see many of you are new in shipper's paradise welcome~!.. i'm been here around 2012.. and many situations that i had gone through be a hardcode shipper..happy, hreatbreak, delusion/ delulu, wars..hehe.. Mostly i agree all of you , and i only believe the facts ~ 

10 hours ago, lovely_skham said:

This is why I love to post because I do it with that belief, I don't want to be misled and nor do I want to mislead you all either so I believe in no fluff so my posts are just as is. If its not true I won't put it in my posts and I expect the same from you all. Spreading false hope is something I really do not condone so Im thankful I'm among people who believe in the same thing.

 that is the 'save' way to become a shipper. if we obsess/delulu we will be hurt..hehe trust me~ agree and thks for been the good adviser for not been so delusional~ ahaha.. and also our captain for this ship~ 

If you guys have the detective skill ,kindly shares here, its a good things~! but not the false hope/delulu :sweatingbullets: ..i dont have thats kind of skill..:sweatingbullets:~ if some of you have the psychology skill ??? or something like chinese Ba Zi reading? it will be more helps/interesting additional point. :D

8 hours ago, starfield said:

That's why I decided to stay neutral and not form an opinion at the moment- I want to observe some more keke! Actually I was a bit unhappy today with the overjoyed mood in the JongJoo fandom


8 hours ago, starfield said:

You know the kind of scary crazy shippers who attack other ships with a level of hatred usually reserved for sworn enemies? They are usually those who used to have full faith in their ship back in the hay days, believing in any non-sense that support their ship (and treat them as "solid evidences"), and because they had such high hope they could not deal with the disappointments later on and became so very angry.


agree!!!...the crazy shipper/hatred... dont care about the truth, only obsession , they believe what they what to believe, ..:blink:, my previous ship also have thats crazy war..:(


"if" they are dating now ...I dont really think that LJS & HHJ will be announce in the short times...they will try to hide as much as possible before being caught LOL.

if they will deny, just accept it even is hurt.( i hope not )

Lately what i see the faces between LJS & HHJ..it's like : "if you are in love with someone, the atmosphere around you is beautiful,makes people around you looked at you so pretty/handsome:D" ~ they trully look soooo pretty/handsome

@May Low thks for the airport pic~ i see LJS today more manly, mature style and happiness aura. Looking frwrd for his FM in Japan and hopefully we can get more hint~~~~~~



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Is her staff fanning the flame? OMG, if so I love you Han Hyo Joo team. You're the bestest team ever. Haha

They're probably texting each other, asking if each one is alright. Have they eaten. Etc etc the usual girlfriend & boyfriend thing.





I'm kiddding..........  But friends do occasionally check up on each other right? Since Jong-suk is out of the country?

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47 minutes ago, chelbr said:

Why she needs to hide? ;-) Texting someone in Japan?..sorry guys just my weird imagination! 

Hello just delurked for my 1st post in this thread tho I've been here daily since the beginning.


 is it HHJ?

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2 hours ago, ares2ares said:


Me too! I love this slow mo too!! And it's not an action he was surprised with... he even leaned ever so slightly towards her reaching fingers!!! 

@ares2ares another slow mo for u!! Over here this show a lot of chemistry, the intense eyes exchange makes u wonder what are they talking about..


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@jiyong98  LJS was the first person HHJ followed on Weibo :). @ariesa She didn't mean is LJS following her on Weibo?, It's no surprise he follows no one hahaha. rightfully so, his fans would be going crazy following and commenting on his friends IG or Weibo if he started following people.

LJS looks fantastic, he is definitely keeping up with this masculine aura he has going on. Loving the Burberry Trench, Its surprising how so many fans got pictures of him because he usually takes the VIP routes when leaving or entering S.Korea ~ so interesting to see this change in him.

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11 minutes ago, May Low said:

@ares2ares another slow mo for u!! Over here this show a lot of chemistry, the intense eyes exchange makes u wonder what are they talking about..


My fav part of special episode. Now this is the moment where I can feel the sexual tension between them specially in LJS :wub:

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