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[ Drama 2016] The K2 더 케이투


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@julie721 hhhhh you reading my mind i wondered too if they going far to not gave us ep's this weeks :dissapointed_relieved: we should know when they gave us the text preview on Sunday that they planing to make us suffer all the week :expressionless: by the way , i am sue i want the preview even when JH is going to busy most of the time with park and a little with YJ and maybe they going to have some feeling for the suffering fan's and gave us a scene with ANNA ( ANNA you can cutely calling him OPPA since @julie721 make it sound cute to hear that from you) 

@Bambiina i am sure we going to have longer one ( we have to accept that was ANNA first kiss) but the writer has to accept it not like this for JH, he a grown man you know :glasses:

@klgirl it not Friday yet .  i think TVN making all our day in waiting for Friday but since my friends here start making there one still's TVN should be ready to not find us making the preview too  ( SOOMPI youtube channel-  if you had enough waiting just visit our special channel :wink:)

 okay i have to go get ready for work i will try to look again before going out if there new 

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It is weird we still don't have a preview... Are they live-shooting now?

I have a suspicion that they are changing the script somehow. I feel like the TvN corporate team had a lot of say in some of these latest episodes because they wanted high ratings .  But I feel now that they have realized The K2 probably won't surpass 10% so corporate has loosensed their grip and the writer is bringing back the elements he had originally wanted.

lol I think I'm giving this writer too much credit.

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If they want to increase rating –

1. Reduce silly/outrages scenes (like the gas scene – Find away so that JH took the mask from one of the baddie (immediately) and wear it properly and all the time). I know they are trying to make Anna a heroin by helping him. JH has to collapse so that Anna can become the savior (sheesh – If this is PD/writer way of catering to some of viewer demand to see a ‘strong’ Anna, it’s not working). By doing the interview and not consulting JH some label her as ‘ignorant’ and do not appear as ‘strong’. I believe writer/PD trying to not let Anna be the damsel in distress?

2. Flesh out the character – especially YJ… even those that don’t like YJ (ME) want to know what happen to her and whether her action is justifiable. Reveal the backstory of each character bit by bit. One character per episode?

3. I think they exposed Anna too early to the public. I was hoping to see more of Anna and JH interaction before Anna is exposed to the world.. I was hoping to see they share secret .. having midnite date on the roof and eating ramen on the roof, JH continue to spy her through CCTV .. prolong the suspense a bit. Now that Anna is out in the open – the reason for YJ to keep on insisting keeping Anna a secret became so flimsy … what secret when everyone in JSS know about Anna now … and since they exposed her … :sigh: .. they have to make Anna revenge legit .. make it look serious .. if not no point exposing her too early in the series.

4. Reduce un-necessary politic stuff – such as long winded speech – the egg scene, the hospital scene (after YJ involved in the accident), Cut the speech – don’t prolong unnecessary speech.

5. More fight.

6. Reduce number of bodyguard assigned to a case – They don’t need the whole battalion, make it look real (they look like a bunch of penguin walking around) …

8. J4 and K1 (is it K1) need to report to JH about Anna … (so that people wouldn’t keep asking why,why why). By the way they handle Anna – they should have long gone … they should be fired!!.

PD has great stuff/ideas – the umbrella scene, the walkie talkie … the ramen scene – really interesting and fresh – I love those ideas … too bad if writer and PD wasted the cast – They have almost perfect casting – Yoona is just great as Anna – she fit the character – young/naïve/lovable … JCW :wub: THIS GUY IS DIAMOND … SYA … ahh perfect casting .. if only writer able to do his job properly … don’t waste it chaeballl!!


Sorry for the ranting – wakakka.. I did not comment for awhile because I know it will be all negative … 

@nona88 If 1 min high rating is during the blanket kiss .. I bet if the kiss is 2 minute - we will get 3 minute highest rating .. kekekeke.. do I make sense?

@julie721 I think because I witnessed it myself that the reason I am against the thought of YJ and JH involved romantically,  (given the age difference in the drama - 15 ~ 20 years gap) .. like you, I too consider infidelity is a big no no  and what more JH is involved with her stepdaughter ... It wouldn't look right for a stepmother to be pinning for her stepdaughter boyfriend ..  (because I am Jehanna shipper .. wahahahah .. I find it 'morally' disturbing) ... 


