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[Current Daily Drama 2016] The Unusual Family 별난 가족 - Monday to Friday 20:25


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My non-Korean speaker's take on the Korean language version of episode 123:

# CJ meets YJ in a restaurant. CJ informs YJ that SW is not the wealthy Lee Sera but just an 'ol standard-issue country gal named Kang Sam Wol. YJ is stunned and almost speechless.

# YJ walks through Bonjour's cafeteria still looking stunned. He ponders the surname Kang. He realizes that it is shared by Sam Wol and Dan Yi.

$ YJ spots SW eating alone at a table. A minute later YJ notes SW and DY interacting with hostility but familiarity at the elevators. YJ is reaching a conclusion. YJ remembers a reference to the missing "Sam Wol" during one of his visits to the Kang household.

# DY enters her office and converses with the Gossip Duo. YJ enters and curtly summons DY to his office.

# DY trudges to YJ's office expecting the same old guano. But this is some brand new guano.

# YJ confronts DY with his suspicions. After DY's jaw drops open, they cease to be suspicions. YJ berates DY. DY stammers. DY pleads for SW. YJ is disgusted, and suddenly very tired.

# DY is in a corridor. DY attempts to call SW on her cell phone without success. DY spots SW but Mr. Han arrives and hands DY a work assignment before she can reach SW.

# YJ encounters SW in a corridor before DY can warn her.

# YJ and SW are sitting at a table in a coffee shop. SW is wondering what's up.

# The jig is up. That's what.

# YJ confronts SW with his newfound knowledge. YJ utters DY's name and a look of terror flashes across SW's face. SW spits momentary defiance. YJ shuts her down. YJ deplores.  SW implores.  YJ responds coldly and departs.

# DY visits Lee Sera's apartment. Real Lee Sera greets DY cheerfully. They converse. SW returns home and regards the pair with distaste. DY speaks urgently to SW. SW storms from the room. DY thanks Real Lee Sera and departs. Real Lee Sera stands alone looking bewildered.

# SW is standing on a sidewalk. DY joins her. DY entreats. SW snarls. DY is aghast. SW slaps DY and departs. SW has come to believe that if she slaps others, people will think she is rich. Just like Juran and HR.

# YJ enters his bedroom and searches unsuccessfully for his missing thumb drive. Where could it be?

# HR enters and asks what's going on. Nothing, YJ explains. HR leaves and YJ resumes searching for his thumb drive.

# What's left of the Sul household is eating dinner. HR and Juran rattle on cheerfully. DT looks like someone has bound and gagged him with invisible tape. Juran refers to SW's rich relations but YJ does not correct her. Perhaps YJ remembers SW's fervent pleas. Perhaps YJ rather relishes SW's scheme to give DT, Juran and HR a real hoisting. YJ smirks. A line has been crossed.

# SY and DY's mother talk in their house. DY arrives home and joins the conversation.

# DY's mother leaves the room and DY and SA confer urgently. They retire to DY's bedroom and confer with greater urgency. SA is shocked to hear that YJ knows the truth about her daughter. Likely DY tells SA not to worry, she'll take care of it. SA looks more distressed because she has heard this before.

# SW sits in her apartment talking to herself. She is fearful.

# DT enters YJ's office.s They discuss SW. DY receives a summons on her cell phone from DT.

# DT sits in his office. He remembers developing the Mulberry Paste recipe with DY.

# DY enters DT's office. DY likely makes a sales pitch for SW. DT does not look fully convinced.

# Real Lee Sera confronts a pensive looking SW in their apartment. Real Lee Sera's cheerfulness is more restrained. Real Lee Sera senses that something isn't quite right.

# Real Lee Sera leaves the room. SW mutters the Korean equivalent of Woe Is Me. Then SW contemplates the thumb drive she recovered from YJ's bedroom and recalls its contents. The wheels in SW's mind and the tide of battle are turning.

