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[ Drama 2016] The K2 더 케이투


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5 minutes ago, maral_ms said:

I agree its his fault too but still he has reasons not to open up completely and it seems je ha knows much more than what we have seen till now. Anna is naive and too trusting her uncle which i dont blame her for but come on the guy (je ha) was practically killing himself to save her so i guess she should trust him much not at least a bit more and have more faith in him. he cant trust people in politics but i wish he would talk about this to Anna more.I hope she listens to him more as he knows better about their dirty games but she is a bit stubborn. Again it is je ha's fault too but not opening up a bit more but again he can not say everything to her as its politics and full of dirty games. I dont know why i have this feeling that je ha is using those bad guys to destroy each other


that red line.. indeed that's it.. he will do that.. I have that feeling too.. and I just hope they settle this problem not rushly.. and have my otp scene at least 15 minutes long at the end.. may I.. please..:blush:

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18 minutes ago, eva23 said:


that red line.. indeed that's it.. he will do that.. I have that feeling too.. and I just hope they settle this problem not rushly.. and have my otp scene at least 15 minutes long at the end.. may I.. please..:blush:


15 mins at the end of last episode is not enough. I want the last episode just to be about them. No more YJ, No More PKS, no more SJ, no more samchon. Just them. hahaa

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23 minutes ago, liltash85 said:


all this while she keep Anna alive is because that is her dea with SJ to make him a president. Now when the secret is out (n she made it in hospital gown), ppl will vote for SJ out  of symphathy. So Anna will no longer be a leverage on her. So she can killed her easily (or make it looks like an accident n play innocent). By doing this, she will get what she wants. Both being first lady n get rid of Anna. n if she kill Anna, JH will be hers (or at least Anna will not have JH, that;s more important to her i guess).

@liltash85 This is her plan she's going to kill Anna and make SJ suffer and make it look like it was done by someone else.. But in reality Anna won't be dead just stuck in another convent in another country maybe Italy this time.. 

21 minutes ago, perfectsmilebias said:

I don't it get guys. Why do you think YJ revealing Anna as SJ's illegitimate daughter means YJ can kill Anna anytime now????

Isn't it the opposite?? Anna was only a threat to YJ because of her secret identity, now that it is revealed, she is no longer that much of a threat.

And yes, YJ framed herself as a victim but if Anna is killed under suspicious circumstances guess who everyone, the press and the public, will think did it? The prime suspect will be the scorned wife, YJ.

Yes, she portrayed herself as more benevolent than she is, but everyone will still think she is scorned. She had kept the secret hidden for years and was crying when revealing it, why would she do that if there was no feeling of shame regarding SJ's illegitimate daughter.

So I don't understand the logic that YJ can kill Anna anytime now. She can't kill Anna now, more then ever.

Yj has more then enough reasons to kill Anna even though she dxid reveal Anna as being SjS daughter.. Anna is also usurping JH time from YJ.. She has lost to the mother and daughter duo, She has put up with her husband infidelity his emotional and mental abuse and now she has found that something that make her heartbeat again she's not going to let nothing or no one stand in the way of it.. She knows eventually JH will try and leave with Anna so kill Anna so he can forget all about her give him sometime and in the mean while he will give his upmost in protecting her but she will give her all in protecting him.. If Anna comes up dead now is all the better because of the political fight thats going on between SJS and Congressman Park and other canidates so she is elimnating herself from being a suspect by telling Anna is her husband child.. It's either kill her or loock her up some where until Yj is dead or Jh is dead..   

The biggest picture YJ wants to pain to Anna is that JH abandon her, Like her father did she will tell Anna something on these lines.. I tell you YJ wants to keep Anna submissive to the lifesyle she had to live since she has never had no fathers or mans love so can't Anna thats the fate YJ trying to force upon her..

The plan Yj has in effect is to hurt JH not Anna or anyone else and thats to get her away from him..   


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2 minutes ago, valsava said:

@liltash85 This is her plan she's going to kill Anna and make SJ suffer and make it look like it was done by someone else.. But in reality Anna won't be dead just stuck in another convent in another country maybe Italy this time.. 

Yj has more then enough reasons to kill Anna even though she dxid reveal Anna as being SjS daughter.. Anna is also usurping JH time from YJ.. She has lost to the mother and daughter duo, She has put up with her husband infidelity his emotional and mental abuse and now she has found that something that make her heartbeat again she's not going to let nothing or no one stand in the way of it.. She knows eventually JH will try and leave with Anna so kill Anna so he can forget all about her give him sometime and in the mean while he will give his upmost in protecting her but she will give her all in protecting him.. If Anna comes up dead now is all the better because of the political fight thats going on between SJS and Congressman Park and other canidates so she is elimnating herself from being a suspect by telling Anna is her husband child.. It's either kill her or loock her up some where until Yj is dead or Jh is dead..   

