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[ Drama 2016] The K2 더 케이투


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12 hours ago, alleram95 said:


K2: And hungry?

Anna: Huh? Me?

K2: Yes, you

Anna: No, it’s because I’m in shock

K2: Shall I cook some ramyeon for you?

Anna: No, I’m not hungry

K2: If you aren’t hungry, why did your stomach rumble?

K2: What do you want to eat right now?

Anna: I don’t know

K2: I think we have arrived

Anna: Already?

K2: Yes. How about now? Are you still scared?

Anna: uh, yes

*they kissed*

J4: What are they doing? OMO! It’s must be nice


* thanks for the short translation....i think this ''hungry'' question is not for Anna, it's for him indirectly.... his hungry for her lips.... hahahahaha.. since last night i cannot move on from the kiss scene.. and knowing that next episode might be no romance-smoochie-moochie i think i will keep replay this week episodes....

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@BlueFreak  ㅋㅋㅋ Same here...still can't move on. First the hug scene and now the kiss scene. The writer really knows how to troll our hearts. -_- 

Anyway, was also thinking about this: At some point, Kim Je Ha must reveal his real name to Go Anna. I wonder when that will happen and how Anna will react. Will it be Ep 16? Every time I think about this, I can't help but be reminded of how Seo Jung-Hoo did not reveal his real name to Chae Young-Shin till very late. 

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hey my friends i missed all the fun yesterday sadly i needed to sleep since i was so tired to look in the computer or my phone ( i thinking of asking K2 to come and get ride of some people who make me missed the fun yesterday:rage: ) okay i will write after reading everyone post . but OMG kiss , OMG the innocent and the meaningful words " you are mine now , do you understand what that mean " she so child to say that but why i am in love with her pure and innocent confession - P.S. ANNA if JH is someone who can be owning cause someone gave him to you then  make any impossible list you want and we all here will gave you more then that so " do you want to gave him to us - no to me ??"

back to high point , OMG i hated J4 before but it in so important to ANNA now ( i am not talking about her  make up  talent :joy:) but having the crazy and careless J4 around ANNA is something she needed i like how she teaching her about really romance meaning ( the girl needed that if she thoughts that CPR is her first kiss - okay we all thoughts that but now we can proudly move from that innocent  thoughts since we had a really first kiss :blush:)

it the same for the uncle he someone ANNA need , even when we know he using her but he was right , ANNA need wings , he trying to use her but he given her  wings to fly alone when she needed and not trying to make her so weak to control her ,and he know that he Gavin her so many power and that she can walk alone someday out of his control , yes he was needed and  JH was never going to start that like the uncle - to help ANNA to stand and fight YJ and put her in danger like this , he may keep doing that now but he never was going to start that even when i wanted him too , so the uncle even when he bad person i think at least i can respect him , as much as he want to win but he someone who respect person life and feelings and another reason to like him was when he said " open your eyes the women that you love isn't a kid anymore " - yeh JH i am happy you opened your eyes and fast kiss the girl ( what a good student you are :thumbsup:)

YJ secretary, okay she tried to kill ANNA , she tried to kill JH and now she crazy had gave the order to kill JH again but why i dont hate her in the end , simple i like the outcome of every evil things she did SO DO YOU GET WHAT I MEAN? 

  • gave order to kill ANNA = getting  ANNA and JH kissed 
  • gave order to kill JH =  getting JH not going to kill PARK and he going to be free from his deal with YJ at least in his heart 
  • acting behinds YJ back = she going to get killed my friends i dont think we going to see KIM so much or for so long after what happen 


okay i will be off to start everyone post since i have a lot to read but  before that did anyone know how many time they kissed in the end??? i mean i counted it as 3 times moving his mouth and then we had a lot of unseeing time of them still under the blanked while J4 , Madame  still watching so how many time did they kissed ?? or should i ask how deep the kisses get in the end ????????

p.s. first today i am okay if you think i am WILD PERSON with this thinking , second i am sorry if that was asking before since i still need to read all the post i missed and since i think i am not the only wild person here :joy:


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OMG! I want to join the fun as well. :)  I LOVE JEHA and ANNA or shall i say JEHANNA!!! :)  They are the reason that i watch K2.

