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[Current Daily Drama 2016] The Unusual Family 별난 가족 - Monday to Friday 20:25


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1 hour ago, anbud said:

lol happy  monday everyday . hope you all  are  having a laugh no matter  what other  dramas  you all following

got to love  LSR so happy, huge  smile . she looks  at  peace and joy.... loll the   the  hug to  SW and SW  face is  about to puke or lose a layer of skin.lolol

more shock, CJ listening to  what  HR is  telling his   mother   about  DT  maybe  going to marry  SR.  he looks   weird, with both his  arms  down to  his  side,and face is like  huh?lolol then he  left.lolol

this  evil   mother of  YJ is  so  happy  DT  is not wqith  DY. she is all  smiles  and such..  just  you  wait  till YJ is  caught. want to  see his  mother  smile at  her son pain  pain  like she  did DY.

ah  wonder if SW  told  LSR about her  job,  she seems happy  for  her.

opps doorbells  rings.lolol CJ arrived. lolol she told  CJ her name is  LSR. CJ was   saying  no no or something like  that refusing to believe  LSR is  LSR.CJ left  confused.lolol

@anbud @sgfan LOL. Thank you for the updates on today's episode:). I wish I have half of @anbud's 'lol' while watching the show:lol:. I just can't with SW still on the prowl and spiking hurt and malice all around.

@sgfan Are the writers trying to p__s us off again (by putting the SA's scene at the end of today's episode)?

@yamiyugi Thank you and I really appreciate your kind and comforting words:). I hope your day at work was fine and well. Please take care!

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@sk0317 in real  life   I  went through a  lot with my  ex MIL. but even  at  19, i  laughed  away her  words.cause my son  is more important, and he  will not be a happy  child  if his  mother  makes  herself  depress. so, ex  mil  speak.  I nod, and  kept on  playing  with my   son. which  pissed  my   ex  MIL off. so, i  knew then the only  way   to  hurt  my  EX mil. is to  never let her   get under my  skin, and   be real in   your   joy with  your  child.  babies  can  smell   when something is   not  right, they can't  speak  but their  senses  are  pure, and  they feel it  by  comfort  that  is not  right. so i  never  wanted  trash to enter  my emotional  system. cause i might  pass it on to my  baby boy.

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11 hours ago, booha said:

Hello Hello It’s nice to see everybody is still here plus some new members.   Last couple weeks I have been caught in the crazy US election cycle.  hehehe   I have to say this election is truly a  makjang-kdrama.  Compared to what has happening with the election, TUF seems rather sane and logical.    :blink::blink:

I’m not surprised to see TUF has extended. TUF has been  #1 in ratings ever since.  I guess the production team couldn’t turn down making extra revenue with additional eps.  Some wondered before how the k-viewers would think of TUF.  Well a couple weeks ago I saw the k-viewers were sneering  and kicking about such absurdity  of the plot lines.   They tossed out eggs to the writers and even to DY  when she acted with noble idiocy by ending with DT.   These k-viewers are very familiar with many makjang elements,  yet such a tangled/twisted interconnection among 3 families  makes them jaw dropping and head spinning:  one example, DY(aunt) and SW(niece) are tangled with one man(DT), and at the same time MS(DT’s dad) and SA( SW’s mom/DY’s SIL) are sort of developing a relationship.   We know daily is very competitive so TUF has been #1 which could be because of this unusual/ wacky plot line.  Someone here talked about taboo stuff in some relationship, but  the writers don’t seem to care about it which makes the viewers feel crazy/stupefied.

Omg  ??DT’s engagement with SW  :tears::sweatingbullets::sweatingbullets:

"지금이제일중요하다/ Now this is the most important "

"블링블링 길은혜다./ bling bling Gil Eun Hye"


oh dear  god, no. no.  hope some home truths come out of  this mes.

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2 hours ago, labradorlady said:

Hello everyone! I am still watching this crazy drama but only a few times a week. That way, I keep my sanity. Thank you for all your posts which have kept me up to date. 

Really, can any more problems be created by these people? It's just one twist after another! I really am looking forward to how every sick bit will be ironed out, sanitized and tied up neatly at the end.

I am also surprised it's number one on its time slot. Lack of competition maybe? Or viewers so aghast and excited about the taboo subjects they cannot help but keep watching.

With all the shenanigans and bad behaviour it should be called The Twisted Family instead of The Unusual Family. 

From the BTS pictures, we see a more relaxed, fun and happy looking group of TUF actors and actresses.  I wonder if that's the way they keep their sanity:lol:. I think the writers are 'killing three birds with one stone'. TUF continues to stay and receive top ratings, the writers get extra revenue for the extension and their 'fantasies' that hardly ever happen in real life are reproduced through this wacky, freaky, unusually strange and twisted drama.