The biggest picture YJ wants to pain to Anna is that JH abandon her, Like her father did she will tell Anna something on these lines.. I tell you YJ wants to keep Anna submissive to the lifesyle she had to live since she has never had no fathers or mans love so can't Anna thats the fate YJ trying to force upon her..

The plan Yj has in effect is to hurt JH not Anna or anyone else and thats to get her away from him..   



i think this part about the killing, i am not sure if it is going to be a physically kill Anna. But i think she is just going to torture Anna mentally and emotionally like how she did with Anna in Spain. Sending her away under lock and key. Now that she has fallen in love with JH, maybe really just become that huge obstacle and and try to destroy their love. Which is something i dont want to see that happening.

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I must admit I'm liking YJ character she's and evil genius.. 

38 minutes ago, anipanch said:

Oh man as the drama goes on things get hard to analyze and understand. I'm more curious about YJ's fainting. Was it fake? Then again we know she has health issues so it can be very much real.

I was thinking about one thing and remembering the umbrella scene with JH and YJ, she was thinking how her people don't act without the orders. It means that YJ has no idea about secretary Kim's doings and she was acting behind her back all the time(well of course if the writers aren't messing things up).

And more : the time when JH can pull the trigger has to come and I wonder really wonder how it will happen.  Imo just like she promised, maybe their talk was the foreshadowing and he will shoot because of her or the worst - at her. 

@anipanch  That trigger would be pulled at her JH has warned her that theres no loyalty between master and servant and whatever she's planning when he called her a friend before leaving out of the mirrow YJ has broke that trust for lust.. The betrayal she has inflicted upon him will make him turn on her and pull that trigger he might not hit her with a bullet but she will see that PSTD was something he never had.. How can a person with these symptoms kill someone it don't make sense.. I agree with @itzibitzispider these writers should study people with these symptoms before they go labling these people.. I know Yj should be studied..  

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58 minutes ago, liltash85 said:


She is keeping the secret is not because she is shameful of her husband doing. She makes it clear that she keeps the secret all these years to keep SJ and Anna under her control. Since she is good in acting, I dont buy the tears.  SJ was brawling once when YJ had the accidents and that is part of act in front of reporters and i believe she is doing the same to gain sympathy. thats how politician works. 

She will not directly kill Anna but prob makes it like accident and she has more reasons to killher now coz she is into JH and JH is in love with Anna. What culd be other reasons to eliminate Anna. 

Her affection for Jeha seems to be very disconnected with Anna imo. She didnt even see Anna in the pictures, just zoomed in on Jeha.

People say YooJin is possessive, controlling yes, but I don't see possessive. She didnt keep SJ by her side because nobody else could have him, she kept him by her side to get JB group.

If YJ was truly posessive she would use her position as Jeha's employer to make sure he was always on her protection detail, always by her side. That is obviously not the case since Jeha seems free to always be by Anna's side.

And right now YooJin is being investigated by the police for a murder case. If she is as smart as everyone says she is, she wouldn't make a drastic move like having Anna killed, right now out of all times. It wouldnt make sense and just leave more of a mess for YJ to  clean up.


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Just finished watching raw for today's ep. Hands down YJ is my "favorite" character... the women is nothing if not consistent, ruthless and unforgiving to anyone who dares to harm her

I see most ppl speculate HOW will she kill Anny one day...in the future? I guess I am the only one who no longer see any reason why she should bother with Anna ...at all... from this day on...she just did it - then and there...that news conference is something that will "kill" Anna without YJ ever needing to lift a finger. Her revenge is flawless... "perfect" down to a t...

Like YJ said time and time again: you do not need to pull the trigger to kill the person, you need to find what their dream is, kill they dream, wake them up from their dream, and make sure they never ever even dear to try - to dream again...and this is what she just did to Anna, with announcing to the world - that she is SJ illegitimate daughter.

Ana started this game first, she was the one that went in front of the camera  that day, in front of her house, and made it public: I am "the great" UHR daughter, she even said her father was - that movie director. THIS was what started it all, and this is why YJ choose to use - THE EXACT SAME WAY to execute her revenge, tenfold over.

She let Anna run amok for a while, let her brother use Anna and have her scream to the 4 sides of the world time and time again: look at me, I am UHR daughter, use every public talk show, model show and press to the fullest to get her grand message across: remember my mother? My sweet and innocent mother did not commit suicide, she was murdered...please everyone...help me... let me find the culprit, please everyone - I need THE TRUTH about my mother...and this is where the devil lies. Anna wanted "the truth" without ever exposing "the entire truth" about her mother...

