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[ Drama 2016] The K2 더 케이투


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10 moments from 'The K2' that made you wish Ji Chang Wook was your man



Whether you were a fan of 'The K2' or not, there is no denying that Ji Chang Wook is an absolute hottie than anyone would kill to have as their man!

If you didn't see his recent drama you definitely missed out on some sexy, romantic and heartwarming scenes. But not to worry - I got you covered as we look back on 10 moments from 'The K2' when Ji Chang Wook had us all wishing he was our future hubby. 



The Umbrella Scene


That moment when Ji Chang Wook comes to Choi Yoo Jin's aid with umbrella in hand. Imagine his willingness to just soak in the rain just to keep you dry. *dies* 


 The Car Crash 


Ji Chang Wook is a total hunk as he lifts Choi Yoo Jin from a flaming car. I'd fall in love if a guy just handed me a cookie, let alone saving my life. 



The Kiss of Life


Girls' Generation's YoonA (Anna) is one lucky girl. I mean, she wasn't even drowning and got a resuscitation kiss. Totes jelly. 



The Blanketed Kiss


Not gunna lie, that kiss would've escalated quickly if I was under any blanket kissing the hotness that is Ji Chang Wook. 


The more than intense shower scene



Korea did not shy away from showing us just how hot Ji Chang Wook's body is. Although every fangirl's ovaries exploding during that episode, we all know it was simply done for the fight scene... right? 


A Dream Date In The Park  


When Ji Chang Wook dreams of going on the sweet picnic and feeding Anna a sandwich. Who wouldn't want to be feed from this handsome creature? Just remove that gross 'Subway' sandwich and it is heaven!





The Walkie Talkie Lovers


Everyone who saw 'The K2' will tell you that the walkie talkie scene was the cutest moment that would have any grown man giggling like a schoolgirl instantly! Just like Anna, I would sleep all cuddled up next to the walkie talkie, too. It is worth watching the whole scene! 



The Ramen Scene


Everyone loves a man who can cook, but Ji Chang Wook will prepare you ramen instead. 'Nuff said. What more do you need? 



Sharing Ice Cream


If ramen isn't your thing, don't worry - Ji Chang Wook will come happily serving you some ice-cream. Just make sure he knows whether or not you're allergic to strawberries - unless, you're trying to make the resuscitation kiss a reality? Are you?! 



Cutely Whispering 'I Love You'


Throughout 'The K2' Ji Chang Wook had such a rough exterior but those few flashback moments with Raniya showed off his really sensitive and cute side. I would love to be working and see my hubby Ji Chang Wook stop by just to cutely wiggle and say he loves me!


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I think I already posted about that from a different source I think, anyway

Yoona tells the bts story from 'The K2' kissing scene with Ji Chang Wook!



Actor/singer Yoona talked about her experience with 'The K2', her co-star Ji Chang Wook and Song Yoon Ah in a recent interview. 

Yoona met up with Yonhap News on November 15 for a post-drama interview. During the interview, Yoona mentioned that she wishes there were more cute, romantic scenes between Anna and Je Ha. The actress also confessed that despite her concerns, the last kiss scene between Anna and Je Ha turned out better than she imagined. 

Yoona explained, "We had to film a kiss scene between two lovers that we could use for the drama ending, but I had known Ji Chang Wook not even a week. I was worried that I would be awkward, but everyone said that it looked good, so I felt relieved."


She said  that the director requested the actor and Yoona to get to know other quickly, so they had exchange contact information and talk about their past works, hobbies, and values. 

Yoona commented, "Chang Wook oppa led me well during the shoot. He would say, 'Do what you feel comfortable with' and try to adjust to my needs while encouraging me. It was because of him, I was able to do a good job." 

She also talked about Song Yoon Ah's role in helping he become a better actor. Yoona explained, "When I was acting with Song Yoon Ah, she would bring my energy to a higher level than I thought possible; I got energy from her a lot. After one shoot, I texted her saying, 'It's because of you that I could portray Anna.'"


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59 minutes ago, YourHighness . said:

Oh no sweetheart. I understood perfect and no, I didnot backtrack on my post. I feel like we are going round and round with this. Like I said not everyone changes due to PTSD. Yes, research shows some people change but not everyone, like you yourself pointed out and that applies to JH. He did not change. Expecting him to change due to PTSD was generalizing. His was obviously not severe enough to change his personality. Also, I said PTSD "doesnot always" change a happy go lucky guy into a brooding angry young man. That depends on the severity of the PTSD. 


Oh bang on Bambiina. I found YJ pushing into his physical space as cringeworthy. A part of me is glad he never knew just what kind of "feelings" his GF's stepmother had for him. He would have been disgusted.