# My MIL shares the same birthday as KJW:)!

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2 hours ago, sk0317 said:

@anbud @sgfan LOL. Thank you for the updates on today's episode:). I wish I have half of @anbud's 'lol' while watching the show:lol:. I just can't with SW still on the prowl and spiking hurt and malice all around.

@sgfan Are the writers trying to p__s us off again (by putting the SA's scene at the end of today's episode)?

@yamiyugi Thank you and I really appreciate your kind and comforting words:). I hope your day at work was fine and well. Please take care!

It must be really tiring being one of the writers. I can imagine having to tweak the screenplay of every single episode so that at the end of the 40 minutes, someone gets to do the bug eye. 

We're defintely annoyed by all these "cliffhangers" aren't we? The series could've ended today if not for the extension. Frankly, I don't really want to speculate or guess what happens next anymore. Just taking whatever comes as it has gotten too lengthy and tiresome. I will still share if I think of something :)

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i can dislike an actor /actress  roll in a drama. at the same time I don't want to  be personal about it. it is the character they  acting i  dislike..  these   actors/actress  are  working hard to get a  job. they are  educated  males and  females. and acting  jobs  can't be    that    easy.

I  would  like to  see the  dramas from the older  actors/actress  when they  were  young.  I seen  some  pics of those  we   see  as  bad  MIL, and  those  acting  as  father in  laws   and so on. and wow some of these   woman was  very beautiful,some spunky in their younger days. some   of the men  was   very handsome... wish I   could  see all of their  beginning to  their now  high class top   of it all.

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  SK got like  49,223,888  citizens. 2016

birth this year  2016 is 931,920.

births today   722

deaths  2016  is  748,019 ( wow someone died  while i was typing this.

norway got  5 27 262

  huge  huge difference lolol. 

Norway Population clock

17-10-2016 17:28:10
5 297 263
Current population
2 652 585
Current male population (50.1%)
2 644 678
Current female population (49.9%)
48 427
Births this year
Births today
34 691
Deaths this year
Deaths today
38 486
Net migration this year
Net migration today
52 222
Population growth this year
Population growth today


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1 hour ago, anbud said:

oh dear  god, no. no.  hope some home truths come out of  this mes.

If SW will marry DT, the wedding is not valid, because she will do like LSR, or maybe DT decides to marry her because she is (supposedly) pregnant . There's no more reasons for do it. I hope someone stops that wedding and shout out all SW's  lies. SA and DY musn't stay still.

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10 minutes ago, sgfan said:

It must be really tiring being one of the writers. I can imagine having to tweak the screenplay of every single episode so that at the end of the 40 minutes, someone gets to do the bug eye

We're defintely annoyed by all these "cliffhangers" aren't we? The series could've ended today if not for the extension. Frankly, I don't really want to speculate or guess what happens next anymore. Just taking whatever comes as it has gotten too lengthy and tiresome. I will still share if I think of something :)

 LOL. I hope the bug eye does not become one of the permanent features of any of the writers at the end of the whole drama:sweatingbullets:.

Exactly! The series could have ended today:( but what have we got? Another 30 more episodes to go. Sigh. The novelty and initial excitement we had for TUF have certainly worn off in many ways due to its extension and a plot that is sadly lame and stagnant.

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10 minutes ago, 0ly40 said:

If SW will marry DT, the wedding is not valid, because she will do like LSR, or maybe DT decides to marry her because she is (supposedly) pregnant . There's no more reasons for do it. I hope someone stops that wedding and shout out all SW's  lies. SA and DY musn't stay still.

 DT/SW still have not even  kissed.hmm valid? lolol    what is  valid in this  drama. paperwork  can be easily  fixed.lol IF  and only IF  DT do have sober   sex with  SW     he  can't  dump her, no matter  by  what  name  she is  using.... but will   the  writers take it  that far? DT is going through the motion, he do not love  SW. doubt  he  will marry her, or have  sex  with her  while  DY is inside  his head    like a heart beat .

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Well I was completely wrong about how the SA encounter with SW and DT would go, they did meet. Judging from the preview of ep 121 SW was not outed by SA. This means that SA has joined the before mentioned "Dumb and Dummer" club and wasted a perfect opportunity to out SW. Nuts!

