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[Current Daily Drama 2016] The Unusual Family 별난 가족 - Monday to Friday 20:25


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 @b2stsb2uty   Relishes the prospect of egg on Juran's face when she learns of SW's true identity.:

Juran might not acknowledge any egg on her face whatsoever. She might develop a new narrative. In place of the "sly" but lone DY, she might come to believe that DY and SW were a veritable tag team of rustic jezebels in hot pursuit of her son..

Thus, DY might be punished for keeping SW's secret just as she was punished for keeping YJ's secret.

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Have been wondering how knowing Vixen was a poseur will effect FarmGirl, she is her niece, they live in the same house!  At the end they will all be holding hands while singing Kumbaya.  

Vixen must think she can get married to TallHeir before the truth is out, her M-in-Law will love her, TallHeir will adore her, they are married so M-in-Law won't kick her out over a little thing like a fake background, right?  WRONG!!!  That M-in-Law would annul the marriage and kick her out so fast Poseur will be cited for speeding.  

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KC's ex-wife is a piece of work.  There is no doubt that she's wanting to insert herself back into KC's life not just for their daughter, but for herself as well.  She is the one who left her family. If I was KC's girlfriend, I wouldn't want her living in the same house. The reason KC's ex is upset, is because she knows that KC's girlfriend is confident that he doesn't want her, his ex-wife, any more. That's what is really stinging the ex-wife.

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5 hours ago, sgfan said:

120 episodes. And let's hope no extension!! 


Oh jeez ... another 17 episodes!! C'mon writer-nim ... start JR, HR & SW's downfall now!!! Don't do a hack job and rush it leaving it to the last 2-3 episodes.

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My non-Korean speaking take on the Korean language version of episode 103:

# [In ep. 102 SW collapsed, complaining of stomach pain. DT took SW to her apartment while an unknowing DY waited in front of Bonjour for DT to join her. DT called DY to tell her what had happened and that he was on his way.]

# Before DT can reach the door SW clutches him from behind in a determined embrace. Will DT return to the hard road of love that awaits him in front of Bonjour, or will he choose the expressway to illicit pleasure which beckons so urgently before him?

# DT is so puzzled by SW's advances that lust has no chance. SW speaks passionately. DT speaks earnestly. DT departs. No soju has been consumed and no Assets employed or enjoyed. Virtue, albeit bewildered, has triumphed.

# SW is shown crying alone in her apartment. Let's all enjoy this, shall we?

# DT rushes to meet DY in front of Bonjour. DY is not there to meet him because she has rushed to SW's apartment. Perhaps out of concern for SW's health. Perhaps out of concern for the strong odor of Rat wafting from SW's apartment.

# DY expresses concern. SW is silent, deploying her newly acquired Hate Stare. DY answers a call from DT on her cellphone. DY tells DT where she is. SW sighs in disgust. SW screams hysterical. SW orders DY to leave. DY does so. SW, alone. screams some more.

# At the Sul residence, Grandfather, YJ, HR and Juran are having coffee. Grandfather has apparently been considering how to split the baby but has reached no firm conclusions. DY's name is mentioned several times and HR emotes. Suddenly the atmosphere in the room changes. Juran looks like she is finally getting tired of this. The Aunt is disbelieving and apparently says so. The Grandfather, looking as though he has finally discovered some solid ground in the whole mess,, speaks sternly, first to HR and then to Juran.  Juran starts to do a Ha! Eye roll. but thinks better of it YJ stirs uneasily.

# DT is not at the movie with DY. It is his bad luck that, instead, he is now entering the living room. At least he can truthfully say that he has not spent the evening with DY.

# Grandfather sternly beckons DT. DT, not for the first this evening, is puzzled. He joins the family discussion. Grandfather speaks. DT smiles. Grandfather speaks again. DT protests. HR, who lately isn't pleased with either of her Oppas, shouts "Oppa!" Juran piles on. DT resists.

# DT leaves the room. Grandfather reflects that being a Patriarch isn't much fun these days: These children these days . . . Juran senses that it is now safe to perform a Ha! Eye roll. Other family members are abashed or disbelieving.

# DT walks down the hallway to his bedroom. YJ arrogantly accosts DT for a Talk. Likely: Come our senses re DY. Unfortunately for YJ, DT has his own bone to pick: What about those supplement complaints? YJ's arrogance is suddenly gone. YJ beats a hasty retreat to his bedroom.

