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[ Drama 2016] The K2 더 케이투


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6 minutes ago, Bambiina said:


Ahh .. When he falls in love with Anna .. it kinda overruled everything .... HE IS WILLING TO DIE FOR HER ... so yeah .. He redeem himself .. 

BTW because of JH .. Anna gets to enjoy daylight ... and he saved her - many many many time from being killed .. 


Well, if Jeha is redeemed because he became her boyfriend... aren't K1, J4, Ajumma, Doctor, and Master Song redeemed because they are her allies???

When people pick and choose who "deserves" to die, there are bound to be logical flaws. 

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11 minutes ago, perfectsmilebias said:

Well, if Jeha is redeemed because he became her boyfriend... aren't K1, J4, Ajumma, Doctor, and Master Song redeemed because they are her allies???

When people pick and choose who "deserves" to die, there are bound to be logical flaws. 


Pardon my english

I think you misunderstood My Post .. They were the exception .. THE OTHER mean people deserved to die ... like I said very subjective.. I did not clarify who mean and who not mean  .. :D .. I play safe .. it's up to your interpretation 


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5 minutes ago, perfectsmilebias said:

Well, if Jeha is redeemed because he became her boyfriend... aren't K1, J4, Ajumma, Doctor, and Master Song redeemed because they are her allies???

When people pick and choose who "deserves" to die, there are bound to be logical flaws. 

You need to calm down and read her post properly before jumping on her and drawing wrong conclusions. She included k1, J4, Ajumma, Doctor and Master Song in the people who should not die. Pay attention please.

And K2 has nothing to redeem himself for. He was a soldier, killing was his job. It's like saying our soldiers are sinners because they kill to protect.

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9 minutes ago, YourHighness . said:

You need to calm down and read her post properly before jumping on her and drawing wrong conclusions. She included k1, J4, Ajumma, Doctor and Master Song in the people who should not die. Pay attention please.

And K2 has nothing to redeem himself for. He was a soldier, killing was his job. It's like saying our soldiers are sinners because they kill to protect.


Anyway 'mean people' is very subjective ... I purposely did not include any name so it's up to each individual to determine who is mean and who is not mean ... Anyway it's not her mistake, the way I write sometime can cause confusion ... I used wrong punctuation mark for some sentences ..  sometime my tail comes first then the head .. hehehehhe .. 

I am too lazy to correct my post


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9 minutes ago, Bambiina said:


Anyway 'mean people' is very subjective ... I purposely did not include any name so it's up to each individual to determine who is mean and who is not mean ... Anyway it's not her mistake, the way I write sometime can cause confusion ... I used wrong punctuation mark for some sentences ..  sometime my tail comes first then the head .. hehehehhe .. 

I am too lazy to correct my post


LOL That's sweet of you but the meaning of your post was not that confusing to interpret at all. Don't beat yourself up about it. :)

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48 minutes ago, michiusa said:

@stargazer187 I like your perspective of Anna! It's definitely a different view that I haven't really considered but now that you have pointed it out I definitely agree that her actions are more due to Jeha's actions. He promised he would protect her, indicating she could rely on him which she does.


Just saw the new preview. I would just like to say the previews are always so nicely done that it's sometimes more interesting than the episodes. First off, I already know I'm going to love the sitting in lap rooftop blanket scene. It's not over the top romantic but it has a touching everyday romance feel that just brings a smile to my face. Secondly, it feels like they're finally getting back to the intro preview? Where Anna is shown in a completely white room and tells him not to die. Maybe he got the money to move her to Spain so Yoojin has less of a chance to hurt Anna or bring her to the designer dude. Or maybe he's using the money as proof to show he's corrupt...hmm either way, seems like Jeha might have his own revenge plan. The anguished expression Jeha was making makes me think he might just leave her there? T.T You know when you have romance to early there's plenty of angst coming.


I don't think he has the intention to leave her there .. I think he was just suggesting metaphorically. That the reason for the sad smile. Something which is out of reach... huhu.. we know the Kdrama formula 4 last episodes will be full of angst .. 11-12, we going to that direction.. Anyway .. this is yong Pal writer ... I don't trust him :D .

