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[Current Daily Drama 2016] The Unusual Family 별난 가족 - Monday to Friday 20:25


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59 minutes ago, Triton823 said:

The thing with Mr. Choi and Mr. Han is they are considered co-conspirators because they knowingly went ahead with the plan. Yes, YJ will be tossed in prison, but JR will not escape this either! She is guilty of blind negligence in that she did not "trust, but verify". She fails as a mother, wife, and CEO and YJ is her karma that has come.

Let's get to the legalities of SW. Not only is SW guilty of stolen identity which is a felony in most civilized country on God's green earth, but the fact is DY and SA are guilty of simply being a co-conspirator as well because they did nothing to stop her. Quiet honestly I'd love to see both SW and DY in prison. The more DY protects SW the more I see her as being guilty besides who on earth allows their niece to take a guy you were dating! Seriously that is some major TABOO that is frowned upon BIG TIME in korea. Which is why I see a painful end for SW because there is no way the writer will give her a happy ending without some serious karma to boot.

I agree with you the co-conspirators of SW's should also be held accountable, maybe to a lesser degree of fraud and felony. I certainly hope the writers will not hold back on their 'punishment' for SW. She is callous and disgusting. She lies to LSR and calls CJ a stalker and also tells her to stop opening the door and talking to visitors to their apartment. At one point, SW loses control of herself and screamed at LSR:lol:. Did SW also threaten to kill herself if CJ exposes her real identity? In their last meeting, I must say I love how CJ has started calling SW her real name, instead of SR:).

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13 minutes ago, sk0317 said:

n I am going to stop following long running dailies:sweatingbullets:. Let's hope the story improves with the downfall of JR, and unmasking of SW.

That may mean a very long wait, maybe just before the end? They know people are watching to see SW and JR busted. Once it happened, they have lost their leverage. Always there is a rush job to end the drama.

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Just now, anbud said:

this part of the  drama is  just so  wrong. I mean  who take their wife  to try  and talk   to the husband pregnant mistress ,to come back  home with them. and  smh MS is asking  SJ  what  does  she want to do ,while KC stands there with  his  wife  saying he wants to take care of SJ at  his  home... what  care? since  KC took  SJ   to his  house, SJ been sad, and can't even  be happy with  KC  wife and  daughter  lurking around.

To my thinking, she is the ex-wife.  Condition of returning to live in that house is to sign the divorce papers.  She did everything she could - even when she alone knew she was dying - to get back to being his wife and mother of that horrid little monster.  While she was sneaking around, she taught the little monster to lie to her father.  When the monster blamed the father for lying to her about the mother being far away in America, or that the Dad was the cause of the split etc, this wife-in-name never spoke up to tell the truth.  Till now, she thinks only of herself and not her daughter.

Why should KC not want to take care of his future wife and child?  If it was not for the monster's mother being terminally ill, he never would have allowed her to return to the house.  And that also, only because SJ pleaded for her.  Why should he put all their lives on hold and let SJ go through pregnancy by herself just because of his selfish ex-wife and his monster daughter?

SJ is sad because she has good heart and want the little monster to be happy.  She wants monster's wife to be cared for and die happy.  On the other hand monster's mother is unhappy because of her greed and selfishness.

Sorry to vent but I really could not accept KC being blamed and like his utterly useless ex-wife is some kind of victim!

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@fanofr good  read.  I  know all who  knows  KC  knows  his  wife left the home she was  living inn a  long time  ago,and now returned   to the  same  home to live  ,till she  dies..  his family  knows  KC does not love  his  wife.

 My  thinking  was  She is still his legal wife, KC wife did  leave the  home , but no one signed  any  separation papers. what if  KC dies? KC legal  wife  will have the  right  to inherit  anything that he  owns. SJ will have  nothing  unless KC  wife   is willing to part  with it.

now  why  KC wife  refuse to get a  divorce, she is  dying, KC is not taking her  back, plus KC and his  family is letting her  live in their  home to spend time with  their daughter  before  she  dies., why is KC wife  not  grateful for all this and  divorce KC, and let  him marry  SJ, she is  pregnant and will be showing  soon,   let  KC  make a good  woman out of  SJ, before  others  start looking  down at  SJ  for  being pregnant   without  being  married.