Boy, Episode 10 is by far my favorite episode. :) The kiss is sweet and makes my heart feel giddy while watching them.  The chemistry between JCW and Yoona is explosive.  I am rooting for them till the end. :) I hope and pray that there will be a happy ending for JehAnna. :)

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hi to all of you!
I came here ,now, to not be crying at home alone!!

Episode today, the tenth,  turned me upside down, I feel like beating someone right now and that someone is ANNA!!
Until now I wasn't in anyone else  boat but JeHa's,
and I wanted the script to be run so that he does not reveal his true feelings till the end, but it wasn't going to be!!
Now I know that this drama will end when he dies,
and he will die,
Because JeHA doesn't fit any of side!
From the very beginning he was single and unique, he must remain so ,
that's why this drama is called "K2",
I hate ANNA, because through all she did was bound for JeHa to die for it,
at first I thought that the writer will go all the way to the idea that JeHa will sacrifice to avenge  Rania,
but right now he goes to die knowing he will die ,


to put  ANNA on safe .....
I know that in the end I will be like


because in this very moment She knew He will die


(she even thinks seriously that she could give up everything to let him stay alive)

and for that I began to love YooJin lady,

From all evil people in this show 
now I want badlly her to succeed, despite the evil things she has done in the past episodes,

because all the people she fight are far worse that she is.

and she truly loves JeHA!

As of this GARBAGE, he  plotted with the Chief of police and Park Gwan-Soo to sell Je Ha , was himself to propos that Je Ha to  be the one to carry on the mission to kill the evil assemblyman, he knew JeHa will be waited and will die there because he's asked the e-mail adress to make that email don't go, The Big A-Hole,




And JeHa, he understood  the truth, too!! I hope  Yoo-Jin as well!






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Hi everyone, I finished watching episode 9-10 and my opinion for madam didn't change. I think she is a grown up Anna. Her wolves analogy when she was talking with k2 was really telling. I also belive that her feelings for Jeha are not of romantic kind but more motherly/sisterly.. I don't know why but this is the vibe I get.

Anna.. Well, I don't know about her. I don't like her character very much. I get it that she is just a lonely girl who never had the possibility to grow up but still.. I don't get is why in all her years of captivity she didn't try to improve herself. She just passed her days or night to be more specific watching commercials. We never see her reading a book or pursuing something. I get that Anna didn't had a big will to live but then we get this big hate and than revenge.. How did she plan to do it? She doesn't know anything about anything. Boh. And I also think revenge was something her uncle planted in her. Because she is weak she is so easily manipulated. 

Je Ha.. I think Anna for him is another raina. It's not really love, it's circumstances. He would've loved whomever 'Anna' was because he sees her as another woman that he has to save. He has a big hero complex and Anna is his 'target' now. It can't be madam because she is tough and able protect herself, it can't be mi ran for obvious reasons so the only woman remaining that fits the description is Anna.

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8 hours ago, carmens said:

You Know !?

I'd call that a confession!



One question and everyone who finds that scene so nice: Why did she agree to "killing-Jeha-Plan" in the first place then? She knows what is going to happen. She is the chief of the JSS and she went against her advisers more then once. But here she is agreeing on the plan and taking the collateral damage of Jeha. Her ambition will always be bigger than her fondness. She might shed a tear but will be back to buisness as usual the next day IF Jeha dies. She also is aware of the fact why he is doing it (making Anna save) and that he will go through with it. While Yoo-jin is pitiful and showed an ounce of humanity here, she still signed is death sentence. She never needed to do that.

And that is really a problem I have here, how some people romanticise Yoo-jin but paint Anna as a blank paper. While I don't like what Anna said during the photoshoot, it is thanks to her that Jeha is still alive. She was the one who knocked down the two men with a fire distinguisher and put the gas mask on Jeha. Although, as I said before, Anna has no idea why Jeha is in constant danger: his plan for revenge, his disguise which might blow up any second and the fact he needs Yoo-jin for the revenge. Anna has absolutely no idea which is why I want her to find out rather sooner than later. I'm pretty sure, she would be way more considerate then. Then again, it was Jeha who exposed Anna to the world and with that started it. 