# CJ sits in the family store looking spaced out. His father thrusts a box of vegetables into his arms and sends him on his way.

# The KC-Birth Mother-Big/Little GJ continues to improve. Very slowly.

# MS is sitting in a field. He remembers what DY's mother told him. He speaks earnestly to an unseen presence.

# SA and DY's mother talk in their housel SA departs.

# MS enters. He and DY's mother have a Serious Conversation.

# SA is working in her field. The Village Representative brings her a big lunch. Neither he nor the food are welcomed.11111111111111111111111111111111

# MS views SA from a distance. He does not approach her.

# Mr. Choi buttonholes YJ in a corridor. They converse awkwardly.

# YJ enters Juran's office and hands her a folder Juran looks troubled after YJ departs.

# YJ enters his office and talks to himself. He barks commands into his cell phone. YJ looks cornered.

# SW flounces into YJ's office with an arrogance that surprises YJ. She smirks poisonously. Did someone mention that Gil Eun Hye's Instagram account is "Private?"

# SW brandishes the incriminating thumb drive. YJ recognizes what she is holding. YJ IS cornered.


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1 hour ago, maribella said:

She has no brain, just a gap between her ears, that is why she bowed to a fake who unashamedly manipulated the dimwit of an aunt off a guy she loved. 

One has to have feelings to be human, is DY human? To be angry, humiliated, sad, but what DY is doing is so contradictory. I saw SA lending her shoulder to DY, so she is sad, but why is she putting up with Yhe snake's lies? Suicide? Let her die- SW and DY.

DY is so blinded by her loyalty and love for her niece, she is unable to make clear and right judgement again. Is the threat of SW's suicide so strong everyone is in awe of the lying imposter? Those foolish enough to believe SW is deceived and successfully manipulated by her. In biblical times, the liar's tongue will be cut off as a punishment for lying.  DY, SA and now YJ (restrained by DY and later blackmailed by SW) are all co-conspirators and should be made accountable for their supporting roles to defend SW's lies. @maribella I am also beginning to have doubts about DY being human. Maybe she is a 'Feckless-bot (as in a weak and irresponsible mechanical robot programmed by SW and DY's mom)'. DY is hopeless in my eyes. She totally lost the plot when she went to DT's office to ask him if he loves SW. BTW DY and SA should stop whitewashing SW. She is a fraud, and she is liable to punishment for commission of a serious crime. Those prolonging the discovery of the truth of her lying ways are just as guilty. End of.

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14 minutes ago, jimb said:

@sk0317  CJ is the only character who cares enough about SW to recognize that she is more likely to be imprisoned than to commit suicide.

Yes that's true but sadly SW will never understand CJ's feelings and goodwill when he advised her to come clean about her identity.

On another note, MS moved to JMR and is now leaving the village without encountering/meeting DY. That means DY doesn't know the real identity of the 'gentleman from Seoul' and also failed to thank him in person for taking her mom to the hospital when she met with an accident.

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Actually I can see why this KD is popular in Korea.  We've had several weeks of Juran and HR being over-privileged and nasty and at least three weeks of DT being over-privileged and unsuccessfully struggling to locate his own behind.

Now it looks like the two up-from-the-farms-and-streets villains are uniting to bring down the over-privileged, nasty and clueless.  What's not to like?  I like it.

This is about wish fulfillment.

In Korea (as in the U.S.) the wealthy run rampant, are as nasty as they wannabe, and are rarely taken down -- except in Korean Dramas, where they are almost always taken down.

The same with gender relations.  Men in KD's are like balls on a pool table and women hold all the pool cues.  Am I wrong in suspecting that this does not accurately portray actual power relationships in Korea?  Is this portrayal a cause or effect of the fact that most viewers of KDs are women?




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Happy Friday to all! :) 

Has anyone purchased any of the OST tracks?

