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[ Drama 2016] The K2 더 케이투


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@bebebisous33 : Yeah Chingu! I really hope there is such a twist in the plot which people(outside this thread) would not see it coming.. they would be completely taken aback and our YJ will still have some hope of redemption. If my theory of YJ protecting AN could be true then at least people won't hate YJ to the core...her character won't be totally blackened... 

And Thanks for answering those questions..:wub: 

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51 minutes ago, feima said:

At last the preview! Now to wait for Friday!  Mm mm did you all notice that JH uses the "ice ding" hand signal to Anna while working.  Geez! Another two more days *patiently waiting* I think or perhaps not, it is more impatiently waiting *sigh* 

Hi @feima yes I did noticed JH used the "ding" hand. I think he is guiding Anna what to do in a big gathering. From the preview, the woman's voice that talked to Anna might be YJ's stepmom. She said "long time" and Anna replied "do you know me". Then later YJ's half-brother said "come alone if not...." I think he was talking to JH. Maybe Anna was taken somewhere and thats why JH was half crazy looking for her.

Oh yes for a chingu who asked why the reaction from J4 and ahjumma when Anna greeted them "good morning", its because Anna never spoke to them before and also never socialize with them. The person who smashed the glass, i think from the preview, seems to be YJ. She's so strong ;)

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3 hours ago, Bambiina said:

There was two sharpshooter ordered by YJ to kill Anna, There were others on standby to kill Anna in case the sharpshooters fail (which J4 took care). wasn't the plan too elaborate if its just for show?

 If YJ and JH are together in protecting Anna, why did JH has to fight the body guard (the one that supersede JSS president),  What if JH lost the fight and got kill... he was injured (though not that serious). i don't think they were just acting.

Why did JH has to say 'I will protect you from YJ too' to Anna. 

Why did YJ need to remind JH of his reason joining JSS... Why? (Remember the scene she said I want to speak to my chinggu alone). Did they need to 'act' that far'? They were alone.

Since the backstory of YJ is very vague, they can just change/rewrite/write the story as they think right.. But it will be too far fetch and just doesn't match/relate to what have been unveiled so far (I can't understand caging a human being, a harmless little girl is actually keeping Anna safe). it will do more harm than good.

and constantly telling a little girl 'You kill your mom' ... Is it also part of an act? ... Wasn't it a mental torture?

Edit to add :

Sec. Kim and YJ share a lot of dirty secret. Sec Kim can betray YJ anytime with all the information.. killing people.. Scheming .. Etc etc. I am sure they shared special bond.... All cloud 9 members must be someone YJ trust ... they can backstab her anytime with all the information ESP Sec Kim. Would YJ share her plans killing innocents with someone she doubts?


People after more than half of the drama still believe that Yoo Jin wants to "protect" Anna or that she pity her?

Yoo Jin tried to kill her, kidnapped, deprived of freedom, drug her and constantly torture her mentally and people still believe that she protects her? For me is non-sense and is so hard to believe.

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Okay my translation of preview ep 9 (word for word never mind grammar) The ones in red are most likely wrong.

AN : Good morning!

Choi Sung Won : If she is brother-in-law's child, then to me she is my niece, isn't it?

YJ : No!

Unknown female voice : Been a long time, Miss An Na.

AN : You know me?

CSW : Come to me (or my side).  Don't pay attention to Noona (guessing here??). You can protect An Na. It's fine with me.

YJ : ?? (sounded like a threat to me - I'll kill them??)

CSW : Come alone otherwise An Na is in danger.

JH :  Hey you, where is she?

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CYJ is the big bad of the show. I can't imagine anyone thinking she is helping or protecting Anna after all the wrongs she has done to the girl.

I have also read people writing about Anna's dad being a pervert and sleeping with young girls. That is obviously very deliberate. He's punishing CYJ, for killing Anna's mom, for threatening Anna and keeping her hostage. He chooses younger girls because CYJ is getting older and young good looking girls are a slap to her face. He is so blatant on his affairs because that is another way to torture her. So that she has to do unspeakable deeds to save him. From his perspective, she killed Anna's mom because of her want for him to be president. So now he thrives on making her commit more sins to preserve his image, because he knows she will do anything to make him the President.

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On 17.10.2016 at 3:22 PM, Mau_Cherry said:


Ohhh - one more german Person here!!! *happy*

Freu mich, daß du hier bist. :D  (transl: I´m happy you are here!)

Me too - I had a real hard time trying to understand the lines - and I shared  it here long ago. Sob... so you did not find it out too... why is that so hard... tvn need to give out informations...