BTW guys, something feels off about the whole JH's dying dialogue rumor going on. It doesnot make sense to me if JH was originally going to die in the bomb blast. Wouldn't that leave his whole purpose in the show of punishing/killing PKS up in the winds? Wouldn't it have left Anna in danger since both SW and PKS would have survived and JH would have died? I dunno but it suited YJ more who has led a life of sin and was tired of it then JH who had his life with Anna beckoning to him.


Why shoot the last scene (kissing in spain)?

Another dream sequence?

I am sure JH is supposed to live till the end ..

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About JeHa dying, I will write that part cos you need to zoom in on that part

*Did you know about the happy ending with Anna?

-JCW laughed "up until ep 15 I knew JH was going to die, The PD made us do a lot of action scenes until the end when JH was supposed to die, we did it until the whole body was soaked in blood, but in the script for ep 16 JH was still alive, so we adjusted the action scenes accordingly


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1 hour ago, Bambiina said:


Why shoot the last scene (kissing in spain)?

Another dream sequence?

I am sure JH is supposed to live till the end ..

I know right. Maybe JCW was told JH will be dying but the Writer never intended to? Why else did he have them shoot the kiss in Spain for "last scene" of the drama? Especially with SW and PKS alive, how was it supposed to end?

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20 hours ago, YourHighness . said:

I know right. Maybe JCW was told JH will be dying but the Writer never intended to? Why else did he have them shoot the kiss in Spain for "last scene" of the drama? Especially with SW and PKS alive, how was it supposed to end?

Wakakak .. or did he meant to say I know 'YJ is going to die'

hehhee ..

JCW reply and the sequence of shooting just didn't match...

When on earth they intend to slot in the kiss in spain scene if not at the end of episode 16? :D 

And PD already used up the 'dream quota' .. (only one dream sequence for entire episodes) ... He used it for the picnic date .. :D


or is it suppose to be JH dream while dying??????????????

THANK GODDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD .. he didn't die - or I wasted 8 weeks of my life ... THANK GOD!!!! ..... what the point of watching ? .. 





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1 hour ago, Bambiina said:

Wakakak .. or did he meant to say I know 'YJ is going to die'

hehhee ..

JCW reply and the sequence of shooting just didn't match...

When on earth they intend to slot in the kiss in spain scene if not at the end of episode 16? :D 

And PD already used up the 'dream quota' .. (only one dream sequence for entire episodes) ... He used it for the picnic date .. :D


or is it suppose to be JH dream while dying??????????????

THANK GODDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD .. he didn't die - or I wasted 8 weeks of my life ... THANK GOD!!!! ..... what the point of watching ? .. 





Exactly. It just does not make sense that JH was to die in the end. YJ, I believe. I think this was just a way to make the audience wonder if it will be happy ending or tragic. When YJ was always supposed to die for her sins.

Oh that's so true. Imagine how pissed we and everyone would be if JH and died in the end without taking out the bad guys and leaving Anna heartbroken and alone. It really would have felt like we wasted our time rooting for the hero when he died without fulfilling his purpose of defeating the vamps and villains.

Also saw this on Instagram and it reminded me of YJ and the support for her evilness on DB.

Honestly it makes me worry for humanity because this "supporting evil just because they do something" is being seen all over the world. I can't tell you how many times I've seen fanboys/girls for (American or any country really) shows support characters who kill or do illegal activities just because they are doing something. Like for example: In Arrow, the Huntress was well loved because she was killing her fathers men for murdering her fiance. But Felicity, Thea and Laurel, were bashed left right and center for showing emotions or having a breakdown. People kept demanding their death. Even if they tried to fight, they were scoffed. I really dislike how people see women as strong only when they are fighting/killing or being ruthless. Women are more than that. Even an abused woman who we see as weak, is strong because she still wakes up after getting beaten up and cooks for her children and smiles, hiding her pain from them.

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1 hour ago, YourHighness . said:

Exactly. It just does not make sense that JH was to die in the end. YJ, I believe. I think this was just a way to make the audience wonder if it will be happy ending or tragic. When YJ was always supposed to die for her sins.

Oh that's so true. Imagine how pissed we and everyone would be if JH and died in the end without taking out the bad guys and leaving Anna heartbroken and alone. It really would have felt like we wasted our time rooting for the hero when he died without fulfilling his purpose of defeating the vamps and villains.

Also saw this on Instagram and it reminded me of YJ and the support for her evilness on DB.