I still like the interview: Anna was on eye level with Yoo-jin there, she asked for a re-investigation of her mother's death and showed Yoo-jin once again that she can bring her whole world to crumble if she wants to. Yoo-jin does that on a daily basis with almost everyone, so no pity from me. 

I'm pretty sure the writer told us everything about Yoo-jin by now and for me she becomes repetitive. But Anna and Jeha still have a story to be told and can grow  as character and I fear we might not be able to see it fully. 

- Jeha: How the hell is someone becoming a mercenary soldier? What is his backstory before he went to Iraq? And is Raniya really his only reason for revenge? Or might he even dream about living a normal? Because if the revenge is done right he can clear his name off of the Interpol list and stop running away. 

- Anna: Beside her untreated childhood trauma, she needs to know what happened the night of her mothers death in order to live peacefully. For that she needs to grow up, stop trusting everyone and do her own investigation by relying on her own little family (namely J4 and K1, maybe Master Song). Although, her daddy issues which I'm afraid will never come to a satisfying end. 

I feel like the unbalanced character development is biting the writer now. 

In my perfect drama-world: Chief Joo tells Jeha to back out there. Because let's be honest, Anna will not be save even if he dies for that cause. 

After that he and Anna have a little talk about the past and his agenda, while Anna realises that not everything is black and white and does her own investigation on her mother's and takes down the right people. Maybe even a truce with Yoo-jin: she lets her alone if Yoo-jin gives her freedom. I even want Yoo-jin to succeed in her attempt to become First Lady because it will be a blessing and curse at the same time: She gets what she wants but probably will be extremely lonely and maybe even isolated. Who I really want to pay is Park Kwang-soo and Secretary Kim, but not through death. It is a too easy way out. 

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everytime i listen to the lalala song..keep making me sad for a reason.like it can used for sad scene also....especially when JH drive alone at the beginning episode 10. i really wish them a happy ending though.




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Orion from "Orion's Ramblings" posted her review of ep 9 for Han Cinema: HERE

Loved this part:


As for Yoo-jin's talk of herself as a victim, I do hope her reasons go beyond having been wronged by mistresses, because her twisted development cannot be justified by that alone as trauma. Plenty of people go through what she has without turning into villains.


THIS is exactly what I've been saying all along - you can't justify her behavior by claiming "oh, she's been cheated on" or "oh, she's been treated badly by all the men in her life (daddy issues). There are MILLIONS of women who go through the same thing and don't turn into cold, heartless, killing machines who are hungry for power. Nope, they quietly divorce the jerk husband who cheated on them and move on with their lives. And so far, we haven't been given a better reason for the things she's done! I'm still waiting and hoping the writer gives us something better than this lame reason, this has been my only problem with the YJ character from the beginning and this is why she gets zero sympathy from me (so far). 

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Annyeong K2 chingu deul

Hmmmm our thread has slow down today :blink:. There's background song that I have grown addicted to in K2 :P. It has been played before but I can't remember which episodes. Anyway the latest episode 10, the song was played during the bad guys bringing in the poisoning gas into the building to kill Anna. Can any chingu tell me what's the song? Is it a foreign song?

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16 hours ago, stargazer187 said:

Hoeraa.... the thread isnt moved yet since last hours I came...

so, as of now, I'd like to talk about the OTP scenes...

did you guys notice? at the last phone call scene between JehAnna, see the caller id, it's the MMS that Anna sent to him... lol, he set that as her caller thumbnail... aww... cute :wub:

And I have to admit, these two chemistry is dae to bak, daebak!! :D

@fifie me feel the same way about the song, it's sound soft and like a memory, quite sad... I like that song... will this song be released later? I storngly oppose sad ending... I can tolerate for all this time with the story, but one thing I can't, it's sad ending.... siltagooo... sirhooo...!!

