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@Farfalle and so many mother want Eric to be their son in law because of that and his good manners, im proud of it! lol wife fool, they right indeed :) aww thank you for your support! im so excited to make this :D

@zurah90 awww dont mention it chingu! *hug* , you guys always give us the newest update about them! and always made our day lol, at least i can make this to cheer you guys up :D  

@ryuseolnims thank you for the support chingu! *hug* :D i'll make it as soon as possible so you guys can spazz all over lol lol


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Hahaha... Eric's ad-lib is back to soccer, i guess? Lol i'm not good in sports! Wonder if he would try other different method for his upcoming performances? He can seek MAMAMOO if he have run out of ideas then:phew: Even the panelists knows Ddongie too well because they both can be very loud. Simply to say, both of them are fun and great entertainers to be with. If they host in night radio, i'm sure people would hype up thanks to them. They are just great multi-taskers on everything they did. They can be great host on everything since they have their own way/skills to entertain people.^_^ All i know he can be as hyper if he got the mood. I noticed he enjoyed more being with people than being alone. Well~ that's just how i see it. I love once he start to show his cray side coz he will literally lose his mind before he could realize that he was being too hyper and he will go "I'm sorry' mode. Like in KCON and even in WGM when he first saw the garden that he fell for when both Solar and him looked for their newly-wed house. That's one of his cute charms~:blush: Blue color makes me calm peacefully ;) *fist bump* 

Thanks for the updates! Wow~ it's articles galore! Fun to know about his close friendship with Chloe Moretz. Eric is basically a great buddy to have! 

And that quiz...*hi-5* We are really soul shippers of Ddongie. It's fate~♡ 


YongkkongByulkkong is sistership goals! MoonByul have great tips for those who are dieting! She's very oppa-like. Lol...being antisocial is a bit...but she said it's alright since she have Yongsunnie~ LOL :D Our Yongsunnie is loved by everyone! Oh well~ that's a given of course ;) 


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I saw on instagram Eric and Solar were filming for wgm and I think Eric is going to appear on inkigayo judging from his hair style.. Solar is definitely gonna cheer on him as she brought megaphone hahahaha I'm sorry I can't post the pictures I'm on mobile

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Lol the megaphone thing or whatever xD is she trying to be eric sales dept girl? Hahaha

Anyway, I no longer have hope of them holding hands at this point, this already like their 10th? Maybe even more meeting and no sign of it. So yeah i'll just enjoy them the way they are, in the show being funny hahaha and off wgm though true eric being asked more but he's more open than solar, so it kinda look like one sided, but it's ok i get it though. Like i said i will just enjoy their comedic moment from now on :D

Ngl, I was hoping solar being more comfy in skinship compared to seohyun since solar much more touchy person and crazy with her members but guess I kinda wrong in that lol it's just me trying to keep being positive lmao

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@gandaako05 you mean this, chingu?ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ


FINALLY!! Our prayers is heard by them <3 Solar promoting her hubby's comeback! I love how dedicated she is! She's look so cute with the megaphone! She's promoting her hubby while Eric driving the car(?) Ahahaha definitely cute how they decorate the car with Eric's teasers! LMAO

They giving away free coffee to the public in order to support her hubby<3 awww I'm jelly on knetz who got free coffee from our ddongicouple ㅠㅠㅎㅎ


P.s: If you noticed on their car's body, 'someone' put plasters on the album cover of Eric thereㅎㅎㅎㅎ is it Solar who did that? :P jealousy finally detected (?) *whistles*

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Solar helping out Eric's promotion! And those megaphone :D I do hope that Solar will also visit Eric at the backstage of music show promotion. I really thought that MBC already released BTS pictures instead it was from the fans haha!

@LaBelle Yes I also do agree. It's their 15th episode so far but still there's slow progress. Let's just enjoy the moment and laugh with them *insert Solar's fake laugh*

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Ddongie couple taking promotion to a whole new level basically hahahaha... They're so weird together haha what's with the car full of stickers and Solar talking through megaphone hahahaha... But I think it's so sweet and cute of Solar to support Eric with all her yebaness hahaha... You really can't expect ddongie couple to do things normally. :D

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@ryuseolnims yes haha they look cute...i think der relationship move slowly because 2 of them aren't pretentious people ,i personally thought that they are honest person ...i have the feeling that they are attracted to each other because they feel shy to each other honestly if ur being shy to one person is it indication of liking that person???i think eric nam is holding back himself i can see in his eyes that he want to hug solar mqny times while filming...