I  forgot to  add, that  in kdramas  from what i  seen, there is a  waiting period  after one  dies , before  a  wedding can   take  place, so  out of  respect  to  KC  daughter, how  long  will SJ have to  wait before she marries  KC?


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lol  SW  telling  CJ  she  used  LSR  sname  cause  her  name  is  old  fashion.lol

now after   getting the  info  from  LSR,   SW called  CJ a  stalker.

CJ  coming  home looking like  1 foot is in the grave...

oh  look   KC and his  wife  manage  to get  SJ  back   home. KC  smiling. what a relationship. KC can't show  any   affection to  SJ   while  his   daughter  and wife is   around.. ( no sexual  relationship either.. just  a nod  at  breakfast.  korean  love is   great.lolol)

convo   with  CJ/KC

CJ--Uncle if someone is trying to get  married  with a  fake  identity, what can  that  person  be  charged  with ?

KC__ it's  classified  as  fraud.

CJ__ will  that  person  be  locked  up in jail?

KC::It's subject  to a  criminal  penalty,so the  person  could be   sentenced  to  imprisonment.

KC__ why  do  you  ask?

CJ   --- I  was  just   curious.


hmm so  out of place  that  YJ  took  home his  fraud  work .

(this is   weird  to change a  character    now, it is not  Yj  style  for   over  100 episode.  why change  him  now, to  take  home  his  fraud  work.?)




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convo  between   JR/SW.

SW repeating  all that   LSR told her  about  her  family to  JR.

 we  have  KC  wife  /SJ  playing   house, very  kind to  each  other,  while  KC  daughter  looks   confused.lol

 DY  mother is  talking to   MS. she is  very  upset, but  very  clear  headed.  she  tells  him  her   wonderful  DIL is  accuse of  being an  immoral  person,  having  a  relationship with a  married  man.  she also  ask  MS to leave .

( ah  granny  just  wait and  see  how immoral  SA is   by  letting   her  daughter be with a man that was  dating  her  aunt..)


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convo between YJ/CJ 

YJ---- I am  really   busy now.  make it  quick.

CJ___ the  person  who is going to   get  engaged  to your  BIL.  She's Lee Sae Ra , the  show  host  working   at  your   company,right?

YJ ___ Yes.  How  do you  know  her ?

CJ___ In  fact , she's  the  one  I  was  going to  introduce  to  our  family.

YJ__   what? are  you  saying  you  was  dating  SR before? how did you two meet?

CJ__ that is  not important. YJ  she is actually not LSR.

YJ___  what  do  you mean  by  that ?

CJ___  she  says  her  name is  Lee Sae  Ra   and she is  from the  us, but that is all a lie. her real name is  Kang Sam  Wol.

YJ___ what?

 ( then the  shock  death stare  lock  eyes  race)



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M non-Korean speaker's take on the Korean language version of episode 122:

# CJ approaches SW at Bonjour and demands a Talk. They repair to a restaurant. SW is dismissive. CJ confronts SW with his knowledge of her true identity.

# SW sneers at CJ and confesses her deception. She runs from the restaurant after threatening to kill herself if CJ blows her cover.

# CJ sits in the restaurant. He looks bewildered. He does not look fazed by SW's suicide threat.

# SW and Real Lee Sera are talking in their apartment. Real Lee Sera relates her conversation with CJ. SW lashes out at Real Lee Sera. Bad move?

# SW recovers in time to describe CJ as a stalker. That's why she's angry. Nice save. Did SW mention that a middle aged woman who claims to be her mother is also stalking her? Not yet. Real Lee Sera apologizes to SW.

# YJ's mother and father are sitting in their home. CJ returns home and goes straight to his room. KC, Big CJ and Birth Mother return from the countryside.

# Birth Mother and Big GJ talk in their bedroom. Each expresses concern for the other's health. They are now allies.

# CJ sits in his bedroom looking disturbed. KC enters. CJ is "just curious" about what would happen to a person who marries under false pretenses. CJ detective uncle is curious about why CJ is curious. No reason, CJ explains. BS,  Detective KC deduces as CJ departs.

# DY's mother sits in her bedroom. She recalls the Village Representative's accusations. SA enters and DY's mother gives her a polite earful.

# DY returns home and talks with SA. DY asks SA what is wrong. Nothing, SA explains. They discuss SW's deception. DY will persuade SW to come clean. No need for SA to show up at Bonjour again. Yeah, right.