Honestly it makes me worry for humanity because this "supporting evil just because they do something" is being seen all over the world. I can't tell you how many times I've seen fanboys/girls for (American or any country really) shows support characters who kill or do illegal activities just because they are doing something. Like for example: In Arrow, the Huntress was well loved because she was killing her fathers men for murdering her fiance. But Felicity, Thea and Laurel, were bashed left right and center for showing emotions or having a breakdown. People kept demanding their death. Even if they tried to fight, they were scoffed. I really dislike how people see women as strong only when they are fighting/killing or being ruthless. Women are more than that. Even an abused woman who we see as weak, is strong because she still wakes up after getting beaten up and cooks for her children and smiles, hiding her pain from them.


I am guilty of the above too ... I was so into bradpitt character in the heat - and I accepted all his bad deed .. To me - seeing him killed police officers just like it was another day in the office .. I openly cheered him as if the police officers were the one in the wrong (OMG - He was robbing a bank) ... 


I think I sided Bradpitt because it was not real situation ... Just some fantasy. I know clearly it was wrong .. wayyy wrong, since it's just 'movie' oh what da heck!..

I believe it's the same case with YJ character .. since YJ is fictional, her actions can just be ignored ... and some people I believe are so sensitive on the gender issues thus every female victim will have a special place in their heart. 

You and me - we don't consider YJ as victim .. at least not THAT KIND OF VICTIM ... to us - if you can walk away .. you are not a victim .. to us Anna is the victim (regardless of how weak her character was) ... that the reason we can't accept YJ.

Anyway I believe if YJ is a real person living and breathing in real world - everyone will condemn her and will not take her side. No one would take side with someone that ordered to kill innocent people .. especially the old couple ..  

Just imagine this - if Anna is their sister/daughter .. do you think they will still pity YJ? Do you think they will "Understand' her? .. :D do you think they will like seeing YJ lusting after Anna's BF ..... wahaha .. definitely NOT ... (of course some won't admit though) ...







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49 minutes ago, Bambiina said:


I am guilty of the above too ... I was so into bradpitt character in the heat - and I accepted all his bad deed .. To me - seeing him killed police officers just like it was another day in the office .. I openly cheered him as if the police officers were the one in the wrong (OMG - He was robbing a bank) ... 


I think I sided Bradpitt because it was not real situation ... Just some fantasy. I know clearly it was wrong .. wayyy wrong, since it's just 'movie' oh what da heck!..

I believe it's the same case with YJ character .. since YJ is fictional, her actions can just be ignored ... and some people I believe are so sensitive on the gender issues thus every female victim will have a special place in their heart. 

You and me - we don't consider YJ as victim .. at least not THAT KIND OF VICTIM ... to us - if you can walk away .. you are not a victim .. to us Anna is the victim (regardless of how weak her character was) ... that the reason we can't accept YJ.

Anyway I believe if YJ is a real person living and breathing in real world - everyone will condemn her and will not take her side. No one would take side with someone that ordered to kill innocent people .. especially the old couple ..  

Just imagine this - if Anna is their sister/daughter .. do you think they will still pity YJ? Do you think they will "Understand' her? .. :D do you think they will like seeing YJ lusting after Anna's BF ..... wahaha .. definitely NOT ... (of course some won't admit though) ...








Thats the reason i can never pity or sided YooJin. She is not a victim but she behave as if she is one. If things didn't go her way she will took revenge and punished those people she think had wronged her. And her punishment here means death. Thats why i always said to those people who always condemn Anna, to put themselves in Anna's shoes or how would they feel if their close relative or friends are being treated like Anna. For sure you feel like killing YJ. Tho Anna is born out of wedlock she doesn't deserve those kind of treatment. N even if her mother did wrong but still her mother didnt deserve to die ands ger reputation shatered after her death. The big problem with YJ is she chaneled her revenge to the wrong person. She doesnt took revenge to her stepmom or halfbrother or her cheater father but she chaneled her revenge towards Anna, UHR and other innocent lives which is a No-No. Thats why i said she is a villain that could not or should not be forgiven. She is inhumane. She may look like behaving like a human to Jeha but its for her own good. To keep JH she sent Anna away and try to separate two souls. Sometimes i can understand villain characters too if their circumstances are right but for YJ case its just a No. 

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1 hour ago, Bambiina said:


I am guilty of the above too ... I was so into bradpitt character in the heat - and I accepted all his bad deed .. To me - seeing him killed police officers just like it was another day in the office .. I openly cheered him as if the police officers were the one in the wrong (OMG - He was robbing a bank) ... 


I think I sided Bradpitt because it was not real situation ... Just some fantasy. I know clearly it was wrong .. wayyy wrong, since it's just 'movie' oh what da heck!..