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@perfectsmilebias dont worry about the scrip , they really on the live shooting now , but that normal in this stage , but they had ep 11 scrip on the last Saturday  and had ep 12 scrip in Monday ( some cast post the scrip photo in this two day) so no so much changing and playing it the normal live shooting when any drama get to more then the half 


i am out for work sadly nothing till now , and my luck if it out as soon as i am out of the forums and free time to look and search 

see you latter my friends praying for cute stills and for the preview to be out , more praying for more kiss and scene between the our OTP 

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6 hours ago, perfectsmilebias said:

Wow!!! I really like that AllKpop analysis! It would add a lot to YooJin's character.

I"m still not convinced, but her analysis was great!

But if Jeha is YooJin's long lost son, then that would make him and Anna step siblings! Do we really need another drama couple with incest-vibes?

Plus, I don't think the vagueness around Jeha's parentage is intentional. They haven't, to my knowledge, mentioned his family once. I honestly think the writer hasn't put much thought into the character of Jeha, aside from an obligatory fridged woman, vague insight into his career as a mercenary, and an even more vague mention of his getting unfairly discharged from the Korean military, Jeha has no back story. His characterization is even weaker...

So, I doubt the writer has any idea who Jeha's parents were or are. Jeha is like a metaphorical orphan.

Writer nim will change the script for Jehanna to be logically together, Anna is not JSJ biological daughter LOL:P

@Bambiina step mom crying because she finally found her lost son or she cannot romantically with Jeha anymore....

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Still no previewwww???? strange

Lol @Bambiina that meme :grin: and BTW fighting to your friend



it was nice first but now I just want them to leave their shitty spouses before getting more involved

Oh and I was wrong about the kisses in MLFAS, the last kiss had so much action that I felt sorry for JJH's husband :glasses:

and enjoy KL if you can darling


Coffee/Tea truck support for Jo Sung Ha


Cr: the K2 twitter

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omoo unnie @julie721 you're married? thats why you know so much in life,. hmmm like protection and other stuff. i mean you need to protect the one you love right? huehuehue sunbae pls take care of me. guide my way.. *vows hahahah

NO PREVIEW YET?!! weeeeehhhyyooooo!! *flips table

NVM i saw the previewewww hahahah im so confuse but SQUEEEE.. uri OTP!!!!

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3 minutes ago, minhye1822 said:

Thanks @julie721 for the preview. Maybe CYJ jealous watching JH and Anna together. Wow, what we called for the Jehanna. Maybe Romance in the rooftop, or Romance under the blanket. :wub: Cant wait for tomorrow.

in eps 11 they combined both rooftop and blanket. So i officially called them rooftop blanket OTP. :blush:

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20 minutes ago, julie721 said:


Im on mobile.. Preview's out 


Omo..did I see Jeha accepting money and shaking hands with PKS??? wah!! total twist... why is it not friday yetttttt....(and I,ve to wait till saturday for subs....:bawling:) I will dddddie waiting to know what happened to make the impossible happen......btwn I'm totally in love with his smirk:heart::heart:....and yeah more rooftop blanket scenes...:wub:

P.S: Hi all K2 fans here... I could not join the discussions previously bcz of RL issues,,,Finally I got some time to sit down and type something here... but I've been diligently reading all you posts.... thanks especially for the live recappers,,..sarangae:heart:....you guys made the wait bearable,,, especially when I was unable to watch the episodes even after the subs were out... 

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43 minutes ago, aqua_JCW said:

Omo..did I see Jeha accepting money and shaking hands with PKS??? wah!! total twist... why is it not friday yetttttt.... I will dddddye waiting to know what happened to make the impossible happen......


im confused whyyyyyy howwww... friday pls come fast!!!

can we talk about how JH's hair is on point??? omoonnaaaa he lookss sexyyyyy!!! hahhahaha fangirling mode on*

ps thnks for the preview chingus! 

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In the end of the preview if Im not mistaken I just hear that JH ask Anna to go to Spain later. When on Taxi program JCW said that they had romance scene in Spain. Cant wait for that scene. If they dating in Spain I dont think so they will bring the blanket. :sweatingbullets:

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Preview got me smiling like a fool. But I'm wondering what the heck is JaeHa doing with accepting the money from the very person he wants dead? I think our JaeHa is up to something. He has another plan brewing. I can see it all over his face. 