Because call it as you like, the facts are this:

1. Her mother had an affair with a married man

2. She then had a child with this married man

3. she continued this affair for 9 years, it is not something that can be written off as "mistake", "temporarily lack of judgment" or so on... because all along during this 9 years - UHR continued the affair and even "played house" with her daughter and this married man


Those are simple facts that can never be overlooked, great love on UHR part? ... revengeful devil wife? Who cares...all people will remember from this day on when they think of UHR is--- oh...that adulterers bi** that went after another women husband...not once, not twice, but for 9 long years... there are allot of wife's in Korea that had o deal with "UHR of their own" and they will not waste time to start throwing rocks at UHR and as one would say "spit on her grave" for what she did to YJ. Internet is unforgiving... and even if it was, YJ sure will never forgive or forget, and she even control that with her special "mirror computer"..

THIS people - is YJ revenge over Anna, ruthless enough to freeze the blood in your vain. Bc, even if her mother was dead, at a very least she had great memories of her mother, at a very least she know that her mother was loved by so many people...and NOW...it will all come to an end...BECAUSE OF SOMETHING ANNA DID... 14 years ago when her mother died Anna blamed herself for her mother death bc she gave her those pills, but she survived constantly dreaming she will reunite with her father and "clean up" her mother image by proving she did not commit suicide but was murdered...THIS was what kept her going...

And now? Bc of what she did, she just "killed" her mother for the second time, she "bring her back from the dead" and placed her in the center of the public eye...for what?

To publicly - EXECUTE HER...by killing even "a memory" of her...there is nothing left for her now...  Anna will not recover from this one any time soon. Bc it is something she started that resulted in having her mother name be a running joke and have random ppl on the street spit on her name and her memory. No one will need to kill Anna from this point on...it will be more...stopping her from killing herself over what happen.

YJ is really something else all together; it takes some very sick mind to come with this kind of "exact" and brutal revenge. To pay back UHR for the pain she felt over what her and SJ did behind her back, and to pay back Anna for not leasing to her; to just stay quiet and live the way she tells her to...YJ did say so while back in regard to that dirty executive: to send sex video of their adulterer father to his kids to see what will happen? Will the kids kill them self? for having that kind of father? Like she said, while she was sitting in that meeting in the Aunt funeral; she gave it some serious thought - what is it? To most painful way to die? Dying by itself is relatively easy... they kill you and you are dead...but being forced to live even if you want to die?

But YJ will not stop there... Like she said in that conference: Anna is her daughter, her daughter "she gave birth from her heart" (it is a term that is used for a child that is not biologically yours but you love him just like it was), I say she will even publicly announce that she could never had a child that is why she loved her husband illegitimate child like it was her own. Why was this fact not made public before? She did not want Anna in the center of attention like this last couple of days, when her mother died she was just a 9 year old child and they wanted to protect her... that is way she was raised in Spain, far from public eye...but now that she has grow up they decided to bring her back...but please... she is still a sick child so do not bother her too much.

As to ppl saying YJ will use SJ to tarnish memories of UHR by making her the blackmailer end so on...hm... I do not know... I do not think YJ will go with this route... her "spec" is more in the line: I know everything, and I forgive everything because it is my fault... for not being able to give my husband a child he so wanted I needed...so do not throw stones at UHR or my husband, throw them at me... the sinner am I and not UHR or my husband, they did nothing wrong. And so on and so on...yes this is more fitting with the image she is aiming with this one I would say.  She will be "the greatest martyr" in this story...even to go as to plead for her husband's mistress to be forgiven... move over Barcelona angel...there is new "Angel" in town... 


And in regard to the "murder case" she will be question for... she just gave herself the best reason there is to - BE the murderer? Why would she do this? Unless she did not do it! Why else would she admit she knows UHR was her husband's misters? She would need be crazy...or innocent...THIS will be public opinion...and verdict in the end in my opinion.

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honestly I think there's a chance yoojin killed anna's mother, or gave the order to. And she lies to jaeha because she loves him now. (I honestly find it so cringy like seriously the part where she zoomed into his pic was creepy) 

yoo jin has a plan and I think she is going to kill Anna eventually. First she reveals that Anna is the illegitimate daughter which would allow the public to pity her for she seems so benevolent. She's so good at acting her crying must probably is an act, just like how sung joon can cry too. (No wonder she used to like him. They are the same) 

i think she's gonna help sung joon to become president, get in group, and kill Anna (like how she did for anna's mom) she'll most probably kill Anna and make it seem like Anna killed herself. 

Honestly if she really killed anna's mom I want her to get the deserved punishment. No matter what she shouldn't have killed someone. Anyway yoo Jin did do her fair share of bad deeds.  And Anna was innocent but she suffered so much under the hands of yoo Jin.

but if she didn't kill anna's mom, I hope she gets jb group and be happy and treat her mental illness.