Solar is very talented person,shw can play many instruments ...i think that was the thing that eric nam was saying...i hope she will play piano while eric nam sing cant help my self...cross fingers

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WOW, that is a great news! Our wish is happening, chingus! Thanks to @coldcucumber's news, it's the first news that makes me smile today! :D @zurah90 That IG post's owner took the photo so beautifully, and they looked so happy together walking like that. They really looked good together though ^_^ @ryuseolnims Hahahaha I saw that plasters, why did they put plasters on Eric's album cover? Can we finally get to see a hint of Solar's jealousy? :rolleyes: And yas to their car scene again haha.

@LaBelle Yeah, I think it's best for us to lower our expectation on them. Every couple's pace and style is different, let's just enjoy their moments together :) Well, the 'always happy' person is sometimes the one who keep her inner feelings tight inside.

@xexe I agree with you. Some of the pictures' quality is good enough to make it as preview pictures :lol:

@gandaako05 Yes, it's one of the possibilities too, since from the beginning they want their relationship to be honest, I think? They're being shy with each other is like they're being careful with their own feelings, maybe afraid that their feelings will be more than friends. But yes, let's just keep that as one of the many possibilities over there so that we're not being hurt from too much expectations :sweatingbullets:


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thank you for all the updates! how can i move on right now lol lol :wub: i think this eps gonna aired after 2 eps ahead! finally our shippers hope is come to reality lol!

@ryuseolnims thats it! a little jealousy is good to improve the trust in relationship! i hope its solar who plastered it, its gonna be epic though! HAHAHA! and i agree with @gandaako05 , i feel they are the one with sincerely and the honest couple as you said if 2 people attracted to each other they will feel shy and its gonna be a long progress in their skinship but i can't lie to my self, i still feel Eric is the one who more fall to Solar, as you can see when Eric do the interview he told everything that he really felt, he told at first its kinda awkward but now its like wife and getting more close to his ideal type but when he is with solar he kinda shy isnt it? just as you said :) and as solar herself said that she cant express her feeling that good :) still they journey is just a quarter way i hope Solar can feel Eric charm in many ways and gonna feel that Eric is hers as soon as possible, happy shipping! :D 

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Maybe this article will be posted in english Korean news sites, but I translate a bit since it's related to WGM and our couple. It's Eric's pictorial with Allure Korea for August edition.

Eric Nam, "Everytime when filming 'WGM', greatly impressed at Solar's care/consideration"
Source: http://isplus.live.joins.com/news/article/article.asp?total_id=20332853&ctg=1502&tm=i_ntr_c011


Eric Nam is also well-known to pinpoint women's hearts at broadcast. Thanks to '1 house 1 Eric Nam dissemination', this has been a buzzword for a joke about it. So, when is the moment when Eric Nam's heart melt? "If someone helps me with something, that itself is very thankful. When someone fills my lacking parts, when I feel someone takes care of me, my heart gets warm. In particular, MBC 'We Got Married', which is a program I do together with my wife (MAMAMOO's Solar), I'm greatly impressed at her care everytime we're filming. I don't know how grateful I am," he said, revealing affection.

At the questions relating to the broadcast filming, "I don't see the broadcast on purpose. Though I'm ashamed and embarassed, but it's not like I'm conscious of the broadcast, it's because I worry about unnatural behavior," he answered. He also said firmly, "Because my appearance at TV and real life is not different, I don't get stressed. While someone may incorrectly misunderstood by watching any moment, but considering that will be a really tiring life."


I have a little bit difficulty translating this, so let's wait for the english news one :) 


His pictorial here! Btw, from the article I think the theme is 'If Eric Nam is my boyfriend?'