My dream come true .. I been dreaming about the rooftop date for so long.. and PD gimme me bonus - Blanket plus rooftop .. kyakyakyakya .. I couldn't ask for more ..

 Wait ..

Can we have another kiss .. this time not awkward anymore 

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5 hours ago, siddo said:

Let's just say JH is YJ’s longlost son of pre marriage. And Anna is YJ’s stepdaughter. So what does that makes him to Anna? Step brother, isn't it?  So those who believe/ thinks/ wants this theory to be true really enjoyed the step-siblings kissing? Do they wish to make this drama focused on incest theme? Isn't this morally disturbing now? It is of course from the audience's moral, ethical pov. And beisides you don’t want your OTP crashing down just like us.


5 hours ago, siddo said:

Theory like JH is longlost younger brother of YJ from YJ dad's hidden mistress  would pop up. Lol. So let me prepare my defence now itself. I'll just repeat that whatever scenes JH had with YJ is not that one has with her sister.  Besides that'll also make him step uncle to Anna. And you don't want Uncle- Neice to be the OTP?

LOL! The "Jeha and YooJin are somehow biolgically related: theory really is a lose-lose scenario for both Jeha/YooJin shippers and Jeha/Anna shipper.


4 hours ago, siddo said:

Your description of YJ's part of the trailer is actually looking realistic and tbh scary. I can't fathom that. If it is indeed true and has betrayed YJ this badly then idk how YJ is going stomach that. She is going to have a severe breakdown. Ah, that's so harsh. Betrayed by every single person she bestowed her trust/love upon with all her heart. And got nothing. And people still ask why she behaves cold and ruthlessly... *sigh* 

But why do I foolishly want to believe that JH isn't like that? I believe someone like him can never do that..it's all his plan and that he might include YJ in it too later on.. lets see...

The bold part is so true. She has given her all in her alliance with Jeha, she has done everything she has promised without betraying Jeha even once. The same can't be said for Jeha.

I know we only have vague hints at YooJin's backstory but from what I have gathered I have some theories.


Choi YooJin, as a child, watching her mother work long hours into the night weaving and selling baskets. Watching her mother slave away to support her family, to support her husband,

Then, her dad got successful, his company hit it big. Imagine him focusing all his time and attention to the company. He isn't there at family dinners... he interacts with his wife, Anna's mom, less and less.

Then, the affair is revealed. Her father has abandoned her mother for a younger mistress. And her father later abandons her in favor of a son. 

Choi YooJin, at a young age, comes to the realization that no matter how much you love a person, no matter how hard you worked to support them and help them through difficult times, they will still leave you when they no longer need you, when they no longer have use of you. You are a replaceable tool, nothing more.

The young and impressionable YooJin, her understanding of the world is warped by this event. 

She probably comes out of it despising her dad, but maybe despising her mom more. In denial, she probably asks why her mom was so weak, why didn't she do everything she could to hold onto her dad? Only when she grows up, does she realize it wasn't her mother's fault at all. But at that time, she vows not be weak like her mother, she will not become a replaceable tool for anyone.


Choi YooJin, as a young adult, graduating from college fresh, ambitious, and ready to take on the world. But then, she meets this charismatic man who wants to get into politics. He tells her all his plans, how he is going to do this and that to improve the country, with so much passion. She falls in love... she falls hard.

She has taken upon herself to help this man accomplish his goal. She won't just be his wife though, she will be his sidekick... they'll be able to pursue their ambition together.

YooJin's father rejects this idea. Jang Se Joon has no money, no connections, nothing. Her father had probably wanted to marry her off to a chaebol, some son that would inherit billions. Her father probably wanted to control her future... she would be someone's wife and that's it.

Against her family's demands, she marries Se Joon, she chooses love.

Then she finds out about the affair. She finds out about the illegitimate child. 

And that is when she finds out... She has become her mother.