:D Hallo! K-Drama ist überall auf der Welt :D (trans: K-Drama is everywhere in the world.)

I never thought it would be difficult. Through my work, I can look through the database of different theatres and opera houses in Germany, but mostly it was the traditional fairy tale for children in different variations. These were the few information, I could gather plus what I understood from drama.

To the preview:

Many wonder about Anna's allies but my enemy enemies are my friends. It could be the thinking of the step-brother although Anna has to be careful about whom she trusts. The thirst for revenge should not cloud her instincts. But at the same time it is a learning process and revenge is always a longtime trial. Jeha was the one who encouraged Anna to step up to Yoo-jin and make her stance, those words might backfire on his own agenda know. It is actually interesting: in terms people around her, Yoo-jin has no one to lose granted Secretary Kim would never leave her. She can literally go all out and take everyone down with her in order to get what she wants. Jeha and Anna might lose there friendship/ blooming romance. Addtionally, Anna seems to not want to harm her father. I think both are walking on extremely thin ice. However, I hope before Anna takes her final revenge, she can figure out who is behind her mother death. Was it really Yoo-jin? Someone else? Maybe Yoo-jin knows but keeps it a secret for whatever reason? 

Anna was always supposes to take revenge and I'm happy we are finally getting there. I'm actually more forwards to more Yoo-jin - Anna encounters than the romance. I like both character, especially when they interact because we get so much inside. 



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20 minutes ago, YourHighness . said:

From his perspective, she killed Anna's mom because of her want for him to be president. So now he thrives on making her commit more sins to preserve his image, because he knows she will do anything to make him the President.


I agree with everything you wrote before this part.  AN states that her mother said that her father had backed out of leaving for the US - remember that Anna and her Mom went to get passport pictures done so they had plans to leave for the States together with SJ.  He already chose his politician's career over AN and her Mom before she killed Anna's Mom (this is pure speculation since we still don't have confirmation that YJ did it).  Ergo your assumption that she killed HR over YJ's ambition for SJ is not really complete.  It's more because HR was thinking of exposing SJ as an adulterer and Anna's father that probably got her killed.  It would have broken up YJ's  marriage and put an end to SJ's political career as well as be an embarrassment to YJ that she gave up her family for a cheating husband.  We know what kind of family she's come from - the cackle of hyenas wouldn't have hesitated to go after her.

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@klgirl To add to your comment, if Anna is exposed, YJ can easily be forced or voted out of the board despite still owning significant amOunt of shares. ANna's revelation will not only ruin all her presidency ambition and reputation (since YJ and her husband have been acting all nice to others and playing perfect loving marriage) and she will lose the one thing that still ties her to her family that keep her in power. 


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1 hour ago, klgirl said:


I agree with everything you wrote before this part.  AN states that her mother said that her father had backed out of leaving for the US - remember that Anna and her Mom went to get passport pictures done so they had plans to leave for the States together with SJ.  He already chose his politician's career over AN and her Mom before she killed Anna's Mom (this is pure speculation since we still don't have confirmation that YJ did it).  Ergo your assumption that she killed HR over YJ's ambition for SJ is not really complete.  It's more because HR was thinking of exposing SJ as an adulterer and Anna's father that probably got her killed.  It would have broken up YJ's  marriage and put an end to SJ's political career as well as be an embarrassment to YJ that she gave up her family for a cheating husband.  We know what kind of family she's come from - the cackle of hyenas wouldn't have hesitated to go after her.


I wrote "that's what he believes" he is sure  CYJ got Anna's mom killed, because of the threat CYJ uttered after he read the news. I personally am sure her assistant had something to do with the death. Her loyalty is almost desperate. Also she knew about Anna's Flash phobia and how to use it..she almost looks like she enjoys using that trauma. And yes he chose his political career over Anna and her mom but nobody knew about the threats that Anna's mom was mumbling while being roaring drunk. I personally don't think she ever intended to oust him. She was just heartbroken and wanted to hit out at him for not choosing them.

And CYJ's family already knows about SJ being a cheating husband and they not having a loving relationship.

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Come to think of it - whenever YJ is mentioned as the murderer of HR - do you get the vibe that she looks almost like an innocent party taking on the blame for something she didn't do? I get the feeling that she didn't do it but took advantage of the incident to blackmail SJ and keep him under her control.

In the beginning, I was so sure that she murdered HR but now, not so much.  There's something there for sure or maybe I'll just be proven wrong as the story winds up.