Ps. Yoojin Please stop crushing on jeha and find someone else please. You seem a little obsessive at the moment. 

honestly the big players sung joon, sungwon and Kwan soo need to destroy each other asap. Let's throw in secretary Kim as well, that delusional woman who thinks she's doing the best for her 'madam' is just making things worse for everyone.

although Anna is becoming more aware and is improving in terms of how she can interact. She has proven that she's not that simple and weak. However from these episodes we see that no matter what she's still innocent and ignorant about the world (most probably cause she was locked up for so many years) 


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2 hours ago, maral_ms said:

I agree its his fault too but still he has reasons not to open up completely and it seems je ha knows much more than what we have seen till now. Anna is naive and too trusting her uncle which i dont blame her for but come on the guy (je ha) was practically killing himself to save her so i guess she should trust him much not at least a bit more and have more faith in him. he cant trust people in politics but i wish he would talk about this to Anna more.I hope she listens to him more as he knows better about their dirty games but she is a bit stubborn. Again it is je ha's fault too but not opening up a bit more but again he can not say everything to her as its politics and full of dirty games. I dont know why i have this feeling that je ha is using those bad guys to destroy each other


You can't trust people that don't tell you the true or lie to you, don't matter how much you love him or how much he protected you.

Is a mental thing, even if you want to trust in him, your mind will still doubt him, especially a girl like Anna who never trusted somebody before, she already trusted him to much even if he kept her in the dark the whole time. Maybe if he spoke to her, she wouldn't trust the uncle as much as she does.

I don't know why people say that YJ can now kill Anna more than before, for me is otherwise if something happens to Anna, YJ will be the principal suspect, also i don't know if it was a smart or stupid thing that fact that told everybody her secret, i thought that YJ is one of suspects of Anna's mother's dead? She practically give the police a motive for killing Anna's mother, her husband cheated her with Anna's mother and even had a child while married with her, is a good reason to kill somebody so she had the motive.

I also hate people that try to force love where it isn't any love. Which is probably why i never pitied YJ, she can't make other people care about her or love her, she'a also to devil, in my mind she has 2 endings (prison or death -  i prefer the first one so she can think all her life about what she did).

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YJ is just mad genius.. so in love with her character :wub::wub:

Finally get to see a real drama heroine who is pretty and has brains. Last heroine I watched with similar personality to YJ was Lee Yo Won's character in Empire of Gold. These two are definitely not just some pretty face plastered on the screen. I am still hoping for romance between JH-YJ but probably safe to say that ship has sailed.. :(

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Hmm.. there are many unfamiliar words to me, so I apologize if there are some mistakes about the translation.. Seems the master knew who is the real killer O.o



Master Song: Would you like to have a drink?

Secretary Kim: What are you doing?

Yoojin: It is the juice that I like

Master Song: Yes, that’s right. When you were sick, you used to look for this

Yoojin: I don’t know that it is still available. (drinking it) It’s delicious

Master Song: It’s taste good, right?

Secretary Kim: Master Song

Yoojin: Everyone stay outside. I want to talk alone with master Song

Yoojin: Because of this, I think I’ve gotten better

Master Song: Really? What a relief… Madam, please get better (?)

Yoojin: You can speak comfortably, ahjussi (uncle)

Master Song: Shall I? Yoojin…

Yoojin: Yes?

Master Song: If it’s possible, give Anna a break/leave Anna alone

Yoojin: Did you come here to talk about that?

Master Song: Yes. Even when you hunt an animal, after you kill the mother, you will let the child alive, right?

Yoojin: Ahjussi… It’s uncomfortable for me to hear that

Master Song: Yoojin… If your father is still alive, he would say that this isn’t right

Yoojin: Ahjussi…

Master Song: If you keep doing that until the end, I have no other choice than to be a whistle-blower (?)/ to reveal the truth

Yoojin: Get him out of here


There’s no clip of this, but this is the talk between K2 and Yoojin in the hospital

K2: I won’t be surprised if you really killed Anna’s mom. It’s not like you haven’t killed a person (?) So, I wish you can tell me about it

Yoojin: Why? Why do you want to know about it?

K2: It’s because of Anna. Anna really believes that you are the one who killed her mom. I don’t know what I should do, whether to stop her or let it be

Yoojin: Just leave it. Let her do what she wants

K2: Alright. So let me ask you about this frankly. Did you kill Uhm Hyerin?

Yoojin: Okay. I’ll only tell you about this frankly. I… I didn’t kill her. And of course, I also didn’t order anyone to kill her

K2: So why… Why do Assembly Jang and Anna believe that you kill her up until now?

Yoojin: To make Jang Sejoon believe that I can kill Anna. That’s why, that day and up until now, Jang Sejoon can’t leave my side. I also know who the real killer is. But, I can’t tell you his/her name. If you have any other questions, ask ‘the mirror’ yourself. It knows everything that I know. I’ve made it to answer to your voice. Only yours, not mine. I have no other choice and have to answer the summons from the police. …

K2: But why me?