She had been vulnerable, she had been weak, so someone took advantage of her. She had worked so hard to prove her love, but it didn't matter, in the end she was betrayed and abandoned again. 

Se Joon only wanted her power, her connections. He used her as a tool. He didn't care if he hurt her, he didn't care about her at all.

So, YooJin's heart freezes completely (until Jeha and his seemingly genuine belief in her humanity). But she doesn't let go of SJ. No, his political dreams have become her political dreams. They will continue to pursue their ambitions, but it will be on her terms. She does most of the work, she carries most of the weight, she gets to be the boss.

Se Joon feels emasculated... he doesn't like that he has to answer to his wife... he lashes out. He rubs his infidelity in YooJin's face to the point that she has to be the one responsible for hiding his unfaithfulness to her. He lashes out... and that's it... he doesn't do anything that might change his situation... for 14 years he doesn't care or do anything about his daughter... she is just a thought he has once in a while. All he does is emotionally and physically abuse YooJin, to try to make himself feel better, to try to make himself feel morally superior to her.

Honestly, I hope Jeha doesn't turn out like SJ (in the sense of using YJ as a tool)... but I have very little faith in the writer. He will betray her and it will be YooJin's fault.

She didn't try hard enough for her father to care for her. She didn't try hard enough for her husband to love her.

 It will always be YooJin's fault.

And no matter how much the times the men mentally and physically abuse her, no mater how much times they will use her to meet their own ends and then betray her, in the end they will be justified because it will all be YooJin's fault.

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46 minutes ago, Bambiina said:

Pardon my english

I think you misunderstood My Post .. They were the exception .. THE OTHER mean people deserved to die ... like I said very subjective.. I did not clarify who mean and who not mean  .. :D .. I play safe .. it's up to your interpretation 

Oh sorry about that! Your English is fine, your punctuation tripped me up. I thought you were saying Anna and Jeha were the only exceptions and that K1, J4, Ajumma, Doctor, and Song were also mean people who deserved to die. Sorry again!

46 minutes ago, YourHighness . said:

And K2 has nothing to redeem himself for. He was a soldier, killing was his job. It's like saying our soldiers are sinners because they kill to protect.

He was complicit in Anna's imprisonment. He has been redeemed because he has become her ally.

Also, Jeha was not a soldier in Iraq, he was a mercenary. Mercenaries, especially the ones who served in the actual company Blackstone (the company Jeha worked for) is based off of, are officially bodyguards but are known to break many international war laws because they aren't as bound to them as official soldiers. They are known to commit war crimes but get away with it because of their connections to the U.S. government and war contractor lobbyists. There have been incidents of mercenaries shooting at unarmed civilians because they felt there was "sufficient threat".

So, no, just because killing was his job doesn't mean he wasn't sinning. Why is he so guilty in the beginning? I don't think its just because he couldn't protect Raniya... he wasn't proud of what he did in Iraq, what he did for money. His former boss, the JSS VP, was so scared in the beginning that Jeha had killed all the JSS bodyguards that were sent after him. We later found out that his PTSD prevented him from killing... but in the past, its obvious Jeha was known for being able to kill many people. A mercenary with those types of skills wouldn't merely be on protection detail... his skills would have been far too useful.

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19 minutes ago, perfectsmilebias said:

Oh sorry about that! Your English is fine, your punctuation tripped me up. I thought you were saying Anna and Jeha were the only exceptions and that K1, J4, Ajumma, Doctor, and Song were also mean people who deserved to die. Sorry again!

He was complicit in Anna's imprisonment. He has been redeemed because he has become her ally.

Also, Jeha was not a soldier in Iraq, he was a mercenary. Mercenaries, especially the ones who served in the actual company Blackstone (the company Jeha worked for) is based off of, are officially bodyguards but are known to break many international war laws because they aren't as bound to them as official soldiers. They are known to commit war crimes but get away with it because of their connections to the U.S. government and war contractor lobbyists. There have been incidents of mercenaries shooting at unarmed civilians because they felt there was "sufficient threat".