# DT enters his bedroom and recalls SWs advances. Is he contemplating the Expressway Not Taken?

# DY arrives home and talks with SA. SA likely apprises DY of her mother's hallucinations. DY likely asks SA "What's up with your daughter?"

# DY walks into her mother's bedroom. She contemplates her sleeping mother. DY's mother awakes. They have a brief but serious conversation.

# SA is unsuccessful in making a phone call, probably to SW.

# SW, destined to drink soju alone tonight, is doing so in a bar. She is also shouting curses re DY. Apparently persons sitting alone and shouting in a bar in Korea go unnoticed, except when they order another round.

# The clean living CJ happens upon SW while looking for an empty table. What is the clean living CJ doing alone in a random bar? Never mind.

# SW passes out before CJ reaches her table. CJ takes SW home and leaves her sleeping, unmolested. As he prepares to leave SW's apartment he notices a large teddy bear he bought SW before she learned he was poor. CJ is nostalgic and sad. Before he can leave SW half awakens, still oblivious, and begins to cry. CJ touches SW's forehead and expresses tender concern but she is unaware. She falls asleep again. CJ probably leaves because . . .

# . . . SW awakens alone, greeting the new day with a brain-rattling soju hangover. SW is surprised to find that someone has left a cup of liquid on her night table. (Hangover soup?)

# SW enters Bonjour's lobby. DY, whom we already know can be a slow learner, spots SW and runs to catch up with her. SW tries to be nasty but, hung over, abandons the effort. They are joined by DT, who is guarded but cordial to the two women. SW says something that startles both DT and DY and departs. DT noticeably brightens, says something to DY, and departs. DY stands alone in the lobby looking bewildered.

# DT and SW retire to Bonjour's rooftop, the site of many a Talk between YJ and DY. They too have a Talk. SW is chastened but earnest. DT is benevolent but earnest. SW, suddenly un-chastened, delivers a lengthy declaration of love. DT attempts to politely discourage her. SW cries a bit and departs. DT looks taken aback.

# DY brings a folder to DT's office. DY likely asks what SW's problem was. Does DT tell her about SW's advances? Did DY tell DT about YJ's advances? A lengthy and serious discussion about something ensues.

# SW enters Juran's office. SW mentions DY and cries. Juran is sympathetic and Concerned. SW weeps uncontrollably, sealing the deal. They hatch a Plan. The scene concludes with a vicious side-eye by Juran.

# CJ sadly regards SW's phone number, which somehow is still on his cellphone. His finger approaches the cellphone, then retreats. KC is sitting with him. They talk. Despite all that CJ knows about KC's romantic entanglements, he apparently seeks and and accepts his uncle's Advice on Life and Love. Women: Can't live with 'em, can't live without 'em . . . A man's gotta do what a man's gotta go. Etc. . [UPDATE: Wrong.  They discussed KC's troubles.]

# The Birth Mother enters. CJ leaves she and KC alone. They talk. They argue. KC leaves the room. The Birth Mother looks unhappy. Apparently Kumbaya is yet to be achieved.

# KC leaves the house. He just misses the elder GJ, who enters with gifts in hand. GJ and YJ's mother talk. The Birth Mother joins them. GJ greets her warmly. The Birth Mother looks uncomfortable and turns to leave. YJ's mother beckons her to stay and leaves the rooom. GJ gives the Birth Mother a gift. They talk. Then they argue. The Birth Mother leaves the room.

# YJ's mother and father talk. He reacts with surprise to what she has said. GJ joins them and they chat amiably before GJ leaves.

# YJ is sitting at his desk. He suddenly recalls his encounter with DT. He calls someone on his cellphone and speaks urgently.

# DY is talking with her officemates. Her female colleague is apparently teasing her. DY squirms uncomfortably. The Short Guy With Glasses is chatting with the Lanky Guy. The Short Guy With Glasses is indulging his penchant for saying the wrong thing at the wrong time. YJ enters. YJ speaks sternly to Lanky Guy and accepts a report from him. Lanky Guy sighs with relief after YJ departs.

# DY receives a phone call. She regards the caller's number with little enthusiasm.

# Juran is sitting at her desk looking sullen. YJ knocks and enters. YJ sits down and makes a pitch. Juran seems a little surprised but appears to go along with it. There is portentous music in the background, indicating that Juran has been fleeced once more.

# DY enters Juran's office and bows. Juran sends YJ off. Juran has acquired a false happy face, which she maintains while she asks DY a series of questions. DY does not smile as she answers them.