Another thing that I question is why wasn't more made of the question of what was DY doing at SW's apartment when DT woke up  in SW's bed at the beginning of ep 116. SW called DY and told her she was sick and to come over right away. When DY arrives SW lied and pretended not to know why DY was there. DY says that SW called her over but before SW can respond DY sees DT waking up in SW's bed and runs out of the apartment. Later on DY should have realized that SW lied about being sick and only called her over there because SW wanted her to see DT in her bed. DY should have known that she and probably DT had been set up. When DT first wakes up he asked what is he doing there. His next question should  have been what was DY doing at  the apartment. Even if the shock of the situation prevented him from asking this question at that time later on it should have occurred to him that it was weird that DY was there to see him in SR's bed that morning. He meet with DY several times after this incident and it would have been natural for him to ask her why she was there. But I guess in the "TUF" universe it's to much to ask that a boyfriend and a girlfriend compare notes an a important matter. Many of SW's lies would have been revealed in the past if they did this before so I guess the writers can't allow this to happen. Even if they don't talk about it together this question should  have raised doubts in both of their minds of what really went on for DT to wind up in that bed. They should have seen that it was only arranged by SW/SR in order to further break them up. But I'm not a member of club "Dumb and Dummer" from the characters point of view all of my assumptions are probably completely ridiculous.

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the translated  version..

DT enters  his  home,  HR asked  his if he was on a  date  with  SR. he mumble oh.    JR took that  to mean he was on a  date, and  told DT   , she is  going to  meet  SR  parents. DT in  shock,  JR said she is  going to   discuss  DT engagement  with  SR  parents..DT  stating he is  not ready  for that  as  yet . why   are  you  rushing  it .? JR got  shot  down by the  grandpa. ...

grandpa  trying to get   HR/YJ  to have babies.  Yj  sigh..

lolol JR  followed  Dt to his  room. trying to   guilt  him.

omg  i laughed so  loud    while  watching  and typing  this.  still laughing ,  when JR  told  DT   that   SR  parents   must've raised  her to be  very  virtuous..lolol..  


smart brains KC came to try to  get   SJ to go back  home with him, cause   his parents  and him  was  so  worried..   SJ refuse,  what  if she cause   his   daughter to  faint again she said she  feels  comfortable  where she is..  KC  tired to  follow   SJ  when she  walked away, and  MS  stopped  him,and said it is   important  that  SJ  feels  comfortable  when she is pregnant.. MS said he will take  care  of  her    so  KC  should  go  home.


convo  between  JR/SW

JR  asked if   something  was  wrong  between   her  and  YJ.. SW  said   no   did  Yj  said  something.. JR  said  No.,  she  notice things  was  awkward  between them.

Jr  by the  way  did  you talk to  your  parents  about the  engagement?SW   -  I've been  busy  to talk to them .JR-  your father  must be  busy    as he  just  launched a  cosmetic brand. I  hope  I'm  not putting too much  pressure  on them.

SW -- A cosmetic brand ? JR hmm  yes    there   was  an  article  about it . did  you not know?

SW_  ah   i  think  i  heard  about it . I  am  not interested in my  father's  business.

JR_ oh   i  understand, cause  DT was  like  that  too.


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Translation of Preview of episode 121.

JR: The China Venture is taking a lot more money than I had thought.

DT: Shouldn’t mom go visit there once anyway? 

YJ: I’m going to go to China soon, so until then, President Kim, take care of matters there well.

Pres. Kim: Is there any doubt?

GJ: Since Young Shil-shi came as well, I’m a little surprised. 

KC Ex: I came to escort you home. And, I have something to say to you as well.

SW: Se Ra, actually, I borrowed and used your name a little.

SR: So, are you saying that you were going around calling yourself Lee SeRa? 

SW: The person who came by yesterday, was that you, Chun Jae-shi?

CJ: There was something I needed to determine.

SW: Determine what?

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My non-Korean speaker's take on the Korean language version of episode 120:

# SW opens the doo to what she has come to regard as her apartment. The apartment's real tenant enters. The Real Lee Sera is thrilled and happy to see SW. Real Lee Sera is effusive. SW is awkward and shifty.

# Grandfather, Juran, HR and YJ are having coffee in their living room. They talk about DT and SW.

# DT arrives home. HR greets him with the latest news about his relationship with SW. She is trying to hurry them along. Look how well a rushed and forced marriage worked out for her and YJ.

# DT endures HR but when Juran starts in, DT is shocked and surprised. DT protests. Grandfather supports his protest. Juran looks deflated.

# DT goes upstairs to his bedroom. Juran follows him.

# HR chats happily with Grandfather, who likely is encouraging her to make a baby. YJ reflects that it takes two to make a baby and contemplates the project without enthusiasm. YJ stirs nervously and grimaces.

