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[ Drama 2016] The K2 더 케이투


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2 hours ago, YourHighness . said:

Yes you did :)

LOL, the point being UHR was not a monster you painted her to be. She was a victim too.

Hahahahaha, why can't anyone judge YJ? Just because she was cheated on, she gets a free pass to kill UHR, destroy Anna's life, keep her a hostage, isolate her, suffocate her, mentally torture her by letting her believe she killed her mom, and let her PTSD fester by not getting her any psychological help? You know why she did not let Anna get psychological help? Because she wanted to weaken her. She wanted her broken. She didnot expect Anna to still be stubborn and have a backbone. She wanted a blubbering mess but Anna can still have a happy life in the future. She failed in her bid to break her.

Also she can be judged because she chose to not help UHR and let her die. She chose to remain in her loveless marriage. She chose to murder people. She chose to become a monster by becoming the judge and jury and choosing to kill to gain power. She chose to use Anna as a hostage to turn SJ into a puppet. The person most responsible for Anna's state is YJ and not SJ. SJ was a mere puppet. He had no power. Even if he had wanted to run away with Anna, he couldn't thanks to no financial resources or power and of course the mirror. SJ is a disgusting creature but he is nowhere as despicable as YJ.


Victim only of murder.. rest she is not a victim :)

EDIT: I can't find where have I called UHR monster.. please point it out to me. I really can't remember it or find it in the text.

1. I have painted UHR to be an immoral person which SHE IS :)

2. lol.. have you even read my posts? Did I say YJ gets a free pass to kill anyone? You can't just randomly pull out accusations :P .. I have said in every post, you want to punish her. punish her! Period.

3. Yj is not responsible for Anna's condition. SJ is. Again, people... WHY SHOULD YJ be the saint, why does she owe anything to Anna, why is she responsible for ANna?.. The true culprit in all of this is not YJ but SJ.. if you can go far enough to hypothesize YJ's roles in UHM's marraige.. then why do you not consider the obvious role of SJ in it...

I quoted this example before of the crow and cuckoo.. go figure, if you think you have any standing to judge crow for killing cuckoo's young ones then you are Vain either by virtue of inflated ego or by virtue of not having experienced something so painful.


4. ha ha a.. I didn't see YJ pressing Anna's neckbone.. What suffocating????...  It actually would not have been too difficult to negotiate terms with YJ given SJ knows clearly what she wants... If keeping Anna hostage is the only way SJ will listen then Sj got a figure out a way to undo that!... And again why is Anna paying for all of this.. oh yes..because of dearest mom and dad!

If jews whose parents were killed in concentration camp chose to not befriend germans... I won't judge them.. it is as simple as that!


5. The reason you can't judge YJ is because you are not laying out the same rules for all. If you are judging YJ for what she did to Anna, then you have to judge Anna for portraying her mom as an agel on expense of YJ.. you can't have random rules for random characters... 

6. Are you aware of health problems of all your friends/foes etc? Even one? Have you taken responsibility of getting it treated for them... Its nonsense.. WHY SHOULD YJ take responsibility for ANNA.. for anything? WHY?...

Whatever YJ does has nothing to do with 'ANNA".. what she does has everything to do with SJ and UHR.  YJ IS NOT RESPONSIBLE. The man who is should have taken care of... "Fine you want president's seat, I will give you the seat but do xyz for me.. treat her ptsd and we will not disclose that she is my kid. Keep her such that she doesn't feel locked up.. and I will not cheat on you with other women"...

There were multiple ways. ONLY SJ has responsibility towards ANna. So, if her father failed her.. the main target of her anger has to be SJ.


7. umm.. Again, why should she bother with the woman who didn't give second thoughts to ruining her life perpetually.. ??? Very convenient!.. Why does everybody want a candy girl? Oh YJ should forgive all WHY?


Rest of the points, you have only repeated yourself which i think are covered above

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I like @YourHighness . explaination. i hope that's how it goes cause i have not watch last night episode. Anna is alone right now, except Je Ha. Just forget your daddy issue bcoz he is fixed with his agenda. I wonder if she owned anything from her mother to survive alone? without money, she have to struggle more, right? unfortunately, Je Ha also unreliable when it comes to stability. we haven't told Kim Je Ha true name, right? His superior gave him an ID and transfered his Je Ha owns to Je Ha. So, he should know Je Ha background and birth name. Did Je Ha is an orphan? Je Ha never show or reveal his family, friends, educations etc, other than after he met Rania. What are you? Man from nowhere?  .lol.. i still love his earlier scene with the old couple in the apple orchard and hoping he repay for their kindneas somehow. He is such a dear. In his daily mode, hair down - Je Ha looks young n free. With a smile, he looks charming n cute. But when his hair sleek upwards, he looks sharp, dashing n matured. 

Park Bong Soo yaaahh (Healer).....!!!

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