I tried to search on iTunes but got 0 results. Wondering if the songs are available only on iTunes Korea. I like track 7 a lot (and 2) and found the instrumental version on YouTube. I figured that it'd be better to purchase the song, instead of just streaming on YouTube while on the go. Also, I wouldn't be too shocked by my mobile phone bill. :sweatingbullets:

Here is the video. I love the instrumentation and arrangement on this song. 


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On 2016/10/20 at 4:29 PM, sk0317 said:

Episode 123's Preview:

Source: KBS

Sorry to quote myself:sweatingbullets:. @stroppyse No apologies needed:). As you can see, I only managed to upload episode 123's preview 24 hours ago. Due to reasons unknown to us, KBS was really late before they put up the preview. Thank you for dropping by to check:) and for doing the translations for the posters here! m(_ _)m

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7 hours ago, jimb said:

Actually I can see why this KD is popular in Korea.  We've had several weeks of Juran and HR being over-privileged and nasty and at least three weeks of DT being over-privileged and unsuccessfully struggling to locate his own behind.

Now it looks like the two up-from-the-farms-and-streets villains are uniting to bring down the over-privileged, nasty and clueless.  What's not to like?  I like it.

I agree and see your point:). Not a good comparison, but a little like modern day Robin Hood? (except the money 'taken' from the rich doesn't go directly to the poor and underprivileged). Plus it's prime time entertainment where the whole family (maybe mostly women and some of their kids) enjoy. What does Mrs. @jimb think about this drama?

7 hours ago, jimb said:

This is about wish fulfillment.

In Korea (as in the U.S.) the wealthy run rampant, are as nasty as they wannabe, and are rarely taken down -- except in Korean Dramas, where they are almost always taken down.

The Korean Air nut rage case comes to mind:sweatingbullets:.

7 hours ago, jimb said:

The same with gender relations.  Men in KD's are like balls on a pool table and women hold all the pool cues.  Am I wrong in suspecting that this does not accurately portray actual power relationships in Korea?  Is this portrayal a cause or effect of the fact that most viewers of KDs are women?

:lol:@stroppyse Could you please enlighten us?:)

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15 hours ago, sk0317 said:

Thank you for the translations @stroppyse. DY is driving me crazy with her mindless and contradictory actions. Does she want DT to marry her instead and make arrangements for SW to live together with them just like GJ/KC/YS?

Thanks Everyone For Your Contributions

@sk0317  DY is spineless and gutless when it comes to SW, She won't do or say a thing she will watch when she's the guilty party here for not telling DT who Sw is..

I tell you I hate to come here and read this ridiculous mess and DY is just giving in and getting married because he thinks he slept with her.. OMG SMH..

Well we should be getting YJ and Sw working together and YJ might blame this all on Sw and she's not going to kn ow what hit her because she's just way to greedy like YJ.. Sw may tell YJ to leave HR and go back to DY thinking she could erease her from DT period so around episodes 136 to 142 should get really interesting.. 


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13 hours ago, lclarakl said:


@0ly40 Thanks for the preview video and @stroppyse thanks for the translation.

 I couldn't get past DY, the hypocrite, having the nerve to ask SW, "Why can't you get your head straight?"  Is she joking? Does DY really think she, herself, is thinking straight? Then DY also says, "Aren't you even sorry to the Director?" Really? DY has been lying the entire time to DT and deceiving him, it doesn't appear she felt sorry towards him.  That's why she's such a hypocrite. The writer has made DY more repulsive to me than SW. SW is just across and greedy, but willing to do anything to accomplish her goal. DY just comes across as a weak, unlikeable quitter. 

Star  'When You Point a Finger at Someone, There Are Three More Pointing Back at You.' DY should self-reflect and recognize her own faults and shortcomings too although I don't see her being able to do so. Perhaps growing up together in the same household and being 'taught' the same 'moral values' when they were young made them think and act alike? In short, from the dialogue preview, both the Kang women 'can't think straight' and both are deceiving and hurting DT without any feelings of remorse. DT has his flaws, but it's beyond repulsive and totally unacceptable what these two are doing to him. He should seriously consider taking out a restraining order against DY and SW. When the whole truth concerning them becomes exposed and known to him, I hope he would not be too traumatized by the horrible and nightmarish experience.