Melodrama is one of the genres of The K2, and watching live-interview of these two, they've talked about the possibility for sad ending, and JCW himself pick to get a sad ending. Reason: it gives lingering feelings to viewers and will be memorable for a long long time. Huh? what oppa? Are you planning to torturing me until you appear with next drama project... nooooo... it's wrong oppa, it should be happy ending.... agree with this idea, let just JH and Anna runaway to spain.... hahaha, ah, spain? waitt... what will happen in spain? they couldnt be possibly went to such a far away for not taking one or two sweet scenes there, right? ahahaha


afraid if there will be sad ending...i dont want too...i think they should not..maybe if sad ending can make the drama promotion less i guess..can make less viewers although they've already sold to the other country right..but still it can effect the viewer for the re-run right..cheballll no sad ending please


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3 hours ago, JaneP said:


One question and everyone who finds that scene so nice: Why did she agree to "killing-Jeha-Plan" in the first place then? She knows what is going to happen. She is the chief of the JSS and she went against her advisers more then once. But here she is agreeing on the plan and taking the collateral damage of Jeha. Her ambition will always be bigger than her fondness. She might shed a tear but will be back to buisness as usual the next day IF Jeha dies. She also is aware of the fact why he is doing it (making Anna save) and that he will go through with it. While Yoo-jin is pitiful and showed an ounce of humanity here, she still signed is death sentence. She never needed to do that.

And that is really a problem I have here, how some people romanticise Yoo-jin but paint Anna as a blank paper. While I don't like what Anna said during the photoshoot, it is thanks to her that Jeha is still alive. She was the one who knocked down the two men with a fire distinguisher and put the gas mask on Jeha. Although, as I said before, Anna has no idea why Jeha is in constant danger: his plan for revenge, his disguise which might blow up any second and the fact he needs Yoo-jin for the revenge. Anna has absolutely no idea which is why I want her to find out rather sooner than later. I'm pretty sure, she would be way more considerate then. Then again, it was Jeha who exposed Anna to the world and with that started it. 

I still like the interview: Anna was on eye level with Yoo-jin there, she asked for a re-investigation of her mother's death and showed Yoo-jin once again that she can bring her whole world to crumble if she wants to. Yoo-jin does that on a daily basis with almost everyone, so no pity from me. 

I'm pretty sure the writer told us everything about Yoo-jin by now and for me she becomes repetitive. But Anna and Jeha still have a story to be told and can grow  as character and I fear we might not be able to see it fully. 

- Jeha: How the hell is someone becoming a mercenary soldier? What is his backstory before he went to Iraq? And is Raniya really his only reason for revenge? Or might he even dream about living a normal? Because if the revenge is done right he can clear his name off of the Interpol list and stop running away. 

- Anna: Beside her untreated childhood trauma, she needs to know what happened the night of her mothers death in order to live peacefully. For that she needs to grow up, stop trusting everyone and do her own investigation by relying on her own little

family (namely J4 and K1, maybe Master Song). Although, her daddy issues which I'm afraid will never come to a satisfying end. 

I feel like the unbalanced character development is biting the writer now. 

In my perfect drama-world: Anna would give a tip to Chief Joo about Jeha whereabouts since I'm sure Chief Joo has no idea about the mission and he tells Jeha to just back out in order to save his life. Because let's be honest, Anna will not be save even if he dies for that cause. 

After that he and Anna have a little talk about the past and his agenda, while Anna realises that not everything is black and white and does her own investigation on her mother's and takes down the right people. Maybe even a truce with Yoo-jin: she lets her alone if Yoo-jin gives her freedom. I even want Yoo-jin to succeed in her attempt to become First Lady because it will be a blessing and curse at the same time: She gets what she wants but probably will be extremely lonely and maybe even isolated. Who I really want to pay is Park Kwang-soo and Secretary Kim, but not through death. It is a too easy way out. 


I AGREE WITH YOU. Idk why some can see YJ statement "If you feel dangerous you can comeback" as a confession. On what basis? If she really cares about Jeha like sister/mother/lover whatever she can stop him from killing PKS. She can stop him from having the revenge idea. But actually she needs PKS to die for her to be the first lady. her greed is everything. So i don't believe on her crocodile tears towards JeHa. That is why i never pity her character. When she heard Jeha make a deal for Anna safe, you can see how jealous she is. 


I dont think anna is a blank paper as well. There is so much into Anna character. We know now she is not a socialphobia, she is just an introvert because of the trauma she experienced. i love the fact that she is gaining self confidence little by little. she no longer lock herself up during the day and only get out at night. I love it that Jeha is the one responsible bringing her self confidence. 

