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[Drama 2016/2017] The Legend of The Blue Sea 푸른 바다의 전설


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17.8%!!! Yay!!! Let's celebrate!!

:bawling: I'm happy for them!

I expect today's episode to be higher since up until now, there has been a trend of Wednesday rating lower than Thursday. Up, up, and away they go, please. 

JunCheong couple fighting! LOTBS fighting!

Tonight is another night! Bonbang! 

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11 minutes ago, demarchelier said:




TNMS - 15.1% (NATIONWIDE) and 18.1% (SEOUL)



Sorry guys, I dont fellow kdrama a lot so I wonder rating is the number of people who turned on there TV and fellow the show? Or do they also count the number of people who watched it online too? 

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1 minute ago, heart_jjh said:


Sorry guys, I dont fellow kdrama a lot so I wonder rating is the number of people who turned on there TV and fellow the show? Or do they also count the number of people who watched it online too? 

The number is for watching on their TVs not online viewing.

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17.8%  RATING is great!! :)) Lobsters!! Congrats! :))

Thursday episodes usually have higher rating. So we probably have higher rating for Today's upcoming episode!! :)))

Episode #14  is so intense and has  such a good twist. So I really am glad the rating is higher. :)) Yayyyy

What I guess we will be seeing tomorrow: Make up- Kiss :wub:, Son-meet-mom, Mimi couple reunion and Of course we are gonna see some unexpected events as usual. In the Preview, we never see the exciting part. :D  They keep it there for us to figure out while watching the episode..

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5 minutes ago, demarchelier said:

The number is for watching on their TVs not online viewing.


Thank you for the info. Maybe I understand now why the rating is not that high as high expected. When I was in Seoul for work this year. We usually finish work around 9 pm and at that time there still a lot of Korean on the street. Korean loved to go out a lot. They would meet somewhere for dinner and will not stay at home for watching TV. Most restaurants own a big TV on a wall for around 50 peoples to watch. Another thing I saw in Seoul is that lots of people on the Subway will watch there favourite show on smartphones. So rating is truely just a number that can not proved if koreans loved it or not. Now Im happy with the rating because its quite high. 

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16 minutes ago, heart_jjh said:


Thank you for the info. Maybe I understand now why the rating is not that high as high expected. When I was in Seoul for work this year. We usually finish work around 9 pm and at that time there still a lot of Korean on the street. Korean loved to go out a lot. They would meet somewhere for dinner and will not stay at home for watching TV. Most restaurants own a big TV on a wall for around 50 peoples to watch. Another thing I saw in Seoul is that lots of people on the Subway will watch there favourite show on smartphones. So rating is truely just a number that can not proved if koreans loved it or not. Now Im happy with the rating because its quite high. 

I just want to offer a little insight on how the TV ratings are measured in SK.  There are two companies which research the ratings - AGB Nielsen and TNmS - they have some 2000-3000 households which they monitor (each household has a box which monitors which program the family is watching, how they switch the TV, and a remote control on which they indicate which member of the family is watching the program). The households are carefully handpicked in order to reflect and accurately represent the real demographical composition of SK households (age - children, young adults, adults, ...). Approximately 25 % of the households are changed each year to ensure objectivity. The ratings that are officially released are the data from these households. It's similar to polls that are made before elections - it all largely relies on statictis because it's simply not logistically and financially possible to measure the data from all the Korean households. 

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I finished watching episode 14 with subtitles and I wanted to express how much I love it! 

:bawling: I love it so much, I'm crying! 

One of the best episodes so far! 

I cannot wait for more! 

Highlights of this episode:

1.) SC learning HJJ can hear her voice. Praises to JJH and LMH, their expressions capture the moments exceptionally well. Their chemistry is just bursting! I absolutely love their sweet relationship and the cutesy moments they share, but whenever they argue and share moments of silence, the tension and connection between them is unreal. 