Yoojin: You trust me and delete the email. The email that is important to you. It’s the same with ‘the mirror’ to me. I leave it with you



Reporters: Please say something, etc etc

Yoojin: Reporters, and the viewers. For not telling the truth, I’m sorry. It’s all my fault. Yes, Anna is my daughter. She’s a child that is born from my heart.

Reporters: (murmurs) What does it mean? Does it mean that she’s not her biological daughter?

Yoojin: Anna is the biological daughter… of my husband, Assembly Jang Sejoon

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I see we YJ and Jejin fans are again attacked with ridiculous questions and accused of coming up with lame excuses to justify YJ’s evil actions. I would like to clear in my possible way. 

As someone who is fan of YJ’s character from the start I have read almost every Yoojin fan's post. And I can tell you that none of them has ever tried to justify her evil actions. All we did was to analyse and decode her every expression and scene. We justify her coldness, her calculated actions, her heartless behaviour but not her crimes, not her abuse. There is a difference between both. To say that we justify her crimes or abuse is wrong and ridiculous. We condemn it very much as any other viewer of the show.p

As for questions like we see YJ as victim but not Anna? Which YJ fan has ever said here that Anna isn't a victim? From the very start it has been discussed that she is a victim and YJ fans sympathises with her as much as they sympathise with YJ. And no , no single YJ fan has said that Anna needs to be a victim like YJ in order to get sympathy from YJ fans itself. This is heights of delusionalism. 

If any of  you really saw any YJ fan justifying her crimes quote directly to the person. Please do not paint all the YJ fans in the same frame. If you saw any YJ fan justifying her evil deeds on twitter please keep it till twitter.  Complain/ ask there, no need to bring it to soompi and assume that it could be one of us. 

Also about Anna, yes some YJ fans don’t find her character interesting or probably haven't grown over her hence they don’t talk about her that much but that again doesn't mean they don't see her as a victim or don't sympathise with her.  And no YJ fans want  Anna to go back to how she was living. Alone and aloof without any social life,  no one has said it. They have just viewed their opnion of how Anna’s transition was quickly done given her social phobia and panic disorders issues. Please don't interpret it otherwise. They really don't meant any harm by saying that.  

I'm fed of us Jejin fans being constantly accused with ridiculous things and tired of endlessly defending us again and again. :|

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32 minutes ago, SunnySun26 said:


You can't trust people that don't tell you the true or lie to you, don't matter how much you love him or how much he protected you.

Is a mental thing, even if you want to trust in him, your mind will still doubt him, especially a girl like Anna who never trusted somebody before, she already trusted him to much even if he kept her in the dark the whole time. Maybe if he spoke to her, she wouldn't trust the uncle as much as she does.

I don't know why people say that YJ can now kill Anna more than before, for me is otherwise if something happens to Anna, YJ will be the principal suspect, also i don't know if it was a smart or stupid thing that fact that told everybody her secret, i thought that YJ is one of suspects of Anna's mother's dead? She practically give the police a motive for killing Anna's mother, her husband cheated her with Anna's mother and even had a child while married with her, is a good reason to kill somebody so she had the motive.

I also hate people that try to force love where it isn't any love. Which is probably why i never pitied YJ, she can't make other people care about her or love her, she'a also to devil, in my mind she has 2 endings (prison or death -  i prefer the first one so she can think all her life what she did).


The last para..yup the problem with her i she s tryng to force love and if she didn't get it she went to the extreme way. Death or Prison. She is one scary woman. 

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@anipanch: So true. Even I don't know what the characters are doing and would be doing further. The writer doesn't even give a hint... well that could be a suspense in itself but the way he portrays characters is so flip flop.. And I'm vary of the fact that they are about to destroy the show's most interesting character which I don't want but can't say.  And boy! SYA looked amazingly stunning in that black sheer dress! Wow, I wish I would look that beautiful in that age..

@miriamdream2: Lol OK so you're a non shipper. Good to know... and wow how beautifully you wrote about YJ-JH's relationship- A human and a friend at best...<3



Damned if you do; dammed if you don't! People had a problem with YJ when she was hiding Anna. People still have a problem with YJ when she reveals about Anna.in public. Like seriously what do they want her to do anyways? And lol this is funny...

When YJ was hiding Anna, she will kill her or would try to kill her.

When YJ has revealed Anna to be JSJ's daughter, she would again kill her/ try to kill her. 