I hope Jeha is safe and comeback to Anna. N i want them to have a talk and come clean towards each other and no more secrets bound them. 

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7 minutes ago, stargazer187 said:


these two has their own trauma, but trough loving each other, they'll heal their scars together...  It's just Anna didnt know much about JH, but JH knows much about her.

I'm waiting for blanket bts ... I would like to see how they acted it out...


Yup, Jeha and Anna are destine to meet each other. They experienced trauma in their life and they need each other to heal the trauma and the wounds. In my opinion, the reason jeHa falls for Anna is he understands her and Anna is an innocent girl who easily amused by simple things. She made him smile and laugh again. And to Anna., jeHa is her saviour, Jeha brings her self confidence and Jeha is her first love. 

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3 hours ago, JaneP said:


One question and everyone who finds that scene so nice: Why did she agree to "killing-Jeha-Plan" in the first place then? She knows what is going to happen. She is the chief of the JSS and she went against her advisers more then once. But here she is agreeing on the plan and taking the collateral damage of Jeha. Her ambition will always be bigger than her fondness. She might shed a tear but will be back to buisness as usual the next day IF Jeha dies. She also is aware of the fact why he is doing it (making Anna save) and that he will go through with it. While Yoo-jin is pitiful and showed an ounce of humanity here, she still signed is death sentence. She never needed to do that.

And that is really a problem I have here, how some people romanticise Yoo-jin but paint Anna as a blank paper. While I don't like what Anna said during the photoshoot, it is thanks to her that Jeha is still alive. She was the one who knocked down the two men with a fire distinguisher and put the gas mask on Jeha. Although, as I said before, Anna has no idea why Jeha is in constant danger: his plan for revenge, his disguise which might blow up any second and the fact he needs Yoo-jin for the revenge. Anna has absolutely no idea which is why I want her to find out rather sooner than later. I'm pretty sure, she would be way more considerate then. Then again, it was Jeha who exposed Anna to the world and with that started it. 

I still like the interview: Anna was on eye level with Yoo-jin there, she asked for a re-investigation of her mother's death and showed Yoo-jin once again that she can bring her whole world to crumble if she wants to. Yoo-jin does that on a daily basis with almost everyone, so no pity from me. 

I'm pretty sure the writer told us everything about Yoo-jin by now and for me she becomes repetitive. But Anna and Jeha still have a story to be told and can grow  as character and I fear we might not be able to see it fully. 

- Jeha: How the hell is someone becoming a mercenary soldier? What is his backstory before he went to Iraq? And is Raniya really his only reason for revenge? Or might he even dream about living a normal? Because if the revenge is done right he can clear his name off of the Interpol list and stop running away. 

- Anna: Beside her untreated childhood trauma, she needs to know what happened the night of her mothers death in order to live peacefully. For that she needs to grow up, stop trusting everyone and do her own investigation by relying on her own little family (namely J4 and K1, maybe Master Song). Although, her daddy issues which I'm afraid will never come to a satisfying end. 

I feel like the unbalanced character development is biting the writer now. 

In my perfect drama-world: Anna would give a tip to Chief Joo about Jeha whereabouts since I'm sure Chief Joo has no idea about the mission and he tells Jeha to just back out in order to save his life. Because let's be honest, Anna will not be save even if he dies for that cause. 

After that he and Anna have a little talk about the past and his agenda, while Anna realises that not everything is black and white and does her own investigation on her mother's and takes down the right people. Maybe even a truce with Yoo-jin: she lets her alone if Yoo-jin gives her freedom. I even want Yoo-jin to succeed in her attempt to become First Lady because it will be a blessing and curse at the same time: She gets what she wants but probably will be extremely lonely and maybe even isolated. Who I really want to pay is Park Kwang-soo and Secretary Kim, but not through death. It is a too easy way out. 

i do agree with some of your insights. I'm really hoping that the back story of the Je Ha and Anna will be seen on the next ep. I think there is still more to Yoo-jin's character that wasn't shown. I still think that she got a story to tell why all of that greediness happens. 

Been a busy bee for a while reason why I just popped out and watch all 4 eps in one sitting... hehehe :D

Hope to see more details on the next ep. Is it really only 16ep in total?!?!!? 

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