I believe it's the same case with YJ character .. since YJ is fictional, her actions can just be ignored ... and some people I believe are so sensitive on the gender issues thus every female victim will have a special place in their heart. 

You and me - we don't consider YJ as victim .. at least not THAT KIND OF VICTIM ... to us - if you can walk away .. you are not a victim .. to us Anna is the victim (regardless of how weak her character was) ... that the reason we can't accept YJ.

Anyway I believe if YJ is a real person living and breathing in real world - everyone will condemn her and will not take her side. No one would take side with someone that ordered to kill innocent people .. especially the old couple ..  

Just imagine this - if Anna is their sister/daughter .. do you think they will still pity YJ? Do you think they will "Understand' her? .. :D do you think they will like seeing YJ lusting after Anna's BF ..... wahaha .. definitely NOT ... (of course some won't admit though) ...







Oh I am hoping this support is only because of these characters being fictional. :) But no one can deny that morality is skewered these days. I know people on here are not like that but after reading some comments on DB, Tumblr and Instagram, I am not so sure about some there.

LOL, yeah YJ is definitely not a victim and was not ever since she actively started killing people.

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14 hours ago, perfectsmilebias said:

Omo... I'm still behind... still haven't seen the last two episodes... UGGHHH so much school work! I really want to thank every one, but I'll do it after my final review.

But here are some awesome YooJin/Jeha fan videos for all us JeJin shippers!


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Ah always nice to watch this vids ! Were you the one that posted a JeJin video by MJ Park? I don't remember but if it wasn't you, you should totally check it

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9 hours ago, anipanch said:

Ah always nice to watch this vids ! Were you the one that posted a JeJin video by MJ Park? I don't remember but if it wasn't you, you should totally check it

I liked this video, too. It's nice to remember and always great to see when good actors have incredible chemistry between them. I would like to see them in something else where that chemistry could be explored further.

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@anipanch I'm not sure if I was the one to post the MJ Park video lol, but I saw it and it was beautiful!

Also, I'm still very wary of judging people's morality based on the fictional characters they gravitate to.

If I were to do that... then I could say many people on this thread have questionable morals since they were so blood thirsty against certain characters and supported murder for revenge. 

But I don't do that because I just think it is illogical and harmful to judge people's true personalities and especially their moralities just based on their online reactions to one particular piece of media.

What does it accomplish?

Why can't you enjoy the drama and your canon OTP without judging other people just because they have different interpretations than you?

Also, I found an interesting quote on DB. It is by an American author and I think it sums up why I'm attracted to certain fictional characters (e.g. YooJin and EK's TaHwan). 

You learn eventually that, while there are no villains, there are no heroes either. And until you make the final discovery that there are only human beings, who are therefore all the more fascinating, you are liable to miss something
—  Paul Gallico 
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Seems like it was not only the viewers, but also the cast, who felt that the script-writing did not live up to expectation. Few days ago, we had Ji Changwook and YoonA expressed that there should be more romantic scenes for Je-ha and Anna. Today, Jo Sung-ha also expressed specifically that Anna's scenes should have been executed better.

And Anna's role was indeed meant to be different than how it turned out. I'm actually okay with Anna having a pure heart from start to finish as I had analyzed before. I think Anna and YooJin are just meant to be the opposite of one another, but it would have been interesting to see a different Anna. I truly believe Anna has the most potential for growth as a character, whether she is meant to turn good or bad, but oh well, only if we have had a better script-writer.

I guess I just repeat my point one more time: Only if they could have reduced the action scenes/long political talk and focus more on the character developments, it would have been a much more satisfied drama. Also, to me, YooJin character has "no growth" as she was manipulative and ruthless from start to finish. At the end of the day, I find her to be a very cliche villain character, but the story was so focused on her and Song Yoon-ah's acting was so awesome that she stood out more. Anna, Je-ha and Se-joon needed more screentime/focus to display their internal conflicts. There are actually a lot of depth to all four main characters that the script-writing could not fully explore.



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"Pity is Love" the writer said, JCW was asked "is it really love what Jeha felt for Anna?"

"It is Love obviously, although I wondered if it was love or sympathy from Je Ha" JCW said, that Jeha felt for Anna

"The author's answer to his question is "pity is love". "I do not think there is a right answer to why my character falls in love, but I feel that pity can eventually becomes love, which can be the way that Jeha loved Anna, but I did not like it. It's not dramatic. I thought there should be something more."



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11 minutes ago, ReemKanabta said:

"Pity is Love" the writer said, JCW was asked "is it really love what Jeha felt for Anna?"