Lol which of them is true? I bet if YJ dies people will still say.she would become ghost and will kill/try to kill Anna...hahahha lolol

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On 10/28/2016 at 0:52 PM, nona88 said:


 no i cant accept that or be happy at this ending for me i want to see SJ and YJ suffering and i want them to not have forgiving - i will not be happy seeing YJ get punishment and SJ get forgiveness and keep his life after getting ride of YJ 

i am saying it again , i hate YJ and i hate SJ but i am not the kind to hate blindly , i understand both of them, their weakness , pain , suffering and their longing for love and affection ( i write about that on my site ) but as much i am not blindly hating them , i am too not blindly pity them or taken one side against the other , people get hurt so we pity their pain , people make wrong so we point them , people turn evil so we hate them , but all this part it just part of who they are , i still pity YJ and know her pain and i still hate her acting as she the only one who has the right to feel hurt and to protect her feeling , i hate SJ as a man , father and human being ,but i still get his love to his daughter  ( okay even self  love is still love)

the two is the same , there no black and white they both were victims once , did evil things a lot and they both still suffering , but dear the fact that they suffering and still has feeling don't make them human being in my eyes , everyone no matter how evil he is still has feeling at least for himself if he cant for other 

so i wanted ending when everyone get his punishment and if not then everyone escape the punishment but they keep living in their ugly power place and have no one to really love or care for them , and just let ANNA and JH out of their world and hands 

no one better , i am not going to love or forgave SJ cause he father and man and see YJ as the only evil , and i am not going to blindly see him the only evil one and YJ was his victim .and it the same for YJ not cause she a women and suffered that i am going to pity her all the time and understand her crazy doing - as i say all the time they both crossed the line and had going far and cant act as victims or innocent one to each other 



Thank you for your post. This is my first time posting here; please take good care of me!!!’

I believe that everyone is responsible for his or her own actions. It is true that YJ’s life has not been a bed of roses, but this does not excuse her monstrous actions… As a good friend of mine always says “this doesn’t excuse that.” She can make choices and has decided to rightly or wrongly to punish those who get in her way. What fault does Anna have in the matter? She did not ask to be born, yet she is the biggest victim in this situation; growing up with the doubt that she may have caused her mother’s death (she was made to believe that she gave her mother the pills that the latter used to commit suicide), being separated from her father, being shipped away to a foreign country, being held hostage and used as pawn in this chess game that her father and YJ are playing. YJ had the choice of divorcing her husband, marry someone else who also yearns for the presidency and thereby achieving the dream of attaining the country’s highest level of power. She didn’t. She stayed with him. She chose to stay with him despite his philandering and disrespect. Both deserve to be punished. He should lose what is the most important to him: his political status/career and all that comes with it. She needs to be punished in a way that will equate Anna’s years of suffering.

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4 hours ago, gimely said:


My theory:

I'm afraid of he could step in Cloud 9 sooo easily but going out he wil have trouble with. I smell he fell her trap. I think he is his prison until YJ want him away from Anna. Now anyone can do with Anna what want without fearing from the trapped Jeha. Pills, flash, killing, using, close up, hiding her in Spain or a mental hospital etc. And turning her against Jeha using her innocence... :fearful:

I hope Anna will not believe that Jeha left her. Her trust in him is bigger than that. And when she wake up from her innocence because of her deadly worry for missing Jeha and realizing everybody used her (YJ, Uncle even her Dad and yes, her Mom too) she will become a real adult and she will fight for herself and particulrly for Jeha's safety. 

And Who is with who? I really can't tell. So many evil people around Anna. And Jeha is alone and has to fight for Anna in the future against a whole battallion.

So It's time to Anna shines. Go my girl! :)

(My theory OVA)


This was something that went true my mind when I saw him waltz true that hallway and that glass door

...that song from The Eagles - Hotel California for some reason start playing in my mind



On a dark desert highway, cool wind in my hair
Warm smell of colitas, rising up through the air
Up ahead in the distance, I saw a shimmering light
My head grew heavy and my sight grew dim
I had to stop for the night
There she stood in the doorway;
I heard the mission bell
And I was thinking to myself,
'this could be heaven or this could be hell'
Then she lit up a candle and she showed me the way
There were voices down the corridor,

I thought I heard them say...

Welcome to the hotel california
Such a lovely place
Such a lovely face
Plenty of room at the hotel california
Any time of year, you can find it here

Her mind is tiffany-twisted, she got the mercedes bends
She got a lot of pretty, pretty boys, that she calls friends
How they dance in the courtyard, sweet summer sweat.
Some dance to remember, some dance to forget

So I called up the captain,
'please bring me my wine'
He said, 'we haven't had that spirit here since nineteen sixty nine'
And still those voices are calling from far away,
Wake you up in the middle of the night
Just to hear them say...