# The sun rises over the Sul's house.

# Grandfather, Juran, DT, YJ and HR are having breakfast. Grandfather gives each of them relationship advice. E.g., again with the baby making, HR and YJ. YJ stirs uncomfortably, as is his wont.

# Mr. Kim calls and YJ leaves the table abruptly.

# YJ takes the call in his bedroom. Mr. Kim emails a document. YJ saves the document on this thumbdrive. HR walks in and asks what's up. Nothing, YJ explains.

# YJ somehow manages to drop all of the incriminating documents from his briefcase as he leaves the bedroom. HR is able to glance at one document before YJ scoops up everything but the thumb drive. YJ departs quickly, leaving the thumb drive on the bedroom floor.

# SW walks through Bonjour's lobby. DY approaches her. DY has deduced that the friend who visited SW yesterday at Bonjour is the Real Lee Sera. What's it to 'ya? SW snarls. And departs.

# Juran has called SW into her office. Juran Still. Really. Wants. To. Meet. The. 'Rents. SW is still like, No can do. SW piles it higher and deeper. SW persuades Juran to start scheduling wedding events since her parents are unavailable until further notice.  Much further notice.

# Juran takes a call from "Mr. Kang."

# Team Leader Han enters YJ's office and informs him that Bonjour's stock price has dropped. After Mr. Han departs, YJ calls Mr. Kim and instructs him to buy more Bonjour stock. Someone named Changwei is purchasing Bonjour stock for YJ

# YJ discovers that his thumb drive is missing and begins to panic. HR found his YJ-DY ring. Will she find his Escape From This Living Hell thumb drive?

# Suddenly YJ is on his way home, but Juran enters, blocking his progress. So its off to lunch with Juran and Mr. Kang instead.

# CJ and his father are packing vegetables in their store. CJ recalls KC's description of the criminal penalties for fraud and is Concerned. CJ wants to make sure that Detective KC does not have cause to visit Bonjour in his professional capacity. CJ doesn't know the half of it.

# CJ's father tries to talk with him but CJ runs off. CJ's mother enters and compares notes with her husband. They are like, Something's up with that boy. CJ's mother, who has generated some crazy in her time, suspects that if CJ is acting crazy, a woman is somehow involved.

# Big and Little CJ and Birth Mother have a snack. Little CJ starts to brat off but Birth Mother, at long last, makes her behave.

# The Village Representative walks in on SA. His presence is acknowledged without enthusiasm. How does this guy keep getting reelected?

# The Village Representative confesses his love for SA. His confession is acknowledged without enthusiasm. He departs.

# DY's mother enters and asks SA what is wrong. Nothing, SA explains. DY's mother is having a "good" day. She is well dressed and anounces that she is off to the Village Hall.

# She is off to MS's house instead. She gives him a polite but firm earful. She tells him to leave the village for SA's sake. She gives him an impolite earful.

# The Gossip Duo is kissing up to SW again. Short Guy With Glasses is wearing glasses today, so he is more believable as a sycophant. Their appreciation for SW's work has grown so quickly since she started dating DT.

# Attractive Gossip Lady attempts some idle banter. Why did your friend call you SW? My nickname, SW explains.

# Will someone again show up and ruin this moment for SW? Why yes, SW spots CJ making a call on his cell phone. Her cell phone rings. CJ is calling her!

# SW confronts CJ. He follows her to a restaurant for a Talk.

# Have you heard of laws? Police? CJ asks.

# What that? Who that? SW replies.

# SW explains that she is engaged in a secret mission she can't divulge and implores CJ not to blow her cover. SW runs from the restaurant.

# DY enters DT's office and hands him a report. They pretend they are in a place of business. SW enters and gives them a look. She won't let it slide.

# SW asks DT if he's been thinking about their engagement. Yes, I'll be thinking about it for some time, he replies. SW informs him that she and Juran are moving forward with the engagement ceremony. Apparently the ceremony and the actual engagement are on separate tracks.

# SW tells DT they need to get engaged pronto to prove that the drunken evening DT can't remember was not a casual fling. DT looks like a regretful cad who has just been stuck. He has.