# SA and DY's mother talk. The discussion turns serious. Something Important has happened since there is music in the background. Mother in law seems resigned. Daughter in law seems sympathetic and increasingly earnest. The Village Representative, who must share a "kick me" gene with the Short Guy With Glasses, chooses this moment to enter. He is not greeted warmly, but nevertheless insists on joining the discussion. DY's mother ignores a question from him and leaves the room. He continues to talk with SA who, irritated, also leaves the room. The scene ends with the Village Representative looking bewildered.

# SA and MS encounter each other near his house. She is on the verge of tears. He invites her into his house and she cries. He brings a glass of water and they talk. There is romantic music in the background so we know that another Milestone In Their Relationship has been reached.

# DY is sitting at her desk looking worried. DT enters her office looking cheerful. She tells him something. He is very surprised.

# DY joins Juran at a restaurant table. Juran tries on the false happy face again. It suits her only until SW appears. Juran is expecting SW. DY is not. Hitler and Stalin have invaded Poland.

#  As the episode ends, SW regards DY with triumphant malice. Her eyes shine but do not bug.


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@0ly40  There is an incomplete Asian Wiki page up for I Still Love You at http://asianwiki.com/I_Still_Love_You .  According to the plot description we'll be dealing with another "Unusually Freaky Family."

@stroppyse  It will be funny when Juran, who touts SW's wealth and breeding, learns that SW was "bred" by her rival for her husband's affection.  Whom Juran, in addition, regards as a woman of questionable character.



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9 hours ago, fanofr said:

Well, abuse is what DY has grown up with.  Her mother verbally abuses her almost every day.  Her greedy, spoilt niece steps all over her with DY's Mum's blessings.  While SIL loves DY, she is not strong enough to stop DY's mother from abusing DY. 

It's a wonder DY turned out the way she is, considering all the abuses she receives from her own mother, and being talked down and looked down by her own niece.

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1 hour ago, jimb said:

@stroppyse  It will be funny when Juran, who touts SW's wealth and breeding, learns that SW was "bred" by her rival for her husband's affection.  Whom Juran, in addition, regards as a woman of questionable character.

Yes and I can't wait to see the expression on JR's face when the woman she touts as the Second Coming is revealed to be a fake and daughter of her love rival SA. Time to get the popcorn!

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16 minutes ago, stroppyse said:

Also, does it make me a bad person because I started laughing when SW started crying? She's just so ridiculous and delusional, it was either laugh or fast forward, or as in this case, a bit of both. :)

LOL!!!!:D You might be glad to know you had company, as I too started laughing the minute SW started crying:P.

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@stroppyse Thank you for your tutorial on Korean divoce, child custody, and child support practices. My only knowledge is what I have been told about a single Korean divorce that occurred over 20 years ago in which the child was over 15 and chose to stay with the mother.

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@sk0317 Asked "Can we count the 'pooh girl' incident although it was performed under her real identity as the 'real' health emergency?" even though it didn't spark a romance between SW and DT:

LOL. As a man raised in America, I can't think of anything more detumescent, if you get my drift. Mileage in other countries may vary.

I've long thought that the quickest way to reduce teen pregnancies to zero would be to make all high school restrooms unisex.

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Dong Tak will moved to Jangmi-ri, stayed with his father and look after his Mulberry gochujang factory. So he can still have his work and his girl too.

Sam Wol probably did not know that Grandmother actually targeted Dong Tak for Dan Yi. In fairness, she was really concern as she met and had a pow-wow with Yoon Jae after the break-up and now she wanted to see Dan Yi marry off before her memory goes off.

Just wait till Yoon Jae run off with the company money and he ends up with his own uncle arresting him for embezzlement.

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@jimb said   # DT is so puzzled by SW's advances that lust has no chance. SW speaks passionately. DT speaks earnestly. DT departs. No soju has been consumed and no Assets employed or enjoyed. Virtue, albeit bewildered, has triumphed.

Thank you for the summary     So happy to hear  about our DT’s virtue.:lol:  I’m afraid that is all DY & DT can show for against  JR/HR/SW.    

Btw Thank you for posting about a new daily ‘I Still Love You’.  A news article(9/8) mentions that TUF will end at the end of Oct but  Kim Dong Joon (the lead in the new daily)- fancafe-Daum says(9/19)  that this new daily is supposed to start at the end of Oct but now it’s postponed and it may start 11/28.(kim Dong Joon



I think DY says ‘oppa’ because what happened in the restaurant with JR and SW. Probably DY realized SW’s secret boyfriend was DT.   Poor DY!!  