"It is Love obviously, although I wondered if it was love or sympathy from Je Ha" JCW said, that Jeha felt for Anna

"The author's answer to his question is "pity is love". "I do not think there is a right answer to why my character falls in love, but I feel that pity can eventually becomes love, which can be the way that Jeha loved Anna, but I did not like it. It's not dramatic. I thought there should be something more."



Another instance where I think the script-writing felt short. Jeha and Anna as characters have a lot of chances to grow closer together. The script should have focused on how these two lonely souls find common ground and comfort in one another, instead of playing the "Pity is Love" reason.  That would have made a lot more sense given the characteristics of their characters and would have made their love story more developed and dramatic. Fortunately, JCW and YoonA were so natural in their scenes that helped to save it.

This is so unfortunate for such amazing acting from the cast.

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4 hours ago, MindfulL said:

Seems like it was not only the viewers, but also the cast, who felt that the script-writing did not live up to expectation. Few days ago, we had Ji Changwook and YoonA expressed that there should be more romantic scenes for Je-ha and Anna. Today, Jo Sung-ha also expressed specifically that Anna's scenes should have been executed better.

And Anna's role was indeed meant to be different than how it turned out. I'm actually okay with Anna having a pure heart from start to finish as I had analyzed before. I think Anna and YooJin are just meant to be the opposite of one another, but it would have been interesting to see a different Anna. I truly believe Anna has the most potential for growth as a character, whether she is meant to turn good or bad, but oh well, only if we have had a better script-writer.

I guess I just repeat my point one more time: Only if they could have reduced the action scenes/long political talk and focus more on the character developments, it would have been a much more satisfied drama. Also, to me, YooJin character has "no growth" as she was manipulative and ruthless from start to finish. At the end of the day, I find her to be a very cliche villain character, but the story was so focused on her and Song Yoon-ah's acting was so awesome that she stood out more. Anna, Je-ha and Se-joon needed more screentime/focus to display their internal conflicts. There are actually a lot of depth to all four main characters that the script-writing could not fully explore

I am actually kinda glad the writer didnot make Anna use JH. It would have tainted their pure relationship that we saw and loved in the show. We already had such a "use JH even if he dies" relationship with YJ so I am glad Anna loved him wholeheartedly and thought of his well being. Also showed that Anna was stronger to let go of her anger and hatred for him.

About Anna, JH and SJ getting more screentime to play out their conflicts. I could not agree more. Especially since all of YJ's scenes were the same crazy bordering on psychotic ones that didnot show us anything new.

No wonder these three have been so vocal about the drama being disappointing and lacking in many ways.

2 hours ago, MindfulL said:

Another instance where I think the script-writing felt short. Jeha and Anna as characters have a lot of chances to grow closer together. The script should have focused on how these two lonely souls find common ground and comfort in one another, instead of playing the "Pity is Love" reason.  That would have made a lot more sense given the characteristics of their characters and would have made their love story more developed and dramatic. Fortunately, JCW and YoonA were so natural in their scenes that helped to save it.

This is so unfortunate for such amazing acting from the cast.

The writer's sense of love is skewered. Since when is pity, love? Thank God JCW played it differently and made us believe he fell for Anna during the Ramen scene when she was being cute and innocent. I am guessing this is why JCW and Yoona wanted more romantic scenes in the show and 20 episodes.

BTW, murderers are hanged for a reason. So hoping the vamps and villains die is not having questionable morals. :rolleyes:

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8 hours ago, perfectsmilebias said:

@anipanch I'm not sure if I was the one to post the MJ Park video lol, but I saw it and it was beautiful!

Also, I'm still very wary of judging people's morality based on the fictional characters they gravitate to.

If I were to do that... then I could say many people on this thread have questionable morals since they were so blood thirsty against certain characters and supported murder for revenge. 

But I don't do that because I just think it is illogical and harmful to judge people's true personalities and especially their moralities just based on their online reactions to one particular piece of media.

What does it accomplish?

Why can't you enjoy the drama and your canon OTP without judging other people just because they have different interpretations than you?

Also, I found an interesting quote on DB. It is by an American author and I think it sums up why I'm attracted to certain fictional characters (e.g. YooJin and EK's TaHwan). 

You learn eventually that, while there are no villains, there are no heroes either. And until you make the final discovery that there are only human beings, who are therefore all the more fascinating, you are liable to miss something
—  Paul Gallico 

Ah well I was annoyed at first but now I just find it funny, being all "horrified" about people loving villians...  wow that quote is such a truth, can't add anything more, just sums up the whole situation

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