# SW visits HR in her house. They retire to HR's bedroom. HR searches for a thumb drive with her wedding photos before leaving the room. SW finds a thumb drive and plugs it into a laptop. No wedding photos. Agreement for Mr. Changwei to buy Bonjour stock in his name for actual owner, YJ. SW recalls the conversation she overheard yesterday at lunch.

# HR returns but SW does not share this discovery. A line has been crossed.

# Juran and YJ are leaving a restaurant. Their meeting with Mr. Kang has gone well. YJ tells Juran that he needs to stop by the house to pick up a contract he left behind.

# YJ's departure is interrupted by a call from CJ, who has something important to relate. They meet in a restaurant. CJ relates something important. Double Bug-Eye.

# Tomorrow, mutually assured destruction when YJ and SW encounter each other in YJ's bedroom.


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What  will be funny about DT/SW wedding is the fact that if SW sign paper marriage as LSR, then DT will be married with the real LSR, then can become a couple for real and go far away and may fall in love. But unfortunately the main cast is DY, but in dramas never know what's going to happen. If  the bride sign like SW, then poor DT, because he will be married with the most fake woman in the world. I also think DY don't deserve end with DT, because she continues deceiving him. She might tell him the truth long time ago, so DY won't be forgived easily (maybe with skip/jump on some time). Besides the gap between DT/DY gets bigger. She will regret later with so much pain for gave up DT in SW's greed hands and because she has never loved him only his money. SW has several reasons to go to jail; fake indentity, swindler, defamatory. So they should end alone: DY (for fool), YJ (for ambitious, bad boyfriend, bad husband, bad son in law) and SW (for ambitious, for lier, for feel ashamed of her family, etc).

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cant belive this drama is 150 now.

i will just wait it out. so i can just skip money grabber/greedy YJ scene all together.

i really hope the writer dont let DT end up with money grabber in the end. if they do. i might just not download the rest of the episode uz seeing money grabber having a happy life will make me way too mad.

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I was wondering whether or not Young Jae knowing the identity of March is a real game changer or not. Such as him knowing that she merely dated his brother doesn't do much but him knowing that she is really March is indeed something. I can only wonder though if he picked up on the fact that her real name is Kang Sam Wol as in something similar to Kang Dani the girl he so calls loves but hardly knows anything about. Though on the other hand it is quite possible that he recognizes the name since if I am not mistaken Dani may have told him that when she wanted his help to check if there was any model working at that company by the name Kang Sam Wol as that was her nieces name and all. Then again he might not remember that due to not only plot devices and all but also because he was at that time more interested in spending time with Dani than her family or to even get to know them any better and all.


So one possible see a possible confrontation between Young Jae and March along the following ways thanks to a YamiYugi special.