@YourHighness . Actually YJ knew about the threats since she was the one to "enlighten" Anna at the infirmary about what her mother had been planning.  It was on the roof later on that she mentioned to JH what her mother had been saying while drunk.  And when Anna asked her father during their talk at the infirmary whether her mother had really used her to blackmail him, he'd deflected her but didn't deny it.  So there's two people who knew.  Now, if she would have ever carried out the threat we'll never know because she was killed before then.  I believe the timeline mattered when it comes to whether or not YJ's family knew about his philandering ways.  I lean towards them not knowing yet because this took place ten years or more ago.  Now, everybody and their bodyguard apparently knows he's a two-timer.

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After preview...i'm more and more afraid for our lovebirds-to-be...don't  think Anna should interfere with YJ family...nor she nor HJ r as hypokrite or evil or rich with conections

If i were Anna i would videotape the truth about her father and send a copy to YJ to stay low until father's election or the tape will be published...in the meentime she could enjoy time with JH ;)

It will be another interesting ep day after tomm...hope we'll have enough OTP cute scenes again to soften the drama 

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3 hours ago, YourHighness . said:

CYJ is the big bad of the show. I can't imagine anyone thinking she is helping or protecting Anna after all the wrongs she has done to the girl.

I have also read people writing about Anna's dad being a pervert and sleeping with young girls. That is obviously very deliberate. He's punishing CYJ, for killing Anna's mom, for threatening Anna and keeping her hostage. He chooses younger girls because CYJ is getting older and young good looking girls are a slap to her face. He is so blatant on his affairs because that is another way to torture her. So that she has to do unspeakable deeds to save him. From his perspective, she killed Anna's mom because of her want for him to be president. So now he thrives on making her commit more sins to preserve his image, because he knows she will do anything to make him the President.

Well, he doesn't just cheat on her, he even orders her to kill witnesses who might compromise his career and candidacy. Just to hurt YJ because he thinks, she killed HR. So all this just to pay her back for her so called murder? If so, SJ is just a hypocrite because he profited from her death in the end. HR couldn't blackmail him any longer. Then why did he never investigate the crime properly? Because of his greed. He backstabs YJ and that's okay.

Yes, I know that YJ did terrible things and she must be punished for her crimes, but it must happen the same to SJ, Park and the family Choi!! All of them are responsible for many deaths. To me, she is not the biggest villain.


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12 hours ago, siddo said:

To all my fellow JeJin shippers and YJ fans , I know that you're disappointed in the way YJ's character is heading but please hang in there... I still see some hope. If only my guess would be correct which I think would not but let's take a chance and say what if..

So my guess is could YJ and JH have joined hands in protecting/ revealing Anna? I know it's hard to read/digest since I have written YJ here.. but I have an explanation. We all saw in epi 7 YJ asked JH to come to Cloud 9 right after she meets Anna in her room but that was never shown.. could it be a secret meeting between the only 2? Maybe the writers purposely wants to keep it hidden for the suspense element? Next day JH escorts Anna to her hidden house and all of sudden media gathers around her house and JH is ready with a plan to deal.. he even includes J4 and the housekeeper in it? In moments YJ reaches there with her men to 'kill' Anna? Really? In front of so many people? Wouldn't it have been easier for her to kill Anna when she was kept hidden without anyone's notice? I mean I really don't buy YJ to be that stupid to do in front of cameras lol.. another strange thing she does is what you all have said here 'to call herself as Anna's guardian and exposing herself to the cameras with her'. Why on earth would she do it? 

And The most strangest and suprising thing was her behaviour towards K2, J4 and the housekeeper. If she was that devilish she could have simply fired J4 and housekeeper from their jobs or worse kill them for 'betraying' her. Her question to K2 as to why he protected Anna and the way in which K2 answered, something really was off.. (the glares they were exchanging ,whoa) and shortly her talk in private with him about 'our opponents' hinted at them being a team. A team against whom? (JSJ & Her Secretary KDM) or (JSJ & VP of JSS) or (KDM & VP of JSS) or (JSJ & Step Brother) or (KDM & SB) or (PKS & SB) or ( PKS & KDM). Whoa! There are many alliances that could be a threat to her. We really don't know who the VP of JSS and KDM actually serve. Is it really YJ or JSJ or their own good? That itself could be a twist in the drama.


Hey fellow JeJin shipper!! Though you make some very good arguments, I'm not really too sure on the Jeha and YooJin working together to protect Anna theory. Your observations of Secretary are on point! Clearly, YJ doesn't want to share her relationship/connection with Jeha with anyone.  But, the feelings of betrayal, for me, were clearly all over YooJin's face and body when she confronted JH after the press conference. She was keeping it all in... yet, she is still choosing to work with Jeha... maybe she will punish him later, but I doubt it.