So, no, just because killing was his job doesn't mean he wasn't sinning. Why is he so guilty in the beginning? I don't think its just because he couldn't protect Raniya... he wasn't proud of what he did in Iraq, what he did for money. His former boss, the JSS VP, was so scared in the beginning that Jeha had killed all the JSS bodyguards that were sent after him. We later found out that his PTSD prevented him from killing... but in the past, its obvious Jeha was known for being able to kill many people. A mercenary with those types of skills wouldn't merely be on protection detail... his skills would have been far too useful.

Hahaha..are we blaming the employees for holding Anna hostage instead of the big bad? If they had not protected her than YJ would have had her killed for not being able to control her.  If anyone is to be blamed for Anna's plight it's CYJ.

And sorry, but you are way wrong. JH was a part of an elite private military company called Blackstone. Blackstone later went rogue which is why JH became a wanted man. It was only then that he became a mercenary for a very short time for a way to get out of Iraq. From the flashbacks, you can see JH was still a stand up guy, not wanting to kill civilians but he was also desperate. The shoot out there and loosing a civilian got him so bad with his almost dying that he got PTSD and he still cannot kill. So no, he is not a sinner.

Also killing people who came to kill you is called self defense and not sinning. :lol:


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24 minutes ago, YourHighness . said:

Hahaha..are we blaming the employees for holding Anna hostage instead of the big bad? If they had not protected her than YJ would have had her killed for not being able to control her.  If anyone is to be blamed for Anna's plight it's CYJ.

And sorry, but you are way wrong. JH was a part of an elite private military company called Blackstone. Blackstone later went rogue which is why JH became a wanted man. It was only then that he became a mercenary for a very short time for a way to get out of Iraq. From the flashbacks, you can see JH was still a stand up guy, not wanting to kill civilians but he was also desperate. The shoot out there and loosing a civilian got him so bad with his almost dying that he got PTSD and he still cannot kill. So no, he is not a sinner.

Also killing people who came to kill you is called self defense and not sinning. :lol:


Private militaries are made up of mercenaries. So, Jeha was a Blackstone mercenary, not a soldier. Private militaries are for-profit companies that profit from war. The privatization of war brings up many moral and ethical dilemmas. Due to his guilt, I think it is quite clear Jeha is not proud of what he did in Iraq.

In the flashback scene where they are transporting the Middle Eastern?/Indian? man, he accepts the guys offer to triple his pay despite the fact that doing what the man asked would potentially put civilians in harm's way. It was another mercenary that kept rejecting the man's offer, Jeha accepted it and since he was the leader they all followed him.

I didn't say Jeha was responsible for Anna's imprisonment. I said he was complicit in it. Complicity = the state of being involved with others in an illegal activity or wrongdoing.

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Reading, backreading, reading... so much "different opinion" I don't dare to join. But...

Do I understand well? J4, K1 etc. are deserve to die ir something like that... Every soldiers are killer? Than YJs, Clintons, Bush, IS, KJU, Hitler, Stalin, dictators and opporunity seekers are what they deserve? Come on. What kind of topic is this? 

Too serious here, why so serious? (Pardon, I love Dark Knight and Shinee too :D

I think sometimes there is too hot air here nowadays. Am I the only one who just like to enjoy a good drama without TOO DEEP analysing? :)

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11 hours ago, julie721 said:

Im on mobile.. Preview's out 


There will be lovely OTP scenes tomm :wub:...whatever happens will bear with it :phew:

Wonder what will JH be offered to change his mind and shake hands? Well, that lady's attempt to kill both off them will help to it seems

BTW...will never understand what right those kind of people think they have to kill anyone on their way???? Who they think they r? God?!? :confused:

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6 minutes ago, gimely said:

Reading, backreading, reading... so much "different opinion" I don't dare to join. But...

Do I understand well? J4, K1 etc. are deserve to die ir something like that... Every soldiers are killer? Than YJs, Clintons, Bush, IS, KJU, Hitler, Stalin, dictators and opporunity seekers are what they deserve? Come on. What kind of topic is this? 