Young Jae (after spotting March at the company): Lee Sera we need to talk. Follow me
He then tries to do a wrist grab with her but ends up getting a slap to his face
March: No need to manhandle me I can walk on my own.
She then follows him upto the roof
March: What is it that you wanted to talk to me about and that to up here.
Young Jae: I heard something interesting regarding you. What do you have to say about that.
March (thinking that he is bluffing): What are you talking about. Am I getting a raise or is it about us becoming Future In laws. Please be nice to me in the future.
Young Jae: I heard that before you developed feelings for my BiL you used to date someone else is that true.
March (actually starting to feel nervous now): What are you talking about? I don't understand you.
Young Jae: I have heard everything already so need to pretend with me. Just what is your game.
March (deciding to lie her way out as usual): Yes it is true that I was in a relationship in the past but that is the past. I now deeply care about Dong Tak
Young Jae: Why did you even break up with him in the first place? Are you sure that you don't have some sort of agenda.
March: Not that it is any of your business but still if you must know I deeply cared about that man but my family opposed him because they thought that he wasn't good enough for our family and they forced me to break up with him.  Fortunately I found love again from Dong Tak and I truly want to be with him.
Young Jae: Does that even make any sense? How can you get over someone so easily and fall in love so soon.
March: Why whats wrong with that? Aren't you the same as me?
Young Jae (puzzled): What do you mean by that? How can we even be the same?
March: Didn't you also once love Kang Dani a lot but the moment you broke up with her you ended up not only dating your wife but also marrying her and all that within a few weeks of the breakup.
Young Jae (sputtering as he also realizes that she may have just caught him): This isn't about me and it wasn't like that. I was starting to get conflicted towards my feelings for Hyeri and Dani. I soon realized that it wouldn't be fair to both of them so I had to choose between who I had more feelings for and I soon realized that it was Hyeri and that is the only reason that I married her.
March: Hey I am not judging you. Do what you like but are we done now? Can I go.
She then starts to walk away when Young Jae says
Young Jae: Just a minute we are still not done. I also heard something else which is more interesting than all this which is that you really aren't Lee Sera. Infact there is more to you than meets the eye and I am sure that Juran will be interested to learn all this.
March (turns around): I don't think so (at this point she starts ruffling through her hand bag/purse till she finds what she is looking for. Namely the incriminating USB) [she then waves it around his face] Do you know what this is Young Jae.
Young Jae (Eyes widen in shock): How did you get that?
March: It doesn't matter. Though what does matter is what was inside this USB I am sure that Juran would be interested in it's content and all (how she figured out all the info is beyond me. Perhaps she sent it of to one of those checkers like she did with that report and all and got the info that way)
Young Jae: It seems like we both have something to protect then. What do you want.
March: Nothing much. Just a few things. Firstly I want you to get rid of Kang Dani. Fire her from the company if you have to. Secondly help me win over Dong Tak so that he starts to develop feelings for me for real.
Young Jae: Anything else.
March (after thinking for a few seconds): Yes. Make me an equal partner in your plans. Not a flunkie but an actual partner.
Young Jae (having no other choice available if he intends to keep his secret): Fine lets do it this way then. You won't reveal my secret and I in return won't do yours.
March: Partners then it is. (She then surprisingly hands the USB over to Young Jae)
Young Jae (surprised): What you are just giving this to me?
March: Sure we are partners and we need to trust each other now don't we. Also don't worry I have made a few dozen copies and all and have them stored in a safe place so even if you try to double cross me or even find a few of them I will still have a few as a backup to use against you.

This is how the Alliance of Vipers is formed. Might add a few more things regarding this later on or edit this conversation later on to make it better and all.


Also lets face it March is really delusional if she thinks that she can get away with fraud and marry Dong Tak. First of all she can't marry him as Lee Sera. Well she can. But that itself is the problem. At the time of the marriage she will either have to write down her real name and thus expose herself as a fraud and all. But knowing all that she has done so far to protect it that seems unlikely. This would mean that she continues the charade of claiming to be Lee Sera but if that is the case then she not only commits a crime but more importantly the marriage automatically becomes null and void when it is discovered what she has done. The only issue then becomes as to how she will get exposed. The problem being that Dani is so delusional in thinking that she is doing her niece a favour by not blowing her cover. Instead it is the complete opposite. Sunae is being forced to remain silent due to March threatening to kill herself every time this point is brought up. Her family are the biggest ways to do it yet they are holding out on doing so. The others are the real Lee Sera and Chung Jae. The question now is will they even do so and if so why. Someone also mentioned that if March uses the Lee Sera identity to marry him that would mean that the real Lee Sera has married Dong Tak. Interesting but I don't think real marriage works this way. Firstly since this is a fraud and all the marriage automatically becomes null and void and the only way that I can see the judge not agreeing to sign of on the divorce is if March has somehow managed to get to him first and thus bribed him or something to that extent. The other issue is that the name Lee Sera is just a name and what is in a name. Nothing much. What I mean by this is that a person can go by any name that they like such as Jack Daniels for example and there is an equal chance that there is another person with the same name and all in the world as well. So unless you have a really unique name for example Nicolas Cage named his son Kal-El Cage. Yes that does seem to be unique and all thus finding someone else with the same name is quite rare. But lets face it Lee is a common name in Korea so it just remains to see if someone else is also named Sera over there. If that is the case then the name Lee Sera could easily refer to any of those people out there and they would be contenders to be his real wife and all. Thus it makes more sense to have the marriage cancelled as it becomes void and all simply to avoid all this confusion and all.


Well anyway take care all of you. Will be back later on so take care and all. Need to rest now.

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After DT finds out the truth about who SW is, I don't see how he would want to ever be with DY again. I also don't see how his mother would want anything to do with her either--this time for a legitimate reason. 

Out of all the characters, SW included, DY is the character I really dislike the most. She's just a useless character.  Although DT is allowing himself to be pushed into a marriage he doesn't want, weakling, but DY is also playing a part in making a fool of him. He should feel completely betrayed by her.

