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[OFFICIAL] JongJoo|Honey Couple (Lee Jong Suk ❤ Han Hyo Joo)


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our jongjoo couple not only have corresponding mole near the eye, they also do have mole near their left ear, so coincidence :D

and i noticed is always so coincidence that Jong Suk like to stick closer to Hyo Joo's left side of face or stand on her left hand side:


Maybe because I am a leftie, haha tend to look out for this :D my delulu mode on haha

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@lovely_skham haha actually I have been a fan of them since the end of July but I just found this thread last month and had been lurking till yesterday lol Your analysis and insights were coherent, reasonable and intriguing. It has been a huge pleasure reading them :) 

5 hours ago, jejuhallabong said:

actually I'm wondering who takes the picture ? wkwkwk maybeee it's our lady, because in front of HJ manager, there is another glass and plate :phew:


 I reckon that HJ was the one who took this photo. Also, according to their outfits and the comments below the staff's Instagram posts, this picture was taken yesterday before they headed to the pub/bar whatsoever. 

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I agree that HJ has always been beautiful, but it's tons more visible since W. I'm way more familiar with JS's work, so lately I've been playing catchup and watching her in a lot of things. At first I thought his comment about liking her way of speaking was a strange kind of compliment, but now I can see it--she has a way of not overacting but being very heartfelt, and a lot of it is from her way of speaking.

A question about the DVD. I see that it's for sale through places like Amazon, eBay, etc. Is this an existing DVD that is already out? What is the difference between that, and the one whose preorder deadline is coming up? Does the existing one I'm seeing that comes from Malaysia or wherever just have the episodes and that's it? (Ie no director's cut/BTS/interviews) If you preorder the one being advertised right now and they don't get enough preorders, then what? My Korean is limited, and I'm confused. :)

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2 hours ago, lovely_skham said:

@frozentundra I would not trust the ones that are currently out right now because the official dvd release takes a few months to come out after airing because other countries have yet to see it so thats why they take as long and their other logistics behind it as well but I would wait till theres more information on it, than just simply buying the ones online at this point. The ones that are out for purchase right now is definitely not the official ones and so therefor you would be wasting money on it since it doesn't have what the official ones have by even a close margin. I am thinking they did reach the preorder for Blue-ray edition and now its just simply pre-orders now, I could be wrong but I am pretty sure everything is on track to meet fans expectations in terms of the extras we will get. If someone with a little more info on the DVD cut can provide the thread with more clarity that would be great.


I would agree with @lovely_skham on this.. so far those that are out now are not official and they do not come with the prepayment bonus as they are not the director cut version. 

Meanwhile from what I know, the quota for W director cut Blu Ray has reached its quota for prepayment that's why they are releasing DVD version for prepayment. Currently is still possible to purchase the director cut Blu Ray / DVD till Nov 15. Previously, if Blu Ray version doesn't hit the quota then the DVD version will not be released for prepayment, correct me if I am wrong but this is what I read from the Q&A section from the official cafe.

Meanwhile the prepayment bonus for both Blu Ray and DVD are: Drama Script + Conti Book (50p) + (webtoon+Music+CG) staff interviews. But discussion is still going on for more items to add in probably depends on the Blu Ray/DVD sales. If you decide to buy the Blu Ray / DVD after the prepayment period then you will not entitled to the prepayment bonus. @frozentundra hope it give you more clarity on your doubts :D

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Ah. Thank you for the clarification, @May Low and @lovely_skham. That was what I was wondering--is there something you get for the preorder, if preorders are still necessary for them to even produce this or if they've already reached their quotas, and if the things I'm seeing for sale right now are the same thing as the preorder. So, if you *don't* preorder, then the only thing you can get later is just the 16 episodes? Cool that they'd include the script. What is a Conti Book? And is the content the same for both Blu Ray and DVD? (I don't have a Blu Ray player.) And if you do preorder, then the one and only place to get this is through Cafe Daum? (Usually in my country, Amazon will carry the official release of things, but it looks like right now they are only carrying orders through third parties, and it's these non official versions.) Sorry for all the questions!

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The thing I noticed, especially with this video, is that even when the cameras are not rolling, they really look like a couple. They even take pictures of themselves, probably for themselves. I just realized it when the cameras clicked and ... their pictures weren't even posted online. I really hope they take it to another level, because their body languages don't lie. They're so into each other. 

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