2.) SC erasing ND's memories, only to have forgotten one important question, so what does she do? She replays the scene. My goodness, SC cracks me up. What a smart girl. ND inevitably falling for her trick twice and bumping his toe a few too many times in the process is absolutely and ridiculously funny. Hahahaha. 


3.) HJJ asking SC to promise him that she will not follow him if he dies. Again, I cannot handle the chemistry. While he coldly tells her that he would live happily without her, these words express how much he loves her. He's outrightly lying to her and asking that she makes a promise to him when he knows how painful it would be to keep that promise himself. 


4.) CSA's past actions towards HJJ's mother eating her up internally. That's why we treat others with kindness, regardless of status in life. While many hate her for not allowing a mother-son reunion, I am simply enjoying the comical relief she brings to this heavier episode.


5.) The killer turns out to be CH. I like it. This adds a twist and intensifies the thrill. 


6.) HJJ patting Mimi detective after recalling their part relationship and HJJ pushing Mimi detective around. Hahaha. I love how HJJ simply demands for the heater to be turned on in the car and how he pushes the responsibility onto Mimi detective if SC is caught by MDY, leaving Mimi detective speechless. Hahahaha. 


7.) SC and HJJ's conversation about the different types of love and SC admitting she's curious about "dirty love." Hahaha. Need I say more? 


There's more to love. The list will go on forever if I continue so I'll stop for now.

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1 hour ago, nika94 said:


17.8%  RATING is great!! :)) Lobsters!! Congrats! :))

Thursday episodes usually have higher rating. So we probably have higher rating for Today's upcoming episode!! :)))

Episode #14  is so intense and has  such a good twist. So I really am glad the rating is higher. :)) Yayyyy

What I guess we will be seeing tomorrow: Make up- Kiss :wub:, Son-meet-mom, Mimi couple reunion and Of course we are gonna see some unexpected events as usual. In the Preview, we never see the exciting part. :D  They keep it there for us to figure out while watching the episode..


Ummmm, yes, please? And make it a hot, passionate one! 



I don't know whether to laugh or feel scared whenever ND smiles at hearing about HJJ and SC's arguments. Isn't he a little too happy? But then I find it hilarious because he is such a jealous girlfriend. He was so jealous that SC met HJJ's family when he has never. ND-yah, you will never be able to win SC. She's a lifetime ahead of you. Lol. 

I'm going to add another highlight to my list above. 

8.) HJJ crying when he awakes from hypnosis. Those precious tears. Reliving such a tragic event must have been painful. It breaks my heart to know that he feels the guilt and hurt of not being able to save her and not remembering her even after their promise. It was such a sweet scene. 

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46 minutes ago, mythicalove said:

I don't know whether to laugh or feel scared whenever ND smiles at hearing about HJJ and SC's arguments. Isn't he a little too happy? But then I find it hilarious because he is such a jealous girlfriend. He was so jealous that SC met HJJ's family when he has never. ND-yah, you will never be able to win SC. She's a lifetime ahead of you. Lol. 

I'm going to add another highlight to my list above. 

8.) HJJ crying when he awakes from hypnosis. Those precious tears. Reliving such a tragic event must have been painful. It breaks my heart to know that he feels the guilt and hurt of not being able to save her and not remembering her even after their promise. It was such a sweet scene. 


Hahahs. I laughed at your reply! Yeah I agree with you.  ND is such a jealous little gf! The way he's secretly happy when HJJ and SC quarrelled shows how petty he is. But I hope he remains this way. We have CH as the villain is enough. Even though ND might be very greedy for money, I hope that ultimately, his love for HJJ would win over all his greed! 

So happy the ratings are higher this week! Really really hope that we can finally break 20% like what LMH hopes for! 

