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[Drama 2016/2017] The Legend of The Blue Sea 푸른 바다의 전설


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6 hours ago, Su-Hae said:

Hi CarolynH and to all LOBSTERS! I have also finished watching Episode 13 this afternoon and I will watch it again. There is this scene that left me a question mark. When JJ and SC where talking about first love. SC told him that "A man's first love doesn't come true. It would have been a big trouble if I were your first love. We almost couldn't have been came into." SC didn't believe JJ when he told her she is Se Hwa and she doesn't know that she is HJJ's first love. We think the same way that maybe what happened in the past will happen again and LOBS will have a tragic end but on the contrary if the writer will give us a sad ending the fans will get disappointed and LOBS will be marked as having a sad ending but to give us a relief in the story the main reason why DR shows up in JJ's dream is for him to be aware of the bad person and for him to change what happened in the past. So let's hope that the writer and the director can read all our comments that we all want a happy ending. :wub:


I fear that too. HJJ's expression completely changed when SC told him that first lovers are unlikely to end up. She is his first love, his only love. I don't think she realizes how deep that struck him, especially because he probably senses their tragic death in the past. In any case though, I know this drama will give us a happy ending. It is only fair and it makes sense. The present day has a much lighter comedic tone compared to the Joseon counterpart. It would be shocking to end the present day the same way. What I'm mainly looking forward to now is HJJ fully witnessing SC as a mermaid. I predict MDY will see her in her true form before HJJ. HJJ is so respectful towards SC that he's waiting patiently for her to reveal her secret to him. He's so patient and caring. If she is uncomfortable with telling him, he'd rather her not. Therefore, I believe the most appropriate way for him to see her is if something happens where it is inevitable for him to not see it. The highest possibility of that happening is if MDY catches her again. I wonder if taking his medication will enhance him to think straight and actually try to go after HJJ and SC. He probably realizes more than ever that his dreams are real after he takes his medication. He might become a bigger threat soon. 

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I am up and watching and it's an episode full of highlighted important parts from episode 1-13. 


1 hour ago, nabuta2 said:

I have yet to watch this drama because I want to wait until it's done, but the comments and feedback about it has been testing my patience lol.  My will to wait is almost gone   :)


I say just watch it lol. I, personally, really enjoy it. I tell everyone I recommend this show to, it gets better and better by the episode. It hasn't failed me on that either. If you watch now, you'll be able to understand the story as a whole. While waiting and not knowing what was going to happen next, I drew many conclusions that ended up not being true. I had to wait weeks for some answers to be revealed. I can confidently say now, if you start today, you will have a full grasp of the story by the time you finish episode 13. Most of your questions will be answered and you wouldn't have to wait like we did on here lol. I fully appreciate the show once I knew the full story and I find that as I enjoy the show very much watching it live, I enjoy it more when I marathon it. It eliminates the wait and the questioning. Since you have 13 episodes, and they will answer most, if not all, of your questions, I don't see why you shouldn't begin now lol. I highly recommend it to you, and hopefully it fits your liking :)


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4 minutes ago, annie1234 said:

In the special episode, do they only show the highlights from ep 1-13 or do they also show some of BTS and NG? I want NG special :) that would be funny.


It's only been highlights. I wish they would show some NG cuts, that would be nice. 

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Until now I still can't bear to watch episode 13! Oh man.. Really feeling very torn towards this show.. Hahahahs! To me,  I watched both LFAS and this but this got me completely hooked. 

Wonder if the special episode will be subbed too. Any unseen footage yet? Hahahs. 

Honestly, I'm the sort to wait for the show to finish airing before I marathon it but LOTBS is not the case for me. 

So happy that I started posting in here! Now I'm only hoping that the show will break 20% as what LMH is hoping for! 