Pretty excited for tomorrow's ep. Blanket, roof, our OTP...:wub:  I will be smiling. 

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phew ... finally had some time to digest everything that is K2 with these past few episodes ... love love all the thoughts and discussion going on. SO many insightful thoughts and love shown to our lovely drama ... :blush:

- The past few episodes have been leaps and bounds for Anna. Seeing her breaking out of her shell is quite awesome and I love that she's finally going head to head with YJ. Their scenes are so much fun to watch; YJ squirming alone is totally worth it. Anna must find satisfaction in knowing what she can do to YJ without really trying too hard. And that of course has something to do with K2 encouraging that and also making her realizing that she does have the upper hand for the first time. She was surrounded with manipulative and evil souls that she never knew just how important/powerful she can be in this situation; i'm uber happy that K2 showed her that though I was a little weary that she might take K2 for granted at times. I found her behavior with Samchon a bit reckless in ep 9 but I think ep 10 might have convinced her that K2 can't always be there for her. Her alliance with Samchon is only going to complicate things even more as Jeha has to play for both sides of the team, one in protecting Anna and then protecting YJ as well. I think all parties involved know that they are just mere tools in this political pull of power, but I'm hoping that K2 and Anna will escape unscathed, though it will def no doubt bring them closer together as proved in Ep. 9  ... the family bond that she got with the housekeeper, J4 and K1 is so nice to see and I even like the Unnie relationship with J4 (I got my gripes with her but even I gotta admit that make up scene was adorable ...) It's the family she never had and I'm so glad the three of them got her back, however coerced it might have been at the beginning. I'm looking forward to seeing K2 joining the party .. maybe all of them can have a ramen party one of these nights! Some have also said that this new and improved Anna might end up like YJ, but I see the opposite in that the difference is Anna has a people around her that genuinely cares about her. YJ is completely the opposite and perhaps that's why she hates Anna so much. For someone who is the bane of her existence, the mere sight of her can cause to practically convulse at any time, YJ's look of sadness and realization when others are so readily willing to help Anna, I think that's when she knows just how powerful Anna can be. That's Anna's weapon and I really can't wait to see how she will use it in the remaining episodes ... can't wait! More YJ and Anna scenes juseyo!

- Jeha is consistently challenged, in more ways than one, with everyone around him. His allegiance to YJ is beginning to show signs of crumbling; his affection/love for Anna is definitely stronger than lead on to be, so much so that YJ had to call him out on whether or not Raniya is still even on his mind. His promise to Se Joon, which complicates almost everything between Anna and YJ. Throw in psycho secretary Choi and a chaebol Samchon, poor K2, I don't think he has the stamina to keep everyone safe, except for his love, Anna. I've seen how people question his love for her and saying that JCW has more chemistry with SY, blah blah blah, your typical shipper war banter, but I want to ask, are we watching the same drama? Never once did I feel any kind of romantic feelings from the two, at least not from Jeha's end. YJ's affection or whatever you want to call it, is really just one sided. His demeanor and actions speak for themselves when you compare how he is with Anna  and YJ. Did he develop feelings a bit fast? Maybe. Perhaps, but nonetheless, he did have feelings for her. The way he just LOOKS at her is already telling of his feelings for Anna. When you see how he is with YJ, it's completely the opposite, there is no romantic intuition at all. Hell if anything, psycho secretary Choi has more romantic feelings for YJ than Jeha does. Regardless, I think Jeha pities YJ in a sense and does consider her a friend, which is why he's still even around her (well also to keep Anna safe too). The more he learns who YJ is, the more he realizes she is no different than the PKS's as he stated in ep. 9. He knows her circle is falling apart and her grip is slowly loosening, which has a lot to do with him, but how much of that is a good thing remains to be seen. And for the record, I really want him to have psycho secretary Choi's head; i totally loved her look when he busted her chops in the Cloud Nine dungeon in front of everyone ... 