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3 minutes ago, sk0317 said:

Star  'When You Point a Finger at Someone, There Are Three More Pointing Back at You.' DY should self-reflect and recognize her own faults and shortcomings too although I don't see her being able to do so. Perhaps growing up together in the same household and being 'taught' the same 'moral values' when they were young made them think and act alike? In short, from the dialogue preview, both the Kang women 'can't think straight' and both are deceiving and hurting DT without any feelings of remorse. DT has his flaws, but it's beyond repulsive and totally unacceptable what these two are doing to him. He should seriously consider taking out a restraining order against DY and SW. When the whole truth concerning them becomes exposed and known to him, I hope he would not be too traumatized by the horrible and nightmarish experience.


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2 hours ago, valsava said:

Thanks Everyone For Your Contributions

@sk0317  DY is spineless and gutless when it comes to SW, She won't do or say a thing she will watch when she's the guilty party here for not telling DT who Sw is..

I tell you I hate to come here and read this ridiculous mess and DY is just giving in and getting married because he thinks he slept with her.. OMG SMH..

Well we should be getting YJ and Sw working together and YJ might blame this all on Sw and she's not going to kn ow what hit her because she's just way to greedy like YJ.. Sw may tell YJ to leave HR and go back to DY thinking she could erease her from DT period so around episodes 136 to 142 should get really interesting.. 

Welcome back! @valsava You have been missed here:) although I do understand why you might have stayed away from this thread...:sweatingbullets:

DY may not be living under an assumed identity like SW, but I think she has managed to deceive a lot of us with her initial demeanor. Her true colors are starting to show slowly but surely. She is no better than SW if you think and consider what she is doing and has done to DT. With a niece like SW, you need to use 'Tough Love'. I have had more than enough of her 'Sam Wol...' which yielded nothing but more resentment and side eye from SW. She might think she is/was so sought after by YJ and DT that the whole universe revolves around her and those around her listen to her. But the sad truth is, if she continues to treat the men with no respect, she will get no respect from them. If you have the courage and patience to watch episode 123, you will notice her 'conversations' with DT and YJ are one-sided where she refuses to answer to the questions the men asked. She was only dishing out her wishes and opinions, hoping the guys will listen and take up her suggestions. To DT, she was saying if you love SW, accept her regardless of who she (really) is. To YJ: don't break SW's cover until she tells DT herself. I think a very confused and dejected DT was trying to get one 'final' confirmation with DY, before making a decision on whether to get engaged or not. But what did she do? Barged into his office during office hours to ask him if he loves SW and expects him to accept her as she is (should SW choose to tell DT her true identity). On her planet, the magical power of 'love' to forgive and forget overrules the traumatic experience and betrayal DT has/had been put to go through with these two lunatics. Was she banking on YJ's feelings for her and for 'old times' sake', that she expects YJ to keep SW's lies a secret for the time being? She is so full of herself. Lie all you want but don't tell another not to do the right thing in order to protect that ungrateful and undeserving niece of yours. Sorry I got carried away:sweatingbullets:, but she really gets on my nerves.

Yes it will be a nice change from constantly having to see a weepy DY saying, 'Sam Wol..' and getting ignored and hated by an equally disgusting SW.


@sgfan This lady lives in Osaka and she has a blog where she shares her food adventures there, around Japan and other places. Please explore her blog and world if you have some time to spare:)http://katnsatoshiinjapan.blogspot.jp/

Happy weekend!

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Yep, DY with her duplicity and her nice niece SW deserve to go to prison for defrauding Bonjour, the family, mostly DT.  

There's an old saying that no one can do something to you unless you let them.  It's on DT for not getting himself out of the clutches of SW.  Man up!  Why does he need women to save him.....save yourself DT!