Welcome to the hotel california
Such a lovely place
Such a lovely face
They livin' it up at the hotel california
What a nice surprise, bring your alibis

Mirrors on the ceiling,
The pink champagne on ice
And she said 'we are all just prisoners here, of our own device'
And in the master's chambers,
They gathered for the feast
The stab it with their steely knives,
But they just can't kill the beast

Last thing I remember, I was
Running for the door
I had to find the passage back
To the place I was before

'relax,' said the night man,
We are programmed to receive.
You can checkout any time you like,


She gave him the keys to THE KINGDOM, and he could not resist the temptation...curiosity got the best of him...he fail to ask; do I need a key - to exit that place to? Because let's face it, that room is made to be the safest place for our evil Queen, so no one can enter - if she does not allow it so, but that is double age sword...

No one can exit without her ok either?...

so before she comes back...

he is stuck? Hm? laugh-cute-pink-cat-emoticon.gif

somehow her looking/zooming at his picture in the that fashion show on her tablet comes to mind

...just this time..she will be looking/spying at him in her "favorite room" 


our boy will be likeangry-soldier-baby-emoticon.gif let me out , let me out


"RED foxy lady", aka Kim Secretary  be like red-fox-emoticon-04.gifha ha...serves you right  red-fox-emoticon-03.gif


our boy will be like shooting-soldier-baby-emoticon.giflet me out...some one ...LET... ME ...OUT revolver-soldier-baby-emoticon.gif

evil Queen be like white-cloud-emoticon6.gif thats my boy...look at him  go...he is cured...





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THE K2 Ep11 Nielsen Rating Cable,Satellite,IPTV Average 5.5% Highest 7% #1 Drama broadcast on CableTV http://entertain.naver.com/read?oid=312&aid=0000215691

[TRANS/NETIZENS] “The K2″ Episode 12

[VIDEO] Im YoonA transformed into an angel, Jeha fell in love for three times!

1. [+263 -1] Look at the adorable expression of Jeha. Anna is really an angel isn’t she!!! ♥JeAn♥

2. [+238 -0] Jeha and Anna are really pretty. Jeha smiled when he saw YoonA. It’s really daebak!!!

3. [+230 -3] Yoongphrodite.. Anna is very pretty today. Jeha is very cool

4. [+193 -2] Both of their beauty is ㄷㄷㄷ’

5. [+194 -3] Director-nim, no matter how much you do, YoonA is already pretty, no doubt ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ Anna is so pretty ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

6. [+179 -1]  It’s so thrilling to be able to see Yoongphrodite and Chang Wook together ♡♡

7. [+164 -0] Anna is so pretty today  ㅠㅜ And Ji Chang Wook.. JenA couple, let’s walk in the flowery road ㅠㅜ

8. [+144 -3] wa very pretty… how can a person like her looks pretty?  ㅠ

9. [+131 -1] Jeha’s smile is perfectly heart fluttering ㅠㅠㅠㅠ 

10. [+107 -1] YoonA is so f*cking pretty  ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

11. [+104 -1] I want to live for a day with that appearance

12. [+92 -1] YoonA is seriously pretty  ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ

13. [+91 -2] I fell in love  ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡

14. [+89 -1] Anna is so f*cking pretty.. very pretty

15. [+19 -1] This is crazy…she looks very pretty..  wa…  it’s so heart fluttering in the meantime ㅠㅠㅠㅜ Please, give us many lovey dovey scenes with her and Jeha ㅠㅜㅜ


Source: Naver TVCast 

Trans by @crownprincesone









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1 hour ago, miriamdream2 said:

Just finished watching raw for today's ep. Hands down YJ is my "favorite" character... the women is nothing if not consistent, ruthless and unforgiving to anyone who dares to harm her


I see most ppl speculate HOW will she kill Anny one day...in the future? I guess I am the only one who no longer see any reason why she should bother with Anna ...at all... from this day on...she just did it - then and there...that news conference is something that will "kill" Anna without YJ ever needing to lift a finger. Her revenge is flawless... "perfect" down to a t...


Like YJ said time and time again: you do not need to pull the trigger to kill the person, you need to find what their dream is, kill they dream, wake them up from their dream, and make sure they never ever even dear to try - to dream again...and this is what she just did to Anna, with announcing to the world - that she is SJ illegitimate daughter.


Ana started this game first, she was the one that went in front of the camera  that day, in front of her house, and made it public: I am "the great" UHR daughter, she even said her father was - that movie director. THIS was what started it all, and this is why YJ choose to use - THE EXACT SAME WAY to execute her revenge, tenfold over.


She let Anna run amok for a while, let her brother use Anna and have her scream to the 4 sides of the world time and time again: look at me, I am UHR daughter, use every public talk show, model show and press to the fullest to get her grand message across: remember my mother? My sweet and innocent mother did not commit suicide, she was murdered...please everyone...help me... let me find the culprit, please everyone - I need THE TRUTH about my mother...and this is where the devil lies. Anna wanted "the truth" without ever exposing "the entire truth" about her mother...