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This week totally a blessing week for us, chingus! Because we keep receiving a lot of love from them or from you guys! ahhhh....and today...... :') :') *sniffing of happiness* 

@gandaako05 They always endup being cute in whatever they do, right? hahaha. Yes, honesty is one of their charms! I think so too, cuz how they acted around each other is just how they're in their daily life isn't? Woa- i thought I'm the one who thinking the same! Cuz it's one of the sign when you started liking someone... but, how can we know their heart, right? :') 

@Farfalle hehehe. I wonder why that 'someone' just plastered at Eric's album cover right? Is it bcs the intimate pose by Eric & the model? :P *cheeky laugh* (hoping that someone is Solar who is jealous over it #coughcough:phew:riiiiggghhtt! will we get to see it? tehehe. yesseu! look how Solar is so hype promoting her hubby! AHAHAHAHA

P.s: Once again, you definitely our very own ddongi translator! <3 Thank you! hehehe. Again, his words definitely our healing ;w; 

@sight_stv *beams happily with you* i agree with you!! I really hope Solar is the one who plastered it kekekeke I really need to see how Eric gonna act when he see Solar on the verge of jealousy. You need to deal with your wife wisely on that time, man :P 

- - - - -

Edit: Replies for the previous conversation! <3 (Idk why I can't stop myself  & love to reply every convo with you guys ㅎㅎ)



@Farfalle Owls? Ahahaha, cuteee. We're sure gonna be the hyper owls siblings in the family B) I think they're having another push and pull scene lmao i wonder that too and abt how much their home utilities cost because they both look kinda shock. OTL yess! her hand gesture sometimes make me think that she's matured than how she acted (like when she showed her money hand gesture to Eric when they're looking for their house) *chuckles* Yeah- I realized that too. I'm glad that you like my fanarts eventho isn't turn out good ;_; *heart bbyung* keke. I noticed that since I rewatching YongkkongByulkkong VAPP and then, I realized abt that. *nodsnods* (Byul look so squishy qtpie with glasses :')) IKR. We really need to note down the date to our ddongi's diary, right? :)

@zurah90 ehhey- you thanked me a lot already, chingu keke. We indeed connected in everything when its come to Ddongi couple! Ahahahaha. Ahh- this indeed telepathy from us three! Whenever I read yours, Farfalle chingu & other's posts, whatever I think/typing that time will flew away ahahahaha. you guys are da best*chuckles* kkamdongsseu is good for our heart especially in ddongi case LOL indeed, we should receive an award for our dedication! x) woahwoah- again, you just think like me. I really hope we can witnessing them receiving those awards! Gahhhh ;w; (chingu-ya! it's okay if you'd got that deep fantasy bcs you're not alone. Let's wait for that day come with full of love & support for em <3) Ohhhhhhho- it's hard to see Solar get shock bcs of Eric right? Gyahahahha. Chingu! Your words really! *chuckles* not just inner happiness but also outer happiness because they never fail to put smiles on our face! :)

@sight_stv don't worry take your time making the FMV, okay? We're here ready to spazz over it ;)ㅎㅎ


- - -

Eric will be performing 'Can't help Myself' with ASTRO's Jinjin today! Why he look extra glowing today? Is it because a SUN who shine through his day & cheering on him today? :P 


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@ryuseolnims just think about it makes me happy aww :D:D i dont think the PD-nim its the one who plaster it coz the picture is Eric official cover album and its againts the law to damage it values lol but i dont know if that can happen or Eric is the one who told the PD to plaster it, i still have high hope that Solar is the on who againts it LOL LOL *delulumode* i just wish the PD wont cut the scene where they both argue about it if solar is really the one who againts it :wub: or im gonna be angry with the PD :angry: 

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@ryuseolnims Yes, hope to see that. Even if Solar's jealousy is very subtle, please don't cut it, MBC :( You've given them bad editing since last episodes. Hahahaha btw, you really have good eyes chingu for seeing that plasters. Yeah, again, Eric is really make this ship sailing fast. HAHAHA the SUN who went to his workplace is brighter than the actual sun B) Now Solar can see Eric's appearance when he's being serious at his work :wub:


Guys, just want to share something...


Btw, after Solar's support to Eric's comeback today, I saw some of his Korean fans who don't like this. And yeah, honestly I saw those comments months ago too, but I think I don't want to bring some hate comments here and ruin our moods. The saddest part is some of them hope that WGM is ruined. They said it in Korean, some of them said that explicitly and some of them using Korean initials. Not that I'm down because of this, just find it an irony(?) Just how come they're his fans (even as I see they're his hardcore fans) but wishing his program to be ruined? :( I know that some of MAMAMOO's fans too doesn't like Solar to be on WGM. Hope that Eric/Solar isn't discouraged by this. I'm just a little bit disappointed, but I know not all of Korean fans like that though :) 


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