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9 minutes ago, desertflower said:

Yep, DY with her duplicity and her nice niece SW deserve to go to prison for defrauding Bonjour, the family, mostly DT.  

There's an old saying that no one can do something to you unless you let them.  It's on DT for not getting himself out of the clutches of SW.  Man up!  Why does he need women to save him.....save yourself DT!

Star DT needs to get himself out of the clutches of JR and DY too. He keeps getting sentimental and emotional reminiscing his times with DY. He must move on and away from the women who not only deceive him but continue to hurt, disregard and have no consideration for his feelings. Yes man up already! Start afresh and discard all these 'mess'.

TGIF and have a wonderful weekend @desertflower!

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You have to remember that they value and protect family at any cost. Sure DY should have outed SW the min she saw her and heard a different name. But DY's character no matter how many times SW lied, stole, acted like a brat to her would always try to still see some good in that brat. Now SW has done a heavy bit of guilt on DY over the death of her brother (SW's father) add that to what her mother has done for years and it is a bit of stupidity on DY's part. One SW has never shown she is sorry for the things she does. Even stealing money or damaging shoes she stole from DY it was always an attitude I have a right to take if its for my own goal and why are you making such a big deal over it? Never even giving DY any respect as her Aunt cause she was jealous of her mothers attention to her.

And Two because she was a child when this happened and not rationally thinking it was not her fault that her brother died while trying to save DY's life or get her medical care when she was very ill. The key words are DY was a baby herself when her brother lost his life and also he would have done anything to save his baby sister. But DY has been programmed by her mother to take abuse and to take fault on herself even when there should not be blame for something like that. 

DY would in no way even think that SW is not just using a new name for work then that she stole a persons Identity and committing fraud to live this life she should have no way of actually worked to get at least not this fast with her personality and no skills. Because SW is family DY would continue to try to talk sense into the brat not wanting to see that SW is on a collision course to be humiliated and caught. 

SA is the same she knows her daughter is a bad seed but she is family and tried to talk sense into the little witch as well but both women trying to make her see that what she is doing will not only hurt her (badly) but others. OF course given SW's mind set that DY stole everything for her and her selfishness nothing anyone could say to her would get to her anyway as she has been poisoned by her grandmother on top her already feeling like DY stole her life and her mother never cared for her like she witnessed her caring for DY. 

We all wish that DY and SA could have just outed her (showing they had no part in this hair brain and stupid scheme of SW to get in with a rich family and to go around the process of working hard on her own to achieve her goals). She would be in jail before she could off her self not that anyone really should worry. SW is too stuck on herself to really kill herself and if she does pump her stomach and send her into a psych eval but again family comes into play as DY and SA are too sweet for their own good and would only blame themselves if SW ends up in the hospital. Which I think she still will when things blow up in her face. 

I expect that SW is going to get hers at this wedding. She has no idea really how the rich work. Given the family she is saying she is tied to and the fact that JR is considering it a coo to enter into a marriage with this family it would not be done for her not to try to contact the real LSR's parents to make sure they can't make it to the rush wedding. JR would have wanted to show off the fact she has that families daughter marrying into her family so I bet there could be people there who either know them or have gotten an invite and talked to them possibly too. Also I do not see LSR as a fool she will either talk to someone or look into the bills and missing credit card that SW has run up.  It looks like to me SW could get blown then, but given how many episodes we are already in the writer could take it to the very end. 

There will be a lot of angry people when SW is exposed and DY and SA will also receive blows which they richly deserve for not going and telling who SW really is, but again it falls back to family. So they will take what is coming because they will see it as their fault. SA for not raising her right and DY for killing her father when we all know that it is neither of their faults that SW is such a selfish little Witch!