I haven't watched the fully subbed episode yet but after reading what you wrote, can't wait to fly back and watch now! Hahahs. I'm at work now. *sobs*

Like you, to me,  CH turning back isn't surprising at all considering we have all the hints from the previous few episodes. In fact, I really quite like him turning this bad cos the show needs something to propel forward. Hopefully because of this, more people in SK will tune in every Wed and Thurs! 

*praying for much better ratings today!*

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Wow so much happened in ep14 and now my mind is just buzzing with theories about who killed Dam Ryung/Sae Wa... given the new revelations that we receive. It was such an exciting episode.. i'm hoping the show keeps up this pace in the coming episodes!

Here are my thoughts on the episode and my theories: https://kdramaanalysis.wordpress.com/2017/01/05/legend-of-the-blue-sea-episode-14/

I'm actually glad this episode was aired this week instead of last week because I wouldn't have been able to wait a week to find out what happens next. 

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2 hours ago, leeminhosny said:

There are already  so many comments in article  , now 1090 comments and like 4111


I AM DYING Lobsters!!! Today's episode was A HUGEEEE HIT! :))  Knetizen REACTION IS AWESOME!!

A quick question! Do the cast and crew also know that Knetizens are leaving so many comments?? :)  I hope so!  

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The Sole Desire of Mermaid’s Heart

“You hear my voice? When did you start hearing it? When did you start hearing it?” - Shim Chung

“You said your heart will stop. You said you’re going to die. Why are you going to die?!” - Joon Jae

What a poignant moment?! So raw, intense and brutally honest! Joon Jae and Shim Chung both learn the truth, all fo it. For the mermaid it means the mind-blowing revelation that the man she loves has been aware of her being a mermaid, yet he hasn’t run away nor has he abandoned her. However, to Joon Jae it must seem like his worst nightmare coming true as he learns the terrible, full extent of loving a mermaid - HIS DEATH WOULD LITERALLY CAUSE HER OWN. Just like the air she breathes HE AND HIS LOVE ARE INDISPENSABLE TO SHIM CHUNG; and she NEEDS both to keep her heart beating which probably means PULLING THE NOBLE IDIOCY CARD ISN’T AN OPTION EITHER (YAY!!!) because pretending not to love her and pushing her away would LITERALLY BREAK HER HEART. 


And there is no way around it because it’s an integral part of Chung being a mermaid and Joon Jae needs to accept it. They have reached an impasse and there is only one way out of it - SURVIVE TOGETHER. It’s the price Joon Jae needs to pay for getting the love he always wanted - a person that would choose ONLY HIM, love ONLY HIM and forsake all other; IT’S A LOVE THAT NOT EVEN DEATH CAN PART.


The revelation sends him reeling, it’s as if someone shot him, because from their their post-Titanic conversation (AKA “what-to-do-if-I-go-all-Leonardo-Di-Caprio-on-you-and-die-for-you speech), it’s clear Joon Jae was ready to sacrifice his own life for her, just like Dam Ryung had. But perhaps, Joon Jae’s fate is to find a way to survive, to live with the mermaid HAPPILY EVER AFTER. (I certainly hope so, because I wouldn’t survive another harpoon to the heart.)


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"The Legend of the Blue Sea" Lee Min-ho looks at the past and cries


"The Legend of the Blue Sea" Lee Min-ho cried out an apology for Jeon Ji-hyeon.

On the episode of the SBS drama "The Legend of the Blue Sea" on the 4th, Heo Joon-jae (Lee Min-ho) took a look at Dam-ryeong (Lee Min-ho) and the mermaid's (Jeon Ji-hyeon) story.

After waking up from his past, Heo Joon-jae said, "I wasn't able to protect her. I couldn't. I promised her that I would remember her but I didn't. Sim Cheong (Jeon Ji-hyeon) was reborn and found me, remembered me and loves me, except I didn't remember her".

He then explained the story of Dam-ryeong and the mermaid to the doctor and asked, "Why were we reborn and why did we meet again?" The doctor answered, "Maybe it's because you have a dream or you two are just ill-fated".


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