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@heroonthebeach MLFAS was criticised for having one dimensional villain. There was only one villain there but he posed direct threats from the very beginning to our couple. When looking back after the drama ended,  the bad guy did look cartoonish, just a psychopath with uninteresting background but while watching he was really scary, 

The writer has tried different approach with LOTBS by creating multiple killers and many potential threats. She also create background for the villains but that's where she felt short since there is not enough time to develop all side stories fully. I feel that the director/writer purposely holds back suspense, choose to reveal things slowly.  Not sure it's the right decision. We were told that there is danger out there but we don't really feel it. May be at the end, we would enjoy the villains in LOBTS more but many people generally don't have patience. 

I like the chemistry of the OTP in both dramas. Sweet and adorable in LOTBS, "hot" and  sizzling in MLFAS. 

Sorry I didn't mean to offend anyone. I am a fan of LOBTS. I love the romance, humour , acting and chemistry . I am trying to think logically why it can;t get high rating it deserves. 

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It feels like I'm watching the movie version of LOBS. I want to rewatch from episode 1 again. :wub::wub::wub:

@mythicalove Not only MDY is the threat, stepmom, CH and maybe ND also. I hope ND will not betray JJ and SC. I'm really wondering why MDY can also dream of the past? When in fact DR only reveals himself to JJ.

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Guest Moonrain

aigoo i just had these weird thoughts. they wont make this a romeo and juliet ending right?? like sim chung thinks joon jae is dead and then she'll kill herself; only that joon jae is still alive???!!! they wont be so cruel right??!! no no no please. im thinking all sorts of things now because they didnt show us episode 14!!! damn

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49 minutes ago, Moonrain said:

aigoo i just had these weird thoughts. they wont make this a romeo and juliet ending right?? like sim chung thinks joon jae is dead and then she'll kill herself; only that joon jae is still alive???!!! they wont be so cruel right??!! no no no please. im thinking all sorts of things now because they didnt show us episode 14!!! damn


Hahahahahaha oh dear god, please, no. Lol. That will defeat the whole purpose of this drama lol. 


1 hour ago, Su-Hae said:

It feels like I'm watching the movie version of LOBS. I want to rewatch from episode 1 again. :wub::wub::wub:

@mythicalove Not only MDY is the threat, stepmom, CH and maybe ND also. I hope ND will not betray JJ and SC. I'm really wondering why MDY can also dream of the past? When in fact DR only reveals himself to JJ.


If love and determination can live on through time and space, then the same can be argued for evil and greed. Memories are like a puzzle piece. In truth, you remember everything from the time you were born until now. However, it is not everyday you think of those memories or need to recall them, so your brain has buried them away in a safe place. But certain events or things can trigger your memory to resurface. For example, SC's face and presence cause HJJ to have weird dreams about KDR and SH. He remembered pieces of his past before discovering KDR's clues. KDR's clues were only a few missing pieces that he needed to connect the entire photo. Because KDR meticulously constructed actual tangible puzzle pieces, HJJ is able to draw the line between his visions and reality. It is the painting, the vase, and the bracelet that makes HJJ know KDR is real. With MDY, his memories were triggered after seeing HJJ and SC because they are two missing pieces from his past. After seeing their faces, it probably stimulated parts of his brain that stored memories of KDR and SH. He can only rely on his memories and dreams but he cannot confirm it though, because he has no tangible proof. Therefore, HJJ is 100 steps ahead of MDY, because he knows his past is real. 



I no longer believe Nam Doo is evil. He's just a jealous "girlfriend." His purpose is to serve as a comical relief. The writer played around with our heads for a few episodes but now, I highly doubt he will turn bad. 

However, we have every reason to suspect HJJ's professor. I wonder why he is aiding MDY and what sort of relationship they share. Just when I feel at ease with ND, now another close person to HJJ? this time, I don't think the writer is messing with our heads. I also wonder, is MDY is entering the building to get medication? Or is he also going to ask the professor to hypnotize him to recall his past? Uh oh, that won't be good. 

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