Because call it as you like, the facts are this:


1. Her mother had an affair with a married man


2. She then had a child with this married man


3. she continued this affair for 9 years, it is not something that can be written off as "mistake", "temporarily lack of judgment" or so on... because all along during this 9 years - UHR continued the affair and even "played house" with her daughter and this married man




Those are simple facts that can never be overlooked, great love on UHR part? ... revengeful devil wife? Who cares...all people will remember from this day on when they think of UHR is--- oh...that adulterers bi** that went after another women husband...not once, not twice, but for 9 long years... there are allot of wife's in Korea that had o deal with "UHR of their own" and they will not waste time to start throwing rocks at UHR and as one would say "spit on her grave" for what she did to YJ. Internet is unforgiving... and even if it was, YJ sure will never forgive or forget, and she even control that with her special "mirror computer"..


THIS people - is YJ revenge over Anna, ruthless enough to freeze the blood in your vain. Bc, even if her mother was dead, at a very least she had great memories of her mother, at a very least she know that her mother was loved by so many people...and NOW...it will all come to an end...BECAUSE OF SOMETHING ANNA DID... 14 years ago when her mother died Anna blamed herself for her mother death bc she gave her those pills, but she survived constantly dreaming she will reunite with her father and "clean up" her mother image by proving she did not commit suicide but was murdered...THIS was what kept her going...


And now? Bc of what she did, she just "killed" her mother for the second time, she "bring her back from the dead" and placed her in the center of the public eye...for what?


To publicly - EXECUTE HER...by killing even "a memory" of her...there is nothing left for her now...  Anna will not recover from this one any time soon. Bc it is something she started that resulted in having her mother name be a running joke and have random ppl on the street spit on her name and her memory. No one will need to kill Anna from this point on...it will be more...stopping her from killing herself over what happen.


YJ is really something else all together; it takes some very sick mind to come with this kind of "exact" and brutal revenge. To pay back UHR for the pain she felt over what her and SJ did behind her back, and to pay back Anna for not leasing to her; to just stay quiet and live the way she tells her to...YJ did say so while back in regard to that dirty executive: to send sex video of their adulterer father to his kids to see what will happen? Will the kids kill them self? for having that kind of father? Like she said, while she was sitting in that meeting in the Aunt funeral; she gave it some serious thought - what is it? To most painful way to die? Dying by itself is relatively easy... they kill you and you are dead...but being forced to live even if you want to die?


But YJ will not stop there... Like she said in that conference: Anna is her daughter, her daughter "she gave birth from her heart" (it is a term that is used for a child that is not biologically yours but you love him just like it was), I say she will even publicly announce that she could never had a child that is why she loved her husband illegitimate child like it was her own. Why was this fact not made public before? She did not want Anna in the center of attention like this last couple of days, when her mother died she was just a 9 year old child and they wanted to protect her... that is way she was raised in Spain, far from public eye...but now that she has grow up they decided to bring her back...but please... she is still a sick child so do not bother her too much.

As to ppl saying YJ will use SJ to tarnish memories of UHR by making her the blackmailer end so on...hm... I do not know... I do not think YJ will go with this route... her "spec" is more in the line: I know everything, and I forgive everything because it is my fault... for not being able to give my husband a child he so wanted I needed...so do not throw stones at UHR or my husband, throw them at me... the sinner am I and not UHR or my husband, they did nothing wrong. And so on and so on...yes this is more fitting with the image she is aiming with this one I would say.  She will be "the greatest martyr" in this story...even to go as to plead for her husband's mistress to be forgiven... move over Barcelona angel...there is new "Angel" in town... 




And in regard to the "murder case" she will be question for... she just gave herself the best reason there is to - BE the murderer? Why would she do this? Unless she did not do it! Why else would she admit she knows UHR was her husband's misters? She would need be crazy...or innocent...THIS will be public opinion...and verdict in the end in my opinion.


I've been silently lurking in this thread because so many things I've been bothering me with this drama. However I had to come out of hiding for you comment, it gave me life. Your thought process is just flawless I couldn't of said it better myself. 

I absolutely love YJ and the way she operates, I just dislike the way they always seem to make her look like a cry baby, like she is fighting a loosing battle. I really want to see her win back her fathers company at the end of this drama. She's beautiful (with perfect teeth) and absolutely fearless. 

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@alleram95 thank you for the translation, i was dying to know what were said in those scenes >_<

I'm so frustrated with this drama gosh. What's with that master, what is he gonna reveal? I'm so curious, is it about YJ? I think it concerns YJ but she is not guilty, because I don't think that man would come and tell her, he is going to sell her out, like, where's logic in that :D 

and I think YJ would't lie to JH, so it's safe to say she has nothing to do with Annas mothers death. 

About the JH in cloud 9 in the end. It's reaally suspicious, why did it open without any checkup? very fishy....

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