3 hours ago, sk0317 said:
3 hours ago, stroppyse said:

Also, does it make me a bad person because I started laughing when SW started crying? She's just so ridiculous and delusional, it was either laugh or fast forward, or as in this case, a bit of both. :)

LOL!!!!:D You might be glad to know you had company, as I too started laughing the minute SW started crying:P.


I’m in too.  whaha  :D   It’s so bewildering to see how SW behaved with her fake id.  She acted as if she believed she was that rich girl???      I no longer reacted to her with  omg/you must be kidding/whywhy etc etc…   Yeah  I feel like  this character SW became bewilderingly strange and  hilarious.   I had  such satisfaction seeing her screaming.   lol :P  



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Glad for @jimb's recaps. DY is still too dense to put two and two together? I would not be able to get past the look on her face whenever SW insulted her. Didn't someone say she stood up to HR recently?  We should have a few pages of chats when (if?) she talks back or starts kicking butt. 

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On 2016/9/22 at 2:31 AM, sgfan said:

Yes I have just watched the raw version. I am happy to see that DY is standing up for herself again. Yesterday's warning to SW to watch her mouth was indeed gold!

In this evening's episode, DY finally defended her work and seemed to have told HR that she has done her best and she is not the best person for this particular launch since her area of expertise is farm produce. Of course, giant doll sister went mental hysterical and had to be dragged out of the office by DT.

8 minutes ago, maribella said:

Didn't someone say she stood up to HR recently?  We should have a few pages of chats when (if?) she talks back or starts kicking butt.

@maribella @sgfan did a wonderful summary of DY standing up for herself against HR which I have pasted above.:)

You might be glad to know GP has given HR and JR the ultimate yesterday by commanding them to appoint a different MD to work with HR if she is really keen on launching her product.

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3 hours ago, booha said:

Btw Thank you for posting about a new daily ‘I Still Love You’.  A news article(9/8) mentions that TUF will end at the end of Oct but  Kim Dong Joon (the lead in the new daily)- fancafe-Daum says(9/19)  that this new daily is supposed to start at the end of Oct but now it’s postponed and it may start 11/28.(kim Dong Joon

@booha How's your day? Thanks for the information (@jimb too) on the new drama "I Still Love You". I don't think I am going to watch and go through another marathon, especially one without SJH:P. Do you know why the new drama has been rescheduled to start on Nov. 28 instead of late October? Look what I have found on the internet:



The first two links listed the broadcast period as May 2, 2016 - Nov. 25, 2016, which means the drama has a total of 150 episodes:blink:. Are the information on these two links reliable??!! Does it mean the scriptwriters have to overstretch their already limited imagination to prolong the series to last for another 47 episodes before the new drama takes over??!!

However the link on the KBS World listed TUF's number of episodes as 120...


3 hours ago, booha said:

I’m in too.  whaha  :D   It’s so bewildering to see how SW behaved with her fake id.  She acted as if she believed she was that rich girl???      I no longer reacted to her with  omg/you must be kidding/whywhy etc etc…   Yeah  I feel like  this character SW became bewilderingly strange and  hilarious.   I had  such satisfaction seeing her screaming.   lol :P

A 'sadistic' side of me tells me to "laugh and rewind" when the scene of SW crying comes on...:rolleyes:

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In ep. 103 YJ called a "Mr. Kim" and (1) thanked him for helping him set up a special bank .account and (2) asked him to help keep a lid on problems with the health supplement.

Assuming the special bank account holds some of YJ's stolen money, why would YJ seek anyone's help rather than setting the account up himself?

More interesting, "Mr. Kim" must work at or be involved with Bonjour in some manner in order to be able to "keep a lid" on the supplement problems. Why would YJ take the risk of involving such a person in establishing an account for illicit funds?

Is this part of a pattern of deliberately leaving a trail to someone else's door?

Does anyone recall a "Mr. Kim" from previous episodes?

Was "Mr. Kim" the rogue stockholder who opposed Juran's elevation to CEO?

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21 minutes ago, sk0317 said:

You might be glad to know GP has given HR and JR the ultimate yesterday by commanding them to appoint a different MD to work with HR if she is really keen on launching her product.


:w00t::):) :w00t: 

Serves that hefty heifer right! She does not have any  idea what to launch, it was just to make DY's life miserable.