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38 minutes ago, lclarakl said:

After DT finds out the truth about who SW is, I don't see how he would want to ever be with DY again. I also don't see how his mother would want anything to do with her either--this time for a legitimate reason. 

Out of all the characters, SW included, DY is the character is really dislike the most. She's just a useless character.  Although DT is allowing himself to be pushed into a marriage he doesn't want, weakling, but DY is also playing a part in making a fool of him. He should feel completely betrayed by her.

DY might even be more delusional than SW. SA wants DY to tell SW to call off the engagement and if not she is going to show up and tell DT the truth about her. DY told SA she will talk SW out of it but to that, SA said SW will not listen to DY as she thinks she was the one who killed her father. DY then said to SA, 'Leave it to me to talk to SW and just trust me with this, OK?'. She also added that SW should come to her senses when the engagement ceremony approaches. WT Heck? DY is practically pushing forward and encouraging the engagement by telling DT SW is a nice person and they have her blessings. And she expects SW to back off her engagement after all the hard work she has put into getting where she is today??!! I am also curious to know if SW chooses to back off the engagement, will SA or DY go ahead and tell DT the truth behind SW's identity or will they continue to keep mum about it? Poor DT. His feelings are and his life is manipulated and wrecked by the two Kang women. He should never forgive them and should have no part of his life with either of them.

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@yamiyugi Good dialogue as usual. I don't think SW would propose to throw in with YJ while simultaneously continuing to pursue DT unless she doesn't realize why YJ is accumulating so much Bonjour stock.

If she does understand YJ's plan, she needs to either preserve her investment in DT by going to Juran with the thumb drive, or join YJ and cast off DT (whose value to SW plummets when he is no longer the CEO's son.)

We'll have some indication tomorrow when we see what SW does with the thumb drive and how her confrontation with YJ goes.

It's hard to see Real Lee Sera not protesting when she discovers that SW is posing as her and trading on her family name to marry DT. Particularly when she finds out about the credit cards and the loans.

Pretty sure that CJ feels enough responsibility to his inlaws to make sure that they are informed of SW's masquerade. The only problem is that CJ believes that he has fulfilled this responsibility already by telling YJ, and YJ will likely do nothing with the information once SW confronts him with the thumb drive.

When CJ finds out that YJ has done nothing with the information, I would expect he would tell HR since he is more likely to come in contact with her. CJ is less likely to come into contact with Juran or DT and unlikely to seek them out since he has had no relationship with them.

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4 hours ago, jimb said:

# SW sneers at CJ and confesses her deception. She runs from the restaurant after threatening to kill herself if CJ blows her cover.

# CJ sits in the restaurant. He looks bewildered. He does not look fazed by SW's suicide threat.

It seems that SW has adopted a new way of greeting people she knows. She says 'If you dare tell on me, I'll go off and kill myself!' instead of a mere 'Hello'.

Kudos to CJ as he seems to be the only one who is unfazed by SW's 'suicidal' threats.

4 hours ago, jimb said:

# SW visits HR in her house. They retire to HR's bedroom. HR searches for a thumb drive with her wedding photos before leaving the room. SW finds a thumb drive and plugs it into a laptop. No wedding photos. Agreement for Mr. Changwei to buy Bonjour stock in his name for actual owner, YJ. SW recalls the conversation she overheard yesterday at lunch.

# HR returns but SW does not share this discovery. A line has been crossed.

Even if the thumb drive SW picked up from the floor did contain the HR/YJ's wedding photos, I thought she was outright rude to use the PC without HR's permission.

Let's hope we get more information on the Mr. Kang YJ and JR had lunch with. He could very well be the game changer in this drama.

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9 minutes ago, jimb said:

DT and DY:  Mama's boy and feckless waif.  The writers need to either breath some life into this pair of zombies very soon or write them out of the script.



@jimb, I agree completely. They have become almost secondary side characters when before they seemed more like primary characters. It seems that SW and YJ are the center characters.

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Just now, lclarakl said:


@jimb, I agree completely. They have become almost secondary side characters when before they seemed more like primary characters. It seems that SW and YJ are the center characters.

Although it's the norm for villains to get more screen time, the plot surrounding the supposedly lead characters is so pathetic now it makes their existence in his drama obsolete. @jimb BTW, DY a 'feckless waif'? How appropriate!