Too serious here, why so serious? (Pardon, I love Dark Knight and Shinee too :D

I think sometimes there is too hot air here nowadays. Am I the only one who just like to enjoy a good drama without TOO DEEP analysing? :)

I know you meant well, but I enjoy this drama so much BECAUSE I can analyse it. It has just enough complexity for me to analyse. Most k-dramas are too shallow when it comes to their characterization and storytelling, so I don't watch a lot of them, and if I do I don't get invested... I finish them up... half-enjoy them and never think about them again.

A lot of people enjoy TV shows without deeply analyzing, but that isn't me as a viewer... if I'm analyzing a drama that's when you know I'm invested in it. It's just another way of watching television!

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12 minutes ago, perfectsmilebias said:

I know you meant well, but I enjoy this drama so much BECAUSE I can analyse it. It has just enough complexity for me to analyse. Most k-dramas are too shallow when it comes to their characterization and storytelling, so I don't watch a lot of them, and if I do I don't get invested... I finish them up... half-enjoy them and never think about them again.

A lot of people enjoy TV shows without deeply analyzing, but that isn't me as a viewer... if I'm analyzing a drama that's when you know I'm invested in it. It's just another way of watching television!


I didn't want to write down directly, but this topic... well I jump so much post because of the quarells. I love analysing too, why would I be a soompi member, if I am not :Dbut this kind of "analysing" is depressing me. So I just wanted to tell "fron outside" that some people here are too serious analysing till uncimfortable feelings to read the posts. I think this drama is only lack in one big area: 16 episodes are not enough. Just not. This kind of story deserves at least 24 eps or more. So the big problem is here. I  sometimes feel like we watch a 50 eps drama's 16 eps cutting version. :D

So this is why I wrote TOO DEEP :D


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i am back but what are you doing my friends 

  • again talking if we should pity YJ and the fact she was a victim - who said she isnt , from the start we know she had suffered a lot , from the start i was the first who said that i hate the SJ more then her- cause he was the reason and the wrong one in this situation , but pity YJ and understand her past and her pain and the fact she a victim till now is something , and going to to justice the evil things she did to ANNA or the other innocent is somethings also , so again she was a victim , and till now part of her still a victim , not everything her fault no one trying to blame her and forgave SJ or other man , but she cant also being innocent or to be forgave for the wrong doing she did ( suffering and being victim dont gave you the right to make other suffer or to make more other victims like you - and it the same for ANNA she should learn at some point  that and to stop her road in the blind revenge and it the same for JH ) and i am not talking again what YJ did to ANNA and other since we write so many pages about that and how she really abused the girl and she sure made so many innocent people suffer before even meeting JH .


  • okay sad face of JH in the preview - me her trying to think with good mood , i think it the scene that we all waited when he open his heart to ANNA about his padt and ANNA accept and hug him , cause to can see ANNA sad eyes in that scene too  ( i am praying here, since our praying get answer before :tounge_wink:)


  • the fact that JH couldn't kill PARK : maybe cause his PTSD ,  maybe cause he didn't want to end as a killer again then back to ANNA and maybe cause PARK said something that make JH interesting , i dont know - we will wait for Friday to know , but even when it take so long we finally seeing JH playing the game right and have he upper hand and a plan on his hand ( we waited for it from the time we saw the teaser )


  • okay i will not keep analysis the preview cause you all did good and so much work doing that , and i am  really busy thinking in one thing now ( in that scene where JH hands moving ??????? really under the blanket why that his hand moving and why this two faces look like that ????





okay you can say i am perv now since i like seeing you all in " prev mood " more then talking about other worry things and analysis - come on my friends really !!!! after seeing the preview when we were suffering all the weeks waiting,  you leave the cute scene and back to deep thinking :expressionless:- i cant allow that:confused: we have Friday and Saturday to make so much  analysis and to feel so much worry and we did that all the week so for  one  night be free my friends  and join the party with me 




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