# Juran and DT are in his bedroom. Juran hectors DT, who looks discouraged. She wheedles. He resists. She barks a command and departs.

# YJ and HR are in their bedroom. HR rattles on, likely about what Grandfather said. YJ is weary and subdued, likely because of what Grandfather said.

# SA is in her house remembering something MS said. She is sad. She encounters DY's mother and attempts to humor her. DY walks in on their conversation.

# DY's mother leaves the room and DY and SA converse.

# SA and DY retire to DY's bedroom. SA gives DY Sage Advice. DY tells SA something that shocks her. SA is distressed.

# MS calls KC to inform him that Big GJ is at his house.

# There is more thrashing about on the KC-Birth Mother-Big/Little GJ front. The Gu family is involved. MS is involved

# KC appears at MS's house and begs Big GJ to return to his house. Big GJ wisely declines to do so. MS sends KC on his way.

# .The sun rises over Seoul.

# YJ's parents are talking in their store. YJ's mother comes up with a bright idea. YJ's father loudly informs her that it is not a bright idea. YJ's mother phones HR. YJ's father was right.

# YJ's mother and HR meet at the Gu residence. CJ walks in and overhears HR describing SW's conquest of DT. CJ is surprised. The two women notice CJ and become uncomfortable. CJ leaves quickly. YJ's mother yells after him. The two women continue to chat and giggle.

# HR's somehow finds a reason to rant about DY. The conversation between the two women becomes increasingly uncomfortable.

# SW is in the Real Lee Sera's apartment talking with the Real Lee Sera, who is leafing through some papers. Bills? Perhaps not, since the Real Lee Sera seems more cheerful than not. More cheerful than SW, too. Real Lee Sera says "Don't worry" in English. Does SW understand? SW looks worried but reprieved. SW departs.

# The Real Lee Sera is in her apartment a few seconds later when the door chimes ring. It is CJ, who has somehow not run into SW on her way out. The Real Lee Sera and CJ do a mutual "Who you?" They argue until the proverbial light bulb in CJ's forehead flashes "On." He departs, leaving the Real Lee Sera bewildered.

# CJ stands on the street and ponders. Something smells fishy. Which woman is the fish?

# The Office Gossip Duo has convened. They subside just as DT walks in. DY walks in and, seeing DT, lifts her eyes heavenward. DT summons DY to his office. DY sighs in disgust. DY departs and the gossip duo reconvenes.

# DY enters DT's office. Their encounter is professional but strained. DT takes a brief phone call in her presence. What she hears makes her unhappy. His further explanation makes her unhappier.

# DT and DY encounter YJ in a corridor. They caucus uneasily. DY shoots each of the men a resentful look before walking off with DT.

# YJ sits at his desk looking puzzled. Mr. Han walks in and bows much lower than necessary. YJ barks an order. Mr. Han exits as Mr. Choi enters. The Directors are revolting. And they also don't like the cost overruns on the China project. YJ asks Mr. Choi to set up a meeting with the dissident stockholder, a "Mr. Han" YJ does not register the fact that the dissident stockholder and his go-for are both named Han.

# YJ enters Juran's office and they talk. Juran invites YJ to a meeting with "Mr. Kang" and YJ declines. That's the second identical last name that's popped up today. "Mr. Kang." Kang DanYi.. "Mr. Kang." Kang DanYi.

# SW enters Juran's office as YJ is leaving. YJ registers SW's presence in Juran's office. SW registers that YJ has registered her presence in Juran's office. He gives her a Look. She bows uncomfortably as he departs.

# Juran has registered that YJ and SW were registering. Juran asks, what's the problem? No problem, SW explains.

# Juran reiterates that she Really. Wants. To. Meet. The. 'Rents. Juran's office is becoming less fun for SW.

# Juran cuts to the chase. The Mogul Mr. Lee is launching a new line of cosmetics. She would like to Talk. With. Him. About. It. Oh yes, and the engagement too. SW squirms and recovers.

# SW receives a call on her cell phone which she does not answer. Juran remembers that the same thing happened during SW's last visit to her office and asks her about it. SW claims that the call is spam, as she receives a text from SA. SA is on her way to Bonjour to pull down some pillars. SW stifles an aigoo! and is suddenly eager to return to work.

# SA speaks briefly with DY's mother and heads for Seoul.

# SA has an awkward conversation with the Village Representative on her way out. He is shocked by something she says.

# MS and GJ enjoy a meal at his house. Juran joins them, unexpected and uninvited. Juran is surprised to find GJ there. GJ leaves them alone. They argue as they usually do. She tries to leverage her pressure on DT to marry SW into pressure on MS to remain married to her He does not submit. Juran cries.