- YJ ... haha. I've said before that I wanted to hate her, I really did, but I couldn't. SY's portrayal of this character is so just awesome. She's such a great villain and now seeing her vulnerable, scared is even better. Her scenes with Anna are electric and I can't wait for more. She's surrounded by these so called loyal people, but yet, she's lonelier than the child she locked up a continent away. Anna's a reminder to her of the love she herself yearns for, but never got: whether it was her own father or husband or even Jeha. Her infatuation with Jeha began with he saved her life, something that no one has ever done. She never needed the saving, well not on the surface at least. Jeha was different so imagine the pain that she has when she sees him with Anna. I loved how he called her out on being another PKS and how her reasons doesn't justify her actions; albeit a bit hypocritical on his part as well since didn't he join JSS to kill PKS? Perhaps the only difference between Jeha and her is that he never killed/hurt innocent people. Now with Jeha and Anna together, it's another reason to hate her and make her life even more miserable. I'm sure the writer is trying to make her pitiful by the end of the series. The funny thing is, I've always pitied her character in a way because for a woman so powerful, she's quiet lonely. So it'll be interesting to see what her demise will be ... for now, it's enjoyable to see her downward spiral ... and adding Samchon in the mix? That spiral just might be rev'ed up to a downright freefall from her throne. 

- Jeha + Anna = GAH! LOVE LOVE LOVE! Did I mention that I love them together? There is so many names we can give them ... walkie talkie couple, ramen couple, but I think my favorite is def rooftop couple ... Man, so many cute scenes and for those doubters about these two? I don't know if we are watching the same drama ... yes, he's her bodyguard and has to save her all the time, but last time I checked, she actually saved him too? She's been there for him when others haven't. Whether it was when he was having his nightmare at the beach house or calling him to make sure he's safe and not to get hurt, or oh yea, literally saving him from the gas-masked dudes. The two of them are lost souls who have found one another in a rather unconventional way, but to say that there isn't anything there and how they are forced to be together is something I don't get and won't get. Instead, I'll just enjoy these two whenever they come on the screen. JCW and Yoona have a natural chemistry together that translate on screen so well. Aside from their visuals, which are stunning, their eyes, the way the look at one another ... I forget I'm watching them as actors, I see them as Jeha and Anna; totally immersed as lovers. Case in point, the last scene of ep 10 when she calls him, gah ... love love love ... anna's frightened voice calling him, knowing how dangerous and what seems to be a suicide mission. He never lost his cool and even tried to comfort her, but the minute she told him to come back alive, there was this determination and confidence that shot up in him. You just believed his words. I loved how they shot that too, using the low angle to get his initial reaction and then the close up to see his eyes ... full of fire and determination, and swag (JCW was so hot in that scene ...). All the other lovey dovey scenes were so great too .. and they better have more coming (Maybe a bed scene, another kissing scenes? Back hugs? Rooftop dates ... just saying)  cause I'm all aboard the Jeha+Anna ship, which will be sailing into the sunset ... :wub::wub::wub:

- I must say, the cast, all of the leads and supporting casts, have been so great. All the BTS videos shows just how much fun they are all having. And when the cameras roll, the chemistry is just sizzling. I really hope we can get a scene where all 4 leads in the room cause I'm sure they will knock it out of the park. SY and JCW, no words needed as any scene with them have been great, so great that we have a shipping war between them and Jeha+Anna shippers. LOL ... the same can be said when Yoona is with JSH, the reunion at the hospital was so good ... I was ugly crying, no joke. JCW and Yoona, no words needed either since their chemistry is off the charts, so much so , I'd totally ship them off screen, LOL ... but I think my favorite scenes, would have to be when the two Yoona's are together. The tension and hate, so damn thick, you can cut with a butter knife!  I'm so glad Yoona picked this project, allowing her to work with such awesome sunbaes in SY, JCW and JSH. I'm a bit sad that we've only got about 6 eps left .. where did the time go?!


Look, while I was typing this novel, the preview came out ... 


(Youtube link) 

Credit: tvN Drama 


Gah! Rooftop date!!!! My prayers have been answered!!! Wonder what Jeha has up his sleeve .. no way he'd let PKS off that easy ... <_< And omo, SJ slapping YJ?! Makes me wonder if he was like that with Anna's mom before too ... and I totally had Anna as the one who'd slap her first, just saying. Who knew Pappa would do deed first. 


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OMG I'm so happy to see Jeha came back to Anna. This means he was not injured badly. Gosh sharing a blanket together on the rooftop and the hug is so.......

Uri OTP has many names now.

1) Bang Bang Couple (from promotions on K2)

2) Ramyeon Couple

3) Rooftop Couple

4) Walkie Talkie Couple (shared by @mooster)

and now

4) Blanket Couple

Gomawo @julie721 @soniawong @mooster for the Preview Video :wub:

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