Now we have to put up with more of SW, assuming they are building her into a couple with YJs stupid brother. Can't he see her for the little gold digger she is? 

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19 hours ago, Brenda Capers said:

People keep commenting that DY knows SW is a fake.....I dont think she knows she is a fake per say I think DY thinks SW is using that name as like a celebrity would I dont think she knows she has actually assumed someone's else's identity and life committing fraud.

DY allowed SW to do all kinds of stuff to her...ruin her shoes that was gifted by YJ...stole her money and watch...talk down to her but I dont think DY is going to allow her to take her man and esp. after everything DY has been having to endure to stay with DT.

It would be nice if SW lies would catch up with her in ep. 104 with the introduction of her being asked to dinner with JR and DY....but just because JR wants SW as her DIL doesnt mean a thing because DT is refusing to be with anybody but DY....so what if his mother approves of SW and at least now DY and DT knows SW is not their friend or advocate for their relationship and they can stop confiding in her.

@Brenda Capers, thank you for reminding us that DY does not know the whole deal about SW. DY and SA think that 'Lee Sera' is just a stage name and nothing more. Apart from being aware of the Boston lie, DY does not know anything else; that SW has really taken on the identity of LSR whose family owns Felmont. Let's hope she gets caught in her lies within the next 5 episodes. I cannot stand to see her get away with everything 'til the last couple episodes! Yes, you are right that DT and DY now know SW is no friend or confidante. They should stop telling her about their relationship woes and strategies to stay together.

16 hours ago, sk0317 said:

Will GP change his mind once he finds out more about how DY was dumped by YJ? I am so relieved DY doesn't have to deal with a ticking time bomb anymore who might not even be interested in launching a product in the first place. Thanks GP!

Very good observations on the Gossip Trio's hunch on DT/DY's relationship. Is it bad of me to say I find SW repulsive? I don't have an iota of sympathy for her. She is plain mean, swarmy and shameless. Imagine the thrill and satisfaction I got when DT told her DY is the one and only woman he dearly loves. And that he loves her very very much! easter-lol But the most interesting twist to the plot in episode 103 was, are the scriptwriters hinting a possible CJ/SW reunion?

Absolutely yes!! DY must fight for her man!! Now is the time for DY to spill the beans! How much longer before SW's deceits and lies become exposed? The writers really seem to adore the SW character. Despite all the malicious deeds she has done, she came through unscathed . I think SW has been given too much leeway. I am really running out of patience with her, the very sight of her makes me sick and nauseous ick .

# I think JR is walking on eggshells. She has driven her husband away with her "wanting to do things her own way" attitude. If she keeps this up with DT, I wouldn't be surprised if DT leaves home and his job at Bonjour to be with the woman he truly loves. 

Everyone, except DT and maybe YJ, seems to have forgotten about how YJ cruelly dumped DY and the role he/she played. Since this is ultimately a feel good kinda show, everyone will come round eventually. GP, Aunt GJ and MS will most likely be the first few to accept DT and DY.

No, I think 'repulsive' is an understatement B) SW truly went overboard when she told her mum that DY should've been left to die. DT plainly rejected her and did not hesitate to emphasize and reiterate his feelings/thoughts. I also felt the thrill and satisfaction when watching this scene. I was almost pumping my fists in the air lol.

9 hours ago, stroppyse said:


Not sure about watching another daily, but thanks for the info.

I'm actually pretty amazed at how much of the story you figure out without knowing Korean. The drama is doing its job of telling a simplistic story simplistically methinks. Anyway, thanks for your recap. Hilarious as always. Plus, with "only" 17 episodes left,I'm curious to see how it gets wrapped up. 

DY's mother has figured out her diagnosis even before SA could bring herself to actually say anything about it. 

Also, does it make me a bad person because I started laughing when SW started crying? She's just so ridiculous and delusional, it was either laugh or fast forward, or as in this case, a bit of both. :)


Not to worry, a lot of us are not saddened by a crying SW. I was disgusted by the sight and clicked fast forward. The next time she cries, it'd better be when all her lies are exposed and she loses everything. I will be laughing heartily then.

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15 minutes ago, maribella said:

Now we have to put up with more of SW, assuming they are building her into a couple with YJs stupid brother. Can't he see her for the little gold digger she is? 

I guess the saying that the first love is the most compelling and most unforgettable is true especially in CJ's case:). The saying "Love is blind" comes to mind...

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