# DT has insisted that DY join him for lunch but she is not hungry. She tells him two lies: SA is a good person; she wishes them well in their engagement. DT is like, everyone knows about this engagement but me.

# DT leaves DY in the corridor to return ho his office. SW, who has been observing from around the corner, gallops up to DY. SW calls DY into the break room for a Talk. Nice to see the writers spicing up the script with something new and unusual.

# SW ups her ante. DY must not only not reveal SW's identity. DY must quit her job. Or SW Will. Kill. Herself. The prospect of SW's death seems to bother DY more than it should.

# SW enters DT's office and asks him where he was. She does not make a scene, but it is clear that one is in the offing if she "catches" DT with DY again. SW invites DT to have dinner with her. He acquiesces.

# SA steps to DT and SW as they enter Bonjour's lobby. SA looks determined. DT looks awkward because he is ashamed. SW looks awkward because she's just been cornered.


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@jimb, I just realized that I read your recaps because your commentary bits are so funny. It's good that I know who the underlying characters are so that I have a proximate idea of what you're talking about, but not sure that would really matter. Have you done these non-Korean speaker's recaps of Korean dramas before? I'm kind of curious whether I would find them as funny or funnier if I didn't know the underlying annoying story. 

30 more episodes to go...

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3 hours ago, stroppyse said:


Translation of Preview of episode 121.

JR: The China Venture is taking a lot more money than I had thought.

DT: Shouldn’t mom go visit there once anyway? 

YJ: I’m going to go to China soon, so until then, President Kim, take care of matters there well.

Pres. Kim: Is there any doubt?

GJ: Since Young Shil-shi came as well, I’m a little surprised. 

KC Ex: I came to escort you home. And, I have something to say to you as well.

SW: Se Ra, actually, I borrowed and used your name a little.

SR: So, are you saying that you were going around calling yourself Lee SeRa? 

SW: The person who came by yesterday, was that you, Chun Jae-shi?

CJ: There was something I needed to determine.

SW: Determine what?


In viewing the clip, it appears that SW is going to overhear and maybe become aware of YJ's plot to take over the company.  Those two may leave the country together---lol!!!  We already know she has no problem dating the men her aunt dated.

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3 minutes ago, lclarakl said:


In viewing the clip, it appears that SW is going to overhear and maybe become aware of YJ's plot to take over the company.  Those two may leave the country together---lol!!!  We already know she has no problem dating the men her aunt dated.


I'm just curious as to whether DT and SW actually get engaged, get married, have actual intimate relations, mostly because I don't think they're the end game still, but I'm a little curious how far these writers will push it before splitting them up. But, not too curious because I have a hard time caring about these characters. Also, since I don't have faith in these writer's ability to tell a good story, but they are good at designing hook endings, so pretty sure that SA is not going to do anything in the next episode. Nor will CJ actually do anything with his suspicions about SW. *shrug*

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1 hour ago, stroppyse said:

I'm just curious as to whether DT and SW actually get engaged, get married, have actual intimate relations, mostly because I don't think they're the end game still, but I'm a little curious how far these writers will push it before splitting them up. But, not too curious because I have a hard time caring about these characters. Also, since I don't have faith in these writer's ability to tell a good story, but they are good at designing hook endings, so pretty sure that SA is not going to do anything in the next episode. Nor will CJ actually do anything with his suspicions about SW. *shrug*

 gamer The writers are working really hard on how to end each episode with a 'hook ending' followed by a 'who's gonna give the bug-eye look today' scene. I think you are right; SA didn't go to Bonjour to confront SW and expose the truth but she only managed to issue one final warning before returning home. There are 30 more episodes to fill out so the writers need to drag and hold on to the stupid SW lies probably for another week. From the preview, it looks like a bored LSR went to visit SW at work and also to tell her about the strange visit CJ paid her earlier. And while in a cafe, SW had the opportunity to overhear YJ's 'delicious' conversation with president Kim. Will SW make use of this information she accidentally obtained in her favor in the near future? I bet. I foresee SW being exposed during her engagement with DT next week. Since CJ is the only one to have seen/met the real LSR, I reckon he will bring the real LSR to witness the engagement and that's where and how the real identity of SW will be revealed. Don't even get me started on DY...she is a real disappointment. DT and DY are currently our 'Done and Donner'...

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So who is this "Mr. Kang" Juran is going to meet? 

Are we in "Birth Secret" territory.

And why isn't YJ showing more curiosity about potential links between Han team leader and Han stockholder?

Where did Mr. Choi, who services the Board of Directors and recruited Mr. Han/ team leader for YJ, find this Han?

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