If she does, I want her to punish him good!!!! lol y'all thought YooJin was sadistic! bwahahahahaha!!!! Too much people use YooJin when they need her for something, then act all high and mighty after they betray her... aka SJ and JH...

However, there is a line Jeha said to Anna in episodes 8 about YJ, about how "YooJin never hinges her fate on uncertainties." It is almost an exact copy of the line YooJin herself said to Jeha in their first meeting. But... is that really true!? Or is that YooJin trying to come off as cold and calculative as possible to hide her vulnerability. Because making Jeha part of Close Line seems to me like she does hinge her fate on uncertainties... because Jeha is hella unpredictable, he is not someone YooJin can fully control, she admitted that herself. Yet, she chose to trust him in a big way.... and he has betrayed her trust. SJ was also an uncertainty... he wasn't rich, he wasn't part of a major political party, and yet YooJin married him despite her family's rejections and his political career seems to be her life's work. She admitted it herself, her disappointment over the fact that she hinged her fate on such a despicable man like SJ.

So, clearly YooJin isn't as cold and calculating as she wants to come off as. She's actually hella emotional! So that is why @tessieroo, if YJ is one of those -paths, I would lean more towards sociopath rather than psychopath, because she does make deep emotional connections with people, and in the case of Jeha that emotional connection developed really quickly for her.

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7 hours ago, MindfulL said:

The rooftop scene at the end of episode 8 is so well-executed. The way Jeha gently pulls Anna closer and holds her feels so natural. How he ruffles her hair and pats her back, while Anna was crying like a child. Her sound of crying and breathing gives you that sympathizing feeling. The way Jeha stares blankly into space depicts the feeling of a man feeling helpless towards his young lover's sorrow. The whole scene is so tender, romantic yet angsty.


I also really like the scene in Episode 7 where Jang Se Joon finally meets his daughter. The acting in this drama is simply flawless. All those raw emotions are so deeply portrayed.


agree with you .. cuz that scene touch my heart so deep.. 

cuz I am not to fond about political, action, and thriller drama.. and I am a drama fans which is drama romance genre.. so that kind of scene really into me.. and as you said they executed those emotions scene so well..

I was crying when anna's cried.. I hope I won't see her crying at the next episode unless crying in happiness..

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7 hours ago, SunnySun26 said:


People after more than half of the drama still believe that Yoo Jin wants to "protect" Anna or that she pity her?

Yoo Jin tried to kill her, kidnapped, deprived of freedom, drug her and constantly torture her mentally and people still believe that she protects her? For me is non-sense and is so hard to believe.


yuppp... for me It's hard to believe too.. from which side of YJ that she would protect Anna.. I am sorry.. really not make sense on me..

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15 hours ago, julie721 said:

We're having fun here and it's not limited to JehAnna Team only, it's open too to JeJin team, Ramen Team, Master Song team (my dear @klgirl is his #1 fangirl)..



Wei, don't make fun of my Master Song k? Howsabout this for a plot twist? 

He beats up everyone and gets the Barcelona Angel for himself before they ride off into the sunset.  JH will be on the rooftop crying his tough man tears and finally - FINALLY!! - getting to smoke his cigarette. 


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48 minutes ago, eva23 said:


yuppp... for me It's hard to believe too.. from which side of YJ that she would protect Anna.. I am sorry.. really not make sense on me..

Though, I also don't believe YJ and Jeha are currently working together to protect Anna in the present time.

There is something to be said of YooJin's choice of sending child Anna to a nunnery. She doesn't get any brownie points for her choice, she totally still kidnapped and emotionally abuses Anna. 

But obviously with the show's strong religious themes and motifs, sending Anna to a nunnery could have positive connotations/consequences. The nunnery setting itself is significant, because from what I get from this show, the writer favors the theme of religion as comforting, innocence, and a guide to morality rather than the theme of religion as repressive and corrupting (which other shows, especially Western ones,often portray).

YooJin could have sent Anna to an orphanage, the home of a paid family, or even an psychiatric treatment center (considering Anna was labeled as having social phobia).

So, while I don't think YooJin is protecting or has really ever protected Anna, I still think the nunnery is something of note. And it might gain meaning later on....

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Guest julie721

"Good morning" #AnnaStyle (it's morning already  in my time zone)

Finally, we have another nice discussion again in this thread... Me like it jcdragon-nod-ebby.gif

Okay, I read all the posts and theories about our awesome villain, the one-and-only CYJ.. It's interesting how most of the debates are centering around her character. That means SYA successfully brings the character alive. 