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1 hour ago, sk0317 said:

Although it's the norm for villains to get more screen time, the plot surrounding the supposedly lead characters is so pathetic now it makes their existence in his drama obsolete. @jimb BTW, DY a 'feckless waif'? How appropriate!

Well, actually, I think YJ is supposed to be the lead of this drama, isn't he? At least, he started as the lead of this drama before rapidly getting derailed by acting the cad and marrying HR after crushing loyal, long suffering DY. 

Actually, at least SW, while laughable, isn't the one shoving the man that she supposedly loves into a known fraudulent relationship, a fraud, btw, in which she has now become an active conspirator.  Oh, that would be the feckless waif. 

So, since the female lead DY got some time in, kind of, with second male lead, DT, it's probably time for it to become the YJ and SW show. Seriously though, this show has gone beyond WTF to who cares. What's the point of speculating when it's either bleedingly obvious and/or completely nonsensical?

If I had to state a preference at this point, I prefer that SW and DY go to jail for fraud and fraud conspiracy respectively. If DT is dumb enough to still want DY after all this, then he can wait until DY gets out of jail. SA is also a conspirator at this time, but someone has to take care of DY's mother. And, having thought it over, I think that @sk0317 is right that MS and SA need to cut it off cleanly as well. MS doesn't really have ties to the village, so maybe he could start fresh in some other village. I do think he needs to get away from JR. YJ ends up in jail as well for stock exchange fraud and misuse of company funds. The others probably just go on being their miserable selves. So, basically, everyone ends up alone. C'est fini. 

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43 minutes ago, stroppyse said:

Well, actually, I think YJ is supposed to be the lead of this drama, isn't he? At least, he started as the lead of this drama before rapidly getting derailed by acting the cad and marrying HR after crushing loyal, long suffering DY. 

Actually, at least SW, while laughable, isn't the one shoving the man that she supposedly loves into a known fraudulent relationship, a fraud, btw, in which she has now become an active conspirator.  Oh, that would be the feckless waif. 

So, since the female lead DY got some time in, kind of, with second male lead, DT, it's probably time for it to become the YJ and SW show. Seriously though, this show has gone beyond WTF to who cares. What's the point of speculating when it's either bleedingly obvious and/or completely nonsensical?

If I had to state a preference at this point, I prefer that SW and DY go to jail for fraud and fraud conspiracy respectively. If DT is dumb enough to still want DY after all this, then he can wait until DY gets out of jail. SA is also a conspirator at this time, but someone has to take care of DY's mother. And, having thought it over, I think that @sk0317 is right that MS and SA need to cut it off cleanly as well. MS doesn't really have ties to the village, so maybe he could start fresh in some other village. I do think he needs to get away from JR. YJ ends up in jail as well for stock exchange fraud and misuse of company funds. The others probably just go on being their miserable selves. So, basically, everyone ends up alone. C'est fini. 

lmao I totally agree with you and @Triton823 that SW and DY should do time in jail. And you are right to say that YJ was first telecast as the lead in this drama before the writers decided to make a detour on his role. It does look like the second female lead has been given prominent screen time as the drama's main now. Is it common for leading roles to be reversed in K-dramas? I have a tendency to become more attached/attracted to the second lead actors in dramas like this one (SDT), 'She Was Pretty' and 'Drinking Solo'. So it was rather hard to see the final pairing involving the first lead actor and actress. And yes I absolutely think DY is worse than SW for the reason you mentioned above. I started out 'critiquing' SW but I have been more vocal with my disappointment and disgust in DY of late. I can actually see DY and SA not revealing the secrets and lies fabricated by SW should she decide to cancel her engagement plans. I hope that DT is not foolish enough to want to get back with DY again after her betrayal and unfair treatment of him. I would rather see an unattached happy DT than have him reunited with DY. Why does it seem that SA is the main carer of her MIL? Apart from household chores, she has farming and selling the produce she harvested duties to fulfill. Even if DY's relationship with her mom is not close, she should be caring for her own mom on her off days and let SA take a break. MS should leave JR and JMR to start afresh in some other village or place without pursuing SA's love interest. It's not only awkward, it's also not 'fair' and right as DT could be reminded of the unfortunate experiences he had with DY and SW.

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