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@sk0317 thank you for the blog link. Just doing research makes me want to fly over right away :)

I think the older actors/ veterans are the ones holding the show together now. Although they have the same over-the-top script, I believe they bring a certain level of stability and maturity to the show. The actress playing JR is actually quite good, apart from the overuse of 'ha'. Of the younger cast members,  I must say the leading guys have the potential to do well in their craft. 

Now im actually more interested in MS/SA than DT/DY. The scenes where DY's mum was playing matchmaker and comforting SA over the discovery of MS's marital status was very touching, IMO. 

Thanks for the preview too @sk0317 I couldn't help but laugh when SW kissed DT on his lips. SJH seemed to have forgotten about DT not liking SW - his lips were puckered up. Or was it just my imagination?


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12 hours ago, jimb said:

Now it looks like the two up-from-the-farms-and-streets villains are uniting to bring down the over-privileged, nasty and clueless.  What's not to like? 

I have never been to Korea  and have known only a few Koreans; all were well travelled and seemed like in the upper middle income by US standards. I have never seen them slapping anyone nor each other, but I never hanged out with them. Just had long chats with only one of them.

I detest manipulative people(SW & YJ), criminal theft of identity (SW)  and embezzlers ( YJ). Whether it is the rich or the poor who committed it. Me no likee... no no. The fact that SW took advantage of her stupid aunt, clueless grandma and mother by  underhanded ways just do not cut it with me.  It is just by accident that the priviledged JR and HR are going to get hurt. YJ is a user; fiancee, wife, MIL. Low life who belongs in prison. So I do not understand how the way those two behaved could raise the ratings.  So strange if true.


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38 minutes ago, sgfan said:

@sk0317 thank you for the blog link. Just doing research makes me want to fly over right away :)

I think the older actors/ veterans are the ones holding the show together now. Although they have the same over-the-top script, I believe they bring a certain level of stability and maturity to the show. The actress playing JR is actually quite good, apart from the overuse of 'ha'. Of the younger cast members,  I must say the leading guys have the potential to do well in their craft. 

Now im actually more interested in MS/SA than DT/DY. The scenes where DY's mum was playing matchmaker and comforting SA over the discovery of MS's martial status was very touching, IMO. 

Thanks for the preview too @sk0317 I couldn't help but laugh when SW kissed DT on his lips. SJH seemed to have forgotten about DT not liking SW - his lips were puckered up. Or was it just my imagination?

You are most welcome @sgfan. Maybe the next time when you are in Tokyo, we could arrange to meet up 'offline' and swoon over SJH in unison:):lol:. Hope you have a wonderful and eventful trip! Will keep you posted on new ideas/blogs I can find on Osaka.

Yes the veterans are 'holding' the show together and it's a pity the actress playing JR has to be cast in her role with 'restricted' expressions. She has great posture and a sense of humor BTS. Her 'catwalk' in front of the dancing BD guy, KJW was refreshing and funny.:lol: Let's hope to see her in different roles in a different drama/project, playing someone closer to her real age. And it's encouraging to see some potential in the younger cast. As a rookie, I thought the actress playing HR was pretty convincing and we have reasons to believe she could be developed into a lead actress in her future projects.

Looks like MS has chosen to stay in JMR after being stopped by SA. I have mixed feelings with their union due to the complicated past and present dealings with the DT/DY/SW relationship. Maybe if they were to go and live faraway from DT, things might be just a little more acceptable? Despite her illness, DY's mom does know how good and faithful SA has been to her all these years. So I think it's her way of making sure (before her own illness takes a turn for the worse) SA's future is happy and blessed if she were able to find someone she cares and loves.

I was so disgusted by SW's daring approach I skipped talking/mentioning it:D. I think it was more like a 'reflex response' on the part of DT:phew: rather than reciprocating her kiss:P.

Have a relaxing and nice weekend @sgfan! We are driving to Nagoya tomorrow morning. My daughter's (who plays the alto saxophone) school, is one of three secondary schools to represent Tokyo tomorrow at the All Japan Wind Instrument Music Competition.

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