Then what makes CYJ special? Apart from SYA's excellent job portraying her, her micro expression acting can be interpreted in many ways, or in simpler explanation, very subjective. Then how can we debate over something so subjective? It's like forcing that pink is better color over yellow to someone who doesn't fancy pink. But not gonna lie, all this arguments are so interesting to read.  

4 hours ago, perfectsmilebias said:

However, there is a line Jeha said to Anna in episodes 8 about YJ, about how "YooJin never hinges her fate on uncertainties." It is almost an exact copy of the line YooJin herself said to Jeha in their first meeting. But... is that really true!? Or is that YooJin trying to come off as cold and calculative as possible to hide her vulnerability. Because making Jeha part of Close Line seems to me like she does hinge her fate on uncertainties... because Jeha is hella unpredictable, he is not someone YooJin can fully control, she admitted that herself. Yet, she chose to trust him in a big way.... and he has betrayed her trust. SJ was also an uncertainty... he wasn't rich, he wasn't part of a major political party, and yet YooJin married him despite her family's rejections and his political career seems to be her life's work. She admitted it herself, her disappointment over the fact that she hinged her fate on such a despicable man like SJ.

this bold parts intrigue me. We know how calculated YJ can be, we hardly see her make wrong moves when facing her opponents. But, she seems to have weakness when her raw feelings intefering her action. JSJ and Jeha, these are two men she had or still develops interest, while her family and Anna are the ones who can poke her emotional reaction, make her less tactical.

1 hour ago, perfectsmilebias said:

But obviously with the show's strong religious themes and motifs, sending Anna to a nunnery could have positive connotations/consequences. The nunnery setting itself is significant, because from what I get from this show, the writer favors the theme of religion as comforting, innocence, and a guide to morality rather than the theme of religion as repressive and corrupting (which other shows, especially Western ones,often portray).

YooJin could have sent Anna to an orphanage, the home of a paid family, or even an psychiatric treatment center (considering Anna was labeled as having social phobia).

yup, I think her decision to send Anna to nunnery was more related to her mental condition. She maybe see Anna as a manifestation of sin. Remember, her father cheated on her mother with his secretary, got a son, this son clearly robbed her, her family heritage by being chosen as CEO of JB groups. To understand why she sent Anna to nunnery, use YJ logic. She doesn't see Anna as human or a innocent harmless child, she sees Anna as parallel version as her step brother. She's illegitimate daughter of her husband, fruit of love from cheating relationship. In her mind Anna's dirty, she's sinner, she's everything that YJ loathe. And what can wash away one's sins? Simple: God, Church, Religions. Is her deed to Anna can be justified then? Of course NOT! But remember YJ mental condition is not normal either. 

2 hours ago, klgirl said:

He beats up everyone and gets the Barcelona Angel for himself before they ride off into the sunset.  JH will be on the rooftop crying his tough man tears and finally - FINALLY!! - getting to smoke his

@klgirl whaaaat girl???do you mean the one wearing red speedo is not Jeha but Master Song? No offense to you, but I so not want to see it hahahahhahahaha. white-collar.gif

@stargazer187 today's not so fun for me.. Got load of works.. Hahaha.. Oh dear, real life!!

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10 hours ago, alekaonu said:

Hi @feima yes I did noticed JH used the "ding" hand. I think he is guiding Anna what to do in a big gathering. From the preview, the woman's voice that talked to Anna might be YJ's stepmom. She said "long time" and Anna replied "do you know me". Then later YJ's half-brother said "come alone if not...." I think he was talking to JH. Maybe Anna was taken somewhere and thats why JH was half crazy looking for her.

Oh yes for a chingu who asked why the reaction from J4 and ahjumma when Anna greeted them "good morning", its because Anna never spoke to them before and also never socialize with them. The person who smashed the glass, i think from the preview, seems to be YJ. She's so strong ;)



ah the woman in the room could be YJ's step mother, that could be a possibility. I think more and more YJ's half brother was the one that took Anna i think he wants to see the value of Anna to YJ as well. He is trying to recurit JH over to his side. We all know he wont because even if i had to pick i think YJ is a safer choice. 

I want to see some sweet moments between our otp before we go into the intense moments! EP 9 please give us that!!

9 minutes ago, feima said:

@stargazer187 @klgirl @alekaonu The first thing I notice in the preview was the ding signal from JH to AN.  This game keeps on playing in my mind so much that I am now trying this "freeze, go and sit" with my dog which is not so obedient like AN. :D  One more day to go!  



i noticed that too, and i loved it. it shows the unspoken connection between JH and Anna. 

Anna will only move once JH gives the signal. BRILLIANT:D

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